OPTICS & OPTOELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY, Volume. 21, Issue 3, 105(2023)
In order to meet the high precision detection of an advanced middle and upper atmosphere wind temperature measurementlidarinChina, asetofactivefeedbackfrequencystabilizationsystemwasbuiltbyself-writtensoftwareinthis paper. This system achieved the frequency control of 1 319 nm seed laser with high precision wavelength meter and high performancedigital-to-analog converter. The resultsofthe stability testexperimentshowthatthesystem can lock the laser wavelengthwithin1318.81999±0.00006 nmfor12hours(thefrequencystabilizationaccuracy waslessthan20.7MHz), and the wavelength stability was improved by 5 orders of magnitude, and the monotonic decreasing Allan variance of wavelengthtended to10-6, whichachievedthelong-term accuratelockingofseedlaserwavelength. Theworkinthispaper willprovidetechnicalguaranteeforthehighaccuracydetectionofothersimilarlidars.
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GUOJi-xin, XIAOJue-jie, CHENGXue-wu, LINZhao-xiang, WUJin-quan. FrequencyStabilizationSystemof1319nmSeedLaser[J]. OPTICS & OPTOELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY, 2023, 21(3): 105
Received: Dec. 1, 2022
Accepted: --
Published Online: Dec. 28, 2023
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