In this paper, the theory of photothermal optical beam deflection (PTOBD) is described in the case of intensity of heated beam was modulated by squar-wave. The amplitude dependences of PTOBD on power and radius of heated beam relative position of heated and probe beam, modulation-frequency are discussed theoretically. Comparison has been made with experimental results, and shown that they are in agreement quanlitatively.
Unlike the Benton two-step rainbow holographic process, a new technique for making the two-step rainbow holograms is presented. Orthoscopic holographic images produced separately in both steps are used and the final reconstructed image is orthoscopio under white light illumination. Analysis indicates that the reconstructed image with matched longitudinal-lateral magnification can be obtained and furthermore, the use of converging reference waves, an major obstacle of making Benton s two-step holograms, is removed. Experimental results are included.
This paper reports a new speckle interferometer. It can stimultaneonsly determine the in-plane displacement, out-of-plane displacement, slope and moire curvature of the surface strain of object; the fringe patterns are got at the output plane of the filtering system stimultaneously by use of the directional filter, the patterns correspon ing to these quantity. It has been explained that the relation between the speckle interferometry and the speckle shearing interferometry by using the theory of the movement of space speckle.
In this paper,we have theoretically studied the field distributions and resonance absorption in a laser plasma filament. Under the condition of cold plasma, the field equation, as well as its analytical solutions to the radial and axial components of the electric field, is derived. By the numerical calculations, it is then found that at tunnel effect exists along the radial direction in a filamentation plasma, i.e., the field reaches a maximum near the radial resonance absorption point r0.
Time and radially resolved electron density in a pinch helium plasma has been measured with laser interferometry. The double wavelength He-Ne laser oscillating at 0.63μm and 3.39μm simultaneously was used. The average electron density via time for the laser traversed portion of plasma was given for different discharge voltage and different helium pressure.
A nonlinear analysis is presented for a free-electron laser with an electromagnetic pump in the presence of a guide magnetic field bu using kinetic theory based on the Vlasov-Maxwell equations. Linear and nonlinear dispersion relations are derived. The nonlinear growth rates of the free-electron laser are obtained for the weak and strong pump limits. Then according to the electron trapping mechanism the energy conversion efficiency is calculated. The results show that the guide magnetic field may lead to substantial enhancements in the growth raises and efficiency as long as reasonable parameters are chosen.
Raman energy conversion efficiency as high as 52 % was obtained in Pb vapor when the XeCl excimer pumping laser adopts the unstable resonator configuration. The characteristics of SERS in Pb vapor pumped by XeOl laser with unstable and stable resonators are compared.
The FORTRAN propram is universal for the optical systems including spherical and aspherioal surfaces. With the aid of the propram all design work containing optical automatic design and OTF calculation can be finished by microcomputer. The idea of complex optimization has been put into effect in the subroutine of optical automatic design, and the new treatment methods of ill-states have been carried oat in it. Convenient integration of optical automatic design and OTF assessment, convenient integration of optical automatic design and the traditional design have been realized.
In this paper, the equioptical path method of designing an aspherio surface for exactly correcting the spherical aberration of a condenser lens system is presented. The formulas are derived, and two designs of aspherioal lenses are given as examples.
The vector wave functions satisfinga vector homogeneous Helmholtz equation are introduced as the basic vectors, and the field both outside and inside the grooves of the grating are expanded by vector plane wave functions and vector modes respectively. Equations of the amplitudes which can be solved numerically are dirived.The method can be used to study the diffraction of optical plane waves, the incident direction and the polarization of which can be arbitary. The results for P- and S-polarization are are consistent with that published before.
The correlation property of multi-characteristic function and matrix function is analized in the paper. A new method using dual-lens joint transform to reulize multi-characteristic recognition is proposed. It can be extended for the application of scale-invariant or rotation-invariant pattern recognition. The exper merit shows the results expected.
In this paper, we report the five lines of IR stimulated emission and cascade radiation from two-step excitation of Li-vapor at different frequencies. The characteristics of the stimulated radiation are discussed.
An experimental setup of time resolved frequency up-conversion exployed for studying picosecond superfluoresoence (SF) spectra kinetics processes in dye solutions was reported and the experimental results was given in this paper. The dependence of the SF pulse width compression, the shift of the SF centre wavelength and the gain band on pump pulse parameters and dye concentrations were studied experimentally.
The fine-structure energies of 2-p53l and 2p54tl and transition wavelenths of 2p5 3l-4l1 have been calculated with the MODF-EAL computer code for Ne-like RbXXVIII, SrXXIX and YXXX ions which may be the candidates for lasing action in the extreme vacuum ultraviolet region. Sl-4lpossible transition wavelenths are predicted.
Using a single prism or a pair of reversed prisms, asymmetric or symmetric periodic pseudocolor-coding of the phase gradient fringes in both spectrum-diffraction interferometry and Fourier-filtering quasi-interferometry can be realized. In this paper, the loci of the chromaticity coordinates, the dominant wavelength, the luminance, the colorimetrio purity and the luminance in the dominant wavelength as a function of equivalent angles of refraction are calculated and analysed for all possible arrangements. The constrution parameters for optimal oolor-ooding are found exactly. Furthermore, a new ides for symmetrio color-coding by two unoverlapped dispersions is suggested.