The displacement of a spatially partial coherent light beam propagating through turbulent atmosphere has been studied by assuming Gaussian distribution of the wave complex amplitude. The formula of the beam displacement was obtained, which agrees with experimental data in both weak and strong intensity fluctuation regions.
This paper presents a concept on coded grating. Analyses indicate that properties of output images are effected by the filter of 1 - D coded grating. We also present some of its application.
A method for determining the directions of deformation in double exposure holographic interferometry is introduced. The technique requires to move the holographic plate in the interval between exposures and thus it can be thought as a shearing holographic interferometry. Experimental demonstrations of this method are also presented.
This paper proposes a now intorferometric method for measuring errors of optical spherical surfaces and their radii. The fundamental principle of the method is discribed in detail and the experimental results are given. Features of this method are desoussed.
The spontaneous magnetic field associated with photoelectric effect in a laser plasma is studied. The analytic solution for the spontaneous magnetic field temporarily and spatially modulated under oblique incidence of s-polarized light into a static isothermal plasma is obtained.
This paper presents results of the study of a ring dye laser which is colliding pulse mode-looked. The relationship between the concentration of DODCI, pumping power and pulse width is summarized here. A nearly transform-limit pulse width of 90fs is has been obtained.
From the theory of SHG of Gaussian-like beams. We come to the conclusion the power of the second-harmonic wave is approximately proportional to the square of the fundmentalwave power for frequency doubling of Gaussian-like beams with high conversion efficiences. Based on this, a new intracavity frequency doubling scheme of mixing-mode beam, i.e. quasi-CW pumping, is proposed. By using such scheme, the output power can be increased by a factor of 2, a fact that has been proven by theory and experiment. From thermal conduction equation, it has been found that the beam propagation parameter through a YAG rod under quasi-CW pumping is 22% lower· than that under CW pumping. If other factors are taken into account, the decrease will become 30%. By experimental njessureiiierite, we found that the thormal focal lengtli is increased and the divergence angle is decreased,as predicted by theory.
By introducing an additional loss parameter for the description of SCC and developing a model of modified multimode rate equations, the mode selection mechanism and characteristics of SCC semiconductor lasers have been investigated theoretically. It is found that an antireflection coating on the end facet of a laser diode is necessary for high-quality single longitudinal mode operation. Based on the theoretical results, a new type of miniature SCC laser has heen constructed and demonstrated. Single mode outputs with 35~40 dB side mode suppression ratio have been obteined under CW and 150 MHz modulation conditiona.
The method to merge the diagrammatic representation of density matrix to the simplest form is deduced. In this way it is quite enough that the nth-susceptibility could be expressed only by n + 1 diagrams, and microchannel number in every term of suseeptibility could be obtained simultaneously.
In this paper, the calculation formula (F=K of information volume is proposed based on demonstration of the possibility in indicating the overall performance of an imaging optical system by using a special information volume. The physical meaning of the formula is pointed out, and several calculation examples are given.
Optical and spectral properties of dichroic plates produced by Weigert effect were investigated and analyzed using the effective media theory of anisotropic in homogeneons media. Calculated results agree with experimental results.
SEES from 0-phenanthroline, 2, 2 -bipyridine and their complex ions adsorbed on colloidal silver particles have been observed for the first time. The result provides an experimental evidence for the opinion that the 200 cm-1 band is related to the N-Ag bond vibration. Comparisons between Raman spectra of the molecules and those of their complexes are made, and some new phenomena are found. Combining with other experimental results (electron microscope photograph, transmission spectra), analyse and explanations are given for these phenomena.
In this paper we report the results of spectroscopic intensity parameters of Er3+ in YAG:Er3+ single crystals. By using absorption spectra and Judd-Ofolt theory the experimental and theoretical oscillator strengths were caloulated. The rms deviation is only 1.9×10-7. Based on a least-square fit between experimental and theoretical oscillator strengths, the intensity parameters were determined. The results are Ωa = 0.19×10-20cm2, Ω4 = 1.68×10-20cm3; Ω6 = 0.62×10-20cm2. We then calculated probabilities of the Induced electric and magnetic dipole spoil taneoua radiative transitiong radiative lifetimes, high oscillator ,strength.Sj and branching ratios. The fluorescence spectra of Εr3+ in YAG:Ers+ coysxak were shown in the wave length range.