Chinese Optics Letters, Volume. 17, Issue 12, 121102(2019)

Adaptive gradient-based source and mask co-optimization with process awareness

Yijiang Shen1、*, Fei Peng1, Xiaoyan Huang1, and Zhenrong Zhang2
Author Affiliations
  • 1School of Automation, Guangdong University of Technology, Mega Education Center South, Guangzhou 510006, China
  • 2Guangxi Key Laboratory of Multimedia Communications and Network Technology, School of Computer, Electronics and Information, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China
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    We develop a source and mask co-optimization framework incorporating the minimization of edge placement error (EPE) and process variability band (PV Band) into the cost function to compensate simultaneously for the image distortion and the increasingly pronounced lithographic process conditions. Explicit differentiable functions of the EPE and the PV Band are presented, and adaptive gradient methods are applied to break symmetry to escape suboptimal local minima. Dependence on the initial mask conditions is also investigated. Simulation results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed source and mask optimization approach in pattern fidelity improvement, process robustness enhancement, and almost unaffected performance with random initial masks.

    Optical microlithography is increasingly challenging with the ever growing integration intensity of semiconductor devices in the sub-22-nm technology node and low k1 regime. To this end, resolution enhancement techniques (RETs)[1,2] become essential for printing a good quality wafer image including modified illumination schemes, rule-based and model-based optical proximity correction (OPC)[3]. Moving beyond model-based OPC, the inverse lithography technique (ILT)[4,5] inverts the imaging model and attempts to directly synthesize the optimized mask pattern. With the development of pixelated sources[6], source and mask optimization (SMO) becomes an integral part of ILT to improve the imaging performance by expanding the solution space of the source and mask with the joint optimization of the illumination and mask shapes[7,8].

    Various computational strategies including pixelated patterns[710], pupil and mask topology compensation[11], Zernike source representations[12], wave front modulation[1315], and compressive sensing[16,17] are incorporated into the SMO framework, which is readily solved by gradient-based methods[1821]. Special attentions have been paid to dose sensitivity[18], defocus[19], and dose-focus matrix[22]. However, process variability band (PV Band), one important criterion for measuring process manufacturability indicating the physical representation of the layout sensitivity to process variations, is too complicated to be explicitly incorporated into the cost functions. Similarly, edge placement error (EPE) which evaluates the printed image contour under nominal conditions, is often excluded because of lack of differentiable formulations.

    Gao et al.[23] developed objective formulations of EPE and PV Band with a scalar lithographic imaging model. Practically, selections of the step size in gradient-based methods generally face the dilemma where too small step-size subjects slow convergence and too large step-size fluctuation is around the minimal or even divergence. Besides, for sparse source and mask patterns with very different feature frequencies, updating them to the same extent is not appropriate where large updates should be performed for rarely occurring features. Accordingly, adaptive gradient method such as AdaGrad performs smaller updates for frequently occurring features and large updates for infrequent ones, and adaptive moment estimation (Adam) computes adaptive learning rates by keeping exponentially decaying averages of past square gradients and momentum. Therefore stability and the ability to escape suboptimal minimals are duly detected in the updating process.

    This Letter focuses on the application of adaptive gradient methods including Adam and AdaGrad to lithographic SMO, which simultaneously considers pattern design in terms of pattern error (PE), EPE, and process window. We present explicit formulations of differentiable functions for EPE and PV Band, whose closed-form gradients are subsequently developed with vector imaging formation. Source patterns, where usually more sparsity is observed, and mask patterns are updated with AdaGrad and Adam methods, respectively. We also investigate the stability of the optimization process and the ability to escape suboptimal local minima when random initial masks are applied. Simulations show that the proposed SMO approach improves pattern fidelity and the process window with enhanced stability and unaffected initial condition performance.

    The wafer imaging process T can be divided into two function blocks, namely the projection optics effects (coupling image formation) in Fig. 1 and resist effects. For a point source (αs,βs) emanating a polarized electric field, the coupling image Ic can be described as[3,20]Ic=1Jsumαs,βsJ(αs,βs)p=x,y,zHp(αs,βs)B(αs,βs)M2,where J is an Ns×Ns scalar matrix representing the source pattern distribution, Jsum is the sum of nonzero source intensities, Hp(αs,βs),p=x,y,z are referred to as the equivalent filters, B(αs,βs) is the diffraction matrix to approximate the mask near-field, and ·2 means taking a pixel-wise square of amplitude. The resist effect can be approximated using a logarithmic sigmoid function sig(x)=11+ea(xtr) with a being the steepness of the sigmoid function and tr being the threshold. Therefore, the wafer imaging formation T(·) is described as I=T(J,M)=sig(Ic).

