Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Volume. 43, Issue 4, 520(2024)

An improved ASM-HEMT model for kink effect on GaN devices

Shuai WANG1,2, Ai-Qiang CHENG2, Chen GE2, Dun-Jun CHEN1、*, Jun LIU3, and Da-Zhi DING4
Author Affiliations
  • 1Department of Electronic Science and Engineering,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210033,China
  • 2Nanjing Electronic Devices Institute,Nanjing 210016,China
  • 3Department of Electronic Information,Hangzhou Dianzi University,Hangzhou 310018,China
  • 4Department of microelectronics,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210094,China
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    With the analysis of experiment and theory on GaN HEMT devices under DC sweep, an improved model for kink effect based on advanced SPICE model for high electron mobility transistors (ASM-HEMT) is proposed, considering the relationship between the drain/gate-source voltage and kink effect. The improved model can not only accurately describe the trend of the drain-source current with the current collapse and kink effect, but also precisely fit different values of drain-source voltages at which the kink effect occurs under different gate-source voltages. Furthermore, it well characterizes the DC characteristics of GaN devices in the full operating range, with the fitting error less than 3%. To further verify the accuracy and convergence of the improved model, a load-pull system is built in ADS. The simulated result shows that although both the original ASM-HEMT and the improved model predict the output power for the maximum power matching of GaN devices well, the improved model predicts the power-added efficiency for the maximum efficiency matching more accurately, with 4% improved.



    Gallium Nitride high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) have promising prospects for high frequency,high voltage and high power applications,due to their unique advantages of the material1-2. As the bridge between technological process and circuit design,models for GaN devices are critical. So far,behavioral models,empirical models and physical models have been reported3-5. Among these,ASM-HEMT (Advanced SPICE Model for HEMT),a physical surface-potential-based model,can accurately characterize the electrical characteristics of GaN devices with technological structure and physical mechanism well combined. Currently,ASM-HEMT has developed into the mainstream and been certified as the industry standardization6.

    As an intrinsic reliability problem of GaN devices,kink effect features an abrupt rise in drain-source current Ids after collapse at a certain drain-source voltage Vds. The phenomenon deteriorates the stability of the device with a drop in the transconductance gm1,an increase in the output conductance gds1 as well as a shift in the threshold voltage Voff7-9. Because the kink effect on GaN devices cannot be completely eliminated,its influence in circuit design cannot be ignored. However,the current collapse and kink effect are not taken into consideration in the original ASM-HEMT. In order to more accurately characterize the performance of GaN devices,it is necessary to introduce the description of current collapse and kink effect to the model.

    In this paper,an improved ASM-HEMT model for kink effect is proposed. This proposed model accurately describes the current collapse and kink effect,so as to precisely characterize the DC characteristics of GaN devices in the full operating range.

    1 Theory of the improved model

    1.1 The drain-source current Ids model in ASM-HEMT

    By solving Schrodinger's and Poisson’s equations,the potential of Fermi level corresponding to two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) at GaN/AlGaN hetero-junction can be calculated as10


    where HVgoeff) is the function of VgoCg is the gate capacitance per unit area,q is the electronic charge, D is the density of states,Vth is the thermal voltage,eta0 and vdscale are the Drain Induced Barrier Lowing (DIBL) parameters,Voffis the threshold voltage,and Vdsx = sqrt(Vds2+0.01).

    So the potential at the source end φs and the potential at the drain end φd are obtained as follows11


    where Vs is the source voltage,and Vdeffis the effective drain voltage.

    Combining the drift-diffusion mechanism with real device effects,the drain-source current Ids is given as12


    where W is the gate width,L is the gate length,nf is the number of fingers,μeff is the effective mobility,θsat is the velocity saturation parameter,Vtv is the correction of Vthφm = (φs+φd)/2,φds = φd-φs,and λ is the channel length modulation coefficient.

    1.2 The improved model for kink effect

    The current collapse and kink effect can be obviously observed in the output characteristic curve of GaN devices,as shown in Fig. 1. At low VdsVds≈0-8 V),electrons are trapped,leading to a decrease in channel carriers and a drop in the drain-source current,which is current collapse. As Vds continues to increase,the trapped electrons are released,resulting in a rapid increase in the drain-source current,which features as the kink effect. The drain-source voltage where the kink effect occurs,defined as Vds-k,is marked by the red triangle in Fig. 1. Meanwhile,when Vgs gradually increases,Vds-k first drops and then increases. The above phenomenon demonstrates that both Vds and Vgs play an important role in the current collapse and kink effect.

