In order to measure and analyze the color of holographic paper and its printings with light pillars accurately and stably, the integrating sphere spectrophotometer is selected to collect colorimetric values within different periods of light pillars and different angles in fixed position of holographic paper (or printings) based on analyzing the microstructure of paper. The collected values are analyzed to build up two color measurement and analysis methods for holographic papers and printings. Compared with the existing methods, the measurement methods not only improve the working efficiency, but also greatly improve the accuracy of the measurement. Those methods can provide an efficient and objective evaluation way for the quality inspection of packaging and printing enterprises.
Based on the optical transmission theory in atmospheric turbulence, approximate analytical expressions of light beam long-term extension and short-term drift which are suitable for Kolmogorov atmospheric turbulence and intermittent atmospheric turbulence are obtained when we use the She model of intermittent turbulence, and the She model is close to the actual atmospheric turbulence. Combining with the laser ranging equation, the numbers of ranging return photon from low orbit satellite, high orbit satellite and moon are calculated by Matlab software. The influence of atmospheric turbulence intermittency on return photon number in laser ranging is analyzed. Results show that the larger the turbulence intermittency is, the larger the ranging return photon number is. The ratio of return photon number in the case of with intermittent atmospheric turbulence to that of without atmospheric turbulence is about 1/20.
Based on the diffusion-limited aggregation model, the aggregated soot and its mixture particles with water coating are generated. The aging process of soot aggregates is simulated. The effects of particle morphology and water coating on the optical properties of the two kinds of particles at the wavelength of 550 nm are studied by the cluster T-matrix method. The results show that the difference of optical property parameters between the freshly generated soot aggregate and the spherical soot with the same volume is larger than the difference between the aged soot aggregate and the spherical soot. When the fractal dimension Df is 1.8, the relative differences of scattering cross section and single scattering albedo reach 61.58% and 49.44%, respectively. As the aging process proceeds, the differences decrease. For the mixture particles, ignoring the cluster structure of the soot core can lead to underestimation of the forward scattering intensity, scattering cross section, extinction cross section, single scattering albedo, asymmetry factor, and F34/F11, and overestimation of the backward scattering intensity, absorption cross section, -F12/F11, F33/F11, and F44/F11. With the increase of the water coating thickness, the scattering matrix elements of mixtures are more turbulent with scattering angle, and the relative differences of optical property parameters caused by ignoring the soot core and the aggregated morphology of soot core are both reduced. This study has significance for decreasing the estimation error of radiative forcing estimation due to soot aerosol.
A differential absorption lidar (DIAL) system at 935 nm is built for water vapor detection. Its transmitter is based on seed injection ring optical parametric oscillator (OPO), and a narrow linewidth pulse laser is used as pump source. The resonant cavity of OPO is locked by Ramp-Hold-Fire method, and the OPO can generate narrow linewidth and stable wavelength pulse laser with pulse power of 45 mJ, wavelength of 935 nm, repetition frequency of 10 Hz and pulse duration of 6 ns. To obtain water vapor concentration profile of convective boundary layer in Shanghai, the foundation vertical differential detection test is carried out. The detection wavelength is 935.776 nm and the reference wavelength is 935.860 nm. The receiver mainly includes a telescope of 305 mm diameter and an avalanche photo diode sensor. The range resolution is 30 m and the temporal resolution is 60 s. Signals in a range from 600 m to the top of troposphere boundary layer in the daytime and in the nighttime are effective, with water vapor concentration error not exceeding 0.1 g/m3. When we compare the DIAL data with the radiosonde data nearby the meteorological station, the availability of the DIAL data is confirmed.
An achromatic phase retarder can obtain the desired phase retardation in a wide spectral range, and it is one of the core elements used in polarization light modulation. A design method for broadband achromatic phase retarder is proposed based on sandwich-type subwavelength metal dielectric gratings according to the rigorous coupled wave theory and the genetic algorithm. A phase retarder which can achieve achromatism is designed in the wavelength range of 900~1200 nm. The maximum deviation of phase retardation around 90° is less than 2.3%, and the diffraction efficiencies of transverse electric wave and transverse magnetic wave are both higher than 90%. The numerical analysis shows that the designed achromatic phase retarder has a large manufacture tolerance for groove depth and incidence angle. The achromatic phase retarder is simple in design, stable in performance and has an important application value.
A novel and simple optical element is designed. If beams passing through this diffractive element and focused by a lens, non-diffracting Mathieu beams are realized. Moreover, the q values of Mathieu beams vary with the parameters of diffractive elements. The Mathieu beam expression of this optical system is derived theoretically by discrete Fourier methods and the beam spot intensity is simulated with Matlab. The numerical simulation as well as experimental result confirm the validity of producing non-diffracting Mathieu beams by this diffractive element.
