To improve the spectral calibration accuracy of an imaging spectrometer and to reduce the complicity of the calibration process, the idea of the cross-spectral calibration was proposed based on the calibration principle of monochromator scanning. Then, a cross-spectral calibration system was designed for a monochromator and an imaging spectrometer. The spectral calibration experiments for the monochromator and the imaging spectrometer were performed and the spectral calibration data were processed. The experimental results show that the accuracy of the spectral calibration for the monochromator is better than ±0.1 nm , the spectral range of the imaging spectrometer is greater than 400-800 nm and its spectral resolution is better than 3 nm. The cross-spectral calibration system overcomes the defect that the spectral calibration for the monochromator and the imaging spectrometer requires two detectors, and the calibration is implemented by switching the calibration modes only.It offers higher calibration accuracy for both the monochromator and the imaging spectrometer,and has the merits of low complexity, versatility, wider range and high calibration accuracy.
An electrowetting-based double-liquid lens was developed to realize the small volume and automatic focusing without mechanical components for the focus-variation lens. The electrowetting-based double-liquid lens was designed and fabricated based on the dielectric wetting principle. Then, the focal length of liquid lens for different voltages was measured by a CCD image measurement system and it was compared with the theoretical value calculated by Gauss optical theory. Finally, COMSOL was employed to analyze the curvature radius of the double liquid interface at different voltages and to discuss the effect of dynamic viscosity on the response time and stability of the liquid lens. The results indicate that the double liquid interface bends to the conductive salt solution initially and then changes into a plane and finally bends to the insulating oil when the applied voltage is increased. Accordingly, the liquid lens changes from a concave lens to a convex lens, and the critical voltage is 50 V. However, the focal length of the liquid lens does not decrease any more when the applied voltage increases to 65 V. The whole focal length of the lens ranges from -∞ to -22.83 mm and from 33.47 mm to +∞, and it is adjusted continuously in a wider range. Moreover, when the dynamics viscosity of insulating oil is 0.03, the response time is 0.015 s and the corresponding performance of the device is optimal.
A compact optical sensor for the automatic detection of ammonia nitrogen in water was developed based on a combination of liquid-gas separation and gas-phase reversible colorimetry. The sensor consists of a sample chamber, a test chamber, a program-controlled sampling unit and a data-processing circuit module. The sensor performance was investigated by using a series of aqueous ammonium chloride solutions with different concentrations as the ammonia nitrogen samples. The linear relationship between the measured absorbance and the ammonia-nitrogen concentration was obtained and the high reliability of sensor was demonstrated by comparing the measured and given concentrations of standard ammonia nitrogen samples. The experimental results indicate that the sensor works continuously and automatically for a long time at a room temperature and has good repeatability. The detection limit is 0.04 mg/L (NH3-N). The sensor is characterized by its smaller volume, light-weight, lower cost and power consumption, high-level automation, and it is suitable for on-site rapid detection of ammonia nitrogen in a practical water environment.
In consideration of effect of intensity scintillation, phase distortion and transmission direction changes caused by atmospheric turbulence on communication links, this paper explores the correction technology of the atmospheric turbulence by the adaptive optics (AO). The correction effects of the AO on atmospheric turbulence in the waveband of free-space communication was analyzed quantitatively. A field experiment to observe the star with different altitude angles in the 1 550 nm waveband was performed with a 1.8 m telescope mounted on Yunnan and the 127-actuators AO system developed by the Institute of Optics and Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The Strehl ratio and the atmospheric coherent length were recorded for the observation of each star. The experiment results show that when the atmospheric turbulence intensity D/r0(1 550 nm) is less than 6.5, the wavefront error will be less than 1 rad after correction by the AO. It concludes that the AO is able to overcome the effect of the atmospheric turbulence on the required quality of free-space coherent laser com-munication under weak and moderate turbulence conditions.
To measure multi-parameters at the same time by a flow sensor with only one Fiber Bragg Grating(FBG) as the sensitive element, a novel FBG turbine flow rate sensor was proposed. This sensor uses a power element turbine to achieve a fluid impact force to modulate the frequency of FBG center wavelength and to overcome the cross-talking of temperature and strain effectively. The theoretical calculation of flow rate detection sensitivity is 2.91·10-2 m/(s·Hz-1). To measure the properties of this sensor, a sensor measurement system was established, meanwhile the FBG center wavelength dynamic signal demodulated by a fiber dynamic demodulator was chosen to be the experiment origin data. A Fast Fourier Transform(FFT) was used to analyze the experiment data of the sensor. The result shows that the flower limit of flow rate is 0.541 7 m/s and the flow rate detection sensitivity is 2.57·10-2 m/(s·Hz-1) with the detection accuracy of 25 mm/s, which are lower than the calculated values. It suggests that the main reason of these phenomena is that the flow rate of fluid in the transmission pipeline is not an even distributed uniform motion and the pipeline inner wall has some viscous forces on the fluid. Empirical mode decomposition was used to analyze the original signal. The experiment data indicate that the temperature detection sensitivity of this sensor is 10.6 pm/℃ and detection accuracy is 0.5 ℃.