    (a) Schematic of forward lithography. (b) Reflection from and transmission through a stratified medium.

    Figure 1.(a) Schematic of forward lithography. (b) Reflection from and transmission through a stratified medium.

    Given a target pattern I0RN×N, the goal of the SMO is to find the optimal source J^RNs×Ns and mask pattern M^RN×N, which minimize the measured dissimilarity or “score (S)” between T(·) and I0, namely, (J^,M^)=minJRNs×NsminMRN×NS{T(J,M),I0},in which the formula of S in this work is defined as S=γpeSpe{I0,I}+γepeSepe{I0,I}+γpvSpv{I0,I},where Spe, Sepe, and Spv ensure pattern fidelity, minimize the EPE and the PV Band, respectively, and are weighted by predefined weight parameter γ={γpe,γepe,γpv}. Parametric transformations M=0.5×[1+cos(ω)] and J=0.5×[1+cos(θ)], with θRNs×Ns and ωRN×N, are applied to reduce the binary-constrained optimization problems to unconstrained ones in the updating procedure.

    Spe measures the sum of mismatches between I and the desired one I0 over all locations. For mathematical convenience, the square of the l2 norm is frequently practiced in SMO, leading to the minimization of Spe(J,M)=0.5×T(J,M)I02.

    The gradients of Spe with respect to ω and θ are Speω=asinω2Jsumαs,βsJp=x,y,zReal{B*{Hp*[Ep(II0)I(1I)]}},Speθ=sinω2x,y[a·(II0)I(1I)p=x,y,z|Ep|2IcJsum],where is entry-by-entry multiplication, * is the conjugate operation, rotates the matrix in the argument by 180° in both the horizontal and vertical directions, is the convolution operation, 1RN×N is the all-ones matrix, and Ep(αs,βs)=Hp(αs,βs)B(αs,βs)M.

    Sepe measures the geometrical distance of the image contour between I0 and I. However, lack of analytic formulation of a differentiable Sepe often complicates the explicit incorporation of EPE minimization. To this end, we formulate EPE as illustrated in Fig. 2(a) to include image difference Dsum in the horizontal and vertical inner image and outer image edges from sampled points on horizontal edges (HS) and vertical edges (VS). EPE violation is detected to be one when Dsumte, with te being a predefined threshold and zero otherwise. Dsum is computed for samples on vertical and horizontal edges within LH and LV, horizontal and vertical tolerable EPE segments depicted in Fig. 2(b). LH and LV are calculated according to the pattern edge set (PES) in Fig. 2(c) enwrapping the target pattern edge (TPE) in Fig. 2(d), under possible exposure latitude[1] describing tolerable target pattern linewidth. Subsequently, Dsum is calculated as Dsum(i,j)={k=jLV2j+LV2Spe(i,k)if(i,j)HSk=jLH2j+LH2Spe(k,j)if(i,j)VS,where Spe(i,k) is the image difference between sampled points on HS with horizontal coordinate i and points in LH with horizontal coordinate i and vertical coordinate k. With Spe defined in Eq. (4), Spe(k,j) is similarly defined. Sepe is defined to be the summation of EPE violations (EPEVs) for all samples on HS and VS as Sepe=(HS,VS)TPEEPEVs.

    (a) EPE measurement illustration. (b) Numerical superposition region. (c) Pattern edge set (PES). (d) Edges of target pattern I02 in Fig. 4(c).

    Figure 2.(a) EPE measurement illustration. (b) Numerical superposition region. (c) Pattern edge set (PES). (d) Edges of target pattern I02 in Fig. 4(c).

    For Sepe’s differentiability, another sigmoid function sige(x)=11+eae(xte)is applied to Dsum, removing the binary-value constraints on EPE with ae being the steepness and te being the threshold of sige. Consequently, the gradients of Sepe with respect to ω and θ are calculated as Sepeϕ=(HS,VS)TPE(i,j)HS or VSsige(Dsum(i,j))ϕ,with ϕ=ω or θ and sige(Dsum)ϕ=aesige(Dsum)[1sige(Dsum)]k=jLV2j+LV2Speϕ,in which Speϕ is defined in Eqs. (5) and (6).

