Acta Optica Sinica
Qihuang Gong
Volume: 28 Issue 10
35 Article(s)
Liu Houtong, Ge Zhanqi, Wang Zhenzhu, Huang Wei, and Zhou Jun

It is difficult to determine gauge point and calibration value in extinction coefficient inversion of airborne lidar that detects in low altitude. Fernald iterative backward integration method can find gauge point and calibration value for extinction coefficient inversion without other auxiliary equipment when airborne lidar is used for low altitude detection. Airborne lidar data of Qingdao is disposed using Fernald iterative backward integration method and Palm et al.(2002), and two extinction coefficient profiles agree with each other well. Quantitive analysis reveals that lidar ratio influences extinction coefficient profile inversion results greatly. Extinction coefficient of gauge point and iterative criterion value influence little extinction coefficient profile inversion results. Fernald iterative backward integration method offers a method for extinction coefficient inversion of low altitude detection lidar without other accessorial equipment.

Jun. 18, 2020
  • Vol. 28 Issue 10 1837 (2008)
  • Li Wei, Zhan Jie, Shao Shiyong, Mei Haiping, and Rao Ruizhong

    In the field of atmospheric optics, distribution of sky brightness is widely used. The theory of sky brightness measurement is briefly introduced. A new design scheme of intrument for sky brightness measurement used in the day in visible and infrared band is proposed based on kindred instrument analysis, and the structure and selection of detector are introduced. After calibration, the instrument can get absolute value of sky brightness, which can show variety of sky brightness distribution. The instrument perfects traditional instrument for sky brightness in wave bands, characters of real time and portability, and meets practical demand in scientific research.

    Jun. 18, 2020
  • Vol. 28 Issue 10 1844 (2008)
  • Cheng Tianhai, Chen Liangfu, Gu Xingfa, Yu Tao, and Tian Guoliang

    Cloud phase recognition is important for cloud studies. The single-scattering properties of water cloud and ice cloud were studied to effectively identify them, in the light of the difference of microphysical characteristics between the two kinds of clouds, their polarized radiance was simulated by utilizing the vector radiative transfer equation based on adding-doubling method. The results indicate that the polarized radiance over a large range of scattering angles can show the distinction between water cloud and ice cloud, and can be used to recognize the cloud phase. The algorithm of cloud phase classification based on the simulations is presented and demonstrated by using the data of POLDER 0.865 μm. The results of cloud phase retrieval was compared with the phase products of MODIS and the result of cirrus detection of MODIS based on 1.38 μm. The analysis shows that the cloud phase retrieval method based on near-infrared polarimetric measurements can improve the capability of cloud phase classification through satellites.

    Jun. 18, 2020
  • Vol. 28 Issue 10 1849 (2008)
  • Qian Xianmei, Zhu Wenyue, and Rao Ruizhong

    In the numerical simulation of light propagation along an inhomogeneous turbulent path, five methods for the selection of C2n between phase screens are discussed, to reduce the error due to the assumption that turbulence between phase screens is homogeneous. By calculating Rytov index and Fried parameter of plane wave and spherical wave, relative errors between simulative and theoretical results of the five methods are compared. It is found that setting C2n as the average refractive index structure constant of turbulence between phase screens can obtain the highest precision. And when the equivalent Rytov index-interval phase screen method is used to locate phase screens, choosing C2n as the average value of refractive index structure constants at the positions of two phase screens is also feasible.

    Jun. 18, 2020
  • Vol. 28 Issue 10 1856 (2008)
  • Shi Shengwei, Wang Jiang'an, Jiang Xingzhou, Ma Zhiguo, and Yu Yang

    Scattering phase function of wake bubble films is obtained based on Mie theory and the distribution model of ship wake bubbles. Using the function the backscattering signal of bubble films is simulated by Monte Carlo method, which is useful to detect and analyze the backscattering signals of ship bubble wakes in situ measurement. The analyzsis of the scattering phase function and the backscattering signal characteristic in different regions of ship wake, shows scattering phase functions of bubble films in different wake region change little and affect the signal tinily; the variety of bubble density which causes the variety of multiple scattering and the bubble attenuation coefficient is the dominating reason influencing the backscattering intensity. Multiple scattering intensity becomes stronger when the bubble film is thick. When the thickness of bubble film is larger than a given times of attenuation length, the backscattering signal changes little with the increase of bubble film thickness.

