It can be got that the texture image of three-dimension object by fusion processing of a series of two-dimension images and paste it on the surface of three-dimension structure that is constructed by computer. The images, which are got from optical system, cannot be used as texture image of three-dimension reconstruction. To remove the distortion caused by perspective and geometry projection is needed. The anti-perspective and anti-geometry projection equations are derived, and the experimental results are satisfied.
Based on the theory of wavelet correlation and the associative characteristic of volume holographic storage in a photorefractive crystal, a novel multichannel wavelet correlator is constructed. It has characteristics of multichannel correlation processing and a higher recognition veracity. With the spherical reference beam, the system is more compact and easy to be miniaturized and utilized. Its application in fingerprint identification is studied, and experimental results are given.
A new conceptimage point displacement (IPD) is presented, on which the principles and key tasks in light pattern projection profilometry are re-interpreted and evaluated. Two non-negligible error sources from phase to IPD and from IPD to height are analyzed in detail. Some compensation approaches are proposed and verified by numerical simulation and experiments.
When the phase of an incident wave on a self-pumped phase-conjugate mirror changes in a spatially nonuniform manner, the reflectivity of the phase-conjugate mirror decreases immediately after the phase change. This characteristic is used for detecting image changes of a liquid crystal display.
A new surface measurement method for an object with different reflection is demonstrated based on differential confocal microscopy. The limit ranges of edge positioning is proposed while using edge criteria in fiber confocal scanning microscopy. As application, the optical disk pre-groove is measured by using fiber optical confocal scanning imaging system. The gray image and cross-section profile with groove width, depth and pitch are given. The experimental results are in good agreement with the reference data.
Pulse compression of two-cell stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) system in CCl4 liquid with high beam quality was experimentally investigated. The duration of Stokes pulse was tunable by simply changing the separation between two cells and the tuning range depended on the pump energy. By increasing the input energy, the wider tuning range of pulse width could be achieved. The numerical simulation on pulse shape of two-cell SBS system was made and agreed with the experimental results well.
Experiment on the spectrum diagnosis of the emission characteristics from Ar gas target irradiated by the Ultrashort pulse intense laser was carried out, with a high efficiency, high resolution transmission grating combined with a differential pump system. Enhancement of the emission spectra among 12~35 nm with the increase of chamber gas pressure is observed.
The third-order optical nonlinear susceptibilities χ(3) of coated Bi2S3 nanoparticles doped organically modified sol-gels under different thermal treatment conditions have been measured using the Z-scan technique with 38 ps pulse excitation at 1.064 μm. The χ(3) for the sample dried at room temperature is 5.8×10-13 esu, and for the sample heated at 150℃ for 2 h in a nitrogen atmosphere is 3.7×10-12 esu. It is clear that the χ(3) of the latter is larger than that of the former. Mechanism for the effects is discussed.
Polyerystalline material preparation and single crystal growth of Yb:YCa4O(BO3)3 (Yb:YCOB) have been studied. The 20% atom fraction Yb doped Yb:YCOB single crystal with high optical quality has been grown by the Czochralski method. The absorption spectra, fluorescence spectra and fluorescence lifetime of Yb:YCOB were measured. Laser operation of Yb:YCOB crystal pumped by diodes was demonstrated and 10 mW of 1032 nm laser output was obtained using 976 nm pump diodes. A self-frequency-doubling green light was also observed.
Based on the concentration of no-relaxed oxygen deficient center obtained from experiments and the density of states of conduction band electrons calculated by the first-principles, the 5.0 eV linear absorption coefficient of fused silica is presented. The calculated result is coincident with experiments very well, which supports the proposal that no-relaxed oxygen-deficient center is the defect precursors of 5.0 eV absorption band in fused silica.
The electromagnetically induced two-photon transparency (EITT) under the control of coherent field is investigated. The effect of external coherent field on the features of two-photon absorption is discussed and the physical mechanism of eletromagnatically induced two-photon transparency and resonance absorption enhancement is analyzed. The analytical expression of second order approximation of population in the up energy level of two-photon absorption under the control of coherent field is derived from the equation of motion for the atomic density matrix. At the same time, the analytical expression of two-photon transition rate is derived by the way of perturbation theory in the dressed states representation. The effect of Doppler broadening on two-photon absorption profile is duscussed.
The nonlinear phenomena of high-density cylindrical Bose-Einstein condensates caused by atomic interactions in their interference process are studied by using the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation. It is found that the density structure of one-dimensional interference fringes of Bose-Einstein condensates is in form of a standing wave. Through the nonlinear coupling interactions between atomic waves, the structure appears as the matter-wave gratings, and diffracts its surrounding atomic waves.
Based on the Raman equations, the dynamics of broadband Raman pulse compression in Raman soliton regimes were investigated. It is found that the duration of soliton decreased with the increase of the Raman gain and was related to the pump pulse profile and phase structure. A compression ratio up to 50% was observed in experiments with a XeCl laser/H2 system. The experimental results were compared with the theoretical predictions.