A new controllable cryogenic cell is designed to provide very useful low temperature spectroscopic parameters for a laser atmospheric transmission project and trace gas detection. On the basis of the existing low temperature cryogenic cell, the new developed cryogenic cell improves the installation of a dewar and a sample cell, cell sample materials and concrete cooling method, and increases temperature stability and uniformity of the cell. The experimental results indicate that the new cryogenic cell shows its temperature fluctuations to be less than ±0.3 K in monitoring time of 0.5 h and the temperature gradient to be about 0.03 K/cm. Based on the developed cryogenic cell, the low temperature spectroscopy of carbon dioxide at 6 358.654 cm-1 is measured by using tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy and the self-broadening coefficient and the temperature-dependent exponent (n=0.738±0.014) of the carbon dioxide absorption spectrum are obtained. The results show that the temperature-dependent exponent is in good agreement with that other reports. In conclusion, the cell is able to fulfill the requirements of low temperature absorption spectral experiments of atmospheric molecules.
To solve the contradiction between high delay accuracy and low insertion loss in the development of an optical fiber delay line and to improve the engineering feasibility of the delay line production, a delay line system model based on collimators, a cube-corner prism and a ball screw was proposed. The composition and the basic principle of the optical fiber delay line were introduced. Then, the two key components, optical fiber collimators and cube-corner prism, were designed according to the specific requirements of the project development. After that, an optical aided mechanical structure was designed and assembled. Finally, optical correction and data testing were finished by using an optical fiber laser. Experimental results indicate that the coupling efficiency of the delay line is better than 80.6% within the delay distance from 1 to 9.6 cm meanwhile maintaining higher time delay repeatability and higher accuracy, which satisfies the requirements of radar, communications, electronic warfare for electric systems.
A two-dimensional point Laser Doppler Velocimeter (LDV) is proposed for the velocity measurement of solid objects with a certain trajectory fluctuation. The arrangement uses several coherent beams generated by the same ruled diffraction gratings to form a two-dimensional detecting region with several groups of measuring volume array. The structure of the detecting region is adjusted manually in terms of the specific measuring conditions. When object trajectory fluctuation does not exceed the detecting region, the system effectively detects the velocities of objects. As compared to the beam expanded differential LDV, this type of instrument has a higher spatial resolution due to its small measurement volume. In addition, the system concentrates its energy upon the detecting point instead of the whole area, so it is more suitable for remote detection. The signal of scattered lights from the solid object is also analyzed and simulate. Experimental results indicate that the measurement result is in agreement with the simulated one, and the mean error of velocity is 1.63% by using the frequency spectrum correction algorithm. The presented system has a potential for realizing the velocity measurement of spatial objects with a certain trajectory fluctuation.
A new measuring method and a measuring system for particle sizes based on the contrast of dynamic laser speckles were proposed by using a linear CCD camera. It was used to overcome the larger operation calculation and poor real time ability of the Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) software and to solve the problem that the classic DLS could not measure the particles in high viscosity solution. Firstly, a model for the contrast of dynamic laser speckles was established based on the optical statistical theory and the classic DLS theory. Then, the relationship between the contrast of dynamic laser speckle and the autocorrelation function of dynamic light scattering was derived according to the Siegert formulation. Finally, the relationships between the contrast of dynamic laser speckle and the particle size in low and high concentrations were established. With the proposed method, aqueous latex spheres with diameter distribution of (490±20) nm and nano titanium dioxide powder glycerol solution with diameter distribution of 450-500 nm were measured under high and low concentrations. The results show that the proposed method not only has a small amount of computation, but also is able to measure the nanoparticles in the high viscosity solution. The measurement repeatability error of the new method is less than 2%, which satisfies the needs of national standard for dynamic light scattering.
As the morphology of an ultra small aperture and the assembling error will affect the quality of wavefront diffraction in development of a point diffraction interferometer, this paper explores an evaluating method for wavefront diffracted quality from the ultra small aperture based on the phase retrieval. The testing equipments for wavefront diffraction was designed and the evaluating testing experiment for the wavefront diffraction were performed. To verify the effectiveness of the method based on the phase retrieval, the captured and reconstructed images were compared, and the obtained amplitudes with the theoretical calculation and experimental test were also analyzed. The results show that the difference between captured images and reconstructed images is only 0.32%, which verifies that the proposed method is feasibility. Moreover, the interferometric measurement result was compared with that of the phase retrieval proposed in this paper, and the results show that the difference is only 0.001 4λ RMS(Root Mean Square).