    Current collapse and kink effect in the output characteristics

    Figure 1.Current collapse and kink effect in the output characteristics

    On account of the shift in the threshold voltage caused by the current collapse and kink effect,Voff in Eq. 2 needs to be corrected. By introducing the function CKVdsVgs) related to Vds and Vgs,the correction of the threshold voltage can be expressed as:

    Voff'=1+CKVds,VgsVoff .

    The tendency of Ids rapidly increasing after collapse can be modeled by a hyperbolic tangent function tanh13,which is exactly the form of CKVdsVgs):


    where d0 and d1 are fitting parameters,which determine the amplitude of current collapse and kink effect.

    Considering the nonlinear relationship between Vds-k and VgsVds-k is given as a polynomial related to Vgs


    where gkk = 0,1,2...) is the fitting parameter.

    Substituting Eq. 7 for Voff in Eq. 2,the final drain-source current Ids can be rewritten as:

    Ids=Ids'Vgs-Voff'-eta0vdscaleVdsxVdsx2+vdscale2-φm+Vtvφds .

    2 Modeling process

    2.1 Devices and the test system

    Two depletion-mode GaN HEMTs used in the paper are developed by Nanjing Electronic Devices Institute with gate widths of 6×200 µm and 2×200 µm,as shown in Fig. 2.

    Photographs of D-mode GaN HEMTs: (a) the 1.2-mm-wide device;(b) the 0.4-mm-wide device

    Figure 2.Photographs of D-mode GaN HEMTs: (a) the 1.2-mm-wide device;(b) the 0.4-mm-wide device

    Firstly,as shown in Fig. 3,on-wafer measurement is carried out at room temperature (T = 300 K) for the DC characteristics,and the measured data is obtained through the IVCAD software of Maury Company. Secondly,the improved model is realized by Verilog-A and simulated on the ICCAP software. Finally,based on the measurements,parameters of the improved model are extracted and the DC characteristics are fitted,including the output characteristics Ids-Vds,the output conductance (the first derivative of Ids with respect to Vdsgds1-Vds,the transfer characteristics Ids-Vgs and the transconductance (the first derivative of Ids with respect to Vgsgm1-Vgs,measured and simulated with the value of Vds varying from 0 V to 36 V in the step of 0.2 V and the value of Vgs changing from -4 V to 0 V in the step of 0.1 V.

    The test system

    Figure 3.The test system

    2.2 Parameters extraction

    For the output characteristics and the S-parameter,the fitting results of the original ASM-HEMT and the improved model are shown in Figs. 4-6.

    The fitting result of the output characteristics Ids-Vdsfor the 1.2-mm-wide device: (a) Vds ranges from 0 V to 36 V;(b) Vds ranges from 0 V to 10 V

    Figure 4.The fitting result of the output characteristics Ids-Vdsfor the 1.2-mm-wide device: (a) Vds ranges from 0 V to 36 V;(b) Vds ranges from 0 V to 10 V

    The fitting result of the output characteristics Ids-Vds for the 0.4-mm-wide device: (a) Vds ranges from 0 V to 36 V; (b) Vds ranges from 0 V to 10 V

    Figure 5.The fitting result of the output characteristics Ids-Vds for the 0.4-mm-wide device: (a) Vds ranges from 0 V to 36 V; (b) Vds ranges from 0 V to 10 V

    The fitting result of the S-parameter: (a) the 1.2-mm-wide device; (b) the 0.4-mm-wide device

    Figure 6.The fitting result of the S-parameter: (a) the 1.2-mm-wide device; (b) the 0.4-mm-wide device

    2.2.1 Fitting of the output characteristics curves

    Seen from Fig. 4(a) and Fig. 5(a),both the original ASM-HEMT and the improved model fits to the measured curve well in the saturation region,but there are obvious differences in the regions where the current collapse and kink effect occur. The accuracy of the original ASM-HEMT is insufficient,as shown in Fig. 4(b) and Fig. 5(b). For the improved model,Ids behaves an abrupt rise after collapse as Vds increases,and Vds-k under different Vgs is also perfect fitted.

    2.2.2 Fitting of the S-parameter

    The S-parameter simulation results from 400 MHz to 40 GHz of the original model and the improved model are compared with the measurements for two devices,as shown in Fig. 6.

    For the small signal characteristic at Vgs = -2.2 V and Vds = 28 V,the good agreement between the measured results and both of the simulated results is obtained. Because the input is the small signal,the impact of kink effect on the RF characteristics can be ignored.

    2.2.3 Final parameters

    Finally,the extracted parameters are obtained in Table 1 and Table 2.