In order to verify the theoretical relationship of the diffraction efficiency of multi-layer diffractive optical elements varying with the angle of incidence, an optical system with multi-layer diffractive optical elements is designed and manufactured. To ensure the measurement accuracy of diffraction efficiency when light of secondary order diffraction is received by the detector after passing through the pinhole aperture, a correction method of first-order diffraction energy is proposed. The diffraction efficiency of the multi-layer diffractive optical elements with the incident angles ranging from 0° to 30.6° is measured by the established double light-path measurement device. Diffraction efficiency is measured at seven different incident angles with the designed wavelength of 532 nm, and the measurement results are simulated and analyzed. Due to some manufacturing errors, the diffraction efficiency obtained by the actual measurement is lower than the theoretical analysis results. However, both measured and theoretical results show that the diffraction efficiency of multi-layer diffractive optical elements declines with the increase of incident angle.
We investigated a fiber-optic Fabry-Perot high-pressure sensor for marine applications, and established a finite element method (FEM) numerical model to analyze the full scale cavity length variation of the sensor. The numerical simulation results showed that the full scale cavity length variation in the FEM model was between the value of the clamped model and that of the simply supported model. With the decrease of the cavity radius and the increase of the silicon diaphragm thickness, the length variation of the FEM model deviated from that of the clamped model. We introduced clamped boundary condition deviation degree β to quantify the deviation degree. We produced three types of sensors and carried out pressure experiments. The experimental results showed that the full scale cavity length variations of sensor chip obtained by measurement and the FEM numerical calculation were generally coincident. The error of the full range cavity length variation was reduced to less than 13.4% when we designed the sensor chips with the FEM model. The maximum measurement range of the sensor was up to 105 MPa, and the measurement accuracy in the full scale was within 0.100%.
Based on the theoretical model of fifth-order Ginzburg-Landau equation with variable coefficients, and under the conditions of with or without considering the impact of fifth-order nonlinear Kerr effect, the exact soliton solution and dissipative soliton solution are obtained respectively. The numerical simulation results show that, in the inhomogeneous optical fibers, the above two kinds of pulses with soliton solutions both can propagate in the form of optical solitons. In addition, the propagation stability of optical solitons with perturbations and the interaction between two ultra-short pulses are analyzed when the fifth-order nonlinear Kerr effect is considered.
High precision locking of the repetition rate of a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror mode-locked all polarization maintaining fiber laser is achieved by using the method of resonance-enhanced nonlinearity in an additional active fiber. A 980/1064 nm wavelength division multiplexer (WDM) and a piece of Er-fiber are added in the fiber cavity to induce the change of nonlinear refractive index and optical cavity length. By feedback controlling the pump power of LD2, the refractive index of the Er-fiber is modulated, and thus the optical length of the laser can be controlled to achieve the high precision locking of the repetition rate. The length of the Er-fiber and the initial pump power of LD2 are optimized to maximize the range and precision for repetition rate locking. Results show that as much as 180 Hz controlling range is obtained in the condition of 1.75 m length of Er-fiber. The repetition rate of locking accuracy is just closely related to the initial pump power and is not significantly affected by the length of Er-fiber. The range of repetition rate peak-to-peak is less than 0.5 mHz, the corresponding standard deviation is 0.16 mHz, and the standard deviation of output power is 0.009 mW in the condition of 18 mW pump power of LD2. Moreover, the pump power of LD1 is controlled by the feedback, when removing Er-fiber and the WDM. Due to the superposition of the resonance-enhanced nonlinearity and the Kerr nonlinearity on the refractive index of Yb-fiber, the repetition rate increases to 1 kHz with a slightly decrease of locking accuracy in a stable single pulse mode locking range.
A homodyne coherent laser communication system has the characteristics of high speed and long-distance transmission, and it plays an important role in the establishment of inter-satellite high-speed laser communication network. The operating principle of optical phase-locked loop is analyzed, and the corresponding mathematical model is established. The open-loop and closed-loop transfer functions of optical phase-locked loop are obtained. The error transfer function is derived. The influencing factors on loop bandwidth are analyzed. The phase noise error of phase-locked loop is analyzed, and the relationship among error factor, detection sensitivity and loop bandwidth is established. The optimized bandwidth of phase-locked loop is 1.5 MHz, and the bit error rate of the receiver is tested. The receiving sensitivity of -41.4 dBm and the bit error rate of 10-7 are obtained when the communication rate is 5 Gbit/s and the modulation mode is binary phase shift keying.
