Acta Optica Sinica, Volume. 44, Issue 7, 0700001(2024)
Recent Progress in Optical Lateral Forces (Invited)
Fig. 2. OLF generated by transverse BSM in free space optical wave field. (a) Force streamlines for using R-CPL and L-CPL with numerical aperture of 1.2 and silicon dioxide particles with diameter of 100 nm[95]; (b) OLF from transverse SAM in double beam interference standing wave field[31]; (c) all-optical chiral-sensitive realized by reversible OLF in interference field[97]; (d) OLF on polystyrene particles under linear light field illumination[72]
Fig. 4. Experiments and research on OLF from transverse BSM. (a) Nanomechanical cantilever measurements[99]; (b) three-dimensional measurement setup for transverse spin force on Mie particle[101]; (c) experimental schematic for generating line-shaped light field in uniform environment to achieve stable OLF on particle[72]; (d) small particle driven to rotate laterally around larger particle[103]
Fig. 5. OGF on chiral particles. (a) Illustration of three-dimensional capture of chiral particles[111]; (b) scanning electron microscope images of chiral gold nanoparticles and schematic diagram of chiral gold nanoparticle capture experiment[115]; (c) optical capture and repulsion of radial isotropic chiral microspheres[112]
Fig. 6. Linearly polarized light excites OLF on chiral particle. (a) Applying OLF to particle at interface through coupling of chirality and linearly polarized light[74]; (b) OLF on chiral particle in linearly polarized evanescent wave[34]; (c) reversible OLF generated by line-shaped linearly polarized beam[75]; (d) linearly polarized light generates OLF on chiral dimers[127]
Fig. 7. OLF on chiral particle in special light wave. (a) Schematic diagram of OLF generated by chiral particle in dual-plane wave interference field[91]; (b) separation of chiral enantiomers using optical force and torque induced by tightly focused vector-polarized hollow beam[128]; (c) schematic diagrams of OLF on chiral particle in a focused vector light field, and function of OLF with particle chirality parameters and radius[129]; (d) optical Stern-Gerlach Newton experiment using chiral liquid crystal microsphere[134]
Fig. 8. Enhancing OLF using chirality. (a) Schematic diagram of metal-chiral Kretschmann configuration with SPP-assisted chiral enantiomer recognition and separation[81]; (b) enhancement of OLF on chiral nanoparticle through Fano resonance in gold split-ring resonator[137]; (c) multipole superposition effect in single chiral nanostructure[76]; (d) enantiomer-selective optical force using achiral and chiral microscope probes[139]
Fig. 11.
OLF generated by SOI in near field. (a) Schematic diagram of using CPL to break symmetry and excite transverse SPP wave and OLF[79]; (b) OLF generated by one-dimensional photonic crystal structure being tuned via particle
Fig. 13. Heating-induced OLF. (a) Thermophoretic force caused by temperature gradient, which drives particle from high temperature region to low temperature region[170]; (b) thermo-osmosis force caused by slip velocity generated by surface temperature gradient[170]; (c) strong fluid convection generated by heating gold nanorod on indium tin oxide substrate[178]; (d) schematic diagram of nanoantenna heating combined with alternating electric field for particle manipulation[188]; (e) schematic diagram of manipulation of particles using thermoelectric force[192]
Fig. 14. Topological OLF[194]. (a) Schematic of double-layer PhCS that generates topological optical; (b) schematic of particle manipulation at BIC modes in PhCS when αtop=αbot; (c) schematic of particle manipulation at BIC modes in PhCS when αtop≠αbot; (d) band structure and particle motion diagram when αtop=αbot; (e) band structure and particle motion diagram when
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Yuzhi Shi, Chengxing Lai, Weicheng Yi, Haiyang Huang, Chao Feng, Tao He, Aiqun Liu, Weicheng Qiu, Zhanshan Wang, Xinbin Cheng. Recent Progress in Optical Lateral Forces (Invited)[J]. Acta Optica Sinica, 2024, 44(7): 0700001
Category: Reviews
Received: Nov. 3, 2023
Accepted: Dec. 21, 2023
Published Online: Apr. 1, 2024
The Author Email: Shi Yuzhi (, Cheng Xinbin (