Volume: 22 Issue 5
18 Article(s)
[in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

An adaptive wavelet network classifier for the quality of laser cutting face, which is connected with the laser power, the cutting speed, the assistant gas pressure, the material thickness, is proposed based on the theory of adaptive wavelet network. The results of simulation show that this method has better identifiable, faster speed of learning properties and it is an efficient prediction method.

Oct. 01, 2002
  • Vol. 22 Issue 5 453 (2002)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Al/B4C composite layer is fabricated with a Laser Direct Deposition set,of which the microstructure is dense and uniform . Mostly B4C particles have decomposed and formed two kinds of needle phases distributed e-venly on Al substrate which are Al4C3 and AlB12C2. The obtained layer is very hard.

    Oct. 01, 2002
  • Vol. 22 Issue 5 457 (2002)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The process of solid boronizing and laser surface treatment is applied to getting boron eutectic layer for purpose of lowering samples'crisp property; The microstructure is observed by using SEM, optics microscope, Fe - B-C equilibrium diagram, the mechanism of boron eutectic and behavior of layer is discussed in the course of laser treatment. In virtue of three-dimension thermal-conducting partial differential equations, it proves that the parameters of treatment are reasonable. With solid boronized and laser surface treatment on 45 steel, the layer with appropriate tenacity and hardness can be obtained.

    Oct. 01, 2002
  • Vol. 22 Issue 5 461 (2002)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The mechanisms for densification during laser ignited reaction sintering of Ni-Al-Cu powder materials were studied. With the increase of Cu content, pressureless densification of Ni-Al-Cu specimens made of big particles was realized under laser rapid ignition and sintering without the significant change of the final products. The filling of the mixture of liquid and disintegrated small grains or particles was regarded as the dominant mechanism for the final densification.

    Oct. 01, 2002
  • Vol. 22 Issue 5 465 (2002)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    40CrNiMoA gear was surface hardened by laser. Microstructure of sample was analysized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). And microhardness was studied. The fatigue resistance was tested in situ. It was shown that laser hardened layer consists of hardening layer, heat affect zone ( H AZ) and substrate after laser hardening. The microstructure of hardening layer contains fine plate mar-tensite and needle martensite. The thickness of layer is about 1. 5mm. HAZ composites martensite and ultrafine pearlite in mixture. Substrate is tempered ultrafine pearlite. Surface hardness of hardening layer was improved compared with conventional hardening. Fatigue strength of 40CrNiMo gear by laser hardening was increased by 10% compared with that of 20Cr2Ni4 carbonized.

    Oct. 01, 2002
  • Vol. 22 Issue 5 469 (2002)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    In the article it have been expounded that laser build -up welding had been done on the 45 steel by used high power CO2 laser. The effect to microstructure and rigidity that have been done by the build- up welding technique altered was studied . In the experimentation condition, we find the build-up welding layer which micro-structure is high density and dispersion metal compound , average hardness is HV800, metallurgy combines with the base,improves percent 149 compare with H13 hot work die steel .

    Oct. 01, 2002
  • Vol. 22 Issue 5 473 (2002)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The optical path difference (OPD) between ordinary and extraordinary wave splited by Wollaston prism,which used in spatial modulated interferometer, is studied theoretically and calculated in details using MAT-LAB programs , A series of curves of OPD with different incident angels in principal section for different cut-angles of Wollaston prisms are also presented . The results are useful in design and application of spatial modulated interferometer

    Oct. 01, 2002
  • Vol. 22 Issue 5 476 (2002)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    In this paper,theoretical results are obtained indicating that a Fabry-Perot modulator as the output coupler of a TEA CO2 Laser makes the selection possible among the four transition bands (P and R branches of 00 (1-10(0 and 00(1-02(0 bands).

    Oct. 01, 2002
  • Vol. 22 Issue 5 479 (2002)
  • [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    A new structure of the annular waveguide CO2 laser is presented in this paper. A simple beam trans-formeris used that transform the annular bean to solid beam. So that the application regions of the annular waveguide laser may be added.

    Oct. 01, 2002
  • Vol. 22 Issue 5 481 (2002)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The mechanism of Q- switching technology of FTIR and acoustooptic modulation are Compared. We discussed the possibility of application of FTIR to continuously pumped Nd: YAG Laser Q-switching and the requirements of the key technical parameters.

    Oct. 01, 2002
  • Vol. 22 Issue 5 483 (2002)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The distribution of the scattering signal's irradiance of 1. 06μm laser in atmosphere is calculated by u-sing Mie's scattering theory. The distribution curve of the irradiance along laser beam is given in the low atmospheric model. Through the analysis, the conclusion is gotten that the distance between the point of the maximal irradiance and the laser is inverse relation with the abaxial distance of the detector and it is difficult to orient the laser by one detector, it should use several detectors.

    Oct. 01, 2002
  • Vol. 22 Issue 5 487 (2002)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    In this paper, the influence of laser synthesis progress paramers on the properties of Fe/O ultrafine particles including chemical composition, shape size and crystalline structure, were studied systematically XRD and TEM were used to characterize the sample.

    Oct. 01, 2002
  • Vol. 22 Issue 5 491 (2002)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Oct. 01, 2002
  • Vol. 22 Issue 5 494 (2002)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Laser trimming technology has currently applied to the research and manufacture of diversified optical communication devices. Taking ring-waveguide resonator and Mach-Zehnder interferometer as examples, we discussed lots of its advantages for controlling waveguide birefringence, such as high efficiency, convenience and practicality etc. , which is demonstrated in this paper detailed by different experiments.

    Oct. 01, 2002
  • Vol. 22 Issue 5 497 (2002)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Objective:To obtain a new therapy of port-wine stain (PWS) with good effect and few side effects. Methods: the Leghorn combs chosen as the model and treated with small dose HpD and variable pulsed 532nm laser were evaluated clinically using four different scoring systems commonly used in previous publication. Results: It was shown significant difference among 5 groups (p<0. 01) , and the treatment groups have better effect than the control group. There's also difference among the four treatment groups and the higher dose of HpD has better effect. In all groups the higher the fluency of laser was usedm, the better the effect produced. Conclusion: The results provide evidence that small dose HpD and variable pulsed 532nm laser can increase the efficacy of treatment in PWS. Increasing the fluency of laser and the dose of HpD can improve the efficacy.

    Oct. 01, 2002
  • Vol. 22 Issue 5 502 (2002)
  • [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Objective: To research the curative effect of Nd: YAG laser through fibre-laryngoscope in bleeding of trachea and throat mucosas membrane . Methods 11cases of patients suffering from recurrent bleeding of trachea and throat mucosas membrane were cured by Nd: YAG laser through fibre-laryngoscope. Results: In all of the patients, 9 cases were cured one time, 2 cases two time. Conclusion: The therapeutics of trachea and throat mucosas membrane bleeding with Nd:YAG laser through fibre-laryngoscope is safety, exactness, more effective and simple handle curative method.

    Oct. 01, 2002
  • Vol. 22 Issue 5 507 (2002)
  • [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    May. 10, 2006
  • Vol. 22 Issue 5 509 (2002)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    May. 10, 2006
  • Vol. 22 Issue 5 511 (2002)
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