Ta2O5 films were deposited by Ion Beam Sputtering (IBS) technique and they were annealed in air at the temperatures from 100 ℃ to 600 ℃ with a step of 100 ℃. Then the optical constants after annealing (refractive index, the inhomogeneity of refractive index, extinction coefficient and physical thickness), stress, crystalline and surface morphology were systematically studied. The experimental results indicate that with the annealing temperature increasing, the refractive indexes of the films decrease in the mass and the inhomogeneity of refractive index and the film thickness increase, by which the extinction coefficient and stress are improved. However, the crystal orientation and surface morphology of the films are no significant change. These results demonstrate that the thermal processing changes the characteristics of films but the thermal processing temperature for Ta2O5 films should be selected based on the application demands. These results will be a reference for parameter selection in Ta2O5 film deposition by the IBS.
Weather conditions and atmosphere have greater influence on the free space Atmospheric Laser Communication (ALC) between the ships. However, most of the research work focus on the discussion on the scattering attenuation of laser beams caused by atmospheric effects. This paper points out that the free space laser communication in raining is influenced by the blotting-out effect of the rain drops mainly, especially the overlapping effect between the projecting areas of rain drops on a receiver. By which, the phenomena that the ALC is achieved within a certain distance in heavy rains is well explained. Based on the raindrop size distribution, a mathematical model of the attenuating effect of rain's blotting-out on the ALC is presented, and the transmitting distance of ALC and the attenuation of the light intensity are calculated. The results show that the model is reasonable and results of the model is coincided basically with that of the experiments. The obtained results provides a basis for research of the performance of ship free space laser communication.
To reduce the subsurface damage of optical glasses induced by a coarse-grained diamond wheel, the diamond wheel surface was processed in a micro-structuring mode by a nanosecond pulse laser. The grinding wheel was used to investigate the grinding performance of optical glasses. First, the ablation threshold of diamond grits under a ns laser pulse and the laser beam waist radius were calculated. And then, the ablation morphological characteristics were explored, and the thermal damage of diamond grits was analyzed. Finally, the optical glass grinding experiments were performed and the subsurface damage was analyzed. The experimental results show that the ablation threshold of diamond grits and the beam waist radius are 0.89 J/cm2 and 17.16 μm, respectively. Base on the optimization of laser parameters, a micro-structured surface with a size of 20 μm is able to generate on an electroplated diamond wheel with a grit size of 150 μm. As compared with a conventional diamond wheel, the subsurface damage depth of optical glass workpiece induced by micro-structured diamond wheel is reduced by 40% and realizes the decrease of subsurface damage in optical glass precision grinding.
To overcome friction drive nonlinear from the one-dimensional platform position driven by a butterfly-shaped linear ultrasonic motor, the fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) models for the motor and the platform were established based on the working principle of a motor and the sector nonlinearity. Based on the T-S models, the servo positioning control algorithm without steady-state errors was designed by using augmented method. As the robust H∞ was considered, a disturbance rejection controller design for the T-S fuzzy models was presented. The designed control algorithm was realized on an embedded micro-controller. Experiments with different values of the stepper servo positioning were carried out. The experimental results show that the overshoot of the system in different step values is less than 4%. The experimental comparison of servo positioning control between the no-load and load conditions indicates that the system maximum overshoot is less than 5%. As compared with traditional PID control, the control system proposed in this paper gives higher positioning accuracy, good stability and an excellent robust.
A grating diffractive spectral imaging model with ruling line bend and ruling line position errors was established based on the Fresnel-Kirchhoff diffraction theory, and the effect of these errors mentioned above on grating spectral properties was analyzed. For the instability of ruling carriage system, an optical measuring system was designed, and a mechanical improvement for the ruling carriage system was proposed.It was implemented by adopting a bilateral flexible hinge structure to replace the fixed linking method of original saddle slider pattern and ruling carriage system. Finally,The experiments on the stability test of ruling carriage system and the grating ruling test were performed. The experiment on the stability test of ruling carriage system shows that running stability of the improved score tool holder system is improved significantly as compared to that before improvement,and the displacement curve repeatability error (PV value) has reduced from 127 nm to 13 nm, decreased about 89%. Moreover, the grating ruling experiment shows that the grating spectrum performance after improving ruling carriage system has improved greatly,and the stray light has been effectively suppressed. These results obtained are in agreement with that of simulation, and provides theory and technological bases for improving grating ruling quality.
