Chinese Journal of Lasers, Volume. 48, Issue 2, 0202010(2021)
Preparation and Application of Microfluidic Raman Detection Chip
Fig. 1. Schematic of the preparation methods and applications of SERS detection integrated microfluidic chips
Fig. 3. Femtosecond laser direct writing on glass substrate to prepare microfluidic channel with three-dimensional configuration and high aspect ratio[23]. (a) Schematic of femtosecond laser three-dimensional fabrication system and flow chart of microfluidic channel fabrication procedure; (b) direct laser writing in mesoporous glass; (c) post-processing; (d) optical microscopy images of three-dimensional spiral microchannels embedded in consolidated glas
Fig. 4. Schematic illustration of the preparation procedure of Ag nanoparticle film and the integration of microfluidic channels[25]. (a) Ag nanoparticles deposition and parylene cladding process; (b) fabrication of microfluidic channels; (c) system integration
Fig. 5. Whole procedure of the synthesis of NP-AgMS[44]. (a) On-chip synthesis was performed using a flow-focusing microfluidic device composed of 3 inlets and 1 outlet, the channel dimensions were 300μm wide and 100μm deep;(b)(c) images of AgCl microstructures synthesized within a microchannel were taken using a microscope and a scanning electron microscope
Fig. 6. Femtosecond laser direct writing enabled integration of Ag/Pd SERS substrates inside the microfluidic channels[58]. (a) Ag/Pd alloy nanostructures with various compositions could be fabricated through femtosecond laser induced reduction; (b)--(f) surface morphology of Ag/Pd alloy substrates composed of different metal molar ratios, and the scale bar is 1μm; (g)--(k) locally magnified images, and the scale bar is 1μm
Fig. 7. Schematics of TBLI fabrication of RGO gratings and subsequent silver coating toward the development of SERS substrates[67]. (a) TBLI treatment of GO films; (b) light intensity distribution of two interfered laser beams; (c) RGO grating; (d) Ag-RGO grating as SERS substrate
Fig. 8. Fabrication of AgNPs@RGO biochip[71]. (a) Schematic of the fabrication procedure of an AgNPs@RGO SERS biochip; (b) the mechanism of AgNPs growth onto graphene sheets under UV irradiation; (c) programmable patterning of various AgNPs@RGO SERS substrates for biochip assembly, and the scale bar is 500μm; (d) photograph of the as-prepared AgNPs@RGO SERS biochip, and the scale bar is 1cm
Fig. 9. Working principle of electrochemially assisted SERS-based detection[86]. (a) Showing the variations of surface charges on the Au-capped nanopillar SERS substrates and the suggested interaction of the surface with melamine; (b) illustration of the custom-made electrochemical-SERS platform and its respective system interfacing; (c) photo of the assembled chip and SEM image of Au-capped nanopillar structures for SERS detection, and the scale bar is
Fig. 10. Preparation of multifunctional integrated chip for in-situ chemical catalysis and SERS detection[88].(a) High resolution SEM image of AgNPs@RGO layer; (b) low magnification of SEM image of AgNPs@RGO layer, and the scale bar is 20μm; (c) schematic of the strategy for SERS monitoring catalytic chip; (d) SERS monitoring results of flow rate above and below Vth normalized by feature peak 473cm-1
Fig. 11. Schematics of SERS based immunoassay with digital microfluidic technology[87].(a) Schematic of DMF-SERS method and DMF chip baseplate;(b) the two characteristic Raman peaks of 4-MBA are respectively located at 1071cm-1 and 1580cm-1; (c) side view of the DMF chip, which contains droplets with magnetic beads; (d) immune complexes functionalized with SERS tags on magnetic beads; (e) SERS spectra of different concentrations of H
Fig. 12. Workflow of SERS microfluidic platform for single cell encapsulation and simultaneous detection of three metabolites produced by single cell[91]. (a) Schematic of the composite materials synthesis and injection location of composite materials in chip; (b)(d) internal enlarged diagram of single cell and its analyte; (c) droplet formed at the beginning; (e) droplet after forming for 90min; (f) Fe3O4@AgNPs nanocomposites are us
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Chunhe Li, Zhuochen Ma, Xinyu Hu, Lin Zhu, Bing Han, Yonglai Zhang. Preparation and Application of Microfluidic Raman Detection Chip[J]. Chinese Journal of Lasers, 2021, 48(2): 0202010
Category: laser manufacturing
Received: Apr. 22, 2020
Accepted: Jun. 11, 2020
Published Online: Jan. 6, 2021
The Author Email: Zhang Yonglai (