An iterated moment method for dielectric waveguides of arbitrary cross section, is applied to the calculation of propagation constants of the two fundamental polarization modes and geometrical birefringence in step-index elliptical fiber. The method is simple and efficient and gives the results in agreement with computer-aided numerical methods.
The expression of retroooupling coefficient of fiber-GRIN rod-reflector in coaxial coupling is derived by ray-matrix method. The relation between coupling coefficient and geometrical parameters of the coupling system is analysed in detail. The curves of retroooupling coefficients and retrocoupling losses are traced by computer in the case that reflector of coupling system is a plane mirror. The calculated results by computer is roughly accord with the experiments.
The coupled equation of two-wave mixing and expressions for weak beam amplification in a single mode waveguide are deduced by application of coupled wave theory. Corresponding experiments in a waveguide fabricated with Fe-doped LiNbO3 are performed, the results are in good agreement with the theoretical analysis.
By using the opbioal path reversibility of hologram, we have made the large-viewing-angle rainbow holograms by means of two reflection mirrors. The viewing angle of the hologram is close to 180°. The process includes two steps, and does not need any special or expensive optical element. The experimental result is presented and analysed.
Experiments of soft X-ray amplified-spontareous-emission (ASE) based on recombination pumping scheme were successfully performed on the Six-beam high power Nd3+-glass laser facility of SIOM, Using a home-made pinhole transmission grating speotrography, ASE has been observed in Li-like Al+10 ions 4f-3d(154.7 A) transition in plasmas produced by irradiation of slab aluminum targets With line-focused laser light. Time integrated intensities of Li-like Al+10 ion spectral lines emitting along the axis of the plasmas were measured for a set of different plasma lengths. It is shown that the intensities of spectral lines of Li-like Al+10 4f-3d transition increase exponentially with increasing plasma lengths, and the correspon ding gain coefficient is 3.7±0.9cm-1. The maximum gain-length product being about 2.7.
A simple method for dealing with the strong signal in free electron laser with helical magnetic field was deduced based upon the energy model of FEL. The, process how the saturation happens and the mechanism how the original energy dispersion affects the saturation were discussed. This method can also be used with the harmonic wave radiation in FEL.
Based on same physical model as Kogelnik but using Amplitude Transmittanco Theory of thin-gratings, the same coupled wave equation as Kogelnik is presented for Thick Hologram Gratings. Therefore, this prolongation method is a connective path between Thin and Thick grating theory.
A optical fibre displacement sensing model with a dual Fabry-Perot interferometer system consisted of the GRIN lenses and LED source is presented. According to the interference theory of partially coherent light the curves of the output light intensity of the sensing model as the function of the difference between the two cavity length were obtained.
In this paper, the general evolution laws of the multiphoton Jaynes-Commings model which is initially in an arbitray state have been investigated. The quantum statistical properties of the two-photon Jaynes-Commings model for a two-level atom interaction with a coherent light field, as example, have been discussed.
Based on the inherent line-element hologram of rainbow holography, this paper presents the illustration of the imaging mechanism of rainbow holography by no means of the traditional concept of slit images. The relationship between the width of line-element hologram and the minimum resolved distance as well as the stereo limit of the reconstructed image are discussed in detail. Characteristics of the line-element holograms and their effects on several typical rainbow holograms are illustrated and a new approach of observing the reconstructed image without the real slit image is proposed.
The reflection holographic filter has ideal filtering property, and can be well used as a kind of elements for eye protection against laser. In this paper, the wavelength selectivity and the angle selectivity of holographic filters are analyzed. The power density threshold of the medium is tested and some practical problems are discussed.
Construction, controlling, and data processing system of a 3 dimensional spectro-gonioreflectometer developed at National Institute of Metrology (NIM) are introduced in this paper. Radiance uniformity of a spherical radiator and photometric nonline-arity of measuring system as well as wavelength accuracy and stray radiation of the monochromator are tested. Reflected radiance distribution curves of a mat ceramic plate and a Halon pressed powder plate have been measured. Some inportant applications of the gonioreflectometor to colorimetry and spectro-photometry are discussed.
It is predicated both theoretically and experimentally that beam-expander prism utilized in the signal detection of lareor gyroscope can effectively enhance the signal to-noise ratio of beat signal received by detectors.
A home-made Kr-U HCD tube has been used to investigate and measure the single-colour and two-colour three-step photoionization spectrum of U atom. 12 strong single-colour photoionization lines and 19 strong and stronger two-colour photoioniza tion lines are obtained.
We used Doppler-free intermodulated fluorescence technique to study the hyperfine sturcture of some levels of La I in a home made La-Kr cathode discharge. The A and B constants for the levels 20197.34cm, 21447.86cm are reported for the first time. We observed a homogenous linewidth of less than 40MHz and all crossover lines between transitions with common lower levels. The spectral characteristics of a cathode discharge are investigated.
Far-infrared reflectivity spectra have been measured for the first time on ZnSe-ZnTe strained-layer superlattioes grown by molecular beam epitaxy. The spectra at 300 K display the ZnSe and ZnTe transverse optical phonon modes. The reflectivity spectrum can be explained by the long wavelength superlattioe dielectric theory and the reflection theory of multiple absorbing layers. Fitting the experimental data with the computer calculated curve, the transverse optical phonon frequences, mode damping consbants, mode oscillator strengths and high frequency dielectric constrant have been determinded.