Chinese Journal of Lasers
Ruxin Li
Volume: 17 Issue 3
16 Article(s)
[in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

Broad band CAES was used to measure the temperature and the changing process of hot gases. The results show that this method is obviously superior to the conventional thermocouples.

Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 17 Issue 3 163 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The spectroseopie nd lasing properties of Nd3+ in LaMgAl11O19 crystals were investigated experimentally. The absorption spectrum, fluorescence, polarization spectrum and fluorescence lifetime were measured. An advantage is that the concentration quenching of Nd3+ luminescence is quite weak, and the doping concentretion can be up to a higher value. Laser output has been obtained from the crystal at 1.054 μm.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 17 Issue 3 175 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Two-wave coupling in photoref ractive media leads to intensity-dependent phase shift as well as energy transfer between the two waves without phase crosstalk. With this mechanism, the dispersive optical bistability can be established in an optical cavity. The effects of cavity length, linear absorption of photorefractive crystal and reflectivity of cavity mirrors on the nonlinear transmission characteristics are analysed.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 17 Issue 3 179 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    This article presents a study on improving the output characteristics of the optical scanner by means of changing its input electrical current, and detailed theoretical analysis and calculation were performed. This greatly improved the scanning performances of the optical scanner.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 17 Issue 3 182 (1990)
  • [in Chinese]

    A now method-laser induced cell fusion is put forward. The parameters of micro-beam laser and the conditions of cell fusion have been analysed and presented. It has been tested on the fertilized loach eggs detached from the body successfully. The outstanding advantages over existing methods are non-lethal, non-damage and high viability rate.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 17 Issue 3 171 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    In this paper, we present a laboratory method to determine the species of viruses and content of given virus by laser scattering effect and optical fiber sensing technique. This technique may have extensive application in viral diagnostics.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 17 Issue 3 187 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Irradiating tomato seeds with He-Ne laser at different doses showed the following results. When the power density was about 0.02W/cm2 and the irradiation period was aruond 6 minutes, the germination of seeds and the growth of seedling were the best, the isoen-zyme activity was the strongest and the coll division of root tip cells were obviously inereased.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 17 Issue 3 189 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    A simple method is proposed for obtaining full field-of-view rainbow reflection holograms in which a reflector is located at the back side of the object. By this method, the exposure times and the number of mastor holograms can be decreased, and the principle of this method and the related experimental results are presented.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 17 Issue 3 168 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Maximum thickness of deposited powder in cladding NiCrSiB alloy on the surface of a low alloy steel by CO2 laser with different laser irradiation parameters, and the relationship between the mazimum thickness and irradiation parameters was obtained.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 17 Issue 3 185 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    We studied the temporal, spatial, energy and polarized properties of a copper vapor laser with plane-plane resonator into which a parallel polarized beam was injected. The results showed that comparing with the original oscillator , the output of such injection-locked copper vapor laser was increased by 43%, the degree of polarization risod from 0.30to 0.78, the pulse width was broadened from 36ns to 48ns, the divergence of output beam was improved remarkably from 7.8 mrad to 1.1 mrad and approximately equal to that of the injecting beam.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 17 Issue 3 129 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The electron trajectories in free-electron lassers with an electromagnetic wiggler and an axially guided magnetic field are analysed with the rolativistie factor variable γ, which were usually assumed to be constant and the equations were linearized. A solution of the nonlinear relativistic equations of motion for such a system is presented. The results show that the electron trajectories are unstable, irregular, ring-shaped, corresponding to Ω0/(γ0ω)=, ≈, or (1+υ30) respectively. The condition for constant γ and hence a circle projected trajectory is given.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 17 Issue 3 134 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Short cavity Rh6G dye laser with double-wave band output of yellow and red light pulses is reported. The temporal and spectral properties wero studied experimentally. It was found for the first time that the temporal interval between yellow and red pulses can be measured by an autocorrelator. The double-wave band laser was studied theoretically.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 17 Issue 3 140 (1990)
  • [in Chinese]

    This paper discusses the mechanism of saturation grating and analyses the phenomena and function of transient saturation grating in CPM. The result of analysis shows that the mechanism of increasing the efficiency of pulse shortening with nonlinear absorber in CPM can not be fully explained by the transient saturation grating effect.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 17 Issue 3 145 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Conventional axially-asymmetric optical resonator is investigated by means of matrix optics theory. The fundamental eigen mode solution is obtained. The stable, unstable and quasi-stable confinement conditions are discussed. This kind of resonator has two solutions generally. The results are suitable for multi-element axially asymmetric resonators.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 17 Issue 3 150 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    This paper reports a novel unstable configuration with a self filtered aperture (SFUR). The principle and merits of SFUR have been summed up. The relationship between the size of filtering aperture, the light amplitute and the beam divergence have also been investigated.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 17 Issue 3 156 (1990)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Visible AlGaAs terraced substrate semiconductor lasers with a large optical cavity has been fabricated. Its wavelength ranges from 717.2nm to 770.0nm, threshold current is 300mA at room temperature CW operation. It operates with a single mode at 1.5 times threshold. Some of the electrical and optical properties of the device are given.

    Nov. 12, 2007
  • Vol. 17 Issue 3 159 (1990)
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