This paper discussed the principle of tomographio reconstrnotion of 3-D temperature field from multi-directional interferogram and a mnlti-directional image plane holography is presented. It solves the problems of poor fringe clearness and small observation angle in diffused illumination holographic interferometry. 3-D temperature distribution has been measured using this method. Purthermore, a multidirectional F-P interferometry is put forward. It has more praotioal value and possesses real time characteristics and can be used to measure real transient field.
The error estimation formula for numerical calculation of wave optics MTF has been derived with mathematical statistics method. It is suitable for error estimation of MTF values obtained from different numerical computational methods, which are used for the self-correlation integrating. Based on the fundamental property of wave optics, a new numerical computational method for MTF was developed. This method not only hag higher numerical accuracy but also can reduce the computational amount in great deal.
In this paper a large aperture direct-shadow optical system consistingof φ900 mm diameter Fresnel optical lenses is presented for the first time. The experimental results show that the system can meet the needs of general direct-shadow photography. The effort not only enlarges the application scope of Fresnel Optical Lenses but also opens up a new way toward the developement of large aperture direct-shadow optical system.
The mode equation of graded wavequide (WKB integral equation) was divided into many segmental integrals and their terminal values points were set at the turning points of the same mode at different wavelengths. When the differences of the wavelengthe were small enough, the deviations for the corresponding turning points are also small enough, the broken lines approximations oould be made in these segmental integrals. Then, we theoretically obtained a recurrence formula for calculating the refractive index profile. The profile can be finally determined by picking up the smoothesii one. This method is especially applicable for monomode waregnlde and it is urineoessary to presuppose the function type of the profile. Computer aimulations are made for model waveguides with the profiles of hypertolio secant and parabolic types in this paper and the caloulation had proved that the new method is with the precision of 10-3 or even higher. The more segments were divided, the higher precision oould be reached.
A four-level atomic system interacting with two laser fields and one probe field has been transformed into a four-level Dressed-Atom System interacting with a weak probe absorption field by means of the Dressed-Atom states. By using perturbation theory to solve the density matrix equations in Dressed-Atom representation, the analytic expressions for absorption spectrum are obtained. The properties of absorption spectrum are discussed in detail. Finally, the induced electric dipole moment between the atomic levels and its relation with the a.bsorption spec tram are deduoed.
Stimulated Raman Scattering is one of the methods to shift the UV excimer laser radiation into the specific wavelengths in the near UV and visible regions. Diffraction limited first stokes output can be obtained by means of Raman beam cleanup. The effects of the beam quality of the injected emission on the Raman beam cleanup was investigated in this paper. The Raman gain coefficients and the saturated parameters of Raman amplifier were deduced for different H2 gas pressures.
Diffraction-limited Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS) first stokes output with penk power of 0.2 MW was obtained from high pressure hydrogen pumped by XeCl excimer laser. The effects of pumping laser beam spread angle on the transfer efficiencies of SRS were investigated.
By using Fourier transforms algorithm, the phase difference of the wayeform and the intensity distribution of light beam passing through a pinhole smaller than Airy disk are calculated for first time.
In this paper, a new method of establishing 3-D optical diffraction integrals for focusing optical systems is presented. The method is simple. With these integrals, the vectorial properties of focused diffraction field of the optical systems, especially large aperture optical systems can be easily and effectively studied. Distributions of the light vector and its components on the fooal plane of the optical system are given. Impact of aberrations on the distributions of the light vector and relations between the distributions and the symmetry of the aberration are also studied. Some conclusions are reached.
A new method for fringe scanning has been given. In this method, the phase modulation is completed by inserting a rotating wave plate in the light source path. By this way, the disturbance in interference pathes is avoided. Compared with conventional methods, this new method has higher accuracy, higher reliability and lower cost.
A1.52μm single-mode He-Ne laser with internal mirror in transverse magnetic field have been successfully developed. A method is suggested that laser frequency on looking condition can be continuously tuned along optimal S type curve. By this method laser frequencies have been obtained with a relative frequency stability in the order of 10-11, sample time of 0.1-1S and over a wide range (100 MHz). It can be used as a optical source in the single-mode fibrle communication.
The second order non-linear polarizability of Langmuir-Blodgett multilayer formed with one sort of molecules is zero because of the counteraction of non-linear polarization in adjacent monolayers which have opposite orientation. The magnitude and sign of effective non-linear optical coefficient of Langmulr-Blodgett monolayer with different polar groups have been studied experimentally by optical second harmonic gener ation technique. We alternatively assembled the monolayers which have opposite sign of polarizability and successfully have their non-linear polarizability superposed construtively. In this way, we can obtain a molecular membrauce poseessiag much larger effective second order non-linear optical coefficient.
In thia paper we described the design and preparation method of Ni-0 multilayer soft X-ray mirrors with emphasis on the thickness monitoring method. The optical coefficients of Ni and C superficial layers at 6328 A are determined by ATR method and so their thicknesses could be monitored by measuring the transmittanoe of the sample at that wavelength during deposition. The depth profile of a sample was analyzed with AES; the diffraction performance at 1.54A and the reflectivities at soft X-ray region of some samples were measured and compared with the theoretical calculations.
Time-resolved fluorescence of Cu+ in fluorophosphate glass by excitation at different wavelengths have been conducted at room or low temperatures. The fluorescence lifetimes at different emission wavelengths have also been determined. The peak position of fluorescence spectra shifts to longer wavelength with increasing delay time. Meanwhile, by excitation at long wavelength, some additional peaks rise on each side of the original one, which shows the energy transfer among activated ions.
The new structures of Ba2 excimer are presented. We have observed two-photon transition of BaI, band of Ba2 and two-photon hybrid transition. A new method is proposed for analysing ionization mechanism of the Rydberg states of atoms and molecules with thermionic diode, and the ionization channels of BaI and Ba2 are discussed.
According to the theory of dieleotrio ellipsoid, a new formula for calculating the pricipal refractive indices of thin films with columnar struoture is derived in this paper.