Based on the relationship between object and image in the holography, variations of image position with both expandings of wavelengbh and reference source are discussed in detail. The idea presented in this papar is that images of whole visible lighb can be overlapped to generate an achromatic image by making use of the one-dimentional diffused reference beam. The achromatic image rango is defined. Having considered the restriction of the elementary hologram and pupil of the eye to imaging beams, the high-quality achromatic image can be observed.
On the basis of two-time filting technique in Fourier optics, a new method for performing optical image subtraction is proposed. A matched holographic filter, a inverse holographic filter of a image and a 8f coherent optical information processing system are used in this scheme. Experiments show that this method is simple and feasible.
Based on the shadow-casting correlation of geometrical optics, a new correlation scheme for performing matrix-vector multiplication is proposed. The configuration can be simply regarded as an incoherent multichannel shadow-casting correlator. It is interest that it is capable fully parallel input and output, and its structure can be varied according to the demand. The general configuration form and the physical limitation of the scheme proposed here are discussed. Experiments are given, and show the method is very simply.
To reconstruct a complex-valued object function, a new algorithm has been proposed. Using the given information of the intensity distributions in If, 2f and 3/ planes behind a lens, the amplitude and phase of a unknown object function can be retrieved. The new algorithm is proved to be practical and also can give an excellent convergent result.
Properties of our newly developed pinhole transmission grating spectrometer are discussed. Simulating and some detailed analysis of diffraction efficiencies of the grating have been carried out. Data of a corresponding experiment have been used to calculate some important struotrue parameters of the trasmission grating.
This paper describes a calibration equipment, consisting of a 250 cm-diameter integrating sphere radiation source as its calibration source. It has a large radiation aperture (in diameter of 40 cm), high radiation power, high spatial uniformity and wide angle diffusion, with stable output and wide wavelength region of calibration (0.25 to 2.5 micrometer). The equipment can be used to calibrate optical remote sensors and other optical instruments used for measuring radiation in the near UV, visible, and near IR wavelenth regions.
Stimulated Raman scattering between high excited states of hydrogen at high gas pressure pumped by XeCl exoimer laser was observed for the first time. An unstable laser cavity was adopted for improving the beam quality of the pump laser. Conditions for generating these lines were discussed.
By detecting the Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) from the metal surfaces of Ag and Al via changing the polarization of incident light, we studied the surface nonlinear polarized source of these metals. It is found the phonomenological parameter "a", that Eudnick and Stern introduced in, to decribed the contribution of the second order surface current perpendicular to the metal surface, should lie between - 2 and - 7 (SH wave length: 0.532 μm). The value is of fairly different from the previous calculated experimentally measured ones. Our results also demonstrate thai the value of “a” changes with the incident angle, and the value of parameter “b”, describing the contribution of the parallel surface second order current of the metal, is experimentally proved, for the first time, to be —1 thatt theoretioal calculation tells ns.
Using the macroscopic nonlinear polarization model, we discussed in detail the dynamic evolution behaviors of opt ioal field in coherent driving intraoavity second-harmonic generation (ISHG). A new instability process of optical field was predicted and based on this result, a proper way to enhance the intensity self-pulsing oscillation in this nonlinear process was proposed.
In this paper we assume that the signal injected into ring cavity laser have a transverse distribution of the TEM10 mode. Using the method of mean field approximation, we obtained the steady state equation and performed linearized stabililty analysis under the one transverse mode resonant condition. The result showed that for the good cavity case the output of laser with a injected signal having a transverse distribution of the TEM10 mode exhibits a bistability, and this is different from the case discussed by Lugiato at al in which the signal injected into ring oavity laser 15 a plane wave beam and a Gaussian beam (TEMqo mode) respectively.
The two-band model is improved and the nonlinear susceptibility of narrow gap semiconductors are calculated in this paper. Using the susoeptibility obtained, we deal with the optical bistability (OB) of InSb, and figure out the stationary state curve of OB, the relation between critical switching light intensity and frequency of incident light and the transient properties of OB, which are consistent with the experimental results.
Optical coherence bistability (transverse optical bistability) arised from the nonlinear modulation of coherence and its experiment arrangement is first reported in this paper. Calculation and theoretic analysis show that many kind of optical bistability can be obtained in different conditions such as γ/ν or ν/v feedback, with orosscoupling between two dimension coherence signal or without coupling. The stable stable state equations, appropriate parameter range and switch conditions in several situation are given. This kind of optioal bistability may be used in picture enco:iingy optioal oalonlation. and quan bfioation of degree of spatial coherence.
An analytical method for the restoration study of a moving optical beam is developed in this paper. The optical restoration characteristics of the high-speed mechanical rotating mirror isolator for high power laser-fusion system is discussed, and its restoration conditions are obtained.
Discrete zero-order Hankel transorm is developed and applicated to the design of phase units which can uniform optical fields. The results appeared to be more ideal and accurate than the two-dimensional FFT.
The formula of rotation-vibrational energy levels for a linear triatomio molecule are obtained by using the theory of Lie Groups, when the rotation and vibration arc both considered as the harmonic osoillalors.
The amorphous Te-In-Sb thin films were prepared by radio frequency sputtering. We investigated the reflectance and the transmittance of different compositions of Te-In-Sb films. The structure and its change were observed by TEM and electron diffraction. The effect of the Te-In-Sb composition on their optical properties, such as dielectric constant, absorbation coefficient and optical gap etc. are discussed. As a result, we find that TeselnaiSbsr .film may be a suitable medium for erasable optical disk.