Chinese Journal of Lasers
Ruxin Li
Volume: 14 Issue 12
17 Article(s)

Aug. 10, 2012
  • Vol. 14 Issue 12 1 (1987)
  • Xia Zuyong, and Qiu Junlin

    A theoretical model is proposed to calculate the working parameters of transverse flow pin-to-plate discharge CO2 lasers taking into consideration the distribution of the electron density, electron and gas temperature, gas velocity, excitation and relaxation rates in the flowing direction. Calculations of the small signal gain and output power of MGL-84 lasers are made with the model and the calculating results are in agreement with the experiment.

    Aug. 10, 2012
  • Vol. 14 Issue 12 705 (1987)
  • Chen Youming, Tang Guishen, Qiu Peixia, Gui Touxi, and Tao Guangtao

    A novel crystal--multi-compound doped YAG, is used for active-passive modelocking and Q-switching. For a C-axis Nd: YLF laser, the average energy of the pulse train is 5.64mJ, the energy fluctuation is less than +5% with a probabilty of 96.9% and the average pulse width is 1.45ns when Nd: YAG- is used as laser medium, the average energy of the pulse train is 6.79mJ, the fluctuation is less than +4% with a probabilty of 96% and an average pulse width (FWHM), is 270 ps.

    Aug. 10, 2012
  • Vol. 14 Issue 12 711 (1987)
  • Wang Bo, Wang Ruifeng, and Qiu Mingxin

    The working state of intracavity CO2 lasers with = 3-6 mm is discussed. Through loss comparison and experimental analysis, a new idea is confirmed that a laser with =3-6 mm, N-1 ia a waveguide laser. A lot of abnormal phenomena are ezplaned based on this conclusion.

    Aug. 10, 2012
  • Vol. 14 Issue 12 714 (1987)
  • Tang Junxiong, Tian Yunpeng, and Zheng Lemin

    Mechanical resonance between the PZT cavity mirror and the holder is studied. The resonating eigenmodes of the holder have been supressed. A fast PZT cavity mirror is designed with the lowest resonances frequency of 125kHz. The dye laser frequency is stabilized with a fast frequency transducer and its linewidth is reduced to 300 kHzP-P.

    Aug. 10, 2012
  • Vol. 14 Issue 12 718 (1987)
  • Liang Peihui, Zhang Weiqing, Zhang Shaofeng, Sun Xiaoxiang, and Wo Minzheng

    By means of a simple way of geometric optics, we analyse the influence of multimode optical fiber on the pulse width and divergence of the laser beam which goes through the fiber. Experimental results are in agreement with the analysis.

    Aug. 10, 2012
  • Vol. 14 Issue 12 722 (1987)
  • Yu Haiping, Wang Qinyu, and Li Yufen

    The computer simulation method of GARS spectrum is discussed in detail. The effect of laser linewidth is taken into account by convolution. This method has been used to simulate the nitrogen (N2) GABS spectra at different temperatures. With the laser linewidth used in our CABS experiment, the computer simulated N2 GABS spectra are in good agreement with the experimental ones. The approximations used in the derivation of the equations and in the theoretical calculations are also discussed.

    Aug. 10, 2012
  • Vol. 14 Issue 12 725 (1987)
  • Shangguan Cheng, Lin Tingyi, Jiang Jinquan, Dou Airon, Wang Timan, Liu Dianyou, and Guo Chu

    The energy output and spectral characteristics of DCM-propylene carbonate dye laser system pumped by XeCl excimer laser have been measured. The results obtained indicate that DCM-propylene carbonate dye laser system shows a lower energy output and width frequency-tuning range as compared to the case of using dimethylsulfoxide as solvent, which is expectable f romcomparison of the fluorescence parameters of DCM in both solvents.

    Aug. 10, 2012
  • Vol. 14 Issue 12 731 (1987)
  • Lin Zhemin, Zhou Haiguang, and Huang Yuanbo

    An analytic expression is derived under some simplifications concerning wava front conjugation property and pumping threshold for amplified reflection and self-oscillation in DFWM using a tilted filamentary nematic liquid crystal for which the induced optical reorien-tation is the dominant mechanism. It is shown that for MBBA the calculated threshold is very low. Some major factors concerning errors in the theoretical treatment are presented.

    Aug. 10, 2012
  • Vol. 14 Issue 12 735 (1987)
  • Guo Chengshan

    A new theoretical analysis Beauregard’s method show that the synthetic slit obtained by translating the lens is located in the lens plane instead of in the back focal plane of the lens; and the width of the synthetic slit ought to be determined by the formula: W= 2f//l. The theoretical analysis and the experimental results concerned are presented.

    Aug. 10, 2012
  • Vol. 14 Issue 12 739 (1987)
  • Zhao Yuxing, Liang Baogen, and Tang Xinli

    A stable discharge laser structure was used. Pollution of two lasers with the same structure but different heat preservation conditions were compared. It is pointed out that the transmittance of output windows was one of the maim causes which limits the life-time of the copper-bromide vapor laser.

    Aug. 10, 2012
  • Vol. 14 Issue 12 741 (1987)
  • Zhang Mingchao

    Laser pulse (FWHM) is measured at given conditions of laser cavity and N2 or with XeCl as working gas. Some factors affecting FWHM of laser pulses have been studied, and the conditions for producing the minimum pulse width have been obtained.

    Aug. 10, 2012
  • Vol. 14 Issue 12 743 (1987)
  • Wang Shaochuan

    The analytical expression for calculating efficiency of laser cavity based on its definition is given considering the sizes of the pumping source and its image. Collecting efficiency of intersecting cylindrical cavity is particularly calculated by microcomputer.

    Aug. 10, 2012
  • Vol. 14 Issue 12 745 (1987)
  • Yan Fuju, Teng Yueli, Cheng Zhusheng, Li Xiaotu, Huang Dezao, and Zhu Zhenghua

    Five J-series blue-green laser dyes were synthesized. It was found that these dyes have wide lasertuning range from 436 to 500 nm excited by N2 laser. The conversion efficiency is close to that of laser dye C120.

    Aug. 10, 2012
  • Vol. 14 Issue 12 748 (1987)
  • Liu Shuhui, and Li Zhiming

    Some practical problems in the process of fabricating rainbow and imaga-planeholograins with two lens astigmatic system were investigated, and suggestions to solve them by experiment are presented.

    Aug. 10, 2012
  • Vol. 14 Issue 12 750 (1987)
  • Aug. 10, 2012
  • Vol. 14 Issue 12 753 (1987)
  • [in Chinese]

    Aug. 10, 2012
  • Vol. 14 Issue 12 765 (1987)
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