    PV Band is a set of edges between the fix-printability areas (FPAs) and non-printability areas (NPAs) under possible process conditions, representing the robustness of process manufacturing. As illustrated in Fig. 3, the formulation of the PV Band in Fig. 3(d) requires a series of Boolean operations to extract the edge placement through all possible printed images from Figs. 3(a) to 3(c), which are extremely cumbersome and difficult to calculate. The red boxes present extracted edges of the target contact pattern, and the gray areas are the printed patterns with the extracted pattern edges in blue. Spv in Eq. (3) is defined as Spv=(I1I2INp1INp)\(I1I2INp1INp),where I1,I2,,INp1,INp are printed images under Np process conditions, and are union and intersection operations, and the operation \ denotes the complement set of FPA in (1NPA). Noting FPAIk,k=1,2,,Np, Spv=(I1\FPA)(I2\FPA)(INp\FPA).

    PV Band demonstration. (a)–(c) Printed images under different process conditions. (d) Computed PV Band. (e) PV Band of the printed images with I02 in Fig. 4(c) illuminated by the annular source in Fig. 4(a).

    Figure 3.PV Band demonstration. (a)–(c) Printed images under different process conditions. (d) Computed PV Band. (e) PV Band of the printed images with I02 in Fig. 4(c) illuminated by the annular source in Fig. 4(a).

    Assuming the edge of the printed pattern is close enough to the desired printed pattern edge when Sepe is incorporated in the cost function and replacing FPA with the target pattern I0, Spv is reduced to the average of the summation of the l2 norm of image differences to give Spv=1Npk=1NpIkI02=1Npk=1NpSpek,with Spek being the image difference under the kth process condition with Spe defined in Eq. (3). Figure 3(e) shows the PV Band calculated using FPA=0 and M=I0. Therefore, the gradients of Spv with respect to ω and θ can be routinely calculated according to Eqs. (4) and (5) as Spvϕ=1Npk=1NpSpekϕ.

    Gradient-based searching such as steepest gradient descent (SGD) has been a preferred algorithm for the minimization of S in Eq. (3). However, suffering from the sensitivity to step-size η, SGD is often subject to running into unwanted local minimal with small η and divergence if η is too big. Moreover, the sparsity of Sϕ,ϕ=ω or θ aggregates the dilemma of η selection. Adam method combines the merits of AdaGrad and RMSPro methods, which works well with sparse gradients and naturally performs adaptive adjustments of η. Therefore, in this Letter, AdaGrad and Adam methods are applied to updating the source and mask patterns θ or ω. In the Adam method, ϕ=ω or θ at time-step t+1 is updated as ϕt+1=ϕtηΔϕt=ϕtη·m^t/(v^t+ϵ),where ϵ=108 is the smoothing term to avoid division by zero, and m^t=mt/(1β1t) and v^t=vt/(1β2t) are the bias-corrected moment estimate of first moment mt=β1·mt1+(1β1)·gt and second moment vt=vt1·β2+(1β2)·gt2, respectively, with gt=Sϕ,gt2=gt·gt, and β1, β2 being the decay rates.

    Assuming after initial optimization (IO) of ϕ which accumulates mt and vt, ϕ reaches a local minimum point at t=t1, where SGD cannot break symmetry, with gt10 and mt,vtgt, Δϕt at t=t2 can be calculated as |Δϕt|=t=t1t2|β1/(1β1t+1)|·|mt2|t=t1t2|β2/(1β2t+1)|1/2·|vt2|1/2=t=t1t2|vt|·|Δϕt2|,in which β1t, β2t and vt are regarded as the attenuation factors of mt2, vt2. It is therefore concluded that after the IO procedure of accumulating mt and vt, the attenuation factors gradually decrease mt and vt small enough to be close to zero, namely as the first-phase optimization (FPO).

    Subsequently, we investigate the absolute value of Δϕt at the end of (FPO) t=t2 as |Δϕt|=|[β1·mt+(1β1)·gt]/(1β1t)|{[β2·vt+(1β2)·gt2]/(1β2t)}1/2+ϵ=|ρmt|·|gt||ρvt·gt2|1/2+ϵ,where ρmt=(1β1)/(1β1t) and ρvt=(1β2)/(1β2t) are amplification factors with respect to gt and gt2. With m0, v0, and g0 close to 0, |Δϕt|0.5, taking the smoothing term ϵ=108 into account: at t=t2+1, if g1 is close to 0, m10 and v10, the iteration will act similarly to the iteration at t=t2 and similarly for the following iterations until gt deviates significantly from zero. We name the above procedure the second-phase optimization (SPO), at the end of which |Δϕt| is big enough to drive the updating of ϕ out of the SPO entering IO to escape the local minimum point.

