Chinese Journal of Lasers
Ruxin Li
Volume: 15 Issue 5
24 Article(s)

Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 5 1 (1988)
  • Fu Ensheng, and Wang Zhijiang

    In this paper, we propose that when wiggler magnetic parameter, using higher harmonic operation for a storage ring free electorn laser, we can not only obtain shorter wavelength coherent radiation, but may also get more gain than that of the fundamental harmonic with the same wavelength. At the same time, the initial laser intensity needed for the higher harmonic operation is lower than that for the fundamental harmonic operation. A possible experimental scheme is also presented.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 5 257 (1988)
  • Zhao Xinmiao, Zhang Rubing, Xiang Wanghua, Xing Qirong, and Wang Qingyue

    The stable zone of a sis mirror ring cavity in a colliding pulse mode-locked (0PM) laser was theoretically analysed and a simple and precise analytical solution was obtained, a new scheme for improving ring cavity stability is put forward. Parameter change of the light beam in the cavity is analysed, computed and discussed, which shows the scheme is feasible.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 5 260 (1988)
  • Wang Dehuang, and Xu Wanjin

    The relation between the optical output power and the facet reflectivities for semiconductor lasers is analyzed. The results of numerical calculation show that the optimum optical output power can be obtained by controlling the reflectivities of the front and rear facets coated with dielectric films. In addition, the analyzed results show that the output power are greatly increased as cavity losses, stripe width and active region thickness are decreased.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 5 264 (1988)
  • Lu Fuyun, Yuan Shuzhong, Lu Kecheng, and Guan Xinan

    The source of noise in OW mode-locked argon ion laser was analysed starting from its properties of time domain. Assuming the random function characterized fluctuation of pulse intensity to be we obtained that its noise power spectrum is of Lorentz distribution and this agrees with the experimental results.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 5 268 (1988)
  • Zhang Guowei

    The theory of mode coupling is used in double-frequency dye laser (DFDL). Oscillation condition and an oscillation dynamic equilibrium diagram of DFDL are deduced. A correlated tuning theory of DFDL is presented and a discussion is given.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 5 272 (1988)
  • Sun Yusheng, and Jin Tundong

    This paper introduces a laser Doppler vibrometer and a new counting processing method using microcomputer. This device offers the advantages of simultaneous measurement, of vibrating amplitude and frequeccy, high accuracy, simple structure and reliable performances. It is operated conveniently and has wide applications.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 5 276 (1988)
  • Zhang Kaichang, Qin Lijuan, Wang Zugeng, and Zheng Yishan

    We used the infrared radiation produced from H2 Raman pipe as first-steppuasping beam to excite the K2 from state, and a dye laser as second-step pumping beam to excite the K2 again from several vibrational energy level of the state to the dissociation limit of a high-lying state. Then the stimulated emission by photodissoeiation was generated.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 5 279 (1988)
  • Wu Shixiong, Xu Jiangtong, Chen Fuyao, Guan Zhilian, Fang Weikun, and Bao Liangbi

    A new method of dynamic precision measurement of fine wire diameters is presented which can be used to perform on-line dynamic measurement of diameters of 10~ 100m with an accuracy of 0.5%. The velocity of the wire is 0~150M/min and can be continuously adjusted. The measurement results are given.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 5 286 (1988)
  • Guo Guangcan, Huang Peizhou, and Yao Dan

    The superposition of squeezed states of light are discussed using the method of characteristic function. The dependence of squeezing effect and photon statistic properties of the superposition field on the parameters of incoming fields have been studied.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 5 289 (1988)
  • Lin Ning, Wu Changfa, and Je Jiaxiong

    Theoretical analysis is made on ODPGM method for simulating imago information compression with digital differential pulse code modulation (DPCM) by incoherent optical information -processing technique,and information compression experiment performed with binary input image is described in detail. Finally comprehensive analysis and discussion are made on the experimental results and the future trends.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 5 295 (1988)
  • Zhang Hanyi, Zhou, Jianying, Wu Yuanxing Li Jian, Pang Zhengyu, and Zhou Bingkun

    Long-term frequency stabilizatisn of a single longitudinal mode (SLM) external cavity semiconductor laser has been demonstrated by using multisegment composite-cavity configuration and automatic frequency control loop with feedback to external cavity length. The time period of free mode-hopping SLM operation has been observed to be more than 24 hours with frequency shift of about 28MHz and linewidth of less than 200KHz.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 5 300 (1988)
  • Wang Yinde, Wang Chongye, Li Mingguang, and Li Li

    The HFS high vibrational levels of perturbation of Na2 have been directly observed by high resolution polarization spectrosoopy.Magnetic dipole hyperfine constants of some levels have been given.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 5 302 (1988)
  • Gu Jie, Shen Tongzhao, Wang Kaifu, and Cai Zhenyan

    Rotating aperture method of speckle photography is applied to measure deformation of dynamic heating objects for the first time. The dynamic process can be recorded on a single speeklegram and can be resolved or reconstructed continuously by whole-field filtering. The quantitative analysis agrees well with results of other methods.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 5 305 (1988)
  • Yang Jingran

    The formation of silicon film deposited by pulsed Nd:YAG laser on glass and NaCl substracte is reported. The film thickness was about 200nm. The deposited silicon film was irradiated by pulsed ultraviolet laser. Formation and microstructure of the film were studied by infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction diagram and electron microscopy. The formation stage of the deposited film was studied with a scanning electron microscope.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 5 306 (1988)
  • Miao Rencai, Peng Jinghong, and Huan Yixian

    Parallel plate large shearing interferometry is used to measure the temperature field. With Benson lamp as an sample, the temperature effect on illuminlation light phase is discussed. High visibility real-time fringes are obtained and the temperature distribution is given.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 5 309 (1988)
  • Cheng Guangming, Dai Fa, and Zhen Guangrong

    Theoretical analyses and experimental investigation on intracavity acousto-optio modulation of 10.6m laser light are reported.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 5 311 (1988)
  • Cao Xuelong, Huang Zhaoming, Zhou Touwei, and Cai lingshi

    The field distribution in nonlinear optical waveguides is discussed, some optical bistability is presented and tha mechanism is discussed.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 5 313 (1988)
  • Sun Decai, and Yao Jianquan

    With calculation of phase match parameters and effective nonlinear coefficients, several different nonlinear optical processes using one biaxial crystal KTiOPO4 are considered. The nonlinear optical processes include (1) SHG (type II) of 1.064~0.532m, (2)SFG of 1.064+0.6~0.383m,(3)DFG of 1.064~0.6-1.375m

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 5 315 (1988)
  • [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 5 317 (1988)
  • [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 5 318 (1988)
  • [in Chinese]

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 5 319 (1988)
  • [in Chinese]

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 5 320 (1988)
  • [in Chinese]

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 5 320 (1988)
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