Acta Optica Sinica, Volume. 43, Issue 17, 1714009(2023)
Research Progress in Tandem-Pumped High-Power and High-Beam Quality Ytterbium-Doped Fiber Laser
Fig. 2. Variation of bending loss and mode area of fundamental mode with bending radius in 48 μm core diameter and NA=0.065 fibers. (a) Bending loss; (b) mode area
Fig. 3. Bending loss of LP11o mode varied with fiber core diameter and bending diameter
Fig. 4. Influence of 1080 nm return signal laser on 1018 nm oscillator[51]. (a) Experimental setup; (b) experimental and simulation results of 1018 nm oscillator power changing with the injected 1080 nm return laser; (c) simulation results of 1018 nm oscillator power changing with the injection of 1080 nm return light under different YDF lengths; (d) simulation results of 1018 nm oscillator power changing with the reflectivity of OC-FBG under different return 1080 nm power
Fig. 5. Backward tandem-pumped amplifier based on 25/250 μm double-clad YDF[51]. (a) Experimental setup; (b) output power; (c) output spectra under different power; (d) output spectra of forward and backward tandem-pumped amplifiers at 3.94 kW
Fig. 6. Bi-directional tandem-pumped amplifier based on 30/250 μm double-clad YDF[52]. (a) Experimental setup; (b) output power and efficiency curves; (c) output spectra under different power; (d) beam quality and beam profile under different power; (e) output time trace and spectra at 6.22 kW
Fig. 7. Experimental results of 10 kW fiber laser[54]. (a) Output power versus pump power; (b) spectra versus output power; (c) beam quality versus output power; (d) power fluctuation and its Fourier spectra (inset)
Fig. 8. Mode field distribution under different bending radii ( white dotted line is the core range )
Fig. 9. When bending radius of the amplifier is 0.15 m and 0.3 m, output laser mode purity varied with relative doping radius under different mode purity seed injection[55]. (a) 0.15 m; (b) 0.3 m
Fig. 10. Output laser mode purity of the amplifier varies with the core diameter and doping ratio[55]
Fig. 11. Forward tandem-pumped amplifier based on 40/250 μm CYDF[62]. (a) Power and efficiency curves; (b) output spectra under different power; (c) beam quality of CYDF-based amplifier under different power; (d) beam quality of YDF-based amplifier under different power
Fig. 12. Experimental results of forward tandem-pumped amplifier based on 40/250 μm CYDF[63]. (a) Refractive index distribution of fiber core; (b) cross-section photo of the fiber; (c) output power and optical-to-optical efficiency at different pump power (inset: power meter at maximum output power); (d) output spectra at different power
Fig. 13. Experimental results of bi-directional tandem-pumped amplifiers based on 40/250 μm CYDF[64]. (a) Laser structure; (b) output power versus pump power; (c) output spectra under different power; (d) output time trace and spectrum at maximum power; (e) beam quality at maximum power
Fig. 14. Experimental results of backward tandem-pumped amplifier based on 40/250 μm CYDF[65]. (a) Output power versus pump power; (b) spectra under different power; (c) beam quality at different power
Fig. 15. Experimental results of backward tandem-pumped amplifiers based on 30/250-48/400 μm STYDF. (a) TYDF longitudinal section; (b) spectra under different power; (c) output power versus pump power; (d) beam quality of TYDF-based amplifier under different power; (e) beam quality of YDF-based amplifier under different power
Fig. 16. Structure of YDF with F-doped inner cladding[108]. (a) Cross section of inner cladding; (b) 2D refractive index of inner cladding
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Hu Xiao, Ruixian Li, Hanshuo Wu, Liangjin Huang, Zilun Chen, Huan Yang, Zhiping Yan, Meng Wang, Zhiyong Pan, Zefeng Wang, Pu Zhou, Jinbao Chen. Research Progress in Tandem-Pumped High-Power and High-Beam Quality Ytterbium-Doped Fiber Laser[J]. Acta Optica Sinica, 2023, 43(17): 1714009
Category: Lasers and Laser Optics
Received: May. 16, 2023
Accepted: Jul. 22, 2023
Published Online: Sep. 22, 2023
The Author Email: Wang Zefeng (, Zhou Pu (, Chen Jinbao (