As a common aberration, spherical aberration has great influence on beam propagation in optical systems. In order to study the influence on beams in the spherically aberrated fractional Fourier transform system, based on the Collins formula, the light field distribution expressions of the cosine-Gaussian beams through spherically aberrated and non-spherically aberrated fractional Fourier transform system are derived. With the example of Lohmann Ⅰ, the output transverse intensity distribution in spherically aberrated fractional Fourier transform system, non-spherically aberrated fractional Fourier transform system, the relationship between the intensity distribution on axis and the coefficient of spherical aberration in different transform orders or different modulation parameters are studied through numerical calculation. It is shown that the spherical aberration of lens has great influence on the output transverse intensity distribution, and whether the spherical aberration is positive or negative also reswits in notably different effects. The effect on the on-axis light intensity caused by the spherical aberration of lenses is different for different transform orders and modulation parameters.
Doppler difference interference spectrometer is a kind of Fourier transform spectrometer. In the process of atmospheric wind velocity retrieval, even-prolongated recovered spectrum cannot work out the phase information of the target spectral line directly. Meanwhile, there are stray spectral lines and noises in the recovered spectrum, which make the phase of the interferogram changed and the retrieved wind velocity deviated. Therefore, isolation of the target spectral line is necessary in the process of getting the phase information of the recovered spectrum in actual noisy environment. For interferograms with different signal noise ratios the retrieved wind velocities (SNR) optimized by different window functions with different line widths are analyzed by Monte-Carlo method. The results indicate that the Gaussian window function with line width equaling 4 to 5 times of the spectral resolution provides the best performance if the SNR of the measured interferogram is higher than 26.5 dB, and rectangular window function with line width equaling 7 to 12 times-of the spectral resolution provides the best performance if the SNR of the measured interferogram is lower than 26.5 dB. The phase information and the approximative atmospheric wind velocity can be retrieved.
A coherent optical information processing method based on quantum storage is proposed, and the convolution operation between signal light and readout light can be realized on the image plane of the 4f-imaging system. The experiment confirms the feasibility of realizing convolution operation by means of light pulse storage and readout process based on the effect of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT). The result here provides the theoretical and experimental basis for the coherent optical information processing based on quantum storage.
The transfer equation of the principal ray is used to study the relationship between the compression ratio of the field angle and the optical parameters of the pre-group optics of fisheye lens, and then the design parameters of the pre-group optics of fisheye lens are determined according to the requirement of compression ratio and lens dimension. Since the pre-group optics has the imaging performance of a plane-symmetric optical system, the aberration theory of plane-symmetric optical systems is applied to calculate its wave aberration. The focal power of every component and the gap between them can be solved from the wave aberration balance equations of pre- and back-group optics of fisheye lens. The solution is used as constraints, and Zemax is used to obtain a simple initial design of back-group optics consisting of three lenses. The lens complication and optimization is then performed according to the simple system. A fisheye lens is obtained, which satisfies the reguirement of bigger field of view and aperture. The study shows that the method discussed in the paper provides an approach to determine the initial structure design of fisheye lens and enables the designers not to rely heavily on experience and patents.
Aerial camera causes image rotation problem in the process of rotating scanning reflector imaging, which leads to image blur and degradation of image quality, so image rotation compensation system is essential for aerial camera. At present, the distinguishing image blur by human eyes and synchronization control accuracy by electrical machine are used to evaluate compensation performance of image rotation, but the image quality could not be evaluated objectively and accurately. In order to establish the direct relationship between imaging quality of aerial camera and other index of rotating compensation system, the dynamic modulation transfer function (MTF) based on polar coordinate is proposed. A new method combined with the slanted-edge method and blur path method is proposed to measure the dynamic MTF of rotation image motion of the aerial camera. The rotating dynamic imaging experiments are designed with sector target, and the image dynamic MTF calculated values are obtained using the rotating dynamic MTF and slanted-edge method. The image dynamic measured MTF values are obtained based on image fuzzy path. Experimental results show that, when rotate table with variable angular velocities from 20 (°)/s to 300 (°)/s, the spatial frequency is less than first zero frequency of rotating dynamic MTF, and the two dynamic MTF curves are approximately coincide. Thus the correctness of the rotating dynamic MTF is demonstrated. When the spatial frequency is less than 0.7 of zero frequency, the maximum values and mean values of dynamic MTF relative errors are less than 6%, 2% respectively, thus the accuracy of the measurement method is proved.
On the basis of prior works, the basic principles of interferometric detection are analyzed. The theoretical analysis and mathematical modeling of interferometric detection technique are performed by means of the wave optics theory, plane wave approximation, incoherent superimposition, etc., and the computer simulation is used to confirm the feasibility of this technique. By comparison with the traditional photoelectric detection technique, it is found that the interferometric technique is more suitable to the search of dark and weak objects in the context of strong sky background.