    Numerical simulations are performed on a lithography imaging system with wavelength λ=193nm, NA=1.35, spatial resolution Δx=Δy=4nm/pixel, a=80, and tr=0.25 being the steepness and the threshold of the sigmoid function. The system is initially illuminated by an annular source with σin=0.6 and σout=0.9 in Fig. 4(a), with target patterns I01, I02 in Figs. 4(b) and 4(c). The ranges of process conditions including dose, defocus, and linewidth tolerance are ±2, ±50nm, and ±10%, respectively. Hp(αs,βs) is calculated according to the parameters of the wafer stack given in Table 1. The corresponding I, EPE, and PV Band images when printing I01 and I02 on the wafer illuminated by J0 are given in Figs. 5(a)5(c) and Figs. 5(d)5(f), respectively. Severe distortions are observed exhibiting Spe4494 and 5193,Sepe1158 and 1512 with respect to I01 and I02, respectively. Violations of linewidth tolerance are also detected with Spv2347 and 3965 in Figs. 5(c) and 5(f), which has to be compensated for by radical computational techniques. When updating ϕ=ω or θ at time-step t=t+1 using the SGD method with ϕt+1=ϕtηs·gt,where gt=Sϕ, the step-size ηs is set as 0.3, which is repeatedly tested for convergence, and when the proposed approach is applied, η in Eq. (15) and decay rates β1, β2 are suggested to be 0.1 and 0.9, 0.999.

    • Table 1. Wafer Stack Parameters

      Table 1. Wafer Stack Parameters

      LayerIndexThickness (nm)
      Incident medium(1.45, 0)
      Top anti-reflection(1.55, 0.0)35
      Photoresist(1.8, 0.02)100
      Bottom anti-reflection(1.72, 0.33)87
      Substrate(0.833, 2.778)

    (a) Annular source J0 with σin=0.6 and σout=0.9. (b), (c) The desired target patterns I01, I02.

    Figure 4.(a) Annular source J0 with σin=0.6 and σout=0.9. (b), (c) The desired target patterns I01, I02.

    Printed wafer images with (a) PE 4494 and (d) PE 5193, EPE images with (b) EPE 1158 and (e) EPE 1512, PV Band images with (c) PV Band 2347 and (f) PV Band 3965 with respect to target patterns I01 and I02 illuminated by the annular source in Fig. 4(a).

    Figure 5.Printed wafer images with (a) PE 4494 and (d) PE 5193, EPE images with (b) EPE 1158 and (e) EPE 1512, PV Band images with (c) PV Band 2347 and (f) PV Band 3965 with respect to target patterns I01 and I02 illuminated by the annular source in Fig. 4(a).

    In Fig. 6 where the proposed method and the SGD method are applied to the simulation, the columns represent the optimized source pattern J^, the optimized mask pattern M^, the EPE images, and the PV Band images simulated with the optimized M^ illuminated by the optimized J^. Two weight parameters, γ1={0.6,0.3,0.1} and γ2={0.6,0.1,0.3}, are used that emphasize EPE and PV Band minimization, respectively. Figures 6(a)6(d) show the simulation results with I01 as the target pattern, using the proposed algorithm and the SGD method weighted by γ1 and γ2, respectively. The values of Spe, Sepe, and Spv of the simulations in row I01 of Fig. 5 and Figs. 6(a)6(d) are recorded in Table 2. Significant improvements of PE, EPE, and PV Band are duly observed to reduce Spe from 4494, Sepe from 1158, and Spv from 2347 in Fig. 5(a)5(c) to Spe=614,540,586,490, Sepe=172,175,174,143, and Spv=2246,1834,2211,1885, in Figs. 6(a)6(d) with target pattern I01.

    • Table 2. Spe, Sepe, and Spv of the Simulations in Figs. 5 and 6

      Table 2. Spe, Sepe, and Spv of the Simulations in Figs. 5 and 6

       Fig. 5Fig. 6
      row I01(a)(b)(c)(d)

    Simulation results with I01 as the target pattern. Columns from left to right: the synthesized source pattern J^, the synthesized mask pattern M^, the EPE images, and the PV Band images illuminating M^ by J^. Rows: proposed approach (a) with γ1 and (b) with γ2, SGD (c) with γ1 and (d) with γ2.

    Figure 6.Simulation results with I01 as the target pattern. Columns from left to right: the synthesized source pattern J^, the synthesized mask pattern M^, the EPE images, and the PV Band images illuminating M^ by J^. Rows: proposed approach (a) with γ1 and (b) with γ2, SGD (c) with γ1 and (d) with γ2.

