An incoherent image-deblurring method has been developed. We use a new deblurring function that is easier to implement than inverse filter. This function convolving with blurred image in spatial domain can get deblurring image. In this system, extended monochromatic source and extented white light source can be used. Because of the incoherent source, it introduces redundency in the system. So this method offers substantially improved noise performance compared to conventional coherent systems. Theoretical analysis shows that the new deblurring function, is the Fourier transform of inverse filtering function. Experimental results are also given.
This paper covers the concept of blazed holographic grating and its optimum design method by Fourier synthesis. Theoretical formulae have been derived from the basis of scalar electro-magnetic theory. The numerical caloulating results have been analysed in detail and skills for calculating and choosing design parameters have been discussed by introducing two parameters, i. e. ratio of profile depth R and phase shift, in relation to grating diffraction efficiency. It is shown that two optimum values must be chosen from a series of values of R and φ in order to obtain the optimum diffraction efficiency of blazed holographic grating for certain diffraction order and to control the two parameters correctly in manufacturing praotioe.
In this paper an experimental method of producing blazed holographic grating by Fourier synthesis technique is described. We devised a simple and feasible optical arrangement and succeeded in making precise adjustment by means of interferometry. When Fourier components of a sawtooth groove were incoherently superposed with double exposure, desirable asymmetric groove profiles were obtained in Jiang shi possitive photoresist made in China. The measured results show that the grating has a fine blazing character. At the blaze wavelength of the grating the diffraction efficiency of the +1 order over 50%, The efficiency about 11 times higher than that of the -1 order. An experimental method for measuxing blaze angle of blazed holograpiiio grating is proposed, and the following problems are discussed: (1) how to effectively control the blaze wavelength in an experimental way, (2) the faotors affecting diffraction efficiency of blazed grating, (3) the effect of the stability of the laser and the adjustment of the optical arrangement on the experimental results. Finally, some suggestions are made on how to rai^e the diffraction efficiency and enlarge the ruling area of the grating in terror of experiment.
The characters of ring interferometer as a white-light shearing interferometer have been discussed. The simplest type of ring interferometer is constructed by threa plates. This interferometer can have definite lateral shearing with equal optical path. The adjustment methods are discussed. Ring interferometers formed with four and/or even more plates are analysed, it has been shown that, ring spacial optical path with four plates can form a rotational shearing interferometer with arbitrary shearing angle. The behavior of optical system in ring interferometer is discussed. It ahows that, the ring interferometer with definite focal length or telescopic system can obtain the radical shearing expected. Finally, the tolerance and measurment accuracy of ring shearing interferometer are presented. This paper waa completed in 1976. Following the idea proposed in this article some interesting experiments were performed, aach as a paper published in IEEE J. of Quantum Electronics, QE-17 (1981) 1768.
According to the first-order wave aberration theory, the permissible tolerances of the plane mirror in the autocollimating test have been derived. These formulae we obtained are suitable not only for axial test but also for extra-axial test. The limitations of the Burch s formula are also pointed out.
Numerical solutions of the rate equations for pulsed reflected mode (PRM), pulsed transmission mode (PTM) and normal operation have been performed by computer in terms of FLPL operating parameters. The results are analyzed and compared. Some primary factors effecting on photon density in the cavity for PTM operation are investigated. The principle results of theoretical investigation have been confirmed by experiments. The pulse duration compression from μs to 3ns has been obtained. The peak power was raised from decades kW to MW by PTM operation.
A theoretical prediction on the performance of the pulsed dye laser pumped by a copper vapor laser was given. A high power efficient Eh6G dye laser pumped by a copper vapor laser was developed with longitudinally pumped geometry and jet stream on the basis of this theory. Average ontpnt power of 0.86 W for the Bh6G dye was obtained. Its efficiency was 31%.
The semiclassical lamb method is applied to the problem of a single mode two-photon laser (TPL). The steady-state solutions of the amplitude equation are obtained, their stability properties are analysed. It is found that, for TPL there exist threshold requirements both for pumping and for the light field intensity. The frequency equation predicts a mode-pulling effect.
The Gaussian modes in phase-conjugate resonators (PGR) have been derived by means of the second form of transform matrix if the phase-conjugate mirror (POM) regarded as spherical mirror of variable cuvatnre with incidence beam. The major characteristics of POR is the ability for compensating distortions. However, the laser output must be extracted from the real mirror.
The ultralinear characteristics of a bistable liquid crystal electro-optic modulator and the use of it for making various special amplitude gratings and the halftone screen are introduced. The experiment shows that the advantage of this method is its small distortion and simple configuration.
Fluorescence lifetime T and absorption spectra of Khodamine 6G (R6G) at different concentrations have been measured in a variety of solvents, such as methanol, ethanol n-propyl-, n-butyl and t-amyl alcohols, acetonitrile and water etc. The variation of τ for E6G in these solutions (except H2O) at 10-4 md. is related linearily to the ability of solvent to form hydrogen-bonding. This finding in combination with the absorption measurement leads us to a suggestion that the influence of solute-solvent interaction via hydrogen-bonding on aggregation between R6G molecules is responsible for observed solvent effect on fluorescence lifetime.
For a diffused waveguide with a Gaussian profile the index profile is given approximately by a polynomial function. Using the result derived by Ikuno, an approximate solution of the propagation constants for guided modes is obtained. It is shown that the propagation constants obtained by our approach are in agreement with the results obtained by ray technique, better than those obtained by the earlier approach corresponding to secant hyperbolic profile. The equation is simple for calculation and particularly, the deyiations in high order modes are decreased considerably.
The general dispersion formula of the single-mode fiber with symmetric index profile is derived in this paper. Total dispersion of step-index single-mode optical fiber with various parameters is calculated accurately, and compared with related measurement reported in the foreign paper. Especially, dispersion behaviour of step-mode optical fibers at two low-loss windows, 1.3μm and 1.55μm, is studied. All calculation is accomplished with type DJS-8 computer.
This paper reports some measurement results of the characters of the transmitting laser light produced in laser heating micro-balloon targets. The transmitting images of the micro-balloon targets are transparent in the case of accurate focusing and small prepulse. But its images are muddy in the case of defocusing and larger prepulse. The measurement results obtained by using the spatial resolve spectrum show that the spectrum of the transmitting laser light passed through the plasma is broadened clearly, the broadened spectrum line is central symmetry to the spectral line of the input laser beam, the width of the spectrum is broadened from 0.2 nm to 5.0 nm.
The article describes the approximate relation between incident angle and diffraction efficiency of the perfectly conducting sinusoidal grating and the lamellar one. The analysis in the article starts with electromagnetic theory. Solving the boundary condition equation of electromagnetic field, we give some approximation in order to make the equation solved easily; as a result, their complicated relation can be obtained under certain circumstances.
A computer simulation of the monitoring process has been performed. It is shown that the direct-extreme-monitoring method has the best performance, provided that the spectral bandwidth of the monitoring light beam is narrower than the interval between the turning points, and the drift of control wavelength is lower than one-third of the above mentioned interval.