The cold-atom gravity gradiometer utilizes the quantum state superposition characteristics of atoms and the interferencecharacteristicsof matterwavestomeasureabsolutegravitygradientinformationwithhighaccuracy, lowdrift, andselfcalibration.Ithasimportantapplicationprospectsinthefieldssuchasdeepground/deep-sea resourcedevelopment, geological disaster warning and prevention, battlefield environment construction and combat support, and earth science research. Inthispaper, thebasicprincipleandthedevelopment statusofcold-atomgravitygradiometer areintroduced.The pain points and difficult problems of cold atom gravity gradiometer are analyzed. Finally, partial solutions to the difficult problemsandthedevelopmenttrendofcold-atomgravitygradienterarediscussed.
In this paper, a three-dimensional flow visualisation method based on transmission phase measurement deflectometrywavefrontdetectionisproposed. Thedirectiondeflectionoflightafterpassingthroughtheflowfieldreflects thechangeofrefractiveindexinsidetheflowfield.AccordingtothereverseHartmannwavefronttestingmodel, thethree-dimensional reconstruction of the flow field is carried out by using the back projection reconstruction technology by simultaneously recording the deflection of light ray from multiple viewing angles. This paper introduces the measurement principleandalgorithmindetail, andverifiesthethree-dimensionalreconstructionofthetransientflowstructureinthehigh-speedflowfieldthroughnumericalsimulation.Therootmeansquareerror(rms)ofthereconstructionerroroftherefractive index field is about 0.19 kg/m3, which verifies the correctness of the method. The results show that this method has the advantagesofnon-contactquantitativemeasurement, highaccuracy, simpledeviceandlowcost.
Ultraviolet radiation produced by corona discharge can be used as detection signal for corona discharge recognition. Ultravioletimagerisexpensive, anditiswidelyusedinliveinspectionofpowertransmissionanddistribution equipment, but it can’t be used in real-time online monitoring, so it can’t detect potential safety hazards in time. In this paper, acoronadischargemonitoringmethodbasedonultravioletsensorisproposed.Bydesigninganopticallenstocollect ultraviolet signals to suppress external interference, the influence of the operating voltage and monitoring distance of the sensoronthemonitoringresultsofultraviolet pulsecountingisstudied, andthe coronadischargepatternoftheultraviolet imageriscomparedwiththatoftheexperiment.Thecalibrationresultsshowthatthebestdetectioneffectcanbeobtainedby settingthesupplyvoltageoftheultravioletsensorto500V.Thevariationtrendoftheultravioletpulsecountingresultsunder different applied voltage is basically the same as that of the spot area measured by the ultraviolet imager. Therefore, the coronadischargemonitoringmethodbasedontheultravioletpulsecountingproposedinthispapercaneffectivelyreflectthe initiation and development of corona discharge. The research results can provide important reference for the development andverificationofon-linemonitoringequipmentfortransmissionanddistributionequipment.
In order to solve the traditional confocal microscopic system could not have the resolution and linear range of problems, a confocal microscopy techniques is put forward, based on the technology of variable optical path using the optical path of the modulation. The single parameter is different from coke response curves can be obtained, The multi-differential optical path system with absolute zero and good linearity is realized, so as to realize the compatibility of high resolution and large range in the same system. The technology reduces the performance difference of components and artificial adjustment error. The structure is simple and the reliability is improved. The experimental results show that the system canhavebothresolution andlinearrange, and the axialresolution can reach 6.46 nm. It provides atechniquewith highprecision, simplestructureandwideapplicationforthemeasurementoffinestructure.
The onboard long-wave infrared airglow imaging interferometer can realize the remote sensing observation of atmospheric wind information in the stratospheric region in near-space. However, long wave infrared is more sensitive to temperature and thus more sources of error to the interferometer are introduced. In view of this, referring to the design parametersoftheSWIFTinstrument, basedontheforwardmodelingsimulationofthelimbobservation, thephasethermal driftresearchofkeycomponentsandthethermalinstabilityanalysisofbackgroundradiation arecarriedout, andthewind fielderrorcausedbythetemperaturechangeoftheinstrumentisgiven, andaschemetoreducethewindmeasurementerror bymonitoringthephaseofopticalpathdifferencethroughcalibrationcellisproposed.Uncertaintyanalysisshowsthatifthe temperature change rate of the key components of the SWIFT instrument is controlled at 10-3 K/s, the wind measurement errorsoftheMichelsoninterferometer andtheF-Pfiltercausedbythermaldrift are37m/sand20m/s, respectively.When the calibration cell can monitor the optical path difference phase with an accuracy of 10-3 radians, the error caused by thermaldrift canbereduced tolessthan1m/s.Thisresearchwillprovideimportanttheoreticalguidanceforthedesignand developmentofonboardalldaynear-spacelong-waveinfraredwindinterferometer.