The ultrashort pulse source with supercontinuum up to 40~60 nm at a repetition rate of 2.5 GHz was obtained by a variety of nonlinear effects in the optical fiber. The ultrashort pulses with pulsewidth of 5.7 ps and 3.6 ps were filtered from supercontinuum source at different wavelength by applying two optical filters with bandwidth of 0.4 nm and 1.2 nm, respectively. It was demonstrated by experiments that the four-wave mixing influenced the generation of supercontinuum greatly.
A theoretical rate-equation analysis is presented to investigate the critical conditions and intensity threshold for the conversion from reverse saturable absorption to saturable absorption. The comparison between steady-state and dynamic results is made and the application of intensity threshold in optical limiting is discussed.
The phase-conjugate ultrafast modulation spectroscopy is studied theoretically due to the interference between fifth-order optical polarization in a V-type three-level system, and considered the cases that the pump beams have either narrowband or broadband linewidth. It is found that the accuracy of the energy-level splitting measurement is determined by the homogeneous linewidths of the optical transitions. It means that this technique can achieve Doppler-free precision in the measurement of energy level splitting.
The amplitude and intensity analytic expressions for disk (sphere) and annular aperture Fresnel diffraction are given on the base of scalar diffraction theory. The intensity distribution curves are compared with the other examples and results in the references. It is pointed out that the non-diffracted beam is a kind of Fresnel diffraction phenomenon.
The behavior of optical trace is calculated by using ray-tracing method when a cone ray deflects into and propagates in a prism. The calculated result is testified by the experiment, and the parameters of the hybrid-integrated optical pickup device are designed.
A fiber Bragg grating stuck onto the juncture between two dual-isosceles triangle cantilever beams along the beam axis, which overlaps each other, is employed to act as a force sensor. It is demonstrated in theory and experiment that this passive device can automatically perform compensation for Bragg wavelength shift induced by temperature. Experimental results show that a sensitivity of 6.2 nm/N has been achieved within the working range of 0~0.34 N.
According to the request of harmonic wave separation in inertial confinement fusion (ICF) driver and based on the idea of deep etching in binary optics, the binary optical element for separating harmonic waves is designed and fabricated. The measuring results show that the energy utilization ratio of the third harmonic wave at zero order is up to 75.73%.
The electric-field poling was used to achieve the periodic poling LiNbO3 crystal (PPLN), and the third order quasi-phase-matched (QPM) PPLN with a period of 9.5 μm was fabricated. By utilizing this PPLN, 12 μW output of blue light was obtained with a quasi-cw Ti:sapphire laser.
Monte-Carlo Simulations for light propagation in striated scattering medium are presented. Considering the influence of refractive index mismatch and different beam profiles (such as uniform flat beam, Gauss beam and fiber beam), the light transport property in the skin striated structure is calculated, and the characteristic of optical flux in the proximity of the interfaces is analysed. The diffusive reflectivity curves of different beams are given and the convolution results of finite-wide flat and Gauss beams are compared.
The shift of the cesium hyperfine transition frequency due to blackbody radiation is investigated. The formulas for calculating the shift are derived, and the shift as well as the uncertainty at room temperature is evaluated. In addition, the effect of the frequency shift due to blackbody radiation on the accuracy of the laser-cooled cesium fountain frequency standard is analyzed. Blackbody ac Zeeman shift at room temperature is calculated to be of 10-15 order, thus should be corrected for the cesium fountain frequency standard in determining the accuracy of the standard. When the blackbody ac Stark shift of cesium hyperfine transition is evaluated by determining the dc Stark effect, the uncertainty in the determination of 133Cs dc hyperfine polarizability constant κ will bring out a fractional frequency uncertainty of about 4×10-16 to the correction of blackbody ac Stark shift. This uncertainty is one of the critical factors governing the accuracy level of the cesium fountain frequency standard. In this connection, more precise experiments to determine 133Cs dc hyperfine Stark shift are desirable.
The interaction of a three-level V-typeatom with a squeezed vacuum is analyzed. The effect of quantum interference between decay processes from two upper levels on the spontaneous emission is studied. When the upper levels are degenerated, the strong interference has effect on the steady state of the atom and the spectrum of the fluorescent light, and results in the sensitivity to the initial state of the atom. In this case, squeezing results in the symmetry of the spectrum about the central frequency of the squeezed vacuum, but the interference results in the asymmetry of it.High-order harmonic spectra are obtained by numerically solving the one-dimensional time-dependent Schrodinger equation with single-active-electron (SAE) approximation. The time profiles of the harmonic spectra from a single atom are obtained through a Gabor analysis of the acceleration of the atomic dipole. The dependency of the different harmonics on the ground state population is investigated. It is shown that the harmonic yield tends to be saturated when driving laser is getting more and more intense, and that the harmonic radiation tends to be concentrated in a shorter interval when the harmonic order is getting higher, resulting in wider spectrum width.
The parameters in auroral system are calculated using an adaptive parametric time-domain approach. The adaptive algorithm, in which the system function is represented by a rational-form model, allows on-line real-time application. The data processing illustrates that the effective mean lifetime of O(1S) thus determined, resulted from the [OI32] transition of atomic oxygen, is in accordance very well with the one evaluated in frequency-domain.