Journal of Resources and Ecology, Volume. 11, Issue 4, 331(2020)
Are There Differences in the Response of Natural Stand and Plantation Biomass to Changes in Temperature and Precipitation? A Case for Two-needled Pines in Eurasia
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Vladimir Andreevich USOLTSEV, Seyed Omid Reza SHOBAIRI, Ivan Stepanovich TSEPORDEY, Amirhossein AHRARI, Meng ZHANG, Ahmad Anees SHOAIB, Viktor Petrovich CHASOVSKIKH. Are There Differences in the Response of Natural Stand and Plantation Biomass to Changes in Temperature and Precipitation? A Case for Two-needled Pines in Eurasia[J]. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 2020, 11(4): 331
Category: Forest Ecosystem
Received: Feb. 18, 2020
Accepted: May. 15, 2020
Published Online: Oct. 17, 2020
The Author Email: SHOBAIRI Seyed Omid Reza (