A compensation method was proposed for systematic errors of the tetrahedron magnetic gradiometer on an Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV). With the difference algorithm based on tetrahedron magnetic gradient tensor, the method fused the error of each vector magnetometer and the installation error between the magnetometers to establish the mathematic model of the magnetic gradiometer errors. Based on this error model, the error compensation algorithm was proposed and the compensation coefficient recognition method was presented by mathematic relations of 9 components of the magnetic gradient tensor. The method was verified by simulation experiments. The simulation results show that the proposed method compensates 96.2% systematic errors of the magnetic gradiometer efficiently, and the compensation effect is better than that of the existing method in references. As the method compensates systematic errors of the magnetic gradiometer output directly by the compensation coefficients, it realizes the holistic systematic error compensation of the magnetic gradiometer theoretically.
As current multi-spectral imaging system implements spectral separation and imaging by a filter wheel combined a common camera, it has larger volume, complex structure and is difficult to operate. To avoiding these shortcomings, this paper presents a novel design method for multi-spectral imaging system based on Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS). The method integrates a artificial-compound-eye structure and a multi-channel filter on one substrate to develop a compact multi-spectral imaging lens. The structure has several optical units, and each unit is used to capture the information for a certain band corresponding to red, green, blue, near-infrared bands. Based on this special artificial-compound-eye lens, a multi-spectral imaging system is setup. With this system, several contrast images aere acquired. The imaging experimental results demonstrate that the structure realizes color separation and multi-unit imaging as expected. Because of its high level of integration and ability of capturing the multi-band image, the novel artificial-compound-eye structure is suitable for smart multi-spectral imaging systems.
The effect of shrinkage stress induced by adhesive curing on a reflective mirror surface was analyzed when the thick adhesive layer was used to joint optical elements. Firstly, the principle of tensile stress induced by adhesive layer to optical elements during adhesive curing was analyzed and the main factors of generating shrinkage stress were obtained. Then, a finite element model of the reflective mirror set was constructed. The finite element analysis was carried out by using the thermal-to-shrinkage analogy and the thermal modeling tools were used to compute the adhesive curing shrinkage. The curing shrinkage was substituted by low temperature concentration, but the Coefficient of Thermal Expansion( CTE) value of the adhesive could not be taken place by the coefficient of adhesive shrinkage directly. After converting the coefficient of adhesive shrinkage to the equivalent CTE value, the analysis results are accord with the test results. Finally, the improved glue scheme was put forward on the basis of the analysis results. The experiment results indicate that the reflective mirror surface deformation( PV value) has decreased from 0.547λ to 0.064λ, and the RMS value decreased from 0.127λ to 0.038λ. This results mean that the effect of shrinkage stress in adhesive curing processing on the reflective mirror surface has improved greatly.
A under-damping second-order system model without excitation was proposed to measure the quality factor(Q factor) for a vacuum packaged microgyroscope. The model was analyzed theoretically and a time decay constant method was presented. Firstly, an initial displacement of the seismic mass was obtained by exciting the microgyroscope to implement a closed loop resonance with a Phase Locked Loop (PLL). By releasing the excitation signal, the vibration amplitude decay curve was then acquired through demodulating the vibrating displacement signal and was transferred to a computer by a Field Programming Gate Array(FPGA) hardware and Matlab GUI software simultaneously. Finally, the Q factor of the vacuum packaged microgyroscope was calculated by exponentially fitting the envelope of decay curve. The experimental results show that the R-square value of the fitted curve reaches up to 99.999% as compared to the measured data and the repeatability of the tested Q factor is 4.03%, much better than that of the frequency sweeping method. Comparing the measurement data of decay constant method and frequency sweeping method, the former shows better measurement accuracy and higher efficiency. The method is also suitable for the measurements of microsensors with high Q factors.
The finite element formulation of a flexible piezoelectric smart reflector was presented based on Kirchhoff classical laminated theory, and its structural mechanic modeling and optimization algorithms were investigated. Firstly, the smart reflector with the honeycomb core was modeled with the equivalent laminate plate theory, and its finite element formulation was derived according to virtual work theory. The honeycomb core equivalent elastic modulus was calculated by using equivalent theory. Then, a simple four-node quadrilateral element was used in the model, and one electric potential degree of freedom was introduced to each active element. Accordingly, the relation between the mean square root error of reflector and the control voltages of actuators was derived, the optimization model for static shape control was created and the voltage limitation for piezoelectric actuator patches was imposed to maintain its control voltage within a practical range. The optimal control voltages were determined by using Lagrange multipliers to minimize the Root Mean Square (RMS) error. Finally, a numerical example of plane smart reflector was given to demonstrate the feasibility of smart mirror concept and the effectiveness of optimization algorithm. Simulation results indicate that the square root error of the smart reflector is reduced by above 90%, and the control voltage of each actuator is in a practical range.