    Jun. 18, 2020
  • Vol. 28 Issue 10 1861 (2008)
  • He Jun, Xiao Hao, Feng Lei, Li Fang, Zhang Songwei, and Liu Yuliang

    The phase characteristics of an unbalanced Michelson interferometer based on a 3×3 coupler was investigated. Using the scattering matrix theory of fiber couplers, the phase differences between each two of the three outputs of the interferometer were deduced when an unideal 3×3 coupler was used. The scattering matrix of a commercial 3×3 fiber coupler was obtained from the insert loss of each channel after calculation and modification. The phase differences of the three outputs of the interferometer are calculated to be 120.21°, 120.77° and 119.02°, with deviation less than 1° from the ideal 120°. An experiment was carried out to measure the three outputs of the interferometer. Small fluctuation of the phase differences is observed, which is due to the random change of polarization state. The maximum of the deviations from the ideal 120° is within 1°, and the experimental results are in accordance with the theoretical expectations.

    Jun. 18, 2020
  • Vol. 28 Issue 10 1867 (2008)
  • Zhu Yingxun, Wang Rong, Ding Xiaoguang, and Pu Tao

    The noise model of temporal phase optical code-division multiple access (OCDMA) system is given. The concept of self beat noise induced by inter symbol interference(ISI) is proposed. The impact of multiple access interference(MAI), ISI and self beat noise on system performance is analyzed by using saddle-point approximation and the bit error rate(BER) expression of the system is presented. Simulations on the systems with optimal threshold and optical hard limiter show that the error probability of symbol “1” is the key factor to the system performance and it is also the main matter for on/off keying(OOK) system to overcome. A balance detection system with two en/decoders is presented and its performance is analyzed and compared with traditional OOK system. Results show its superior performance to the traditional one.

    Jun. 18, 2020
  • Vol. 28 Issue 10 1874 (2008)
  • Wang Zefeng, Hu Yongming, Meng Zhou, Luo Hong, Xiong Shuidong, and Ni Ming

    Signal aliasing is a key problem in applications of modern sonar systems based on fiber-optic hydrophones. Preliminary experimental results have shown that the acoustic low-pass filtering fiber-optic hydrophone is a simple and effective anti-aliasing scheme. We construct the low frequency lumped parameter model of acoustic low-pass filtering fiber-optic hydrophone based on the theories of electro-acoustic analogy. The frequency response of the fiber-optic hydrophone is estimated using the circuit analysis method. Theoretical results show that the fiber-optic hydrophone system has the similar response characteristics as a classical two-order low-pass filtering circuit. A simple low-pass filtering fiber-optic hydrophone is designed and manufactured to test the theory. And the acoustic sensitivity frequency response is measured in a standing-wave tube. Experimental results are, on the whole, in agreement with the numerical values. The low frequency acoustic sensitivity is about -141.5 dB. The measured resonant frequency is 985 Hz, which accords well with the theoretical value of 1270 Hz. The acoustic sensitivity at resonant frequency is -126.8 dB, and the attenuation rate is about 20 dB/octave. The attenuation beyond 3 kHz is bigger than 20 dB.

    Jun. 18, 2020
  • Vol. 28 Issue 10 1883 (2008)
  • Chen Xianfeng, Jiang Meiping, Shen Xiaoming, and Jin Yi

    A graphical method is used to systematically investigate the mode characteristics of an asymmetrical three-layer slab waveguide clad with different single-negative materials. It is demonstrated the waveguide has unusual properties dramatically different from those of conventional waveguide and left-handed material waveguide. The effective refractive index of transverse oscillating guided modes lies in a wider region. In addition, the high-order modes are transverse oscillating guided modes in the core region, only the zero-order one is a surface wave mode. The dispersion curves of high-order TE- and TM- polarized guided modes are nearly the same. The constitutive parameters of single-negative materials have considerable influence on zero-order guided mode. Under certain condition in the waveguide, complete disappearance of zero-order modes, only surface wave propagation, superslow wave, and zero-order dual modes of backward waves will occur.