In order to obtain an effective online monitoring method for T-shaped cable terminal joints deterioration, this paperfirstly simulates and analyzesthe electric field distributioncharacteristics ofT-typecablejointsunder typicalairgap moisture defects, and proposes a defect monitoring and identification method based on changes in electric field signals. Then the electric field signal monitoring test of the lower T-type cable terminal joint is carried out to verify the proposed method. Research results show that, for the deteriorated T-type cable terminal joint, when the humidity is sufficient, the effective value of the space electric field increases by 200%; and when the internal moisture causes partial discharge, the effectivevalueofthespaceelectricfieldincreasesby5~6times.Bycomparingtherisingrateoftheelectricfieldintensityin themonitoringlocation, itcanidentifywhethertheT-shapedcablejointhassignsofdeterioration.
Aimingatthedisadvantageoflowaccuracyofbloodoxygensaturationmeasurementunderlowperfusionbythe peak-valley method, an improved method based on convolution modeling is adopted to measure blood oxygen saturation. The method is based on the periodicity and sparsity of the pulse wave. By analyzing the characteristics of the photoplethysmographicpulsesignalanditsconvolutionsignal, theconvolutionsignalisusedinsteadofthepulsesignal to measure the blood oxygen saturation. The experimental results show that the proposed improved method is similar to the peak-valley method in the normal perfusion index, and the average deviation and accuracy of the peak-valley method are 5.304and3.296undertheconditionoflowperfusionindexto0.2%, respectively.Theaveragedeviationandaccuracyofthe method are 1.224 and 1.443, respectively. The improved method has higher measurement accuracy and better stability, whichprovidesaneffectivewaytomeasurehumanbloodoxygensaturation.
Variable gap Fabry Perot(F-P)interferometric spectrometer imaging system has become a research hotspot becauseofitssmallsize, largeluminousflux, highspatialresolution, highspectralresolutionandmanyotheradvantages. Because the interference fringes are not sinusoidal, the exact spectral curves cannot be obtained directly by fast Fourier transform. In this paper, the multi beam interference principle and spectral recovery principle of variable gap Fabry Perot(F-P)interferometer are derived in detail, and the mathematical relationship between interference fringes and spectral curvesisobtained. Then, thefeasibilityandnecessaryconditionsofthespectralrecoverymethod areprovedtheoretically, andthetheoreticalerrorisgiven.Inaddition, thespectralimagingsystembasedonMATLABissimulated, andthephysical experiments are carried out to verify the correctness of the theoretical analysis. It provides theoretical basis for the engineering of Fabry Perot(F-P)interference spectrometer imaging system, and has positive guiding significance for the determinationofparametersinsystemdesign.
There are significant differences of the performances of the cold-atom absolute gravimeter and gradiometer between in-lab and outdoors experiment. The vibration noise which plays a major role in the noisy environment can be suppressdramaticallybythesensitivityfunction. However, theremainingrotationnoisehas notyetbeenstudied. Here, we derivethephasechangerespondrelated totherotationfluctuationviathephysicalmechanismoftheinertialsensing. High order sensitivity function compensation algorithm is provided by calculating the two-photon Raman transition evolution, which significantly increases the sensitivity and environmental suitability of both the cold-atom absolute gravimeter and gradiometer.
For the high-precision positioning and orientation system, its zero-speed correction positioning accuracy is affected by the abnormal change of horizontal gravity in the driving route. The influence of horizontal gravity anomaly on the positioning error of positioning and orientation system is analyzed theoretically from the aspects of inertial navigation error mechanism and zero speed correction principle, and its error transfer formula is obtained. In order to verify the accuracy of the error transfer formula, the physical verification was carried out in the gravity anomaly test area, and the influence mechanism of horizontal gravity anomaly on the positioning accuracy of the positioning and orientation system wasverified. Throughgravityanomalycompensation, thehorizontalpositioning errorinthegravityanomaly areawasless than1m.Itputsforwardanewideaforfurtherimprovingthepositioningaccuracyofthepositioningandorientationsystem inthefuture.