To inspect and evaluate free-form surface(FFS) parts rapidly and precisely, the sampling strategies involved in inspecting processing were researched. Three kinds of sampling methods ,randomized Hamersley sampling, simple random sampling and aligned systematic sampling were proposed to specify a set of measuring points and a quasi particle swarm optimization searching was used to optimize the transformation parameters to implement the localization between measured FFS and designed FFS. Then , the surface subdivision method was taken to find the closest points on the design model corresponding to measured points to calculate the profile errors of the FFS. In order to compare the results of different sampling strategies, design models for parts were generated by non-uniform rational basis spline and some parts were manufactured on different machining centers to obtain the surfaces of different roughnesses based on the same processing technology. Finally,these parts were measured on a Coordinate Measuring Machine(CMM) by setting different sampling strategies and the profile errors were calculated by the proposed method and CMMs software, respectively. The experiments results verify that the best sampling strategy for FFS inspection is the randomized Hamersley sampling method and a medium size. It has the merits of higher precision, lower cost and less time. Moreover, the evaluation precision of FFS profile error computed by the proposed method is higher 10%-22% than that by CMM software. These results show that the proposed method is suitable for the profile error inspection of FFS parts rapidly and precisely.
To overcome the dependence of the plasma extraction on siphon hydrophilicity in a centrifugal microfluidic chip and to ensure long-term stability and reliability of the microfluidic chip, a compressed air reservoir connected to the blood separated reservoir was proposed to separate the blood in blood separated reservoir at high rotating speeds. Through lowering the spinning speed, the plasma in the separated reservoir was pumped toward the CD-like chip center to release the stored air pressure produced by the rotation at high spinning speeds. Based on the thermodynamics of the isothermal gas, the pneumatic pumping method was modeled, and the model was confirmed by analyzing pumping positions and air compression versus spinning speeds. By using the layered Polymethyl Methacrylate(PMMA)as materials, the centrifugal microfluidic chips for plasma extraction were fabricated with a CO2 laser process technique and the volume of compressed air and the blood position at siphon were tested at different rotational speeds. Experimental results demonstrate that the achieved volume of compression is 8.7μL and the siphon valve effectively inhibits whole blood to overflow the crest of siphon at 4 000 r/min speed. With lowering the spin speed to 1 000 r/min, the release of compressed air overcomes the centrifugal force and drives the plasma to flow past the crest of siphon. Then the plasma extraction is realized in quantitation.
A three dimensional geographic coordinate measuring method by using a Pipeline Inspection Gauge(PIG)carried with a Inertial Measurement Unit(IMU)is explored. The method uses a Strapdown Inertial Navigation System (SINS) to position and is accompanied by a Kalman filter estimation algorithm to correct information to solve the SINS divergence calculation problem. The measuring device is mounted in the PIG. The PIG records the inertial signals when the PIG moving in the pipeline. Then, three dimensional geographic coordinates are obtained by off-line calculation, and the attitude incline of the IMU and the speed of the odometer are used to correct the error of the SINS calculation. Finally, a nine dimensional Kalman filter model equation is established, and it is calculated by using the extended Kalman filter algorithm. The experiment for a 30 m pipeline shows that the measurement accuracy is 0.28 m, which indicates that the three dimensional geographic coordinate of the pipeline is able to be measured accurately in in-detecting conditions by the proposed correction algorithm.
As the Passive and Active Hybrid Magnetic Bearing (PAHMB) in a Magnetic Suspended Control Moment Gyroscope (MSCMG) has the dynamic model coupling between the two radial degrees of freedom (DOF), this paper proposes an α-order inverse system method to perform the decoupling control. A radial channel magnetic force model and a dynamic model for the PAHMB magnetic bearing were established based on the structure characteristics of the hybrid magnetic bear.Then,the model was used to analyze the coupling characteristic between the two radial degrees of freedom. In order to obtain the inverse system model of the PAHMB system, the reversibility of the original system was analyzed. The optimal controller was designed to stabilize the new 2-order integral system by consisting of the original system and the inverse system. Experimental results show that when the x-axis is influenced by 40 μm stepping and 18μm sine wave, the y-axis displacement with decoupling method will be controlled 13.6% and 7.9% that with PID method. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of the method above in decoupling control of the PAHMB.