    Jun. 18, 2020
  • Vol. 28 Issue 10 1888 (2008)
  • Liu Hongmei, and Yan Xiaona

    Based on anisotropic diffraction of volume grating in the photorefractive LiNbO3 crystal, an optical wavelength demultiplexing (WdeM) scheme implemented by a single volume grating is theoretically discussed. By only one grating written by two He-Ne laser beams at a specific wavenumber, the scheme can realize wavelength demultiplexing around telecommunication wavelength 1550 nm, and the theoretical possible wavelength suitable for WDM is from 1400 nm to 1650 nm. For anisotropic diffraction, the polarization of diffracted and readout beams are orthogonal to each other, which can largely improve the signal-to-noise ratio. Besides, only one grating written in the crystal can avoid time-writing complexity in the multiple grating writing.

    Jun. 18, 2020
  • Vol. 28 Issue 10 1893 (2008)
  • Cheng Mu, Wu Chongqing, Zhao Rui, Song Chao, Li Zhengyong, and Wang Yaping

    All-optical buffer can store the packets in optical-domain and is a key component in all-optical router, all-optical calculation and all-optical switching. A novel all-optical buffer based on nonlinear polarization rotation in semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) and a method which utilizes the principal states of polarization (PSP) to find two orthogonal linear states of polarization (SOPs) were proposed. This method can measure the SOP on-line. By adjusting the injection current of SOA the conversion between two orthogonal linear SOPs was realized. The operation of the proposed optical buffer at 2.5 Gb/s was experimentally setup. The writing in and reading out operations of 1024 bits random data for 6 circulations by this optical buffer were demonstrated.

    Jun. 18, 2020
  • Vol. 28 Issue 10 1898 (2008)
  • Yuan Weiqi, Qu Xiaofeng, Ke Li, and Huang Jing

    Principal component analysis (PCA) is very effective in palmprint recognition. However, with enlargement of the palmprint image library, the training time of the transforming matrix increases rapidly. When new palmprintis added in, the PCA transforming matrix should be retrained, so the cost of adding new palmprint to the libarary increases rapidly with the enlargement of the palmprint image libarary. It has been a major obstacle to the extensive use of PCA that how to make PCA easy to use, meanwhile the recognition performance is maintained. A PCA reconstruction error palmprint recognition method in which the PCA reconstruction error is taken for classification basis is proposed. The proposed method bases on the same theorem with PCA, so it can achieve the same performance with PCA when using the nearest neighbour classifier. The recognition time can be decreased sharply, and it is very easy to enlarge the palmprint image library with proposed method.

    Jun. 18, 2020
  • Vol. 28 Issue 10 1903 (2008)
  • Li Yingchao, Wang Yongtian, Liu Yue, and Li Yanhui

    There is a strong similarity between the camera pinhole model and the C-arm imaging model of the angiography system. The difference is that the intrinsic parameters of the latter change when C-arm moves because of its special mechanical structure. A new method is presented for the calculation of the extrinsic and intrinsic parameters of a C-arm angiography system from the orientation parameters provided by its output device. This method is built on the imaging principle of angiography system and dynamic geometry of the C-arm, and the model description is based on the related theory in computer vision. Three models are provided, which give different accuracy, complexity and versatility. The first model can be used to calibrate the parameters in selected orientations of the C-arm, the second one in arbitrary orientations of the C-arm when the source-to-image intensifier distance (SID) is fixed, and the third one in arbitrary orientations of the C-arm with arbitrary values of SID. Experimental results show that the first model provides sub-pixel precision and can be used in high-accuracy applications. The accuracy of the second and third models is slightly lower, but can be used in applications with high requirement of flexibility.