In order to deal with the problem of the laser gyro starting-up difficultly in cold condition, based on the principle of pre-ionization technique, the principle and specification of the LED exciting lamp is confirmed. The illuminance and energy distribution of cathode surface with different axial-installation position of exciting-lamp are calculated by the optical emulation software, and the layout of exciting light and axial-installation position is optimized. Theexperimentisdevelopedwhichvalidatedthatthenew-styleexcitinglampunits cansignificantlyimprovetheionization performance of laser gyro under cryogenic temperature, the ionization voltage is obviously decreased and the ionization time is obviously reduced. The one-time ignition success rate achievs 100% within -50~+75 ℃. The reliability of laser gyrowasfurtherenhanced
A non-magnetic heating film technology for atomic cells is introduced. To ensure sufficient atomic number density, the working temperatureofatomic cells isusuallybetween80~120 ℃, makingnon-magneticheatingtechnology one of the core technologies of thermal atomic clocks. The multi-physics finite element simulation analysis is used to analyze the steady-state magnetic field distribution generated by the energized coil under small current conditions(0.2A DC). By comparing the magnetic field distribution generated by different coil structures, the coil structure that meets the performancerequirementsisobtained.Theexperimentalresultsshowthatthenon-magneticheatingfilmwiththeoptimized structure generates a residual magnetic field of less than 100 nT, meeting the requirements of non-magnetic heating for atomiccells. Thedesigninthisarticleprovides areferencefortheoptimizationandimprovementoftheatomiccelldesign and operating parameters of thermal atomic clocks based on atomic vapor, providing a reliable guarantee for the miniaturizationandperformanceimprovementofthermalatomicclocks.
The Psai angle is calculated based on the second-order moment of the height difference obtained from astronomical measurements, when using the Psai angle obtained from astronomical measurements as measurement information for celestial-inertial integrated navigation. Therefore, the statistical characteristics of the Psai measurement noisenolongerfollow aGaussiandistribution, whichhasnegativeeffectsintheperformanceofcelestial-inertialintegrated navigation.To addressthisissue, anadaptivefiltering-basedcelestial-inertialintegratednavigationtechnologyisproposed, usinganadaptiveweightedadjustmentmethodtoadjustthecovariancematrixofthemeasurementnoise, theimpactofnon-Gaussiancharacteristicsofnoise ontheerrorsuppressioneffectofintegratednavigationisreduced. Basedonexperimental data from celestial-inertial integrated navigation equipment, the error suppression effect of integrated navigation position undertwomethods, namelyGaussianapproximationandadaptivefilteringofPsaiangle measurementnoise, iscompared. The experiment indicates the adaptive filtering method for Psai angle measurement noise has a better position error suppressioneffectthantheGaussianapproximationmethod.Therefore, theapplication ofadaptivefiltering-basedcelestial-inertial integrated navigation technology has a more favorable effect on inertial error estimation and is beneficial to the engineeringapplicationandpromotionofcelestial-inertialintegratednavigationtechnology.
ThePorroprism resonatorlaserhasthecharacteristicsofhighmechanicalstabilityandgoodbeamquality. The Porroprismwilldepolarizetheincidentlightandthe1/4λ waveplatecannotworkeffectively, soitneedstouseanadaptive waveplate for compensation. Based on Jones matrix, the mathematical model of Q-switching of Porro prism resonator is establishedandsolved. TheoptimalcompensationwaveplateunderdifferentazimuthanglesofthePorroprismisanalyzed. The influence of the waveplate tolerance, the refractive index tolerance and the installation tolerance of the azimuth angle ontheextinctionratio arecalculated. Forexample, thePorroprismisplacedhorizontally, thephasetoleranceofthe wave plate is ±0.02 λ, the extinction ratio is greater than 20 dB. When the Porro prism is placed at 45°/135°, there are four corresponding optimal waveplates. The extinction ratio can be greater than 30 dB within the range of 0±4.66°of the Porro prismazimuthangle.TheseresultsprovideabetterandmoreengineeringbasisforthedesignofQ-switchedlaserwithPorro prismresonator.
