For non-Kolmogorov turbulence, the anisoplanatiam error, the angular correlation function of Zernike polynomials, the residual phase structure function and the long-exposure OTF after low-order modes correction are analyzed. The modal correction coefficient is used to evaluate the influence of anisoplanatism error for compensation effectiveness of adaptive optical system used as low-order modes correction. The numerical computational results of t he modal correction coefficient and the long-exposure OTF for light beam horizo ntal atmospheric propagation are presented.
To analyze rib waveguides with trapezoidal cross se ction, a simple numberical analysis is presented which uses effective index meth od and transfer matrix theory. Results of the propagation constants and the coup ling coefficients between modes in trapezoidal-cross-sectioned rib waveguides show that they have the same action with wider rectangular-cross-sectioned rib waveguides. This will simplify the designing of trapezoidal-cross-sectioned r ib waveguides and increase the precision of practical device.
The result of a systematic study on planar waveguides fabricated in z-cut LiNbO3 by proton exchange and the post-annea ling is reported. The diffusion constant and the activation energy can be deduc ed from the proton exchange process. It was found that index profile of the as -exc hanged wavegudies is a linear step profile. The index profile changes from step -like to Gaussian profile with succesive annealing. The annealing depth increase s exponentially with annealing time at the first stage and then increases linearly with the square root of annealing time at the second stage of annealing.
For the polymeric electro-optic waveguide, approxi mate expressions of propagation constant and loss coefficient are derived by usi ng perturbation theory according to coupled mode theory of the ideal optic waveg uide, thereby complicated complex calculations for finding the solution of eigen value can be simplified to simple real calculations. Numerical calculations show that these approximate solutions are in good agreement with exact solutions. Th e approximate formulae and characteristics curves can be provided as reference of design and preparation of polymeric electro-optics waveguide and its device.
A novel approach for demodulation of fiber grating sensors with high-resolution is proposed based on a tunable fiber laser interrogating the sensing fiber grating. The fiber laser scanning for interrogation is controlled by computer. The computer synchronously performs data gathering and data processing while it controls laser wavelength scanning. The Bragg wavelength of sensing grating is determined by using the Gaussian-Newton curve fitting approach. The wavelength-shift resolution of this scheme is 0.1 pm, which can be used in the measurement of temperature or strain with high-resolution capability.
The measurement errors of 3-D profilometry based on linear coding structure light having isosceles triangle teeth are analyzed. The formula and the effect of the errors caused by the CCD camera, image grabber, quantization, optical system and phase-shifting are given, and the results are verified by the computer simulation system.
A simple phase unwrapping algorithm called ordered phase unwrapping is presented to retrieve the true phase of the object from wrapped phase. In comparison with the traditional algorithm, it can remove the discontinuous influence of the carrier frequency, object edge, shadow and blind spots. Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the method is suitable for the phase unwrapping of the demodulated spatial phase.
A novel binary joint transform correlator thresholding with reference power spectrum only is proposed. As compared with conventional joint transform correlator, it has the advantages of high light efficiency, excellent discrimination capability and improved input space-bandwidth. In a comparison with existing binary joint transform correlator, it possesses higher discrimination capability, and the measurement of the target power spectrum is avoided. Therefore it is a convenient joint transform correlator with high performance merits.
Some advantages and important application of the testing method for optical supersmooth surface using atomic force microscope (AFM) are discussed. Some testing results of microprofile and micro-defect with nonometer-grade for optical supersmooth surface using AFM method are presented, and the change of morphology and micro-roughness before and after coating of same surface is given. For comparison, testing results of micro-roughness parameters for same surface measured using interference profiler are presented too. It is indicated that AFM method has three-dimensional high-accuracy, but interference method has only one-dimensional, so the former can give true morphology and microprofile of surface.
The experimental results of the first and second rainbows for water, alcohol jet and fiber are measured by rainbow refractometer with a linear CCD camera. Based on Mie theory the rainbow intensity distribution is calculated, and numerical results agree with the experiment. The limitation of the geometric optics and Airy theory is discussed. And the rainbow phenomena are interpreted reasonably by using geometric optics and Mie theory. The refractive index can be determined by the first rainbow angle. Based on the fast Fourier transform of the derivative distribution of rainbow intensities, the diameter of a droplet is measured by the angular frequencies. The precision of measurement is also discussed by means of the angular frequency.
A micro-prism stack is developed for beam shaping of high power laser diode array (LDA), 600 μm diameter fiber coupled LDA output is obtained. The overall efficiency is more than 50%. This approach requires simple machining and alignment. The principle of micro-prism stack is explained.
A new method of using blending mode laser beam to measure the spherical aberration is presented. First, the optical parameters of this beam are calculated to simulate its propagation. Then through calculation the transverse intensity distribution of the focus is got. By comparing this transverse intensity distribution with the measurement of the real distribution after beam passing through a focal mirror, the aberration of the mirror is obtained.
To meet the need of precision for high power laser system, SHENGUANG Ⅱ, assembly of half-wave plate and polarizers is used to pre cisionly control the beam energy. The principles of attenuator assembly of half -wave plate and polarizers are discussed briefly. The characteristics of high p recision photoelectric detector and half-wave plate are measured by a special w ay. Then, automation technology is applied to intelligent adjustment. An energy precision of 2%(rms) is obtained in closed loop automation simulation experiment s.