A dynamic self-calibration method was proposed for an embedded time grating sensor to improve its measuring accuracy when it worked at changed electric parameters and measuring environments and could not be calibrated by a standard instrument. The features of the embedded time grating sensor were introduced, and a self-calibration method was presented by using error regular transformation of two discrete probes in a certain angle. Then, a dynamic self-calibration system was designed. To reduce the influence of sensor stability and environmental disturbance on the dynamaic calibrating processing, a Kalman filter was used. Moreover, an algorithm for residual control was proposed to ensure calibration precision. Finally, the self-calibration system was applied to calibration of the embedded time grating sensor.This calibration method was compared with the traditional standard method. Experiment results show that the original errors of sensor have been reduced from ±20″ to ±2.4″, which is nearly the same as the accuracy of standard instrument calibration and has been satisfied the calibration requirements of time grating sensors.
A novel circular piezoelectric bone-conduction hearing device with a leaf spring support was proposed to improve its lower-frequency response performance. The equivalent dynamic system containing a support spring and a piezoelectric vibrator was analyzed theoretically by building the dynamic-model of the hearing device. The structure of the support spring was designed after selecting an optimum spring with the thickness of 0.9 mm as the support element. A prototype of piezoelectric bone-conduction hearing device was developed and the test system was built. The experimental test on amplitude-frequency characteristics and loudness-frequency characteristics were conducted. The results show that the maximum response amplitude of the piezoelectric system has reached up to 22.21 μm at 550 Hz. Furthermore, the loudness of the hearing device is between 60 dB and 70 dB in the low-frequency region, and that is stabilized at about 80 dB in the high-frequency region.The noise of the device is within a basically reasonable level of 35-40 dB at one meter away.It concludes that the response amplitude of the hearing device is larger in the low-frequency region; the loudness of the device basically meets the requirements of the wearers with a smaller noise.
As overshoot and oscillation phenomena will occur when a piezoelectric ceramic actuator is taken as a driving element for nano-positioning systems, this paper proposes a new piezoelectric ceramic displacement control method based on a home made high frequency phase-shifting electronic circuit and a heterodyne interferometer. On the experiments, it demonstrates that the piezoelectric ceramic could be locked actively and be driven step by step in a nanometric scale under a strictly controlled experimental environment. This controlled stepper piezoelectric actuator combined with a commercial macro stage achieves a displacement system with nanometric repeatability over a millimeter range. Experimental results show that this system has a repeatability smaller than 1 nm when it has over back and forth displacement of 5 mm and executes the step by step displacement with the step value of 5 nm near the target position. The positioning method avoids the mechanical defects of piezoelectric actuator and is characteristics by simpler structure, faster positioning and suitable for numerous applications in nanotechnology and ultra precision machining .
In consideration of the demand of bremsstrahlung conversion target filament for accurate restoring in high-energetic particle burst experiments,a service device for target filament accurate restoring was designed. First, some key formulas of restoring system were derived according to the stereoscopic theory. Then, a scheme for design of an accurate restoring system of the micro target filament was proposed according to the real application. Finally, an experiment platform to simulate real conditions was established to test the restoring accuracy error of this system. The experiment results indicate that the accuracy error of this restoring system is 2%.The semi-physical simulation experiment illustrates that this restoring system reaches the accurate restoring of the bremsstrahlung conversion target filament in the high-energetic particle burst experiments. As the research object is a restoring system rather than a positioning system, it do not need to be calibrated, so there is no calibration error. The target filament accurate restoring system developed ensures the reliability of high energy electron beam burst experiments.
A method to generate and optimize angle increments was put forward to extract the tracking loop instruction of a roll-pitch seeker. Firstly, one kind of the roll-pitch seeker was introduced, and its mechanical construction and operation principle were given. Then, the angle increments of roll gimbals and pitch gimbals were calculated based on the target deviation on the image plane and the optical focal length. Both roll gimbal instruction and pitch gimbal instruction were calibrated to be absolute angular position instructions from the zero position respectively. The absolute angular position instruction for the pitch gimbals was calibrated to be from zero to π/2, while that for the roll gimbals was calibrated to be from zero to 2π. According to the principle of minimizing the angle increment of roll gimbals as small as possible, four different optimized control strategies were designed. On the basis of mentioned strategies,the feedback roll gimbal angle was separated into four quadrants. Finally, a simulation and a test were implemented to check the validity of the presented algorithm. Results show that the submitted generation and optimization of angle increments for roll-pitch seekers perform effectively and the tracking error is less than 0.15°.