    Jun. 18, 2020
  • Vol. 28 Issue 10 1910 (2008)
  • Guo Jinyu, and Yuan Weiqi

    In order to preserve the local structure of the image space, locality preserving projection (LPP) is applied to palmprint recognition. In small-size-sample cases such as image recognition, the matrix of the eigenvalue equation is singular. The traditional solution is to utilize the principal component analysis (PCA) as a pre-processing step aiming to reduce the dimensionality of the palmprint space, then LPP is applied to extract feature. Since the projection criterion of the PCA and that of LPP are essentially different, the pre-processing step to reduce the dimensionality using the PCA could result in the loss of some important discriminatory information. To solve the above problem, the three-methods, the three-level wavelet transform, image down-sample, and the mean of block segmentation, are presented to reduce palmprint space dimensionality. Then LPP is used to extract the local features. The cosine distance between two feature vectors is calculated to match palmprint. The three algorithms are tested in PolyU plmprint database. The results show that the recognition performance of the algorithm exceeds PCA and PCA+LPP. The all time is less than 0.1 s including feature extraction and matching time, so it has the advantages of quickness, high efficiency, and easy realization.

    Jun. 18, 2020
  • Vol. 28 Issue 10 1920 (2008)
  • Zhu Xiangping, Zhao Baosheng, Liu Yongan, Miao Zhenhua, Zhang Xinghua, and Zou Wei

    The experimental result of the newly developed 30.4 nm extreme ultraviolet imaging detector was reported in detail, which adopted wedge strip and zigzag anode (WSA), V-stack high-gain microchannel plate (MCP) components, low-noise electronic readout system, and other advanced techniques. Simulated images were obtained successfully by using the single-photon counting imaging technique in the laboratory. The experimental setup system was established and the detector imaging linearity, resolution, the dark count rates etc are studied. The research shows that the detector has an effective area of 45 mm in diameter, spatial resolution better than 100 μm, and low dark count rates about 0.4 count/(cm2·s), with good image linearity and simple structure.

    Jun. 18, 2020
  • Vol. 28 Issue 10 1925 (2008)
  • Ai Lili, Yuan Feng, and Ding Zhengliang

    The expression of relative distortion based on even-power series of a radial radius is commonly used in camera calibration. But there is not any reliable theoretical source for the physical accuracy of this model of a substantial lens. Based on a numerical result of grid distortion by Zemax and the optimization toolbox of Matlab, data fitting with combined multinomial of different number of terms and powers of independent variable (radial radius or field) is done. The results show that the expression of relative distortion including terms of the two and three powers of the radial distortion is beneficial in terms of accuracy, and the expression by powers of field angle may give a much better fitting, but the fitting function with multi-term and high-order is not of advantage to provide a more accurate expansion.

    Jun. 18, 2020
  • Vol. 28 Issue 10 1930 (2008)
  • Shen Yi, Zhou Bin, Wang Shanshan, Zhang Yichun, and Chen Limin

    NO2 in cigarette main smoke of different kind brands was measured continuously by differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS). By using RM200 rotating disk smoking machine with 20 smoking flue, 20 cigarettes were inserted into the rotating disk and ignited every 3 s. By use of DOAS technique, the measurement was completed within 6~7 min after the smoke was transported into a White cell with 31.5 m path length which was connected to the smoking machine. This technique can improve the measuremental temporal resolution compared with traditional method. At the beginning, the press in White cell was 5.2×104 Pa and it increased to 1.03×105 Pa while the measurement finished. The result shows the concentration of NO2 in main smoke is between 0.89 mg/m3 and 1.54 mg/m3 and the concentration of NO2 in main smoke is quite different for different brands cigarette. The NO2 concentration of mixing type cigarette is 83% high than that of roast type cigarette. This technique provides a simple and quick method for analyzing components of cigarette smoke.

    Jun. 18, 2020
  • Vol. 28 Issue 10 1934 (2008)
  • Hao Honggang, Li Bincheng, and Liu Mingqiang

    A pulsed laser photothermal detuning technique, in which the temperature induced spectral shifts of optical coatings are used to measure photothermal signal, is presented. A theoretical model is developed to describe the pulsed laser photothermal detuning signal. The application to the absorption measurement of optical coatings is discussed. An experiment is performed with a highly reflective (HR) coating used in 532 nm. The amplitude and temporal behavior of the pulsed laser photothermal detuning are detected at 632.8 nm, and their dependences on the experimental parameters, such as the energy density of the excitation beam and the relative position between the excitation and probe beams on the sample surface are investigated. The results show that the detuning signal increases firstly and then decreases with the time, rises with the increase of the power density, and reaches the maximum at the position where the pump and probe beams are overlapped.