A novel kind of light-modulating thermal image system (LMTIS) based on micromachining technology is described. This system incorporates the function of thermal image conversion and image intensification together on the base of a light-modulating thermal image device, a monolithically fabricated chip using CMOS compatible surface micromachining techniques. This system has a series of potential advantages: high sensitivity and definition, low volume and power expenditure as well as short response time and room temperature operating ability. The design and modeling of the device are presented. Theoretical calculations on the sensitivity, minimum detectable power, and response time are carried out by using a simplified cautilever beam theory, and the design is optimized for the sake of high sensitivity and low minimum detectable power. Finite element method (FEM) simulation using ANSYS 5.4 program demonstrates the theoretical calculations preliminarily, as a result, sensitivity of 0.03 m/W and response time of 6 ms are obtained.
A 15 W CW diode laser end-pumped Nd:YAG laser is reported. The output power of 4.5 W and the slope efficiency of 44% are obtained in free runing cavity. By using Q-switch the peak power of 28 kW and pulse width of 8 ns are obtained at repetition rate of 10 kHz. The repetition rate varied from 3 kHZ to 65 kHZ. Several important factors in cavity design are analyzed. The dependences of pulse energy and slope efficiency on the repetition rates are analyzed. The theory conclusions fit well with the experimental results.
Rf excited two-channels waveguide CO2 laser with the construction of unequally long electrode is present. The offset frequency of laser fr om the two channels can be changed by adjusting the RF input power, the slope of the tuning is about 0.1 MHz/W. The offset frequency stability of short term ca n be up to the order of 10-10 without any additional measure being taken to stabilize the frequency. In addition, a theoretical analysis is made for the o ffset frequency being tuned by RF input power.
By means of the phase mask, π/2 phase-shifted fi ber grating was UV written directly on erbium-doped fibre. A 10 cm long phase- shifted distributed feedback Bragg (DFB) fiber laser was fabricated. It is modu lating characteristics of this fibre laser have been studied.
The instability and multi-mode oscillation of the output caused by depolarization of the linearly polarized light into the ellipti cally polarized light in transmission due to thermo-induced birefringence of th e YAG rode are studied. Electrooptical Q switching technology is applied to the Nd:YAG laser pumped by a CW Kr lamp. To generate stable and single -mode output, a pair of λ/4 plates are arranged in the oscillator. Electr ooptical Q-switching at a repetition of 1~5 kHz and a narrow-pulse-duration laser output are experimenttally obtained. A novel electrooptical Q-switching technique is provided for CW Nd:YAG lasers.
Using YAG pulse laser ablation of a graphite target in vacuum chamber, laser plasma including carbon species can be produced, and a kind of carbon thin films can be formed on the silicon or quartz substrates. The possible radicals and their spatial distribution in the reaction chamber were probed by in situ optical emission spectroscopy of the laser plasma using optical multi-channel analyzer. The structure of the films was analyzed by Raman spectroscopy. It reveals that the films are diamond-like structure, and the atomic carbon and carbon ions are responsible for the formation of diamond-like structure of the films. The inlet of hydrogen in the reaction chamber much enhances the diamond component in the films. The spatial resolved optical emission spectroscopy indicates that there is a optimum position for the film formation in the reaction chamber.
Measurements on the third order optical nonlinearities of the conjugated polymeric cast film of PPQ (polyphenylquinoxalines) were performed at 532 nm wavelength using a frequency doubled mode-locked Nd:YAG laser with 10 Hz repetition rate. Strong two-photon absorption coefficient β=0.59 cm/MW was obtained for PPQ. The measured nonlinear refractive index coefficient n2≈9.5×10-10 esu, was in agreement with the previously reported value. It was attributed to a purely electronic response for the optical nonlinearity, and the figure of merit of PPQ was assessed.
The experimental results of absorption, luminescence and excitation spectra in both bare and coated SnO2 Nanocrystals are presented. It is found that the absorption edge shifts to the longer wavelength as the particle size decreases when the SnO2 nanocrystals are coated by a layer of organic moleculae, which is inconsistent with that of the bare SnO2 nanocrystals. It is demonstrated that the size and surface situations of nanocrystals great ly affect their spectroscopic properties. The experimental data are discussed in terms of the quantum confinement effects and dielectric confinement effects.
The laser induced fluorescence spectrum of the C1Π1→X1Σ+ for InCl molecule has been analyzed and assigned. The state C1Π1(ν′=1) is observed in emission spectrum, which proved that the predissociation of C1Π1 only occur above the ν′=1. The fluorescence decay of the C1Π1→X1Σ+ has been measured at different pressures. The collision-free fluorescence radiative lifetime of τ0≈11 ns and the electronic transition moment |Re|2≈5.95D2 for C1Π1 are obtained.
The correlation detection of pulse signals are successfully performed by space integrating correlator, which is designed and fabric ated in author′s lab. The experimental results obtained agree well with the the oretical analysis.
The process and conditions of cesium atomic fountain were introduced with detailed discussion of the influence of the optical component on fountain optical system. An optical system for cesium fountain, used for co oling and launching atoms, was designed and set up. The parameters control such as intensity, detuning, light switch, beam quality meets to the demand of techno logy. The Cs magneto-optical trap for atomic fountain has been realized in this laser system. The work laid the groundwork for the realization of Cs atomic fountain.
Fidelity of quantum information in a pair atoms of entanglement state interacting with coherent light field is investigated. The r esults show that the fidelity of system, atoms and field will change depending on numerical value of the detuning and the mean-photon number.
The evolution of the field entropy of the interaction between three-level cascade atom and field in a Kerr medium has been studied. The influences of the Kerr medium and of the initial mean photon number on th e field entropy have been discussed.
The steady-state behavior of a coherently driven V-type three-level atom in a bad cavity injected by a squeezed vacuum is considered. The dependences of the atomic steady-state population on the average photon number of the reservoir, the squeezing phase and the coherent field’s strength are in vestigated. The coherent population trapping is discussed.