Chinese Journal of Lasers
Ruxin Li
Volume: 15 Issue 1
19 Article(s)
Jiang Wanhan, Huang Shufu, and Wu Xubin

A 19-element serial hill-climbing adaptive optics system is introduced. By using a 19-element def ormable mirror, a detector for sharpness of far-field spot and a dither control system,’ it can correct static and vary slow dynamic wavefront error. The hill-climbing control algorithm, experimental setup and correction effect are reported. Experimental result shows that this system can be used in large laser engineering system for wavefront error compensation and far field sharpness improvement.

Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 1 17 (1988)
  • Shi Zengrong, Fan Zengxiu, and Deng He

    Damage experiments on TiO2 and ZrO2 coatings show that the thresholds of coatings induced by single or multiple shots increase monotonically as absorption of the coatings decreased. The main factor for inducing damage of coatings is the absorption of the coatings, including inherent absorption and that created by the coating inhomegeneities. Damage of coatings induced by multiple shots shows some accumulative effect of micro-damages.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 1 22 (1988)
  • Li Zhiming, and Liu Shuhui

    A general matching formula for holographic images of two lens astigmatic system is derived theoretically, and its applications to some repeats of holographic display with while light one-step rainbow, astigmatio rainbow and image plane holography are discussed.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 1 26 (1988)
  • Zhang Konghua, Xu Chengtang, Wu Zhijiang, and Wu Lidan

    This paper describes the principle of fluorescence pattern photobleaching technique and the experimental method, which has been applied to measure the movement of frog egg surface during the first cleavage.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 1 52 (1988)
  • Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 1 1 (1988)
  • Su Baorong, Cheng Lanyin, Qian Zheng, Zhang Fuduan, and Xu Guohua

    The relation of technological parameters of transformation hardness of the master reed (50 GrV) with its characteristics and wear resistance were studied. The experimental results indicated that wear resistance of the master reed were increased by a factor of ten after heat treatment.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 1 56 (1988)
  • Jiang Xinlian

    Experimental results are reported on studies of controlling adults of maize wRevils (sitophilus zeamais mots), lesser grain borer (Rhizopertha Dominica Fab) and red flour beetle (tyibolium castaneum herbst) on stored wheat paddy and rice by means of YAG laser light.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 1 59 (1988)
  • Huang Houshen, Wu Fagun, Liu Zhengxiang, Zhou Yanfa, Wang Le, Xu Zengshou, and Wen Zhongyi

    Vascular thrombus formation and channelization with laser have been experimentally studied using 10 rabbits and 21 dogs.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 1 60 (1988)
  • Wang Kangsun, Zhang Mingheng, Wang Ling, Lan Zhiling, Shi Haiyun, and Chen Gangqiang

    127 eyes of 118 cases were treated by Q switched Nd: YAG laser for posterior capsulotomy. The results were satisfactory, and the success rate was 97.6%. Visual acuity was improved by 83%, and measures to be taken for avoiding the complications are discussed.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 1 63 (1988)
  • Fang Honglie, and Fu Shufeng

    Movement of electrons in FELs is analysed with the theory of relativistic quantum mechanics,and rigorous analytic solution on Klein-Gordon equation has been obtained under the condition of helical magnetic field for pumping. The results show that gain saturation of free electron laser light comes from the effects of high order bunch and dibuneh effect.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 1 1 (1988)
  • Zhuang Qi, Huang Euiping, Sang Fengting, Cui Tieji, Yuan Qinian, and Zhang Curihao

    Three reaction systems in supersonic regime, i. e. (F+F2+IF), NH3 system, (F+F3),(NHa+CF3I) system and (F+F2),NH3 RI system for production of IF(B) are studied. The IF B-X emission is observed from OMA recordings in 450~750 nm range with 33 band heads. The luminescence intensity distribution of NH2, NH, NF(b), IF(B) along the gas flow direction support the mechanism of the production of IF(B)from each reaction system. The vibrational distributions of IF(B) are essentially Boltzmann ones. Implication for an IF chemical laser are also presented.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 1 5 (1988)
  • Song Yu

