A noncoherent mioroholographic technique has been experimentally studied. An imago plane hologram is recorded by spatial incoherent source, and it reconstructs with white light source. The method greatly suppresses the noise of reconstructed imago and improves mioroholographio image quality without trade off in image resolution. Also this method can preserve the depth information of micro-object.
In this paper an optical method for completing polar coordinate transfer and radial logarithmic transfer simultaneously by means of one-dimention function coordinate transfer optical system has been int reduced. The experimental result has been given. The possible scheme of completing invariant optical correlation in conditions of shift and rotation and scale deformations has been discussed.
This paper presents experimental and theoretical investigation on optical and spectral properties of dilute developed holographic plate. Mechanism on excellent characterestics of the dilute developed holographic plate is explained.
Authors have proposed and developed a new sampling metnod-grating sampling in this paper, and have used the fast optical second harmonic generation as a shutter instead of slow optical Kerr shutter. So the ultrahigh speed photography method is advanced to a practical stage. In the paper, theoretical and experimental results have been given.
In this paper the cavities suitable for colliding pulse mode-locking are analyzed generally and exactly. The exact analytic solutions are obtained for the first time.
Transient responses of two-level atoms to a probe pulses with different frequencies have been studied in the presence of near-resonant laser driven pulse. Time evolutions of atomic polarization during and after the probe pulse have been calculated for both one-photon and three-photon processes. The interference effect between one-photon and throe-photon process have been discussed.
This paper studies two types of beat frequency tuning curve of 6328 A He-Ne20 transverse Zeeman laser. Relations of amplitude of beat frequency with cavity loss, total pressure and mixing ratio are given. The optimum magnetic field is introduced. The experimental phenomena of waveform distortion are observed. Choice of central beat frequency is studied. By PZT control the frequency stabilization is realized. Frequency stability of 2.5 × 10-9 can be achieved.
The coherent Raman spectra (OARS and OSRS) of benzene and its derivatives have been measured under different polarization configurations. The influence of interference effect between Raman resonance and two-photon absorption resonance on the spectral lineshape as well as the relation between the polarization properties of Raman modes and the symmetries of molecular vibrations have been discussed.
The eigenvalue and cut-off equations of TM modes in diffused c-out LiNbO3 waveguides have been derived using ray-optics method. For diffused waveguides with exponential and Gaussian index profiles effective refractive index as a function of the diffusion depth, and cut-off diffusion depth curves as a function of the waveguide surface index increment for some lower order modes have been plotted using these eigenvalue and cut-off equations, which can be used in measurement and fabrication of diffused c-cut LiNbO3 waveguides.
In this paper, a type of the frustrated total internal reflection-Q switch (FTIR-Q switch) was discovered and related classical formulas was proofed. It has been shown theoretically the feasiblity of FTIR-Q switch driven by the dual piezoelectric transducer.
In this paper "wavelength-reflectivity" formula of four mirror resonant reflector, in which each surface is bare, are deduced with the method of separating multilayer dielectric layers characteristic matrix. Wavelength scanning characteristics of four-mirror resonant reflector are analysed. A reliable method of theoretical calculation is proposed for design and application of the four-mirror resonant reflector.
This paper deseribes and discusses the equation of the tracing rays paths in a laminate gradient index media. The media plate has the some properties similar to the prism.
The laser described in this paper is working in OW PM mode-locking operation. The mode-looking states have been separated in this laser. The stable operation for a long time has been obtained. The pulsewidth of the output pulse is 66 ps, and the bandwidth is 10.6 GHz. The stability of the pulse amplitude is ±3%. The average output power is 200mW. The maximum oscillation bandwidth is 15.6 GHz and the corresponding pulse width is less than 50 ps.
In this paper, an experimental set up and a method of measuring the scattering angle are introduced. The measuring method of the scattering angle is as follows. The guided light wave propagating in the waveguide is coupled out by a prism. The well known m-line can be observed. By measuring the distribution of the light intensity along the m-line, the line width which covers a region of -40 db from the peak of the curve can be read out. While converting it into an angle of slope of the light beam, the scattering angle is obtained. It has been found that the influence of the scattering on the profile of the to—line is not considerable in the region from 0 to -20 db. The segment of the curve coincides with the intensity distribution of the incident beam. On the oiiher hand, the intensity distribution of the incident beam can be considered as a Gaussian one. Thus we can take the segment from 0 to -20 db of the profile of the m-line as the intensity distribution of the incident beam and calculate its width at the -40 db region. Considering the intensity distribution of the incident beam, we redefine the scattering angle. Thus, the error of obtained result is reasonable.
The action of a normal pulsed ruby laser beam on a mercury plate has been investigated. It was predicted from qualitative consideration that its oharaot eristics of light transmission and reflection depend not only on the light energy density butalso on the internal pressure of the mercury plate. The front part of the acting laser pulse was absorbed and the transmission light corresponded to the pulse-tail. The phenomenon observed in our experiments is helpfu] to intarpret the mechanism of light transmission through a meroury plate. This paper reports experimental phenomenon observed in our work and makes an analysis to them.