According to the error characteristics of the echo of diffuse reflection laser ranging, a real-time echo-photon detection method is proposed based on the motion compensation and robust estimation. By using motion compensation, one can increase the number of accumulation photons to provide a reliable initial value. Based on this, by adoption of robust estimation scheme to removing gross errors of observation data, one can realize the real-time online detection of echo-photon effectively. Experiment results show that, under the condition of low signal-to-noise ratio, the method can not only suppress the impact of noises, but also effectively solve the real-time signal detection problem in diffuse reflection laser ranging.
During the process of millisecond laser drilling of Ti6Al4V alloys, the recast layer forms along hole walls, which is a serious detriment to hole quality. In consideration of the thermal and mechanical parameters influencing melt and based on the modified equations of fluid mechanics and improved Level-Set method, a solid/liquid/gas three-phase two dimensional numerical model is constructed used for laser drilling. The numerical investigation of laser drilling with different pulse widths and with single pulse energy of 3 J is conducted. The temperature field, flow field, and thickness distribution of recast layer during the drilling process are obtained by using the post-processing technology. The results indicate that molten liquid is discharged mainly by means of evaporation and ejection and the recast layer is formed under the coupling effect of heat and force. The recast layer thickness increases with the increment of laser pulse width, which possesses a characteristic of recast layer becoming thin slowly from top hole to bottom hole.
Face-on radiography is a significant method to diagnose Rayleigh-Taylor (RT) instability in inertial confinement fusion (ICF). The effects of convergent geometry on the measurement of the perturbation amplitude of spherical capsule by face-on radiography are discussed in this paper. By calculation, the actual value and measured value of perturbation amplitude are analyzed under a simplified model. The effects of such factors as offset distance, the outer radius of capsule, the wavelength and amplitude of perturbations on the relative errors of the experiment results are discussed as well. The calculation results show that reasonable choice of these parameters can make the diagnosis of systematic error less than 3%, and the measurement results can be corrected by the calculation model. The study results can provide reference for the parameter design and result analysis of future experiments of convergent geometry erosion RT instability on Shenguang-III laser facility.
Active cognition of affordance of household tool parts is regarded as an important aspect to improve home service robot intelligence. In order to meet the needs of real-time task of the service robot, a fast algorithm to improve the efficiency of affordance detection is proposed based on structured random forest (SRF). In the offline training phase, SRF is used to train affordance edge detector and affordance detector. Then the corresponding coarse-to-fine threshold of each affordance is determined by evaluating the results Fβof affordance detection. In the online detection phase, the affordance edge detector is used to calculate the initial probability map of the edge of affordance region. Then the coarse-to-fine threshold is used to obtain an outer rectangular including the region of the tool parts of corresponding affordance. Finally, the affordance detector is used to detect affordance of tool parts in the region obtained. The experimental results show that compared with the existing global search detection methods under normal non-grapnic processing unit systems, the average detection efficiency of the proposed method increases obviously, and the recall and precision are also improved.
In order to achieve three-dimensional detection of artificial compound eye system and solve such problems as large field of view and complex imaging process, a global geometric calibration method based on two-cylinder and back-propagation (BP) neural network is proposed. In this method, the powerful mapping ability for arbitrary complex nonlinear relationship of BP neural network is used to take implicit calibration on two cylinders respectively, which set up the mapping relationship between the two-dimensional image coordinates and the cylindrical coordinates. In the three-dimensional measurement, the points on an image are mapped to two points on both the front and the back cylinders. Linking the two points we get a space line, and the intersections of multiple spatial lines are solved by the least square method. The coordinates in the three-dimensional target are then obtained. The experimental results show that the angle error of the artificial compound eye system is within 1 mrad at the field of view of 60°×30°, and the relative radial error is about 0.6%. Compared with traditional calibration methods based on pore model, this method does not need to consider compound eye imaging model and its parameters. Since the whole calibration process is conducted in the same world coordinates, the direction and location relationships between each eye need not to be accurately known. This method is fully applicable to geometric calibration of artificial compound eye systems, and it can meet the requirements of wide field and high precision calibration.
To solve the problems of poor noise adaptability and blurred edge details of current pulse-coupled neural network (PCNN) methods in the application of human target infrared image segmentation under complex environments, an improved PCNN model is presented. Based on the characteristics of infrared noise, the weight matrix of the feeding input field is designed by the weighted mean value filtering and the anisotropic Gaussian filtering. The improved sum of modified Laplacian is introduced as the linking strength of the PCNN model to set this parameter adaptively. The dynamic threshold is expressed as the average gray value of the fired area to control PCNN iterative process. The proposed method is performed on more than 250 infrared human images from the IEEE OTCBVS database and the self-built database. The experimental results demonstrate that this method can effectively suppress infrared noise and keep many edge details of human targets. Compared with other PCNN segmentation models, the proposed method also shows good average probabilistic Rand index and low global consistency error.
