The characteristics of CPM dye laser have been investigated. The optical pulse width and wavelength of the CPM dye laser were found to be dependent on the thickness and concentration of the saturable absorber. Under optimum conditions, a 75-fs optical pnlse was obtained.
An investigation on the temperal behavior of yellow-green light pulses as a function to the excitation current pulse of CVL at various discharge-temperatures has been made. It has been confirmed that the tube temperature corresponding to the minimum pumping time is consistent with that related to the maximum pulse energy. Influences of the initial metastable state population on the variations of relative behaviors of the yellow-green light are discussed.
In this paper we describe the principle and characteristics of the 2nd harmonic mode-locking of an Ar ion laser. In our experiment, there are two light pulses in an Ar ion laser cavity at any time and the mode spacing for the 2nd harmonic mode-locking of the Ar ion laser is about 210MHz, twice that of the fundamental. This increases the average output power of the Ar ion laser by a factor of two. A theoretical explanation for the observed phenomena is presented.
The parametric dependence of the output energies and efficiency for the Raman conversion of XeCl excimer laser radiation in Pb vapor was studied. Pulses at the Raman-shifted wavelength, with 120 mJ energy and 2 MW peak power, were obtained. Multi-peak structures of the waveforms of Raman-shifted pulses were observed; they could be attributed to the cooperative effects in Raman scattering.
Using a formula for the ray deflection angle. We obtained a clear and detailed interpretation for the ring pattern of laser-induced thermal self-defocusing. The far-field intensity distribution at different input powers and different positions of beam waist are discussed. The threshold power for the ring pattern and a formula for the number of rings are obtained. All of the theoretical conclusions have been confirmed by our experiments. In addition, a fine structure in the ring pattern resulting from the diffraction effect is also described.
By using quantum method the nondegenerated two-photon optical multistability equations applicable to arbitrary detunings with respect to the intermediate level have been deduced. We have put emphasis on the multistability characteristics of the pure absorption type, because this type has potentiality in pratical utility, umerical calculations have revealed some new features. It is pointed that the multistable characteristics of the two modes are different. This difference results from the difference between the upper and lower levels, A nondegenerate two-photon multistability system can be used as multi logical elements, or such a system with small intermediaie-level detuning, the operation intensity is about the same as that for the single-photon optical bistability. Therefore, it can be predicted that in the near future the nondegenerate two-photon multistability would be realized experimentally.
In this paper we present the perturbation method and variational method used in evaluating propagation constants and field distributions of guided modes in strip waveguides. The formulas are simple in form and easy to apply. The results are more accurate than those obtained by using other approximate methods and agree well with exact computer results.
The characteristics of a gold-copper mixed vapor laser has been studied. The average power of the gold vapor laser obtained was 4W. Especially, white light average output power 3.85W is obtained from this laser. The ratio of three-wavelength output power (6278A, 5782A, 5106A) is 3:1:3. Their efficiencies are all more than 0.1%.
We report the observation of (5P1/2ns)1=1 and (5P1/2,nd)J=1,3 autoionizing spectra of Sr, by using the polarized multi-step laser excitation approach. The energy levels and quantum defects of Sr (5P1/2ns)J=1 series (n = 10-26) have been measured. Some characteristics of (5P1/2ns)J=1 and (5P1/2nd)J=1,3 autoionizing spectra of Sr have been analysed.
Behavior of Na2 ba Σg+-x3 Σu+ transition as a function of buffer gas pressure is reported. It is found experimentally that laser oscillation is possible on this transition. The optical resonator effect might be an indication of laser action in this spectral range. A new spectral region around 0.78μm has been observed.
In this paper, the optical Bloch equation with relaxation term in saturated spectroscopy is solved directly with the help of the perturbation theory and Laplace inversion, giving approximate results of any order when coherence effects in the strong field are taken into account. Peculiarities of the line shape of weak-wave absorption can be explained by the vector model.
A new type of broad-bandpass filter with induced transmission in the region of 0.4-1.1μm is described together with its advantages and applications. It is also presented that the design method of these filters and filters of variable broad-band-passes with induced-transmission in the region of 0.4-0.7μm as well as 0.7-1.1μm. The rules of linear variations of the matching layer and metal layer on the filter are summed up. The matching coefficient and physical thickness of the metal layer in the region of 0.4~1.1 μm have been caloulated. Finally, parametric analyses of typical designs are presented together with the experimental demonstration and an example of application.
In this paper, the equivalent index of symmetrical periods is extended to the complex-number fields, then the reflectance in the stop band is calculated with the aid of the formulas of complex function. The admittance locus is used to explain the reasonableness and completeness of the complex equivalent index. A diagram of reflectance vs. equivalent index is given, by which the reflectance in the stop band can be obtained easily.
Surface plasma waves (SPW) on the interface between metal and two-dielectric coating were excited by using the angle scanning ATR method. The dependence of these SPW on the refractive index of the medium was used for determination of the thicknesses and optical constants of metallic films. Experimental results were in agreement with theoretical analysis.
A comprehensive investigation of the characteristics of two kinds of periodic film system (pq)m and (aba)m consisting of two layers with difference thicknesses is presented in this paper. The location of high reflectance zones, the periodicity and symmetry of reflectance curves, and the width and height of high reflectance zones are discussed. In addition, a graphical approach to determine the width of reflectance zones is suggested.