    Jun. 18, 2020
  • Vol. 28 Issue 10 1942 (2008)
  • Sun Xuezhen, Su Xianyu, and Zou Xiaoping

    In order to solve the problem of error code in the field of phase unwrapping based on phase-shift technology combined with structured light binary code, a new complementary structured light binary code was presented. Two kinds of complementary encoding and decoding modes were designed by projecting one more Gray code image as well as taking advantage of the property of Gray code that the Hamming distance of the neighbor code is one. By using the new codes which mode error code happen at different positions, and combining with phase-shift technology make the problems of error code in the process of phase-unwrapping solved. The design and property of the complementary structured light binary code was discussed, and then the process of phase-unwrapping based on complementary structured light binary code was analyzed in detail. Computer simulation and three-dimensional experiments prove the complementary structured light binary code practicable and reliable.

    Jun. 18, 2020
  • Vol. 28 Issue 10 1947 (2008)
  • Li Li, and Lu Qisheng

    By means of numerical methods, solving equations of current continuity and energy transport, the dynamic response of PC-type HgCdTe detector irradiated by in-band and out-of-band laser beams is studied in which two absorption mechanisms, including intrinsic carriers inter-band transition and free carriers inner-band transition, and dependence of material parameters, lifetime, concentration, transport rate and photoabsorption coefficient of carriers, on detector temperature are considered. It is proved that voltage response of the detector to the irradiation of out-of-band laser is opposite to that of in-band laser. The inverse voltage response to out-of-band laser increases rapidly with laser power. The voltage response to the out-of-band laser increases in the linear region for background-light illumination and decreases while in-band laser power reaches to the saturation threshold.

    Jun. 18, 2020
  • Vol. 28 Issue 10 1952 (2008)
  • Wu Huiyun, Wu Wuming, Chen Jinbao, and Xu Xiaojun

    The concept and work process of laser relay mirror technology are analyzed, and the model of laser relay mirror system is established. The effect on 1 km altitude target of the 100 kW, with 10 km altitude, launching, receiving, secondary launching telescopes with 0.5 m outer diameter and 0.2 m inner diameter telescope solid laser relay mirror system and the conventional high-energy laser system with the same parameters under the Hufnagel-Valley 5/7 atmospheric turbulence model and the marine environment condition are separately calculated. The relay mirror systems interaction time on the target is longer and with the extreme power density damage threshold standards for conventional laser system in relevant literature and the relay mirror system are 4000 W/cm2 and 800 W/cm2. The coverage range of the convention high-energy laser system is 1.38 km, and the coverage range of laser relay mirror system is 12.2 km.

    Jun. 18, 2020
  • Vol. 28 Issue 10 1967 (2008)
  • Wu Zhongfu, Liu Zhihai, Guo Chengkai, Yang Jun, and Yuan Libo

    The finite difference time domain (FDTD) method was used to calculate the output optical fields of parabolic and large angle single-fiber optical tweezers. The transverse and axial trapping forces were then obtained by integrating the Maxwell stress tensor in stable state. Compared with the parabolic fiber optical probe, the optical force of the large angle fiber probe is lager. Meanwhile, the influences of sizes and diffractive indexes of microscopic particles and profile of fiber probe on the optical force were considered. In experiment, these two fiber probes both successfully trap yeast cells in water and the two types of force are calibrated by hydromechanics. The results indicate that the optical force obtained by numerical simulation based on FDTD is in good agreement with that from experiments. This method is simple and suitable for the optical force calculation of fiber optical tweezers, and the parabolic and large angle optical fiber tips meet the demand of forming single-fiber optical tweezers.

