Chinese Journal of Lasers, Volume. 51, Issue 10, 1002315(2024)
Influence of Ultrasonic Assistance on Deposition Formation and Microstructure of 2319 Aluminum Alloy by Oscillating Laser Wire Additive Manufacturing
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Yanshuang Wang, Zhen Zhang, Shikai Wu. Influence of Ultrasonic Assistance on Deposition Formation and Microstructure of 2319 Aluminum Alloy by Oscillating Laser Wire Additive Manufacturing[J]. Chinese Journal of Lasers, 2024, 51(10): 1002315
Category: Laser Additive Manufacturing
Received: Jan. 30, 2024
Accepted: Mar. 4, 2024
Published Online: Apr. 26, 2024
The Author Email: Wu Shikai (