Acta Optica Sinica
Qihuang Gong
Volume: 10 Issue 4
19 Article(s)
[in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

Based on the characteristics of refractive-index distribution, a new method is presented in this paper for the study of exponential-type GRIN fiber lens by considering the fiber as a "Quasi-tapered" GRIN fiber. The applicability of this method is analysed.

Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 10 Issue 4 356 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The statistical properties of the complex amplitude and the intensity of the interferometric field in holographic interferometry are derived by means of the statistical method. It is hown that the complex amplitude is a zero-mean circular complex Gaussian random process, the intensity obeys a hegative exponential proba-biliby density function and the ensemble average of the intensity represents the deformation information.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 10 Issue 4 340 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    In this paper, we sug est a useful method of enhancement and restoration for X-ray imaging. Enhancement of X-ray imaging is done by adjusting paramenter in computer and result is satisfactory. MTF of X-ray images for stationary body is studid. For simplicity, only the degradation within the intensifying screens and the effects of the extended X-ray source size are considerd. We have described the specific analytic MTF in certain casses and results are agrement with foreig computing results.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 10 Issue 4 345 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    ccording to the ray optical theory, the imaging properties of optical arrays are analysed. A general imaging transfer matrix is obtained, which includes a special case of paraxial ray approximation. Furthermore, we show that plane arrays imaging is approximating phase conjuation, and it is the phase conjugation only for the paraxial case. Using a new pseudoconjugator-coneshaped corner arrays, the wavefront distortion compensation is demonstrated, and the experimental results are consistent with the theory of this paper.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 10 Issue 4 350 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Mixed SiH4/N2 gas radio-frequency (RF) discharge plasma has been studied with laserr induced fluorescence (LIF). The intermediate species Si2 has been detected, and detection of Si2 in SiH4 RF discharge decomposition has not been reparted before.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 10 Issue 4 316 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    By using a Maon——Zehnder inter ferometer and an optical delaying system, we made a time-resolved multi-frame interference recording for the plasma on dielectric thin films produced by YAG laser. We have calculated the electron density and plasma shock speed from the series of interforograms, and firstly acquired relevant results about 15 ns pulse width (FWHM) of 1.06 μm laser interacting with dielectric thin films within 150 ns.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 10 Issue 4 322 (1990)
  • [in Chinese]

    The quantum noise spectra of semiconductor lasers (LD) with composite double external cavity are presented by using semiclassioal theory.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 10 Issue 4 328 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    In this paper, a three-dimensional model for temperature profile in finite laser slabs is presented. Closed-form temperature distributions are derived in general case? by which it is convenient to analyse the dependence of slab temperature profile on pump parameters, laster materials etc. Computerized calculations are performed to Confirm our theoretical predictions.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 10 Issue 4 334 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    An exact solution for the nonlinear birefringent medium model is obtained by using SO(3) rotation group property. It is proved that coherent light entering the medium will evolve into a superposition of maorosoopioally distinguishable quantum states. In order to detect their interference fringes, holodyne detection scheme is used and the probability distribution for the output of homodyne detector is calculated when the intial states being linear and circular polarization coherent light.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 10 Issue 4 289 (1990)
  • [in Chinese]

    The symmetry of rotation-vibration states of diatomic molecules are discribed by means of group U (4). The matrix elements of stimulated Raman scattering are calculated by means of group theory approach. The cross sections and gain coefficients of stimulated Raman scattering are given. The results agree with the experimental values.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 10 Issue 4 294 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The theory of TWM with high speed amplitude modulated beam in photorefractive crystal is given. For the first time. The results indicate that the high speed informa-tion exchange in time domain between coupling beams and the amplification of the weak modulated beams is possible.It has been verified by the experiments.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 10 Issue 4 299 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The coupling equations of TWM in photorefractive crystal with both CW beam and high-speed amplitude-modulated beam are given by Simplifing Kukhtarev equations. Some important conditions used for simplified coupling equations and the limitations to modulation speed are disscussed in this paper.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 10 Issue 4 306 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Both the magnitude and the sign of the third order nonlinear refractive coefficients associated with thermal effect in semiconductor-doped glass have been measured using the inte aity-dependent dispersion relation of long-range surface plasmons. Because of the sharp ATE dip of lonf-range surface plasmons, the technique developed by the authors has a good accuracy.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 10 Issue 4 313 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    11 Stokes orders of SRS were observed in CBrCl3 liquid core fiber pumped with a mode-locked and Q-switehed YAG laser at 1.06μm. Eelative peak power of pumping and Stokes pulses as well as the frequeonoy spectra of 9th, 10 th and 11 th Stokes light were measured. This kind of liquid core fiber can serve as an IR coherent light source-beyond 2μn wavelength.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 10 Issue 4 362 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The principle of de fects inspecting in selder joints on printed circuit board (PCB) by holographic method has been described briefly in this paper. In order to processing interferogram with intense background by computer, some suitable methods have been suggested. We have accomplished image background and noise depressing, smoothing, thinning and recognition of the fringes. Satisfied rasults have been obtained.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 10 Issue 4 365 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Thermal expansion coefficients of optical the films can be measured by means of the combination of photothermal displacement optical team deflection technique and transverse photothermal dcffection technique. In this paper, single layers of SiO2, TiO2, ZrO2, MgF2 and ThF4 are taken as examples to show the experimental methods and results.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 10 Issue 4 369 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The composite retro-reflector system plays the role of the cubic corner retro-reflector on 2-D interferometric controlled precioion workstage. But it is liable to cause considerable additional optical path when it is yawing. The formulan for calculating the additional optical path are derived and the measures to reduce the error are discussed in this paper.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 10 Issue 4 374 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    A laser utilizing FB (II) centers in Na-doped KCl crystals and operating stably a-liquid N2 temperature is described. Color center crystal was pumped by the frequencyt doubled output of a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser. Laser emission wavelenghth. ranges from 2.420 to 2.542 μm. Experimental results are discussed.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 10 Issue 4 378 (1990)
  • [in Chinese]

    A new method adjusting pgendocoloring by spatial filtering is presented and its theoretical analysis is given.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 10 Issue 4 382 (1990)
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