In some specific cases, since holographic lens is miniature and light, it has many advantages in optical processing. In this paper the Fourier transform system constructed by using the holographic lens, and some experiments are discussed. The experimental results show the fact that it can be used in some optical data processing.
A laser interferometer for sample stage positioning of electron beam lithography is developed. According to the characteristics of the electron beam lithography the optical arrangement and elements are specially considered. High resolution and stability are realized. The optical system of the interferometer, calculated results and the phase change method by polarizers are described. This interferometer setted in a vacuum chamber of a electron beam lithography system has been reliably working over one year. Eepeatabilitj of positioning is determined to be 0.04 micron.
Providing the plane Fizeau interferometer with a Twyman-model beam splitter, authors have accomplished a plane multipass interferometry which is easy to operate. The errors analyses point out that: such arrangement is realizable and valuable for practical applications. Experiments show that its sensitivity is 1~2 times higher than the conventional Fizeau interferometer for testing the polished uncoated optical elements, 7~9 times for high reflective coated sufaces.
The master equation of a nonresonant two-mode laser in three level atomic system with equal detune for each mode is deduced. The influences of the detune over the laser operation are discussed. It is found that the gain and saturation coefficients are reduced by factors L and L2 separately. The influence of the detune is appreciable at slightly above the threshold operation and is fading away far above. The effect of the two-photon process is comparatively enhanced in detune case.
Using 0.1 TW, 100ps pulse-width high-power laser to irradiate the surface of plane aluminium targets with different polarizations (P-polarization or S-polarization), the LPX spectral line of aluminium ions was photographed by a X-ray crystal spectrometer. The relation between electron temperature of laser plasma and the incident angles of the laser beam was obtained. It shows that there is resonant absorption in the plasma when the laser power density is in the order of 1015W/cm2. The Ka spectral line emitted by the aluminium target originates mainly from fast electrons in our experimental conditions.
The effects of C5H10, C6H14, C7H10 and C8H18 on the energy outputs of D2O and CH3F and their mixture D2O-CH3F pulsed optically pumped FIR lasers has been studied experimentally. It is shown that all of them can increase the energy outputs at 66μm, 114μm and 385μm lines from D2O and at 496μm line from CH3F. Especially the net increases at long wavelengths (385μm and 496μm) are up to 30~90% by adding these vapours. Authors account such effects for their intense scattering, so more pumping photons trapped by active molecule, and for the large vibrational heat content relative to theix molecular weight, so the “bottleneck” effect can be decreased.
A physical concept called internal energy have been set up from the hydrodynamic model describing the light beam transmission[1]. In this paper authors expect to demonstrate that for any stable paraxial light beam transmitting in vacuum, the internal energy of the light beam is not dependent on the position of the beam cross-section. In other words, in the cause of transmitting, the internal energy is a constant.
By means of the density matrix method, the necessary and sufficient conditions for a coherent state to remain coherent at all times are discussed. It is shown that the conditions of Glauber are correct, the censure of Kano is groundless, and the conditions of Glauber are applicable for the Hamiltonian in quite general form.
In this paper, a study on the properties of colour renter in phosphate glasses and polynary fluorophasphate glasses, which contain alkali and alkaline earth metal elements,using ESR method is presented. The experimental results show that there are two types of colour center in such two kinds of glasses, after irradiation with ?-ray. One is the trapped electron type, other is the hole type. Their g values are from 2.123 to 2.004. Hyperfine interaction of colour centers with phosphate nucleus (P31) has been observed. Analysis shows that the covalent bond in phosphate glasses; is stronger than that in fluorophosphate glasses. According to the orbital hybridization theory, the bond angles at the site of the defect in phosphate glasses are calculated.
The paper has investigated a gradient index plate produced by ion-exchange technique. The index profile of the plate, the characteristics of light propagating and principles of imaging in it are discussed. Some interference fringe partterns and the photographs taken by the plate are also presented in this paper.
A method of preparing CdS photoconductive film used in AC Liquid Crystal Light Valve (LCLV)is developed. It employs general evaporating techniques in the vacuum system. After evaprating, the, CdS film is annealed at high temperature and diffused with proper Cu impurity as acceptor. Thus a CdS film with smooth surface, high dark resistance and well photocondactivity is obtained. It has been known by the measurement that the dark resistance is higher then 109Ω.cm. The ratio of light to dark electrical current is of the order of 10s, the response time ia shorter than 100 ms.
In this paper, some special measures based on the grating photoetehing technique are presented. The ruling of circle-dividing gratings with optional fringes, quadruple frequency and absolute zero has been carried out in this manner.
The feasibility of MTFA (modulation transfer function area) for assessing imaging quality of visual telescopic systems is described. A method for simplifying the MTFA has been discussed briefly. The way for characteristics frequency selection by using linear regression analysis is presented. Through the MTF measurements of several 8 ? 30 telescopic systems the regression statistics have been obtained from the measured curves. We found that the characteristics spatial frequency may be chosen in a wider range. The optimum frequency is close to the half limit frequency. A simplifying scheme for the parameters used in MTF measnremeiit, i.e. wavelength, field angle, azimuth and dioptric, is also presented.
The necessary and simple condition for obtaining high reflectivity at multiple frequencies has been further derived, and the general form of the multilayer system and the corresponding formula of controlling wavelength are given in the paper. To be an example, the computed transmittance curves for multiple-frequencies (2 ×, 3×, 4×, 5× ) are shown. We have experimentally studied the system of 2 x frequencies, on which the transmittance curves are presented.
The calculation method for transition state of oscillator strength suggested by Ellis and Gosoinski [Physica Scripta, 9, 104 (1974)] has been modified for considering spin polarization. By means of this version, f-values for s-p, p-s and p-d transitions between the ground and or lower excited states in atom Li are obtained. It is further shown that the data obtained by using this method approach the tabulated values better than ones by using some more complex methods such as Hartree-Fook method for some transitions. This may reveal the physical meaning of the transiiion state in calculation of osuillator strength.
In this paper the author discusses emphatically the spectral properties (absorption spectrum, fluorescence spectrum, excited lifetime and relative quantum yield) of three new dyes and compares their differences which come from the molecular structure. In the mean time the author introduce the experimental technology used to measure the spectra to determine the excited time in the picosecond range.
The generation of high-power picosecond IR pulses by stimulated electronic Raman scattering (SERS) using ps pulse trains is reported. 20 pa pulses at 527 nm have been Ramanshifted to produce 1 mJ maximum pulses at 2.28μm with 16% quantum efficiency. IR output energy and the threshold of SERS as a function of the pumping energy and vapour pressure are measured and analysed.
In the present paper authors give a brief account of a computer program controlled dye-laser spectrometer with spectral range from 400 nm to 700 nm. The Doppler-free isotope shifts in the optical transitions at 432 nm, 436 nm, and 557 nm have been measured by means of the spectrometer. The results tested by the King s diagram are found to be satisfactory. From the measured values of the, isotope shifts the changes in the nuclear mean square charge radii δ for stable Kr isotope are calculated.