Polycrystalline black silicon with a periodic structure are fabricated by the combination of SiO2 nanospheres mask and reactive ion etching method. The damage layer is removed from energetic ion bombardment by dipping into a diluted NaOH solution, and the polycrystalline black silicon is optimized. Al2O3 thin film is deposited by atomic layer deposition method, and the samples are treated by rapid thermal annealing. Results show that damage layer could be removed completely by dipping into NaOH solution, and the nanostructure is smooth while maintaining the original black silicon structure. A balanced effect combining surface passivation and anti-reflectance are obtained after the rapid thermal annealing at 450 ℃. Minority carrier lifetime and effective surface recombination velocity are 29.34 μs and 306 cm·s-1,respectively. In the visible wavelength range, the average reflectance reduces to 7.12%.
The experiment of 1 MeV electron beam irradiating undoped In0.22Ga0.78As/GaAs quantum well material with electron dose of 1×1016/cm2 is conducted. The experimental results indicate that, when quantum well material irradiated, the defects occur as a result of energy transfer in the material which degrades the photoluminescence. As for the irradiated quantum wells, the stress relaxation and atom intermixing coexist which result in the photoluminescence peak first red-shifting and then blue-shifting, and their photoluminescence wavelengths are determined by the coaction of strain relaxation and diffusion.
The illumination system evaluation method with light quantum theory based on spectra makes light emitting diode(LED) plant lighting system repeatable in modern agriculture, which has practical significance. Based on the light quantum theory, a red/blue LED plant lighting lamp with freeform surface substrate is designed and its parameters are measured with a freeform surface substrate design method, which has high light efficiency and high uniformity, and the pulse width modulation drive method is used. Moreover, the significance of the traditional illumination design method in LED plant lighting is analyzed in detail by comparing the experimental results with the simulation results. The experimental result shows that the photosynthetic photon flux density uniformity of the designed lamp is approximately 80%, and the highest temperature is about 50 ℃. The light efficiency of the lamp can be regarded as 100%, when light diffusion plates and other secondary light distribution methods are not used, and it is 34.5% higher than that of the case when a diffusion plate is used. Energy consumption for plant illumination is reduced greatly. In addition, the use of the diffusion plate will reduce the photosynthetic photon flux density uniformity of designed lamp, but have little influence on light mixing uniformity. Consequently, the primary light distribution method with the freeform surface substrate is more suitable and practical than the secondary light distribution methods with the diffusion plates for the red/blue LED combination in plant lighting.
Experimental research on dynamic gas lock (DGL) suppression ratio is presented. Firstly, an experimental system of the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) vacuum DGL is designed; then the vacuum pumping system is designed detailedly, and the practical layout of the vacuum system is developed; moreover, the experimental steps are pointed out; finally the DGL experiments are carried out and results are analyzed to verify the theoretical model and simulation results of the DGL. Experimental results show that suppression ratio of the DGL increases gradually as the purge-gas flux increases when the dirty-gas outgassing is constant; suppression ratio of the DGL has nothing to do with the dirty-gas outgassing under the same conditions; and suppression ratio of the DGL increases slowly as the purge-gas molecular weight increases and the purge-gas flux and dirty-gas outgassing remain stable. The experimental research on DGL suppression ratio is helpful for the development of DGL in EUV lithography machine.
A fully integrated optical true time delay (OTTD) module based on optical wavelength router is designed and fabricated. Two 16×16 arrayed waveguide grating routers (AWGR) with channel spacing of 1.6 nm are cascaded with a group of waveguide delay lines to form the module. The experimental result shows that this module has excellent performance, the device crosstalk at working wavelengths is lower than -27 dB, and the insertion loss is about 12 dB at peak wavelength end to end. The optical delay increment of (6.24±0.4) ps is measured experimentally by vector network analyzer. Two AWGR and delay line array of the module are integrated on the silicon substrate. This device is fabricated with silicon dioxide waveguide and the whole size is 3.5 cm×3.5 cm.
The principle, equivalent circuit and performance parameters of GaAs based solar cells are introduced. Based on technology computer aided design(TCAD)tools, two different types of GaAs based solar cells with back surface fields of InAlGaP and InAlP are presented, and their structures and performances are simulated. Meanwhile, the two solar cells are manufactured by molecular beam extension (MBE) device and their IV characteristics are tested. After considering the practical effect of the shunt resistance and series resistance on the IV characteristics of solar cells, the simulation results and the experimental results are basically consistent. When InAlGaP with doping concentration of 2×1018 cm-3 is used as back surface field in GaAs solar cells, the IV curve is the typical IV characteristic of a solar cell. When InAlP with doping atomic concentration of 2×1018 cm-3 is used as back surface field, the IV curve turns into S-shaped. The analysis results show that the drift field, which is formed by back surface field and base layer, can accelerate the transport of photo generated minority carriers in the cell and increase the photo-generated current. Meanwhile, the minority carriers are reflected back to active region because of back surface field, thus reducing the composite of carriers. Due to the existence of hetero junction, the transport processes of the majority carriers with InAlGaP back surface field are affected. The majority carriers can be transported via tunnel with minor voltage. When forward voltage increases, carriers can mainly surmount the barrier through thermal excitation and the S-shaped IV curve appears.