    • Table 1. The extracted parameters related to the current collapse and kink effect for the 1.2-mm-wide device

      Table 1. The extracted parameters related to the current collapse and kink effect for the 1.2-mm-wide device

      The fitting parameterd0d1g0g1g2g3g4
      Value5.234 m102.50618.15 m69.02 m218.3 m151.4 m
    • Table 2. The extracted parameters related to the current collapse and kink effect for the 0.4-mm-wide device

      Table 2. The extracted parameters related to the current collapse and kink effect for the 0.4-mm-wide device

      The fitting parameterd0d1g0g1g2g3g4
      Value21.83 m3.7933.282477.5 m584.2 m0.001 m3.451 m

    The above results indicate that the improved model can accurately describe the current collapse and kink effect,and characterize the output characteristics of GaN devices with different sizes.

    3 Results

    The fitting result of the output conductance (Vgs = -1.2 V for the 1.2-mm-wide device in this paper) is shown in Fig. 7. It can be seen that the improved model appears a peak near Vds = 4 V,which agrees with the description in Ref. [14] and is well matched with the measured data,further proving that the improved model accurately describes the current collapse and kink effect of GaN devices.

    The fitting result of the output conductance gds1-Vds

    Figure 7.The fitting result of the output conductance gds1-Vds

    Figure 8 shows the fitting results of the transfer characteristics at Vds = 4 V and Vds = 28 V. The original ASM-HEMT fits well where Vds is high (Vds = 28 V for the 1.2-mm-wide device in this paper),but the fitting error is large where Vds is low (Vds = 4 V for the 1.2-mm-wide device in this paper),while the improved model can achieve an excellent fit under all Vds. Accordingly,the transconductance of the improved model agrees well with the measured data,as shown in Fig. 9,indicating that the improved model accurately characterizes the transfer characteristics of GaN devices by introducing parameters related to the current collapse and kink effect.

    The fitting result of the transfer characteristics Ids-Vgs

    Figure 8.The fitting result of the transfer characteristics Ids-Vgs

    The fitting result of the transconductance gm1-Vgs

    Figure 9.The fitting result of the transconductance gm1-Vgs

    According to the above results,the improved model perfectly fits the kink effect of GaN devices. Clearly,the improved model accurately describes the current collapse and kink effect,so as to precisely characterize the DC characteristics of GaN devices in the full operating range.

    To further verify the accuracy of the improved model,a load-pull simulation is built in ADS,as shown in Fig. 10. The improved model is validated by simulating the large signal behavior at 3 GHz and Idsq= 12 mA at Vds = 28 V,with the input power Pin swept from 1 dBm to 24 dBm.

    Schematic diagram of the load-pull simulation in ADS

    Figure 10.Schematic diagram of the load-pull simulation in ADS

    As shown in Fig. 11,both the original ASM-HEMT and the improved model can predict the output power for the maximum power matching of GaN devices well. However,compared with the original ASM-HEMT,the improved model predicts the power-added efficiency (PAE) for the maximum efficiency matching more accurately,with 4% improved,which has a good agreement with the measured result.

    Simulated and measured Pout for the maximum power matching and PAE for the maximum efficiency matching

    Figure 11.Simulated and measured Pout for the maximum power matching and PAE for the maximum efficiency matching

    4 Conclusions

    An improved model for kink effect based on ASM-HEMT is presented in this paper,considering the impact of Vds and Vgs. Validated with the experimental data,the improved model can accurately describe the current collapse and kink effect,and more accurately characterize the DC characteristics of GaN devices in the full range of voltage,with the fitting error less than 3%. Compared with the original ASM-HEMT,the improved model predicts the power-added efficiency for the maximum efficiency matching more accurately without changing the accuracy of the output power for the maximum power matching. The improved model is of great guiding significance for the accurate design of high-performance GaN amplifiers,and can also play a crucial role in reducing circuit design costs and shortening the product development cycle. Since GaN devices used in the paper adopt a process of 0.35 μm,they are not suitable for millimeter waves. To further broaden the applicability of the improved model,GaN devices for higher frequency will be studied in the future.


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    Shuai WANG, Ai-Qiang CHENG, Chen GE, Dun-Jun CHEN, Jun LIU, Da-Zhi DING. An improved ASM-HEMT model for kink effect on GaN devices[J]. Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 2024, 43(4): 520

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    Paper Information

    Category: Research Articles

    Received: Sep. 3, 2023

    Accepted: --

    Published Online: Aug. 27, 2024

    The Author Email: CHEN Dun-Jun (