In order to meet the high precision detection of an advanced middle and upper atmosphere wind temperature measurementlidarinChina, asetofactivefeedbackfrequencystabilizationsystemwasbuiltbyself-writtensoftwareinthis paper. This system achieved the frequency control of 1 319 nm seed laser with high precision wavelength meter and high performancedigital-to-analog converter. The resultsofthe stability testexperimentshowthatthesystem can lock the laser wavelengthwithin1318.81999±0.00006 nmfor12hours(thefrequencystabilizationaccuracy waslessthan20.7MHz), and the wavelength stability was improved by 5 orders of magnitude, and the monotonic decreasing Allan variance of wavelengthtended to10-6, whichachievedthelong-term accuratelockingofseedlaserwavelength. Theworkinthispaper willprovidetechnicalguaranteeforthehighaccuracydetectionofothersimilarlidars.
Inorder tosolvetheproblemthatthecoordinatedplanningofthesupplysideandthedemandsideofthepower system is not effective, a numerical simulation method for the coordinated planning of the source, network, load and storage of the power system with distributed photovoltaic access is proposed. The influence of distributed photovoltaic access on power quality of power system is analyzed in depth. The interaction characteristics of power supply, network, load and storage of power system are analyzed. The numerical model of power system source, network, load and storage planning is established. The model is solved by dynamic weighted multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm, and the load storage collaborative planning of power system source network is realized. The numerical simulation results showthatthismethodcanimprovethevoltagefluctuationandvoltageover-limitproblemsafterdistributedphotovoltaicsare connectedtothepowersystem, andcancoordinateandmatchtheoutputofthepowersystemsupplysideandtheloadofthe demandside, andcanobtainlargerdistributedphotovoltaicsaccesscapacity.
Traditional motorselectionwillleave moremargin, resulting in thesizeof servodrive motoris too large, and then lead to the size and quality of the whole system increase. Therefore, the platform should be fully considered when selectingthe motor. Inthispaper, the factorsshould beconsidered when servo controlmotorofa photoelectric equipment overcomes the external environment are analyzed, such as in complex sea conditions under the carrier sway, and the appropriate motor is selected according to the mechanical performance index of the motor. The rationality of the motor selectionisverifiedbytheswingtestandpracticalapplication.
Inordertoimprovethemeasurementaccuracyofaccuratemeasurementofspindleangleofdisconnector, taking gw4-126disconnector astheresearchobject, anaccuratemeasurement systemofspindleangleisdesigned.Inthehardware partofthesystem, thecoreprocessor, signalacquisitioncircuit, speeddetectionmoduleandstorageunit aredesigned. In the system software part, the principle of accurate measurement of GW4-126 disconnector spindle angle is proposed, the noise removal processing of GW4-126 disconnector motion track is completed, and the design of GW4-126 disconnector spindleangle accurate measurement system is completed. Theexperimental comparisonresults show thatthe measurement accuracy of GW4-126 disconnector spindle angle accurate measurement system designed this time is stable at more than 90% and the measurement time is less than 5 ms, which proves that the system effectively improves the measurement accuracy, reducesthemeasurementtimeandmeetstheapplicationrequirementsofthesystem.
Terahertztechnologyhasbeendevelopedrapidly overthepastfewdecades.Asapowerfultoolforcharactering biomacromolecules, terahertz spectroscopy and imaging technologies have been demonstrated their broad prospects in diagnostic and clinical medicine. The specific components of biological samples can be quantitatively analyzed by a terahertzspectroscopy, andsimilarly, thespatialdistributionofthecomponentsmeasuredinsamples canbedetectedwith terahertzimagingsystems.Thispaperreviewssomerepresentativeinthefieldsofterahertzdiagnosticmedicinebasedonthe types of terahertz optical systems, some investigations on terahertz biological effects are introduced from the level of biologicalindividuals, tissues, cells, andbiologicalmacromolecules.Althoughthisfieldisstillinthetrialandpreliminary explorationstage, therearemanypioneeringresearcheswithgreatpotentialhavebeenproposed, suchasterahertz-assisted targeteddrugtransmembranetransportandterahertzcancercellDNAdemethylation.Finally, theresearchstatusofterahertz biologicaleffectsissummarizedandthekeydirectionsandpossiblebreakthroughsinthisfieldareanalyzedandprospected.