Acta Optica Sinica
Qihuang Gong
Volume: 2 Issue 4
14 Article(s)

Sep. 15, 2011
  • Vol. 2 Issue 4 1 (1982)

    Starting from the Kirchhoff diffraction integral formulation (1) or (2), the complex amplitude distribution (18) ~ (21) in the image of a point object is given with an approximation of excelling the Fresnel diffraction field. The new formula is derived by means of the wavefront surface generating 'the diffraction to the image plane and not introducing the reference sphere. The changing part 3 of the distance r is expanded into the form (6). The (l + cosa)/r is expanded into the form (7) or (10), (11) and (12). The slant (13) of the wavefront surface toward the image plane is also investigated. The wave aberration W is defined by a new form (5) or (25). It is convenient in computing to the formula (25). In order that the amplitude distribution becomes an obvious model, the new variable y and z are quoted. There is the relation (15) between the exit pupil coordinates y, z and them. Therefore, the amplitude distribution in the image of a point object is obtained by adding the three Fourier transform(22), further.

    Sep. 15, 2011
  • Vol. 2 Issue 4 301 (1982)

    3-D internal stress analysis is usually using the method of frozen stress and the method of light scattering. Aben proposed to vary the polarization state or the wavelength of incidence light in 1970. Then he could resolve the plane stress of each slab. But, we haven't got a satisfactory theory to obtain a method of measurement and analysis of S-D priciple stress yet. In this paper we expand the method of Aben and using it to the loaded plate model. Varying the wavelength of the incident light and measure the polarization character along each axis of y, z in combination with jnterferometric photoelesticity for a frozen stress medium. Then, using the analysis of this paper, we can provide for the information of the magnitude and direotion of three principle stress.

    Sep. 15, 2011
  • Vol. 2 Issue 4 308 (1982)

    Computer-generated holograms for optical spatial filtering drawn by a laser scanner have several advantages, such as they could be obtained with the proper size directly without further reduction photographically, and the pixels of the hologram with grey scales. We design and. construct such a system but with some modifications to meet the requirements of using simple and inexpensive optics as well as obtainable electronics. A field lens is adapted to keep the scanning beams almost fixed during their entering into the camera lens and hence it is unable to use a camera lens of f-number down to less than f/l:2. The reduction ratio of the dimensions of the input aperture to the final pixel is chosen to be 1:32, the galvanometer-driven scanning mirror could cover the first sidelobes of the diffraction pattern of the input aperture. The system is driven by a compact CMOS electronics which is assembled in our laboratory, and used to control the scanning mirror and the acoustooptio shutter synchronously. The present setup has the following capabilities: (1) grey scale: 127; (2) spatial resolution; (3) size of the hologram in mm2; 10.2×10.2; (4)space-bandwidth product: 1024×512; (5) time needed in minutes: 17. We have also fabricated several spatial filters for optical processing by using this system and the performances of such filters are presented.

    Sep. 15, 2011
  • Vol. 2 Issue 4 322 (1982)

    This paper presents an optical method for measuring the flutter of plane model with dynamic shadow Moire topography.There are some advantages of this method in comparison with the electric method by using acceleration sensor, such as getting all information of the measured surface instead of that from only several points,simplifiod the testing process, and especially the information are recorded on the film for reconstruction. In this paper, the function of intensity distribution of Moire topography using the principle of light intensity and Fourier series expansion under any arrangmeni,and the formulae of the depth of Moire topography are derived. The errors of the formulae are analysed. In order to satisfy the accuracy requirement, the error of grating pitch mus t be less than 0.02 mm. This paper also describes the principles and dimensions of an arrangment device in test, which combined with shadow Moir6 topography and ZL1 high-speed camera, was used to measure the first and second order vibrations of plane model. Data analysis of the maximum amplitude of 15 coordinate-points, drawing of the "position-amplitude" curves for first and second, order vibrations, as well as "time-amplitude" curves for second order vibration were made. We have compared the results of this method in accuracy with the electric method by using acceleration sensor. The deviation of amplitude is less than ± 0.03 along the spanwise center-line for first order vibration, and less than ± 0.065 mm along the chordwise center-line for second order vibration on the measured surface of plane model. The results of the experiments show that this optical method can be used for measuring the flutter of plane model, and its accuracy is quite satisfactory.

    Sep. 15, 2011
  • Vol. 2 Issue 4 331 (1982)

    The quantum theory of two-level atom single-mode laser system of Sargent, Scully and Lamb is extended to two-mode laser in a three-level atomio system with common lower level, and master equation is obtained for the system, with all the three levels being pumped. There appear four terms in the master equation that are absent in the single-mode case and those interpreted as 2-photon processes play an especial role in the present case. The master equation is represented by a probability flow diagram in two-dimensions with the photon numbers nx and % of the two-mode as variables. The probability flow diagram can be extended to infinity, and. each arrow of it represents a term of the right hand side of master equation. By taking sum over one of the variables rix or n2> the master equation is reduced to two equations, each of them can be represented by an one-dimensional probability flow diagram. The equation of motion under steady state is obtained by considering the correspondence between the macrosoopio balance and the microscopic balance. A parameter H is introduced to reduoe the equation of motion and to facilitate the mathematical procedure and a formal solution is thus obtained. Using the equation of motion and its formal solution various operation characteristics are discussed. Among them are: the threshold condition for each mode; the condition of only one mode operation; the variation of photon statistics between single-mode operation and two-mode operation and the variation of photon statistics with lower level being pumped and not pumped.