    The initial mask ω0 in the simulations in Fig. 6 is defined as an N×N matrix with each element equaling π/3, which proves feasible for both the proposed approach and the SGD method. However, the initialization value ω0=π/3 and step-size ηs=0.3 are time-consumingly decided through many experiments, which greatly increase the workload of the simulations. Alternatively, with random initial masks ω0 in Fig. 7, another set of simulations is performed in Fig. 8 with target pattern I01 and weight parameter γ2 to show the impact of initial masks on the optimization process. The columns present J^, M^, the EPE images, and the PV Band images simulated with M^ illuminated by J^. Two random initial masks ω1 and ω2 in Figs. 7(c) and 7(d) are, respectively, applied to Figs. 8(a) and 8(b), using the proposed approach, Figs. 8(c) and 8(d) using the SGD method with weight γ2 and target pattern I02. The values of Spe, Sepe, and Spv of the simulations in row I02 of Fig. 5 and Figs. 8(a)8(d) are recorded in Table 3, where n.a. stands for not available. It is observed that for initial random masks ω1 and ω2, the proposed approach still reaches satisfactory local minimum, however, the SGD method starting with ω1 and ω2 finds it difficult to break symmetry to escape an unwanted local minimum resulting in poor OPC performance, showing great initial condition dependence of the SGD method.

    • Table 3. Spe, Sepe, and Spv of the Simulations in Figs. 5 and 8

      Table 3. Spe, Sepe, and Spv of the Simulations in Figs. 5 and 8

       Fig. 5Fig. 8Fig. 5Fig. 8
      row I01(a)(b)row I02(c)(d)

    Randomly initialized masks within the range (0,1); (a) M01 and (b) M02. (c) ω1 and (d) ω2 are the transformed parameters.

    Figure 7.Randomly initialized masks within the range (0,1); (a) M01 and (b) M02. (c) ω1 and (d) ω2 are the transformed parameters.

    Simulation results with I01 and I02 as the target pattern and weight γ2. Rows: (a) and (c) proposed approach with ω1 and ω2, (b) and (d) SGD with ω1 and ω2 as initial masks.

    Figure 8.Simulation results with I01 and I02 as the target pattern and weight γ2. Rows: (a) and (c) proposed approach with ω1 and ω2, (b) and (d) SGD with ω1 and ω2 as initial masks.

    The convergence of S and Spe in the simulations in Fig. 8 is drawn in Figs. 9(a) and 9(b). In Figs. 9(c) and 9(d), special inspections are taken to investigate the convergence of Spe when initial masks M01 and M02 in Figs. 7(a) and 7(b) are, respectively, applied to Figs. 8(a) and 8(b), Figs. 8(c) and 8(d) with the proposed approach and the SGD method. In Figs. 9(c) and 9(d), with the SGD method, a small ηs renders very small values of ηs·gt with random initial masks ω1 and ω2 and inhibits the update of ϕt to break symmetry when the optimization of Spe hits the local minimum, presenting very poor convergence, while a bigger ηs will lead to divergence in later iterations. On the contrary, the proposed algorithm uses bias-corrected first moment and second moment estimates m^t, v^t to constrain the gradients of the objective functions, and therefore, at a certain step when the updating process reaches a local minimum, IO accumulates the moments m^t, v^t and enters the FPO to attenuate m^t, v^t as small enough to be close to 0 to subsequently break symmetry by entering the SPO. Such supersedure of IO, FPO, and SPO in the updating of ϕ can be observed in the Figs. 9(c) and 9(d), showing the ability of the proposed approach to escape unwanted local minima when random initial masks are applied. It should also be mentioned that the simulations in Fig. 8 present similar results for Sepe and Spv with weight γ1, showing the generality of the proposed approach.

    Convergence of (a) S, (b) Spe of the simulations in Fig. 8, (c) Spe of the simulations in Figs. 8(a) and 8(b), and (d) Spe of the simulations in Figs. 8(c) and 8(d).

    Figure 9.Convergence of (a) S, (b) Spe of the simulations in Fig. 8, (c) Spe of the simulations in Figs. 8(a) and 8(b), and (d) Spe of the simulations in Figs. 8(c) and 8(d).

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    Yijiang Shen, Fei Peng, Xiaoyan Huang, Zhenrong Zhang, "Adaptive gradient-based source and mask co-optimization with process awareness," Chin. Opt. Lett. 17, 121102 (2019)

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    Paper Information

    Category: Imaging Systems

    Received: Apr. 24, 2019

    Accepted: Aug. 6, 2019

    Published Online: Dec. 3, 2019

    The Author Email: Yijiang Shen (

