In this paper the effect of the slit filter in a two grating system illuminated by extended light source on the formation of the final Moire fringes is discussed. The phenomena that the final frings will moveand tilt when the slit filter has displacements was analysed. It shows that the tilted fringes are a combination of many segments of fringes. The quantitative relations between the displacements of the slit and the mevement and tilting angle of the fringes are given. All the results are tested experimentally.
A new method of one-step rainbowholography for diffuse 3-D objects without slit is proposed. During the recording exposure the object and the imaging lens simultaneously translate along the transverse direction of the optical axis and through the field lens makes synthetic slit appear in the back focal plane of the field lens. In this way we can take an orthoscopic rainbow holographic image of wide field.
The effects of source size on correlation detection, including the actual and normalized peak intensity and correlation profile, are theoretically analyzed. Numerical calculation and experimental demonstration are made for both the coherent and incoherent circular sources with an annulus object as an example. It shows that while the coherent source should keep the same size in correlation and MSF fabricating steps, the incoherent source size may be much larger in order to increase the peak intensity without considerable degradation of correlation profile.
The optical constants of superthin films have been obtained from the reflectance vs. angle of incidence measurements using synchrotron radiation in the 60-900eV soft X-ray region. Nonlinear least square curve fitting method is used for analyzing the measured data. Eesults are given for Samples of C, Au, and Pt prepared by ion-beam sputtering (IBS), and the film thickness, the rms roughness of both films and substrates are also determined.
The sensitivity of CO2 laser heterodyne detection sysbem has been studied by discussing the factors influencing SNR and NEP of detectors.
Almost all optical materials have the properties of thermal refractive index varying. Under the action of the local thermal source, distribution of refractive index is gradient, and the direction of propergation of the passing light beam will deflect. According to this physical property, it is possible to make various thermo-optic devices. It is proposed to fabricate strip Ti-film thermal source and to measure the deflecting angles of emergence beam in the paper. Using analytic method, the distribution of refractive index on the profile of substrate is obtained. An then according to energy conservation, tempreture coefficient of refractive index of the material is obtained. Compared with the annouced values, it is verified that our experiment method is correct. The method described is available for studying and analying thermo-optic materials and devices.
Based on the definition of transverse offset of the mode-field-diameter for single-mode fibers, a new method for the mode-field-diameter measurement——the far-field Gaussion-mask matching method is presented. Several methods for measuring and, data processing are discussed. The preliminary experimental result is given.
Continuous wave mode-locked neodymium phosphate glass laser requires special resonator design since Nd: phosphate glass has low thermal conductivity and damage threshold. We analyze the characteristics of a three-element resonator under the restraint of a fixed resonator length and discuss the design of the optical resonator for the CW actively mode-locked Nd: phosphate glass laser. We discuss the stability ranges and characteristics of resonator under different parameter regions and illustrate the best parameter region of interest. Analytical expressions of resonator parameters for optimum operation regime are given. The experimental results agree well with theoretical predictions. This analysis may be useful for the design of any end-pumped and mode-locked resonator with three elements or more elements.
PET and PBT can grow into usual or unusual spherulites respectively when they are annealed or quenched. In this paper, the conditions of formation of unusual spherulites and their scattering patterns are investigated by smallangle laser scattering. By means of the model of effective dipole moment and Fourier transform principle, the formation causes of the scattering patterns are analysed and the internal structure of the unusual spherulites is illustrated.
Exact solution of a statistical model for laser beam scattering from diffusing surface has been obtained, the comparison with the approximation of center of gravity has been made.
The holographic radial phase and frequency double gratings are reproduced by means of filtering in 4f Fourier transform system. New information of the frequency spectrum is contained in the replicate gratings. Theoretical analysis is in conformity with experimental result.
The polarization characteristics of high reflection gratings with shallow grooves are investigated by using Eayleigh-Fourier method and confirmed qualitatively by ellipsometric measurement. Due to its outstanding performance, i.e. a large phase shift of two perpendocular components of the electrical field under the normal incident condition. Preparation of a new type of birefringent filter is feasible and has realized. Its demonstrative experimental results are also given.
On the basis of diffraction property of a grating in the Fourier optical system, the real part and imaginary part in the Fourier spectrum of object could be obtained, and the Fourier phase could be measured. The experimental results regarding to the optical measurement of Fourier phase for 1-D real object are presented and discussed in this paper.
This paper presents the calculated results of photoioni/ation cross sections of the outer-most subshell for ground-stafce Sm using four kinds of potential and for three excited states U with the parameterized model potential of included polarization correction. These results are comparable to the ones calculated by other authors. It is shown that the parameterized model potential method of included polarization correction is effective to calculate photoionization cross sections.