Starting from the Kirohhoff diffraction integration, a new formula is derived with the Fresnel approximation for computing the OTF by means of exit pupil coordinates. In numerical method, a series of measures are taken to improve the accuracy of computation and reduce the volume of computation. It included that the wave aberration function is calculated by interpolation with its derivatives, the optical pupil shape is described by section interpolation of quadratic polynomial, the Simpson formula is used for making numerical integration, a differential expression for the position of the focal plane to move and. an algorithm for approximating the position of the optimum focal plane are given too. Finally, there are two numerical examples to show that the now method is available.
This article deals with the phase transform system in detail. In short, the transform properties of field are discussed with the phase conception of field. A phase transform system can make the phase distribution of an incident field turned into the desirable phase distribution of the emergent field. Our analysis starts with the thin lens as a phase transform system, then derive the phase transform field of the thick lens, and at last put forward the Fresnel phase transform system, which can change an incident spherical wave into an perfect emergent spherical one.
The advantage of fabrication of one-step rainbow hologram by using an imaging lens with large aperture and large relative aperture is that the reconstruction image possesses highly steroview and orthosoopic view. For example, the aperture and relative aperture of the imaging lens must be more than 340 mm and 0.85, if the size of hologram is 90 mm and the distance of the observer is 250mm away from the hologram. An aspherical mirror with aperture of 240 mm and focal length of 230 mm is used in the experiment. The equipment with the aspherical mirror as the imaging lens is given. The experimental results and some related problems are discussed. The reconstructed image has a good resolution and high ratio of signal to noise.
The "GFS high-reflectivity measuring instrument" used in the visible and infrared regions are developed. According to the measuring principle of double-reflectance on a sample, the instrument takes a simple structure of a single optical path. The optical signals are investigated by statistical counting with a current-frequency oonvertor. The electric elements involved are all made in China. A high stability and linearity are realized in optic-electronic detection and readout. We take some measures to reduoe the systematic errors of the instrument. The measurement accuraoy has been analyzed and tested. The results show that the measurement accuraoy ies are better than ±5X10~4 in the visible region; and ±1Xl0~3 in rear infrared region.
This paper presents a new method of measuring high reflectivity-films in respect of their absolute reflectivity by using a spherical cavity optical delay line. This method is characterized by (1) Arbitrary adjustment of the number of reflections of a light beam on a sample mirror and the pattern traced by the light spot and hence a greater suitability to measurements of various kinds. (2) With reflectivity given in terms of its absolute value. (3) Simple in structure, easy for use, suitable for a light beam on a sample mirror and the pattern traced by the light spot and henoe a greater suitability to measurements of various kinds. (2) With reflectivity given in terms of its absolute value. (3) Simple in structure, easy for use, suitable for a general application to ordinary laboratories. This paper gives the theoretical calculation formula for designing an optical delay line and a full consideration of this idea used as a reflectivity measuring instrument. The paper also points out that it is possible to measure the transmissivity of low scattering samples with this instrument. Experimental results show that this method can be used to measure the reflectivity of high-reflectivity-films with a precision of better than 2X10-4.
The broadening and shift of the spectral lines of neutral argon in plasma jet at 1 atmospheric pressure are measured. The experimental results are compared with earlier experimental values obtained by other workers, and found good agreement with theoretical values calculated by Griem[1-3]. The temperature of plasma jet are measured by line shift method. The plasma temperature measured by this method are found to be in good agreement within experimental accuracy with those obtained by other spectroscopic methods. From the experimental investigation, it is shown that the shift of spectral line can be used to determine the temperature of plasma jet. The error of this method for the determination of temperature is about 10%.
Measurement of IR optical spot is of great importance to physics and technology. In this paper, we present a reticle method for exactly measuring Gaussian optical spot parameter. Reticle method may be used for fast, accurate measurement of Gaussian optical spot parameter. Suppose the brightness of a spot is a Gaussian model, when optical spot scans over the bars reticle, the parameter of Gaussian optical spot can be exactly known with measuring peak value of frequency spectrum.
Both electron beam interference and beat can form a periodic charge density distribution and thus a periodic electric field respectively. When another electron is moving across this field, it should irradiate electro-magnetic waves due to the acceleration. We have discussed the problems on the electron beam radiation from beat[1]. And the electron beam beat is, however, an un-usual physical phenomenon while the electron beam interference is rather common. We shall indicate here that the interference field may be used to form radiation as well.
In this paper, we develop an unstable oscillation theory of the free electron lager. This theory can be used to analyze the production of stimulated emission by relativstio electrons either passing through a periodic magnetic field or interacting with a light wave field.
The operating characteristics of optically pumped CH3OH FIR lasers have been studied with both open cavity and dielectric waveguide cavity. Lasing oscillations on 70.6, 118.8, 392, 418 and 570.5±m were obtained and output power at 118.8?m and 570.5±m were 12.6 and 3.5mW respectively. The wavelength of the far infrared laser were measured by means of scanning cavity length and scanning Fabry-Perofc interferometer, the precision was up to ±0.5μm.
In this paper,the geometrical optics and third-order aberration theory of decentered optical systems are discussed. And also a method for determining the tolerances of decentered optical systems is described. As examples, we calculate the tolerances of decentered errors for the two typical optical systems: A high performance microphoto-graphic lens and a wide-angle photogrammetric lens.
Representation of transmission properties of paraxial Gaussian beams by matrix is given and the ABCD law for on-axis Gaussian beams is extended to paraxial case. The modes of stable and unstable cavities are treated uniformly.
In this paper, the conditions for the initiation of a high-pressure uniform glow discharge was analysed, and the minimal preionized initial electron density and the optimum seed gas fraction was given. For the usual experimental conditions for a discharge excited XeF laser, the charged particle density under the steady-state discharge has been calculated. Following these obtained values, we have also discussed the difficulties in continuous operation.
Color matching and acceptability measurements were made on a visual colorimeter for chromaticities of CIE standard illuminants A, D55, D65 and D75. It was found that the matching and acceptability tolerances of the 4 illuminants took the shape of ellipses on the CIE 1931 chromaticity diagram. The acceptability tolerance ellipses of these illuminants were then plotted on the CIE 1960 UCS diagram and CIE 1976 (L*u*v*) space and they all turned out to be more circular in shape. However, the illuminants A and D6B were more oiroular on the CIE 1976 space, whereas D55 and D75 were more circular on the CIE 1960 diagram. Thus, from the shapes of the acceptability tolerance of the 4 CIE standard illuminants, it is not possible to tell that the CIE 1976 (LW) space is more uniform than the CIE 1960 IJCS diagram.