Combining with the defect mode and the surface mode property of photonic crystal, a photonic crystal Fabry-Pérot heterogeneous structure containing absorption medium is proposed. The proposed structure consists of a periodical photonic crystal, a test sample and an external air layer, and the test sample is directly used as the surface defect cavity. The refractive index sensing mechanism of the proposed structure is analyzed based on the optical resonance theory and the surface wave theory. The effects of different absorption media on spectrum properties of the proposed structure are discussed. We find that the Q value of the sensing structure using the graphene as the absorption medium is significantly higher than that of structures using ZnS, Al2O3 and silver as the absorption medium. When the sample layer is used as the surface defect cavity, multiple total reflection ring-down can be achieved owing to the optical Tamm state resonance, the full interaction is achieved between the resonant optical signal and the test sample, and the sensitivity of the proposed structure is improved. The Q value of the proposed structure is 2097.18 and the sensitivity is 1017.98 nm/RIU. The results can provide certain theoretical reference value for high Q value and high sensitivity detection.
A diffractive optical element is designed, and the element can be used to modulate the incident azimuthally polarized Laguerre-Gaussian vector beam. A three-dimensional multipoint optical trapping structure (twin-optical chain) is obtained along optical axis near the focal plane of high numerical aperture focusing lens. The effects of the parameters of incident beam (the topological charge and the radial mode number of associated Laguerre polynomial and the interception ratio of incident beam), the structures of inner and outer rings of the diffractive optical element, and the numerical aperture of the focusing lens on the twin-optical chain are analyzed. Results show that the structure of twin-optical chain is destroyed when we change the topological charge and the radial mode number, the twin-optical chain can be obtained again when we adjust the interception ratio and the structure of the diffractive optical element, and the high degree of freedom control of the twin-optical chain can be achieved.
The manipulation of spin splitting in spin Hall effect of light based on the dynamic and geometric phases is systematically investigated from the theoretical and experimental standpoint. With the aid of the generalized Fermat principle, the influence of such two kinds of phases on beam propagation is theoretically analyzed. The results indicate that the spin splitting can be manipulated by the geometric phase, the size of the splitting is dependent on the space spin rate of meta-surface, and the splitting direction is coincided with that of the geometric phase gradient. The overall shift of light beam is manipulated by the dynamic phase, the size of the shift is dependent on the dynamic phase gradient, and the shift direction is consistent with that of phase gradient. An experiment system is established based on spatial light modulators and meta-surfaces, and the possibility of realizing manipulation of spin splitting in spin Hall effect based on dynamic and geometric phases is experimentally confirmed.
The quantum properties of a binomial state field interacting with a Λ-type three-level atom are calculated accurately under non-rotating wave approximation. The influences of the binomial state field parameter and the superposition of atomic energy level at the initial time on the second-order coherence degree and the field squeezing effect are discussed. The numerical results indicate that the duration of the anti-bunching effect and the duration of the bunching effect due to the superposition of atomic energy level at the initial time becomes longer, with the increase of binomial state field parameter. Increasing the field parameter, the duration of the squeezing effect increases at first and then decreases whether the atomic energy level has a superposition or not. The little indentation oscillation appears in the evolution curves of the second-order coherence degree and the field squeezing effect, because of the virtual photon effect induced by non-rotating wave approximation.
In consideration of the problem of the large usage of random seeds in the current privacy amplification schemes, one design scheme of privacy amplification in quantum key distribution (QKD) based on modular and generalized Trevisan’s randomness extractor construction is proposed, and the confirmation of its security with the help of quantum side information analysis theory is presented. The results indicate that such a scheme not only resists against quantum attacks but also effectively reduces the usage of random seeds to ensure an efficient and malleable privacy amplification.
A polarization calibration method for a multi-spectral aperture-divided simultaneous detection system was introduced. According to characteristics of the detection system, the main factors causing polarization effect were analyzed, including polarizer extinction ratio, polarizer orientation angle deviation induced by assembly error and absolute spectral response. The system detection matrix with polarizer extinction ratio, angle deviation and absolute spectral response was derived. Experiments were designed to solve the unknown calibration data in the system detection matrix. The polarization calibration method and the calibration data were verified with a light source with adjustable polarization degree. The results showed that the measured polarization degrees were 0.74%, 0.01%, 0.80% and 0.59% when the polarization degree of input polarized light was 20% at 490, 670, 870, 1610 nm, which meets the requirement for actual polarization measurement precision in detection system. The proposed polarization calibration method is effective and feasible. The study may contribute to important basis for the practical application of the detection system.