The vision measurement system based on a embedded platform was improved. A research algorithm based on dual-threshold in Digital Signal Processing(DSP)was transplant in a Field Programming Gata Arrage(FPGA)to resolve the conflict between target extraction accuracy and data update rate of traditional global search and adjacent domain search. A pixel-level algorithm for cooperative targets was implemented in FPGA on embedded platform. Some functions based on dual-threshold searching in frame data transmission, such as pixel detection, pixel region identification, centroid calculation by a 10-level pipeline, and parallel computing in a multiple marker region were realized. Benefited from this, the contradiction among the neighborhood-size setting, system update rate and the target speed was avoided. Experimental results show that the data update rate of the vision measurement system with proposed method is up to 186.33 frame/s base on 5 markers with the resolution of 2048×2048. Comparing with the time-consuming of global search and neighborhood search without the proposed structure, the speed is increased by 33.5 times and 2.7 times, which extends the application of the system to the measurement of high-speed moving targets.
A new image denoising method combined a Pyramidal Dual-tree Complex Directional Filter Bank(PDTDFB) domain Gaussian Scale Mixture(GSM) model and a non-local mean filter was proposed. First, the locally coefficients PDTDFB(GSM) model for a noisy image was established, and the denoised coefficients were estimated by the Bayes least square estimator. Then, the inverse PDTDFB transform was used to obtain the preliminary denoised image. Finally, Nonlocal Mean Filter(NLMF) was employed to smooth the artifacts of the preliminary denoised image and to obtain the final denoised image. This method combines the characters of the PDTDFB on shift-invariance, multi-directional selectivity, image edge representation and the effective ability of GSM model for capturing correlation of neighbor coefficients. Experimental results indicate that the proposed method has removed Gaussian white noise while effectively preserving edges and texture information. Comparing with some outstanding denoised methods, its Peak Signal to Noise Radio(PSNR) value increases 0.3-3 dB and visual quality is obviously improved.
For image-guided surgery, a novel 2D/3D image rigid registration method is proposed by integrating intensity distances of images. The method uses a new intensity distance information to restrict the most commonly used similarity measures(Mutual Information (MI), Cross Correlation (CC) and Pattern Intensity (PI)) and to construct a kind of novel similarity measures(distance MI, distance CC and distance PI). These novel measures are evaluated by using the porcine skull phantom datasets from the Medical University of Vienna. The experiments show that novel measures are better than traditional measures,i.e., the mean and standard deviation of mean Target Registration Errors (mTRE) by novel measures are respectively lower by at least 28.15% and 61.17% than those by traditional measures. When setting mTRE less than 2 mm as successful registration, the success rate with novel measures increases by at least 25.56% on average. Meanwhile, the average iteration times of novel measures also reduce by 35.59% than those of traditional measures. This results suggest that the novel registration method using novel measures has better performance of registration than intensity-based methods using traditional measures in terms of the accuracy and robustness for 2D/3D rigid registration.
Technical characteristics and specifications of a platform seeker were analyzed, and the Line of Sight (LOS)angle,the test methods of scale factor and accuracy,and the guidance system structure of a strapdown seeker were researched. First, the strapdown optical seeker model was established and an extraction method for the angle of LOS was proposed based on the technical characteristics of the platform seeker. Then, the characteristics and test methods of the scale factor for the strapdown seeker were analyzed, and a steady-state Kalman filter was used to filter the angle of Body LOS(BLOS). Finally, the “attitude + overload” autopilot combined with “integral approximation proportional guidance” were used to simulate strapdown seeker guidance and its control system . Test and simulation results show that when the angle of BLOS for strapdown seeker is greater than 0.289 °, the scale factor error is less than 7%, which meets the scale factor calculation results. Moreover, the strapdown seeker with the resolution of 0.0056 ° was less than the average variation of angle of BLOS to be 0.011°in one cycle, which meets the sampling update request and achieves the combating precision of 1 m of terminal guidance. These results demonstrate that large area array and high-resolution is an important guidance means of strapdown image seekers.
As classical change detection methods for Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images have high error rates and low detection rates, a novel change detection method of SAR images based on Morphology Attribute Profile (MAP) was proposed. The MAP algorithm was employed to extract the geometric features of the difference images and a feature vector space was constructed to describe the image inherent structure. Then, the offsets were introduced to select the training samples automatically based on the segmentation of different images by using thresholding method. Finally, Support Vector Machine (SVM) was used to distinguish changed pixels from unchanged pixels in the multidimensional feature space. Experiment results show that the proposed method achieves better performance than the KI threshold selection criterion based on Gaussian model (GM~~KI), KI threshold selection criterion based on general Gaussian model(GGM~~KI) and Otsu methods, the lowest Kappa is 0.87, and the lowest anti-noise is 0.97 when the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio(PSNR) belongs to [29,44]dB. These results verify the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed method.