    Jun. 18, 2020
  • Vol. 28 Issue 10 1971 (2008)
  • Liu Ming, Wang Zhaoqi, Wang Yan, and Zhao Kanxing

    It is valuable for the actual customized vision correction to study the influence of cornea on the wavefront aberrations of crystalline lens. Using optical design software Zemax, individual eye model has been constructed for 22 human eyes with measured individual cornea data, eyeball depth and wave-front aberrations. Based on the constructed individual eye model and diffraction propagation theory, wave-front on different planes inside and outside human eye is calculated, and therefore the influence of cornea on the wave-front aberrations of crystalline lens is obtained. It is shown that the combination between cornea aberrations and crystalline lens aberrations can be either compensatory or additive. The combinations are compensatory for most eyes. The root-mean-square(RMS) value of total astigmatism is less than that of crystalline lens astigmatism. The compensatory values are from 0.08 μm to 1.48 μm (from 10.1% to 77.5%). The RMS value of total higher-order wave-front aberrations is less than that of crystalline lens higher-order aberrations. The compensatory values are from 0.06 μm to 0.85 μm (from 3.8% to 79.4%, 50.7% on average). The compensatory values for sphere aberration and coma aberration are from 0.02 μm to 0.60 μm (4.3%~98.4%) and from 0.01 μm to 0.39 μm (2.5%~91.4%), respectively.

    Jun. 18, 2020
  • Vol. 28 Issue 10 1977 (2008)
  • Ding Haifeng, Huang Meizhen, Tong Yaxing, Li Zhenqing, Xie Shusen, and Gong Wei

    To obtain better laser exposal parameters in the laser medicine clinic, a finite-element method was adopted to simulate the human skin's opto-thermal response when irradiated by pulsed laser and continuons-wave (CW) laser. The differences of tissue temperature caused by pulsed laser and CW laser were compared. The relationships between thermal response time, thermal relaxation time and depth of skin were achieved. With increasing the skin's depth (0~60 μm), the thermal response time (0~4 ms) and relaxation time (0.4~12.1 ms) became longer. The temperature rise of tissue induced by different pulse width was studied. An evaluation function δ was established to evaluate the loss of heat. Based on δ, the selection of pulse interval was analyzed.

    Jun. 18, 2020
  • Vol. 28 Issue 10 1983 (2008)
  • Liu Yajie, and Feng Qiyuan

    Through solving the nonlinear Schrdinger equation that optical field in logarithmically saturable media satisfies, a set of solutions were founded, which were self-consistent multimode Hermite-Gaussian functions. Because these self-consistent solutions are much like the solutions of one-dimensional harmonic oscillator, it is assumed reasonably that the mode occupation obeys Poisson distribution, just like quantum mechanical Glauber's coherent states. The assumed Possion distribution self-consistently leads to the conclusion that there is Gaussian soliton in logarithmically saturable nonlinear media, and the relationships among the Gaussian soliton, the nonlinear coefficient and the Possion parameter are obtained. If the soliton solution exists, the nonlinear coefficient must satisfy a condition of α≥1. When α=1, there is single mode Gaussian soliton only, and the beam size must be restricted as a fixed value w=1kn0n2. Under the condition, the Gaussian beam injected in medium at waist can transmits in the nonlinear medium keeping its beam size constant, otherwise the beam size will oscillate. The oscillating form and amplitude rely directly on the input beam size and its first-order derivative which indicates the beam waist would be expanded or compressed.

    Jun. 18, 2020
  • Vol. 28 Issue 10 1989 (2008)
  • Sun Mengxiang, Tan Manqing, and Wang Lufeng

    Superluminescent diode (SLD) for the light source of fiber-optic gyroscope (FOG) will degrade along with the operating time elapse. Operating lifetime of fine SLDs has been estimated from the results of accelerated aging carried out for 3500 h at the ambient temperature of 373K and 358K respectively and the aging rate and active energy were estimated from power-time (P-t) curve fitting. The value of active energy is determined to be 0.82 eV and mean lifetime in practical operation at driving current of 100 mA and an ambient temperature of 298 K is over 106 h, and high reliability and long lifetime required for light source of FOG are confirmed. The degrading mechanism of 1300 nm SLDs was analyzed for developing high reliability devices.