    A new principle for free electron lasers is proposed for the first time by using very strong surface periodic potential caused by the spontaneous polarization of ferroelectric single crystals. According to this principle, a miniature, inexpensive and effective free electron laser at high frequency may be designed. It is feasible in technology.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 1 9 (1988)
  • Zhang Zhengquan, Lu Renxiang, and Yin Guanyu

    In plasmas produced by high power glass laser irradiation of NaCl flat targets coated with aluminium, g4N5/g5N4=7.5. Population inversion of the n=5-4 transition of hydrogen-like NaXI ions corresponding to =33.4nm in the soft X-ray region has been achieved using intercombination line of helium-like A1XII ions as pumping source.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 1 12 (1988)
  • Wang Qi, Jang Tianlong, and Shen Wenda

    Two and three Stokes-anti-Stokes mode pairs appearing simultaneouly in-stimulated four-photon mixing (SFPM) have been taken phbtoes for the first time. By using the semiclassieal approach the coupled wave equation for SFPM in optical fiber are derived with regard to the Eaman resonance and the fiber guiding property, and the coupling coefficients given by Stolen et al. are corrected. The gains of Eaman resonant SFPM and the relation between SFPM and SES are investigated. The ratios of anti-Stokes to Stokes light intensities in the phase-matching and phase-mismatching conditions and the expression for the Raman upper-level molecular number in SFPM are found.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 1 30 (1988)
  • Wu Yifang, Wang Wenhua, and Zheng Lemin

    Influence of four wave mixing (FWM) effect and cavity anisotropy in transverse Zeeman laser on the beat frequency characteristics and waveform distortion are studied. Physical mechanism of this phenomena is explained and the influence of wave distortion on phase detection by optical heterodyne technique which is important in the application of Zeeman lasers is discussed.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 1 37 (1988)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Using the atomic transition theory, we have derived the mathematical expression of Doppler-free laser optoacoustie signal. The line-width of pressure broadening depends only on the natural broadenning and colli sipn broadenning. The result has been proved to be true by detecting the sample, C2H4, with the Doppler-free CO2 laser optoacoustie spectroscopical system made by ourselves.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 1 43 (1988)
  • Jiang Jinguan, Shangguan Cheng, Lin lingyi, Qiao Futang, and Wang Zhijiang

    A dye laser oscillator-amplifier system with narrow bandwidth, high spectral purity and high efficiency was developed. A linewidth of 700 MHz (single longitudinal mode) has been obtained at A=600 nm. The conversion efficiency is 13%, and S/N ratio is 0.25% (at =591 nm). Conversion efficiency of up to 15% has been obtained.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 1 47 (1988)
  • Chu Zexiang, Xu Jihua, Glnen Liyin, and Wu Zhongxiang

    In the pressure range of 0~1300 Torr and at temperature of 293 K, the output power of a transversely and electrically excited CO2 laser with certain composition of CO2-N2-He is investigated. The influence of output ooulping on output has been calculated.The output power varies greatly with coupling, which is different from those at low pressure. The calculated results agree with the experiments.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 1 49 (1988)
  • Pan Zhonghan, Cui Yiben, Tang Song, Lu Shiping, Wu Lusheng, and Qi Hongxin

    An electro-optical Q-switched Nd3+: TAG laser is used as pumping source and a pure LiNbO3 crystal as optical parametric oscillator, its phase matching angle is 50? The wavelength is toned by varying the temperature of LiNbO3, and the single resonant tunable wavelength range is in 2.8~4.0m. Its output energy is ;about 0.3mJ/pulse and linewidth about 3cm-1 when the wavelength is 3.3m and the repetition rate is 10pps.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 1 55 (1988)
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