Acta Optica Sinica
Qihuang Gong
Volume: 10 Issue 3
16 Article(s)
[in Chinese]

The principle and experimental system of projection Moire used in the defect detecting test of surface are introduced in this paper. The result of computer-based digital moire pattern procssing is given.

Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 10 Issue 3 254 (1990)
  • [in Chinese]

    According to the feature of imaging spectrometer, compression of a two-dimension Image is converted into a series of one dimension processings. A real-time "two-true-value linear prediction method" has been developed to have the ability of on-board compressing the original data in the spectrum direction. This method can preserve absorption peak information during compression/decompression process. The results show that for most spectra at least 2:1 compression ratio has been obtained under 1% reconstruction accuracy, on an average the original data rate can be reduced by 3~4 limes. The art for coding compressing data, and the decom ression error has also been described.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 10 Issue 3 260 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The three-dimensional model of continuously modulated PTE (Photothermal Radiometry) is established. The theoretical result is well consistent with the experimental data, and it can give a satisfied explaination to the experimental result which is impossible to explain by the one-dimensional model.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 10 Issue 3 276 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    By comparing the emission characteristics of plasma laser radiated from plane target with that of groove target, high abundance excited state ions and enhancment of laser-plasma X-ray are found.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 10 Issue 3 193 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Above throshold ionization with an exponentially switched-on laser pulse is investigated in this paper. It as shown that if the temporal shape of laser pulse has been taken into account, the eSSentral-states model can give a realistic description to the time behavior of all the continua and the peak-switching effect.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 10 Issue 3 202 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    A laser with the large optical cavity (LOC) configuration has beed designed and fabricated taking account of the various factors which have an effect on temperature characteristics of the InGaAsP-InP lasers. The experiments show that such a configuration imporves temperature stability of the laser. The devices with lower threshold current (Jth=2.5KA/cm2 for the broad-area contacts), high power (3W in pulsed operation). and high T0 (150K) have been obtained.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 10 Issue 3 206 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The characteristics of a slab Nd:YAG laser with orossed-priflm stable unstable confocal resonator are analysed theoretically and investigated experimentally. It has been shown that the flowing air-water cooled slab laser using orossed-prism resonator demonstrates high beam quality and mechanical insensitivity to prism tilt, and some practical applications can be expected.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 10 Issue 3 213 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    In this paper, we discussed the steady state solutions and their stabilities for a single mode laser starting from rate equations. The exphasis was on the effect of small cavity length modulation and its significance to the study of class B laser-rdynamics. We demonstr ated this nethod of applying it to a single mode CO2 laser and the results were reported.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 10 Issue 3 220 (1990)
  • [in Chinese]

    The semiolassioal Lamb method is applied to the analysis of single-mode operation in homogeneously broadened injection-looking ring lasers under the weak signal limit.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 10 Issue 3 228 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The distribution of surface temperature and temperature rising of a thin quartz substrate illuminated by a CW CO2 laser was calculated theoretically and measured experimentally. The results were used to analyze the experiments of CW CO2 laser induced pyrolysis of W(CO)6 for depositing large area tungsten films on quartz substrate.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 10 Issue 3 234 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The optical patterns on X,Y,Z sections of LiNbO3 crystal have been observed by using MeF3 metaloscope. It is found that the forms of the optical patterns correspond to that of the etching patterns, and are identical with the crystal symmetry. It is a simple and conveniently new method by using the optical patterns to determine the axis and polarity of LN crystal.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 10 Issue 3 196 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Instabilities of single-longitudinal, multi-transverse-mode CO2 laser caused by transverse effects of optical field have been studied experimentally. Chaos which is approached by different routes were obsarvod. The mechanism of the phenomena observed was discussed.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 10 Issue 3 239 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The sensitivity of lateral shear interference is quantitatively discussed and the model of average sensitivity is presented, it can explain the theory of lateral shear interference completely. The important result has been obtained that if a tested wave-front is to be reconstructed correctly, we had better use a variable shear interferometer to test it, that is, using more than one shear to test the same wavefront. Then, the tested wavefront can be solved with a new method-Fullprocessing of Lateral Shear Interferograms.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 10 Issue 3 267 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Based on a model of infinite slices imaginarily out and Jones matrix theory, an equivalent matrix is proposed for describing polarization-maintaining fibers with rotation of their birefringent axes. The influence on the extinction ratio is discussed due to birefringent axes rotation in the polarization-maintaining fibers.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 10 Issue 3 286 (1990)
  • [in Chinese]

    The collisions of two-photon laser excited Xe(5p56p) atoms and nitrogen molecules induce the excitation to N2(B3∏g,v= 9-14) vibrational levels. Subsequent fluorescence emission of N2 (B3∏g - A 3∑u+) with Δv= 4 was observed. The total quenching rate constants of Xe(6p) states in N2 have been measured. The collisionsl relaxation mechanism has been discussed.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 10 Issue 3 281 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Photothermal deflection technique (PDT) is employed to make in-situ investigation of laser-induced damage in optical coatings. Primary experimental results show that the technique is capable of providing a lot of new information not only about the damage thresholds but also about the damage morphology and the damage process, of which of particular interest are the predamage behavior of optical coatings and the cumulative effect of the damage.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 10 Issue 3 245 (1990)
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