The paper proposes a new method of speckle shearing interferometry which uses a normal grating as the shearing component. Advantages of this method include simplicity of setup, low losses of light, and simultaneous determination of derivatives of surface displacements of a structure with respect to four different directions. Experimental results for strain measurements and nondestructive tests are presented.
The output power equation of a positive-branch unstable confooal resonator was deduced by using the numerical integrating method and dividing the resonator to two regions. The numerical results of this equation are in good agreement with experimental data.
The dynamic oscillation characteristics of a special confocal resonator with G1-0 and G2=0 have been analysed. This resonator shows oscillation characteristics of a Gaussian standing-wave resonator, a critical resonator, and a travelling-wave resonator, respectively, when the direction of the rectilinear-motion equation for the resonator is changed. The method for designing the resonator is proposed. Experimental results are in agreement with theoretical analysis.
We have made the first observation of the enhancement of SHG signals produced by long-range surface plasmon waves (LRSPW) in a homogeneous dielectric-Ag film-homogeneous dielectric configuration. The SHG intensity under excitation of LRSPW has been calculated by means of propagational matrix of light in a multilayer sturcture. The theoretical analysis agreea well with experimental results.
Surface-enhanced second-harmonic generation (SHG) of the reflection from a surface covered with a Langmuir-Blodgett mono-molecular layer of fatty acid is studied under condition of surface plasmon excitation. Experimental results of SHG signals are in good agreement with theoretical calculations and the nonlinear polarizability coefficient d33 for a single arachidic molecule is estimated to be 0.32E-29 esu.
Usinga 3-cm-thick type II KDP crystal at input intensity of 0.27GW/cm2, an overall doubling energy conversion efficiency up to 61.5% has been achieved in our experiments. The 1.06μm laser beam has an aperture of 42mm and a divergence of ~0.5m rad. The temporal distribution of the intensity is nearly Gaussian. Experimental results are in agreement with theoretical calculation.
We successfully demonstrated five kinds of full-optical logic operations; And, Or, Nand, Nor and Xor with a single dye-filled etalon. A theoretical model has been suggested to explain the experiment. The simulated relaxation characteristics of the transmission were in good agreement with experimental results.
The diffraction intensity distribution, which is related to the number of side lobes, amplitude and phase transmittance of a zone plane, is studied in detail. The optimum parameters of the zone plane for obtaining very sharp focal line are given in this paper.
A method for measuring spherical aberrations of spherical waveguide geodesic lenses is reported. Results of experiments for measuring spherical aberrations of geodesic lenses fabricated on glass waveguides are in general agreement with theoretical calculations.
The iteration formulas for numerical solution of ray equation have been derived according to transformed ray equation. Two typical numerical examples shoaled that the method is more general and requires much less calculation time to reach a desired accuracy.
Systematic measurement was made for the dependence of propagation constants and losses of TM0 and TM1 modes on the thickness of dielectric layers in symmetric metal claded dielectric waveguides by using the angle-scanning ATE method. These modes were excited by the prism coupling. Experimental results were in good agreement with theoretical calculations.
We have studied the effects of several factors (electrochemical pretreating, potential applied on the silver electrode, and laser illumination of the silver electrode in aqueous electrolyte during the process of elecrochemical oxidation-reduction cycle) on the enhancement of surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) spectra. Experiments showed that electrochemical processing of the silver electrode is of benifit to the adsorption of pyridine molecules, and that the potential applied on the electrode and the laser illumination make it possible for pyridine molecules to be adsorbed on the electrode surface. The experimental results are discussed analytically.
Bansal et al. have reported that the LiKSO4 crystal undergoes a subtle structural phase transition at 201K while being cooled according to the temperature dependence of Raman spectrum intensity for some polar phonon modes. They found the low temperature phase to be C3v4. But their evidences were not enough. In the present work we report further refined Raman spectra in LiKSO4 at both 210K and 203K. After carefully analysing their variations and considering the correlation of space group symmetry, we were convinced that tlie pattern of tiie structural phase transition in LiKSO4 at 203 K is while being cooled. This phase transition seems to be associated with a rearrangement of two adjacent SO2 tetrahedra in the unit cell.
Data analysis is made by using classical oscillator fit method with preliminary data obtained from a Kramers-Kronig analysis which leads to a rapid convergence of the procedure. It has been found that the procedure can be used satisfactorily for the analysis of infrared reflection spectra of both the crystals (such as α-quartz) with separated bands, and LiNbO3 with overlapping bands having remarkably different intensities. Even those spectra with weak bands fading into strong ones can be processed satisfactorily.
The interaction of light with dressed atoms is discussed. Master equations which normally appear as an infinite set of first-order differential equations coupled with each other are simplified to 4 independent equations, leading to Bloch equations for dressed atoms through which all the coherent interactions of atoms with light can be extended to the case of dressed atoms. The susceptibility of the dressed atoms to two probe beams is deduced. The generation and characteristics of the phase conjugation wave in dressed atoms are studied.