A new method for calculating and drawing the computer generated hologram (CGH) -the fringe order method has been suggested. A OGH with λ/20 accuracy for reconstructed wave-front has been made using this method. The results and effect of OGH null testing of φ1560mm primary mirror in it s early, middle and final polishing stages are given.
All of the possible ro-vibrational levels of 127I2, 129I2 and 127I129I at the nine He-Ne laser lines in the visible region have been calculated. These results provide the reference for further studying of hyperfine splitting and frequency-stablization.
The Spatial distribution of HF(v=4→0) chemiluminescence spectra in the gain medium of a CW HF chemical laser measured on an optical multichannel analyzer (OMA-2). The measurement can be finished in a few Seconds with a spatial resolution of x·y=2.5×10 mm. A detailed discussion is presented on the error caused by the nonuniform sensitivity of the OMA-2 detector. The error of the temperature measurement is found to be ±30 K.
The cyclotron radiation emitted from electrons in cyclotron motion under influences of the electromagnetic field is investigated. According to a moderate estimation of the emitted energy, the magnitude of cyclotron radiation from the laser plasma is comparative to that of Bremsstrahlung radiation. This result justifies a futher study on such phenomenon.
Experiments of atomic beam deflections can be used to test photon statistics in resonant flourescence of two-level atoms[4,8,9]. In this paper it is proposed that atomic beam deflections by multiple laser beams be used to test photon statistics in resonant fluorescence. This method may effectively suppress the influence of velocity distribution of atoms on experimental results, making the results more fruitful. The merits of this method are analysed and the necessary experimental conditions discussed.
The principle of a quantitative analysis of optogalvanio spectra (OGS) in discharged gas mixtures is discussed. Characteristics of OGS in gas mixtures (such as He+Ne, He+Xe+Ne, He+Xe+CO, He+Xe etc) have been measured. It was found that the logarithm of impurity OGS responsivity of the impruity to that of background gases is linearly dependent on the logarithm of the impurity concentration.
Lattice vibrations of barium metaborate (β-BaB2O4) crystal are analysed with the aid of group theory. The β-BaB2O4 crystal belongs to space group C34 (R3) with its vibration modes classified by the site-symmetry method . The result is, Γ=126A + 126E. All of these modes are both Kaman active and infrared active. The Raman, spectra of β-BaB2O4 are observed in different geometric configurations for the first time. Using a model called layer-molecular structure , the experimental results can be explained stisfaotorily with a preliminary assignment of the internal and external modes of β-BaBaO4 crystal.
A theoretical analysis of hysteresis is presented on bistable semiconductor lasers. First, characteristics of gain and loss are discussed, followed by deduction of the basic formula according to threshold conditions. The formula is then used in a quantitative description of the hysteresis and its dependence on temperature. As a typical example, calculation are carried out for a GaAs-AlGaAs device.
Generation of wideband Raman scattering spectra in multimode optical fibres, pumped by an 1.32μm A-O Q-switched Nd:YAG laser, is reported. Discussion shows that the spectra are generated by stimulated Raman scattering and four-photon mixing. Results show that considerable optical continuum is formed because 1.32μm pumping and its Stokes components are near the zero-material-dispersion range of fibers. A new amplification phenomena of the small 1.34μm output of the laser in fibers is observed. It is considered that the amplification comes from the wideband Raman gain of the glass optical fibers.
By means of the backward impulse response the phenomenon of grating imaging, wherein a grating is imaged by a second one, is analyse. As a special case, Lau effect is explained thoroughly. The mathematics is simpler while the physical meaning becomes clearer than in the case of other explanations.
A generalization of the second-order coupled-wave theory of diffractions on planar dielectric gratings are presented. The theoretical analysis is rigorously based on the static Maxwell s equations. Therefore, it is easy, in principle, to obtain accurate results by following the computational method given by the present paper. The planar dielectric gratings studied in this paper are only required to hava planar isoplanes and plane surfaces. As the direction of the illuminating wave with respect to the grating is not restricted, the incident plane may be not parallel to the grating vector plane. Furthermore, the incident wave may be arbitrarily polarized and a series of Jone'g matrices are adopted to characterize the grating. This means that gratings are also considered as elements which change the state of polarizatioa of light waves.
Optical properties of superficial layers on metal surfaces are studied by surface plasma waves. The optical coefficients are determined by fitting ATR spectra with results of theoretical calculations. A superficial layer will cause a shift and broadening of the ATR spectrum for the bare metal surface. Under experimental conditions presented in this paper superfical layers as thin as <5A could be measured.
We have observed a new-type interaction of two non-collinear laser beams with the same frequency in saturable dye solution-bis-(4-dimethyl aminodithio benzil) (BDN) and pentamethine cyanine. It differs from the four-wave mixing, the so-called transient self-diffraction and coherent coupling effects.
A computer simulation of the effects of frequency detuning on coherent optical pulse combination and area evolution in an absorbing medium is given. We have found that the pulse combination and break-up, as well as stable pulse area, disappear when δ≠0.
A universal program for optical design is presented in this paper. The idea of assessment function in DLS method has been introduced into the adaptive method,and a new fuality index has been suggested for it. A discussion is made regarding scaling focal length, optimization of stop distance and saving the time for OTF calculation.