    Jun. 18, 2020
  • Vol. 28 Issue 10 1994 (2008)
  • Teng Bing, Dong Shengming, Ding Yunfeng, Wang Zhengping, Wang Jiyang, Mao Rui, Zhai Zhongjun, Yu Zhenghe, Sun Xin, and Ma Ping

    A nanosecond optical parametric oscillator (OPO) pumped by an electro-optic Q-switched Nd∶YAG laser with 532 nm green light (10~13 ns, 0~20 mJ) was constructed. The resonant cavity of 40 mm long was made from a BiB3O6 crystal of size 4 mm×4 mm×12 mm with type-Ⅱ phase matching (θ=57.5°, Φ=0°), and a pair of plane mirrors with singly-resonant wavelength 1215 nm. The OPO system converted the incident pump beam into the signal laser of 1215 nm and the idler laser of 946 nm. The pump threshold of 9 mJ and the highest coupling output of 2.57 mJ for the highest conversion efficiency of 14.59% were achieved.

    Jun. 18, 2020
  • Vol. 28 Issue 10 1998 (2008)
  • Xin Qi, Li Wenlian, Li Tianle, Su Wenming, and Sun Xiaoyan

    In order to improve brightness and efficiency of red organic light emitting devices (OLEDs), highly efficient red tandem OLEDs have been fabricated by using AlQ3∶Mg/WO3 as interconnecting layer. The optimal device whose efficiency and luminance reach three times efficiency and four time of that of a conventional single-unit device respectively, is obtained by controling WO3 thickness. The device is fabricated by Eu(DBM)3bath and DCJTI units, with a structure of ITO/TPD/DCJTI∶CBP/BCP/Alq3/Alq3∶Mg/WO3/TPD/Eu(DBM)3bath∶TPD/Eu(DBM)3bath/LiF/Al and the maximum luminance of 8609 cd/m2 and the maximum efficiency of 10.2 cd/A are achieved.

    Jun. 18, 2020
  • Vol. 28 Issue 10 2002 (2008)
  • Sun Chunsheng, Zhang Xiaohui, and Zhu Donghua

    The energy distribution properties of light scattered by bubbles in far ship wakes were studied to study the detection and homing mode of optical wakes. By means of Mie theory, the energy distribution function's expression of bubble populations was derived. Based on this derived formula, the energy distribution functions about clean bubbles and dirty bubbles coated with two mainly organic films were obtained by numerical calculation. The results show that the forward scattering energy of bubbles is far higher than that of backscattering, and occupies above 90% of all scattering energy; the scattering energy within forward 1° expands to beyond 40% rapidly, and then increases slowly with the scattering angle; the organic film coated to bubbles can enhance the bubbles’ backscattering energy significantly, but has little influence on its forward scattering energy.

    Jun. 18, 2020
  • Vol. 28 Issue 10 2006 (2008)
  • Han Junhe, Yao Baoli, Gao Peng, Chen Liju, Wang Yingli, and Lei Ming

    The polymeric film embedded with polar bacteriorhodopsin (BR) molecules is isotropic in macroscopy since the BR molecules are randomly distributed. Upon excitation by a linearly polarized light, selective absorption of BR molecules with respect to the polarization orientation of the excitation light makes the nonuniformly distributed orientation of BR molecules, resulting in a macroscopic anisotropy. According to the two-state model of BR photocycle, the time-dependent orientation distribution of BR molecules in B state is obtained. The kinetic equations of the photoinduced anisotropy of the BR-film are derived. The kinetic curves of the photoinduced anisotropy at different intensities of excitation light are simulated, which are consistent with experimental results.

    Jun. 18, 2020
  • Vol. 28 Issue 10 2010 (2008)
  • Li Hongbo, Ta Honggui, Wang Xingming, Wang Suqin, and Ding Lisheng

    The interaction of hematoporphyrin dihydrochloride (HD) with DNA was studied by using neutral red (NR) as a probe.The results indicate that a super-molecule complex of HD and DNA is produced, which has been confirmed by absorption and fluorescence spectra.The binary complex ratio of nHD∶nDNA is 3∶1, and the binding constant of HD interacting with DNA is 1.84×104 L/mol. The interaction of HD with DNA is studied. The results suggest that the mingling mode is the major mode for interaction between HD and herring sperm DNA. The mechanism is probably partial intercalation binding with covalent and electrostatical bindings. This interaction mode affects the distribution and expression of gene and resists the growth of cancer cells.

