Photonics Research, Volume. 10, Issue 2, 601(2022)
Torsional optomechanical cooling of a nanofiber
Fig. 1. (a) Schematic of the ONF with two effective polarization axes associated with an ordinary and an extraordinary indices of refraction, aligned with the optical axis, but at an angle
Fig. 2. (a) Time series of the amplitude fluctuations of the undriven first torsional mode. The plot shows 1 point every 20 from the 20,000 samples. The spectrum analyzer is fixed at the resonance frequency with RBW 50 Hz and unlimited VBW. (b) Histogram of the data in (a) with 50 bins, showing an MB distribution. (c) MB distribution of the amplitude fluctuations of the first torsional mode for three different drive angles
Fig. 3. Power spectral density as a function of drive power of the first torsional mode. (a) Evolution of the PSD as the drive power increases with probe 50 μW. The spectra are plotted with their center frequencies aligned for ease of presentation. The no drive resonance is at 189,664 Hz. The color code typifies the relative cooling with respect to no drive
Fig. 4. Frequency shift of the resonance of the first torsional mode as a function of the drive power (RBW 1 Hz, VBW 1 Hz). The green solid line is a fit to an offset, a linear term, and cubic root starting at the 0.5 mW point. The green dashed lines show the extrapolations from the fit. The inset shows the frequency shift of the resonance as a function of drive polarization angle for a fixed drive power of 10 mW. The red dashed line is a fit to a sinusoidal function.
Fig. 5. (a) Feedback schematic. (b) Power HWHM of the PSD as a function of drive angle; the fit errors are smaller than the circles. The RBW and VBW for the measurements of the spectra are 1 Hz with drive at 1 mW and probe at 60 μW. The dashed line corresponds to the case without drive and sets the reference for an effective room temperature.
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Dianqiang Su, Pablo Solano, Jeffrey D. Wack, Luis A. Orozco, Yanting Zhao, "Torsional optomechanical cooling of a nanofiber," Photonics Res. 10, 601 (2022)
Category: Nonlinear Optics
Received: Aug. 23, 2021
Accepted: Jan. 4, 2022
Published Online: Feb. 9, 2022
The Author Email: Yanting Zhao (