When zeta potential is measured by the method of electrophoretic light scattering, the frequency shift of scattered light is typically no more than a few hundreds of hertz. If the power spectrum of the scattered light is calculated in the full-band, the frequency resolution will be reduced. To improve the frequency resolution, the full-band power spectrum is estimated first through the discrete Fourier transform, then the refined spectrum is analyzed in a narrow-band by a linear frequency modulating chirp Z-transform, and finally the frequency shift of the scattered light is obtained with good resolution. We have designed an instrument based on laser Doppler electrophoresis and have used it to measure the zeta potential of three types of polystyrene latex standard particles. The experimental data show that the chirp Z-transform improves the precision of zeta potential measurement and gives a measurement repeatability better than 5%.
On the basis of the sophisticated phase-function approximation methods Delta-M and Delta-fit, the physical meaning of a combination approximation method Delta-combine is explained, combining the requirement of moment preserving of phase function and minimizing approximation errors within a specific scattering angle range. And the influence of the connecting point position for different requirements on the scattering intensity is analyzed. On this basis, taking Cloud and Haze scattering phase functions for examples, the radiation intensity and irradiance calculated by Delta-M, Delta-fit, and Delta-combine approximation methods are compared. The applicability of the three phase function approximation methods is statistically analyzed by these methodologies under different optical thicknesses. The results show that, as the connecting point moves backward, the root mean square (RMS) of absolute error of the intensity obtained by the Delta-combine method decreases, and the RMS of relative error of the intensity decreases first and then increases. The three approximation methods are all able to guarantee the energy balance. The RMSs of absolute error produced by Delta-M and Delta-combine are smaller than that of Delta-fit under different optical thicknesses. From the aspect of relative error, Delta-fit does well when the optical thickness is small, and the Delta-combine is best when the optical thickness increases.
The feature information of ballistic target is deficient in space based infrared system. Spectrum represents the inherent property difference of the object, which can be used as main gist for target recognition. The characteristic spectra of missile plume are taken as an important mean for target recognition. Considering the spectral absorption characteristics and the band extraction rules, we construct a band extraction model using forward and backward interval partial least squares, use to a new spectral adaptive varied weight measure (SAVM) distinguish, and propose a new recognition method based on characteristic plume spectrua, which can be used for the recognition of boost phase ballistic target. The characteristic bands are extracted and SAVM superiority is verified. The method proposed needs less data, provides higher precision and can be a better reference for optimizing infrared detection and recognition system in comparison with the way of using whole spectral range.
The real-time linearly constrained minimum variance(LCMV)detection and classification method for hyperspectral imagery is based on the pixel-by-pixel processing, which has the problems of large amount of computation and slow running speed. Two novel real-time LCMV detection and classification methods based on the LCMV detection and classification method are proposed. Firstly, the LCMV algorithm is carried out causality, a causal real-time LCMV (CR-LCMV) detection and classification method based on the line-by-line processing is proposed. Then, by using Woodbury lemma, a recursive causal real-time LCMV (RCR-LCMV) detection and classification method based on the line-by-line processing is derived. Experimental results show that compared with the traditional LCMV detection and classification algorithm, the two novel real-time algorithms can detect and classify targets in real-time without affecting the detection accuracy, and the required data storage space is greatly reduced. Compared with the real-time LCMV algorithm based on the pixel-by-pixel processing, the real-time processing ability of the two novel real-time algorithms is much strong without affecting the classification accuracy, which has obvious superiority in running time.
The resonant photoacoustic spectroscopy system tends to be affected by the external environment, while the relative humidity has negative influence on the photoacoustic signal, which could reduce the accuracy of the photoacoustic spectroscopy technique for trace gas detection or aerosol light absorption coefficient measurement directly. A set of photoacoustic spectroscopy measurement system is built based on a homemade U-shaped photoacoustic cell, and its relative humidity can be precisely adjusted. Performance of the photoacoustic system is measured at different relative humidity, and the impact of relative humidity on photoacoustic signal is analyzed. The corrected parameters of the photoacoustic signal are also obtained based on the experimental results, with which the absorption of water molecules at 7172.699 cm-1 wavelength is measured and the effects of relative humidity are quantitatively analyzed. The result provides reference for the application of photoacoustic spectroscopy technology in different relative humidity conditions.
