Chinese Journal of Lasers, Volume. 47, Issue 7, 701020(2020)
Design and Fabrication of 1160-nm Optically-Pumped Vertical-External-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser
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Zhang Zhuo, Ning Yongqiang, Zhang Jianwei, Zhang Jiye, Zeng Yugang, Zhang Jun, Zhang Xing, Zhou Yinli, Huang Youwen, Qin Li, Liu Yun, Wang Lijun. Design and Fabrication of 1160-nm Optically-Pumped Vertical-External-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser[J]. Chinese Journal of Lasers, 2020, 47(7): 701020
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Received: Mar. 3, 2020
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Published Online: Jul. 10, 2020
The Author Email: Jianwei Zhang (