In this paper, the principle of solving multiplication of two grey scale image and continuous grey scale image by four-mirrors closed loop feedback system are given. The discussion of some important factors affecting the capability of resolving multiplication of this system is presented. Some curves and experimental result photographs are shown.
A new type of interferometry based on Fourier-transformation diffraction of coded gratings with an extended polychromatic illumination is proposed. In the system two coded gratings are inversely imaged to each other by a lens, and the tested phase object is placed between and imaged onto an observation screen. The intensity of a certain imago point is related to the phase variations in the corresponding part of the objective Fourier-spectrum of the coded grating encounters. Because of dispersion the resulted intorforogram is colored. Thus, various forms of interference can be easily obtained by using different coded gratings. The system is analysed in detail by the Frosnel first-order diffraction theory, consequently, a generalized conclusion is come to. The relation among the patterns of coded gratiags, their Fourier-transformations and tho possible forms of interference is discussed. The experiments are given, too.
EPR study of structural property of aluminum-silica glasses contained Fe3+ and Cr3+ ions is reported. Experimental results are analysed theoritically. The experimental results of polycrystalline mullite sample and glasses which contained Fe3+ ion show that the local environment of Fe3+ ions in both materials are similar.
In the present paper the width effect of isogyres on convergence polarization interference diagram of crystals with high refractive index and large optical angle are considered. By increasing tho deviation angle of isogyres from vision field of polarization microscope and obtaining the solution of deviation angle of isogyres hyperbola from vision field. The precision of optical orienting is increased significantly. The theory of isogyres involving tho width effect is demonstracted and the accurate isogyres hyperbola deviating from leaving or oonteoting with vision field is obtained and confirmed by experiment. It is shown that this orientation method for crystals with, large optical angle is convenient, best and valid.
On the basis of the laser resonator intrinsic equation, the dyanamic characteristic of the stable resonators has been analysed and method for designing the thermo-stable resonators has been proposed. The experimental results obtained are in agreement with the theoretical analysis.
The analytic expressions for electric field intensity and plasma scaling length in stationary laser plasma in the case of normal incidence have been derived. The dependence of the time taken to reach stable state on the icident intensity has been revealed. These results are in good agreement with experiments and computer simulation.
A new tautomeric laser dye Kiton red has been synthesized. Its spectral and lasing characteristics have been measured. The data obtained in our experiments show that, the absorption maximum for Kiton red is at 568nm, while the fluorescence maximurn is at 593nm. The laser threshold is low and the efficiency is over 40%. Therefore, it may be used as a tunable laser dye in the red region of the spectrum.
The characteristics of nonresonant photoelectric effect signal in a hollow cathode discharge tube irradiated by an intensitive laser pulse have been studied theoretical and experimently. It is shown that this effect can be used to investigate the multipho toelectric effect and to measure the discharged plasma parameters. It is also provided a powerfull experimental demonstration for studying the pulse optogalvanic principle.
By employing the semiclassical theory of lasers, a relation between the frequency tuning range and various laser parameters is given in this article. It is demonstrated that the width of the tuning range not only depends on the gain profile, but also on the following factors, i. e., the sensitivity of frequency selecting elements, relative level of the laser output power, the linewidth of selected modes, and the operating coniiguration of the laser. The output characteristics of lasers at the critical frequencies, i. e., at the boundary of the tuning range,is analyzed in detail as well. It is shown that the intensity of the selected modes varies slowly when the frequency is tuned in the tuning range, but decreases repidly when it is tuned out the boundary of the -tuning range,that is to say, the energy of the laser oscillator is rapidly transfered from the selected modes to non-selocted modes which will grow up around the centeur of the gain curve. Therefore the common experimental phenomena mentionod above are explained theoretically.
The correlation between the thickness of the active medium with the enhancement of the second harmonic generation signals on surface is studied. It is identified by experimental method that the maximum enhancement of the second harmonic signal corresponds to the optimum thickness of the active medium where in fact that surface plasmon polariton has been well excited and honce closely related to the strong enrichment of the field generated at the surface.
A miniaturized argon arc running at maximum current 45 A and pressure 1.75 × 105 Pa with a differential pumping interface unit has been developed. The measurement in UV and VUV range indicated that the stability, both short term and long term, and reproducibility of the spectral radiance of the mini-arc were better than ±0.5% and the similarity among mini-arcs was better than ±1%. The theoretical calculation of the spectral radiance of the mini-arc based on Hofsaess theory agrees with the measurement results within 10%. Richter method was used to carry on the plasma diagnostics of the mini-arc. The results show that the argon plasma temperature is 12650 K and the electron density is 1.29×1017 cm-3 when the current of the mini-arc is kept at 40 A and the pressure at 1.75×l05Pa.
According to the presented method by A. Sharma[1] the vector-expression of ray tracing in gradient-index media have been derived and an error function is denned in this paper. With an example of the computation it is shown by the numerical solution of high accuracy that the regions for aptness of some analytical approaching solution which is used often are presented and discussed.
The solution of wave equation with an elliptic refractive index media has been obtained. As a particular example the elliptic Gaussium beams in homogeneous medium also has been obtained. The properties of the solution have been discussed.
A Maoh-Zehnder interferometer using single-mode fibers has been built, and its temperature and heat radiation sensitivity has been investigated. The results are that the temperature responsivity and the heat radiations responsivity are about 110 rad/m℃ and 3.7 × 10-5 rad/m erg respectively. In heat radiation measurement, the absorbed heat radiation energy in the optical fiber is estimated to be 5-8% of the total energy passing the receiving area.
A simple method for measuring equivalent step index (ESI) parameters of the single mode fiber is presented. ESI parameters are obtained by measuring spot size at certain wavelength and cut-off wavelength; and by measuring spot sized at two different wavelengths. The theory and method of measurement are described and the typical experiment results are given.
A simple AO liquid crystal light valve is described in this paper, which consists of two parallel glass plates with electrode film on each side, enclosing a CdS photoconduc-tive film prepared byevaporation, a nematic liquid crystal layer and a dielectric mirror. By placing the cell between apair of crossed polarizers, projecting a white light image on the write-in side of the valve and using He-Ne laser as read-out beam, a incoherent to coherent image converter system is established and a coherent image with several gray scale can be obtained.