Acta Optica Sinica, Volume. 44, Issue 5, 0500001(2024)
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Xiaohao Xu, Wenyu Gao, Tianyue Li, Tianhua Shao, Xingyi Li, Yuan Zhou, Geze Gao, Guoxi Wang, Shaohui Yan, Shuming Wang, Baoli Yao. Metasurfaces-Empowered Optical Micromanipulation (Invited)[J]. Acta Optica Sinica, 2024, 44(5): 0500001
Category: Reviews
Received: Nov. 7, 2023
Accepted: Dec. 29, 2023
Published Online: Mar. 15, 2024
The Author Email: Wang Shuming (, Yao Baoli (