    Jun. 18, 2020
  • Vol. 28 Issue 10 2015 (2008)
  • Wu Jing, Chen Qingjun, Chen Maofu, and Lü Yanli

    Monitoring of wastewater discharge and diagnosis of pollution pattern are key problems in water quality prewarning. Because of differences of pollutants and their concentration, fluorescence spectrum is unique for each sample, named “fluorescence fingerprint”. The possibility to identify wastewater by fluorescence fingerprint parameters was investigated in the case of municipal wastewater from two plants. The major differences of municipal wastewater from two plants included that average fluorescence intensities of the highest peak (I280/340) and the secondarily highest peak (I225/340) of wastewater from A plant were 8308±1560 and 6350±1173; average I280/340 and average I225/340 of wastewater from B plant were 5929±400 and 4224±90; the average ratios of the highest peak intensity and secondarily highest peak intensity were 1.31 and 1.41, respectively. The fluorescence characteristics could be used to distinguish pollution pattern.

    Jun. 18, 2020
  • Vol. 28 Issue 10 2022 (2008)
  • Wang Wenliang, and Xiong Shengming

    All optimization methods used in optical thin film design can seek only one object. After the analysis of the theory of optical thin film optimization design, it is proposed that multiobjective optimization with mixed discrete variable is the essential mathematical model and can reflect the physical essence of optical thin film design. The optimization algorithm for single objective problem which has been widely used in the fields of optical thin film design is only a simplification. Based on this new consideration and the status of multiobjective optimization research, an immune response-based multiobjective optimization algorithm is adopted to design optical thin film. This algorithm can implement parallel treatment, and is a self-adaptive random algorithm with overall search capability in principle. The algorithm is used in optical thin film design, and some examples are presented. According to the results of experiments, the idea of applying multiobjective optimization approach to designing optical thin film can be realized in theory and have a bright future.

    Jun. 18, 2020
  • Vol. 28 Issue 10 2026 (2008)
  • Zhang Deheng, Xu Zhaofang, and Li Boxun

    DLC/Ag/DLC multilayer films with different Ag and DLC thickness were prepared with high-vacuum magnetron sputtering. DLC layers were prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vaporation deposition method. The optical and electrical properties of samples were studied with a UV-vis pectrophotometer and a four-point probe,respectively. The results indicate that with the increase of the thickness of the Ag layer, the transmittance firstly increases and then decreases. With the increase of the thickness of the inner or outer DLC layer, the transmittance also firstly increases and then decreases. With the thickness of multilayer films up to DLC(30 nm)/Ag(16 nm)/DLC(40 nm), the film has a high optical transmittance of 94.4% at 550 nm and the electrical index is up to 112.4×10-3 Ω-1 which is much higher than that of the existing transparent optical conducting films (FTC≈20×10-3 Ω-1).

    Jun. 18, 2020
  • Vol. 28 Issue 10 2031 (2008)
  • Gan Shuyi, Liu Zhengkun, Sheng Bin, Xu Xiangdong, Hong Yilin, Liu Ying, Zhou Hongjun, Huo Tonglin, and Fu Shaojun

    Ir is an important vacuum-ultraviolet (VUV) reflecting material, and has various applications in hi-tech fields including solar physics, cosmic physics, life science, and synchrotron radiation. The reflective performance of Ir film in the VUV wavelength region was studied theoretically and experimentally. Based on the theoretical model of single metal layer on absorbing substrate, the optimum calculation was performed for Ir layer of various thickness on K9 glass and quartz substrate in the VUV wavelength region. Considering the calculation results and previous research, single layer Ir films of different thickness were fabricated on K9 glass and quartz substrate by electron gun evaporation system, and nearly 30% normal incident reflectivity at 120 nm incident wavelength was obtained, which corresponded to the optimum thickness of Ir layer of 12 nm. Ir layer of too thin or thick thickness cannot get high reflectivity. The annealing of the layer benefits the release of tension, but it also causes the increase of average size of Ir grain and degradation of the reflectivity.

    Jun. 18, 2020
  • Vol. 28 Issue 10 2036 (2008)
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