    Sep. 15, 2011
  • Vol. 2 Issue 4 289 (1982)
  • QI YU

    According to the American colour standard ANSI, the colour restoration of photographic lenses is discussed in this paper. The effect of light absorption of lens glasses on the eolour balance is pointed out and the function of anti-reflection coating to the improvement of colour restoration characteristics of lenses is analysed in detail. The colour contribution of various kinds of anti-reflection coating is calculated also. The design, calculation and results of anti-reflection coatings for a 10 x zoom lens have been given. The result shows that if the anti-reflection coatings is chosen reasonably, the transmittance and colour restoration characteristics of lenses both can be improved greatly.

    Sep. 15, 2011
  • Vol. 2 Issue 4 341 (1982)

    The K9 glass substrate made in China were dipped in the silver melts at 270~300°C temperature, the Ag+-Na+ ion exchange was made under the constant temperature condition, and the planar optical waveguides of graded index profile have been fabricated. Mode indices of these waveguide samples have been measured with a symmetrio prism coupler at 632.8 laser wavelength. In this paper, white and Heidrioh's oalculational formulae determing the waveguide index profile by mode indices have been reduced, and simple new methods determing the waveguide surface index by mode indices have been presented.

    Sep. 15, 2011
  • Vol. 2 Issue 4 323 (1982)

    This paper reports a holographic interference method for measuring wavefront of laser beam. A telescopy is placed in an arm of ring interferometer, so an expanded laser beam and a reduced laser beam are produced. These two beams should interfere and form a co-axial hologram. The curvature radius of the laser beam is obtained by measuring localization of the reconstructed image. The measurement precision of the wavefront curvature radius corresponds to the depth of focus, three time higher than common interferometer. And the pattern is direct visual and spatial resolvable.

    Sep. 15, 2011
  • Vol. 2 Issue 4 349 (1982)

    The design of mirror house at home and abroad has been reviewed simply in this paper. A new consideration for design of the house is proposed, analysis of the chief characters and application vista are given. According to the optical principle of the streak camera, the coordinate equations of the image point have been derived before and after the plate glass is added. Since the plate glass is added, the writing rate of the image on the film track is given. The calculation indicates: the larger relative aperture of the instrument, the thiner plate glass is allowed, the rigorouser the requirement of axial displacement. When mirror rotates, the J-curve of the axial image points for different relative aperture is shown. Proceed from actual instrument, the performances of the instrument using a spherical corver or plate glass are compared. The defocusing dS' is a critical data for streat camera, it will directly affect the imageing quality of the instrument.

    Sep. 15, 2011
  • Vol. 2 Issue 4 355 (1982)

    The directional characteristic of some objects is analysed by means of 2D Fourier series. The Fourier coefficients have been numerically calculated for the typical objects, and by using optical filtering the objects are extracted from pictures. Then, optical directional filtering for the satellite-photograph is performed. Experimental results are given.

    Sep. 15, 2011
  • Vol. 2 Issue 4 360 (1982)

    The acousto-optic diffraction experimental results of guided optical waves and acoustic surface waves in the Ti-diffusod LiNbQ3 waveguides are reported in this paper. Phe intensity of two TE modes (TE0, TEX) varying with the acoustic power is measured. For the zero-order beam, modulation approximate to 100% is obtained at 68 mW acoustic power. After simple deduction, acoustic surface displacement is obtained.

    Sep. 15, 2011
  • Vol. 2 Issue 4 367 (1982)

    Fluorophosphate glass is used as a kind of optical glass and laser material. Based on studying the formation and structure of A1(P03)3 contained fluorophosphate glass, in the present work, the optical and other physical properties of the above glass have boon investigated. The low A1(P03)S content fluorophosphate glass,in which the network structure has been destroyed seriously, is located in destroyed region, the variation of the glass properties and the effect of various fluorides on the properties are similar to those of the oxide glass in destroyed region.The special role of LiF,MgF2,AlF3 is also reflected on the variation of the physical properties. Moreover, compared with silicate and borate glasses with high contents of glass formers, the electrostatic attraction between cations and anions plays more important role to variation of the properties of the fluorophosphate glass with low Al(P03)3 content. The position of the studied glass in n vs. v diagram is plotted, the partial properties of the studied glass are given and compared with some literature data, and the variation of the partial properties have been related to the Al (PO3) 3 content.

    Sep. 15, 2011
  • Vol. 2 Issue 4 372 (1982)

    In order to minimize the influence of environmental temperature on optical components, rhermo-optics coefficients W, P and Q that describe the variation of optical properties of optical glasses at a certain temperature are introduced. The methods of measuring some optical glasses in respect of their coefficients are described and the results are given. This paper ends with a discussion on the possibility of reducing the influence of thermal disturbance on optical components.

    Sep. 15, 2011
  • Vol. 2 Issue 4 380 (1982)
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