To explore the signal recovery of a noisy image after compressed sensing, a signal recovery model was established to solve the noise problems in engineering applications. As traditional greedy algorithm can not recover the signals added into noise after compressed sensing, this paper proposes an iterative shrinkage-thresholding method to implement the signal recovery. Details of this algorithm were analyzed, and the signal recovery of noise after compressed sensing which contains Gaussian noise and 10% impulse noise, 5% impulse noise was simulated. Then, it was compared with the Orthogonal Matching Pursuit(OMP) and the Parallel Coordinate Descent (PCD) algorithms. Simulation results show that this proposed method completely recovers noise-free sparse signal. It has a strong robustness for recovering signal with noise after compressed sensing, and the recovery error occurs mainly at the peak .It is also worth mentioning that increasing the number of measurement rows and iterations is able to enhance the anti-noise performance of this method. The result also indicates that this algorithm shows excellent characteristics when the Gaussian noise and low-desity impulse noise are processed, but has no many advantages while dealing with high-density impulse noise.
Based on the pinhole camera model,a geometry calibration method for circular trajectory scanning in cone-beam CT was proposed to reduce the geometric artifact of a reconstructed image caused by system errors. Firstly, the properties of the projected ellipses on the detector generated by the coaxial rotating steel balls were used to deduce circular points. Then,the constraint equations of absolute conic were established based on the polar constraint condition and the intrinsic parameters were obtained by linearly calculation. Finally, the extrinsic parameters can be figured out with the geometry method and ellipse parameters based on the intrinsic parameters. Experimental results indicate that the relative precision of intrinsic parameters and the extrinsic parameters are respectively 0.193% and 0.2% while using this method to calibrate the cone-beam CT system. It concludes that the proposed calibration process is able to solve all distortion parameters, build geometric model and eliminate the artifacts caused by the misaligned geometry on the reconstruction images.The method is characterized by simpler modelling, stronger application ability, and could be used in all circular orbit CTs.
A novel bandwidth current operational amplifier was presented to meet the demand of video signal processing for a pipelined Analog-to-Digital Converter(ADC) with large dynamic ranges and higher operation speeds. In the system, the main amplifier adopts a cascode structure and the auxiliary amplifier is a current mode amplifier. In order to improve circuit speeds and to decrease parasitic capacitance, the input signal was applied to the source terminal. A current-mode feedback circuit was utilized to stabilize the out common mode voltage through adjusting the currents of the main amplifier and the amplifier was implemented in TSMC 0.18 μm CMOS process with a consumer of 9.3 mW. Experiment results show that the circuit has an open loop gain of 83.19dB, a unity gain bandwidth of 1.6 GHz and a phase margin of 61.6°. A pipelined ADC for high-resolution video signal process using this current amplifier achieves a resolution of 10 bit and a sampling rate of 170 MS/s. Compared with traditional amplifiers , the proposed amplifier shows a lower power dissipation and higher response speeds and satisfies the requirements of the video signal processing.
A hardware friendly stereo matching algorithm by employing a weighted support region was proposed with considering the local similarity and proximity of the local region to acquire the depth information in the real scenes accurately. Firstly, the input image were filtered to remove the noise and the results of the Mini-Census transform were used to calculate the Hamming distance. Then, the weighted support region was built to finish the cost aggregation and furthermore to find the minimal matching cost and generate a raw disparity map by the winner-take-all method. Finally, the raw disparity map was refined to generate the optimal disparity map and to deduce its depth distribution in the real scenes. The experimental result shows that the algorithm produces the disparity map accurately in different illumination conditions and different scenes, and its processing average bad pixel rate is only 6.77% when the images of the standard database are processed by the proposed algorithm. The proposed algorithm reduces computational complexity and is characterized by higher accuracy, good adaptability and fine robustness. It provides a basis for design and implementation of specific hardware for high accuracy stereo matching.
To overcome the difficulty of dense sampling in a high-dimensional hand state space, an improved Particle Swarm Optimized Particle Filter (PSOPF) algorithm was proposed to track articulated hand motion from single depth images obtained by a Kinect sensor. Firstly , a 3D hand model was built with basic geometric primitives, and the nodes with degrees of freedom (DOFs) were added into the model to generate the hand pose hypotheses to compare with the observation feature in the tracking process. Then, the single depth images were used as the only input,and the system observation model was established by combining depth features and silhouette features in the framework of particle filter. Finally, the PSOPF was applied to articulated hand tracking. To avoid the premature convergence in the high-dimensional space, the global search ability of the algorithm was improved by applying simulated annealing and partial randomization on the particles. Experiments were conducted both on synthetic data and real sequences for evaluation of the proposed method. It shows that the average of the joint angle errors for proposed method is about 2.3° and the standard deviation is about 1.7°, which are better than those of the standard Particle Filter(PF) and the standard Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) method. The results show that the proposed method may track 3D articulated hand motion accurately and robustly from single depth images.