The reflectance spectrum of fresh plant leaves in the near infrared has been systematically analyzed. It is verified that presence of O-H is the key to those vegetation′s spectral characteristics at about 1450 nm and 1940 nm. Based on the knowledge, Mg-Al-X-LDH (X represents NO3-, Cl-, CO32-, SO42-), four types of novel spectral simulation materials containing interlayed O-H, were designed and prepared, and their X-ray diffraction patterns, infrared spectra, thermogravimetric curves and Raman spectra were characterized. The model calculation results of spectral correlation mapper and spectral angle mapper show similarities more than 0.9600 and 0.9700 between four types of layered double hydroxides (LDHs) and plant leaves in near infrared reflectance spectrum. The polyurethane coating with Mg-Al-Cl-LDHs as a simulation material exhibits a highly coincided spectrum with that of plant leaves, and similarities of two calculation models are up to 0.9702 and 0.9924, respectively. The similarities calculation of reflectance spectra for Mg-Al-Cl-LDHs before and after calcining at 180 ℃ are still up to 0.9888 and 0.9959, indicating high thermo stability of Mg-Al-LDHs.
For measurement of substance concentration in turbid medium by near-infrared diffuse spectroscopy, the measurement sensitivity and the position of the adopted spectrum detector, i.e. source-detector separation (SDS), are closely related. By analyzing the sensitivity of substance concentration measurement curved with changes of SDS, three special SDSs with maximum, minimum (zero) and local maximum sensitivities were obtained, respectively. In the glucose measurement experiment in turbid medium solution, Intralipid solution with water, glucose, hemoglobin and albumin, the three special positions of SDS were verified by diffusion equation, Monte Carlo simulation and diffuse reflection spectroscopy. Considering the limiting factors such as stability of light source, detective quantum efficiency, noises of InGaAs detector, we used the signal-noise ratio (SNR) as another indicator to evaluate the sensibility of an actual measurement. After comprehensively analyzing the sensibility graphs and actual measurement conditions, we presented the optimized SDS which the glucose measurement precision was improved by more than 10 times. The method for improving glucose measurement sensitivity in turbid medium could be referenced and practiced in non-invasive blood glucose measurement or other substance concentration measurement using near-infrared spectroscopy.
A method to identify wood based on random forests prediction model of terahertz time-domain spectroscopy is proposed. We analyzed the differences of the absorption spectrum of four kinds of the woods (two kinds of real red wood and two kinds of false red wood) in the frequency range of 0.2~1.2 THz. Then the principal component analysis was applied to decrease the dimension of the spectral absorbance data, and the five principal components with top cumulative variance contribution rates were extracted (the total contribution rate is up to 99.65%). The processed spectral data were substituted into the random forest prediction model to identify real red wood and false red wood, and then the recognition rate of the training set and test set were obtained. The experimental results show that the terahertz time-domain spectroscopy combined with random forest prediction model can obtain a higher recognition rate, the recognition rate can reach 91.25%, when comparing with that using the traditional support vector machine prediction model and single decision tree model. The research results show that it is feasible to apply the terahertz time-domain spectroscopy combined with random forest prediction model into the identification of red wood.
A turbidity disturbance compensation algorithm based on the Mie scattering theory for water quality measurement by ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy is studied in order to reduce the turbidity disturbance caused by light scattering from suspended particles in the waterbody. The disturbance leads to a nonlinear lifting of the spectrum and results in significant decrease of the measurement accuracy. By the total light scattering method based on the Mie scattering theory, particle size distribution of the water sample can be reconstructed through the ultraviolet-visible spectrum in the region from 450 nm to 1100 nm, which is mainly related to the particle scattering. Then, with the secondary inversionary of the particle size distribution, extinction spectrum caused by particle scattering in the wavelength region of 220-450 nm which is the characteristic spectrum region of the organic pollutant can be estimated. So the accurate compensation of the turbidity distribution is realized. Experimental results show that a good effect of turbidity compensation for different water samples is achieved by the algorithm without a lot of prior experimental data. Calculation accuracy of the chemical oxygen demand has been greatly improved. It is of practical value for increasing the accuracy, flexibility and adaptability in the ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy for water soluble organic measurement.
HfO2 is used as one of the most important high refractive index materials in the field of high laser damage threshold thin films. The band gap and the Urbach energy impact absorption and laser damage threshold directly. The HfO2 thin film is prepared by ion beam sputtering, and the technical parameters include the substrate temperature, the ion beam voltage, the ion beam current and the oxygen flow rate. The adjustment method for the optical gap is proposed based on the orthogonal experiment, and the Cody-Lorentz dielectric model is used to characterize the band gap and the Urbach energy. The results show that, when the confidence probability is 90%, the most influential preparative parameters for the band gap of the HfO2 thin film are listed as the substrate temperature, the ion beam current, and the oxygen flow rate. The wider band gap of the HfO2 can be obtained by the combination of the lower substrate temperature, the moderate ion beam current, and the lower oxygen flow rate. The Urbach energy is influenced mostly by the substrate temperature, and other parameters have no notable influence. The lower Urbach energy can be obtained at the higher substrate temperature, which indicates that the HfO2 thin film has lower degree of disorder.