The partially-coherent theorem, the Karhunen-Loe′ve expansion of generalized prolate-spheroidal function and coherent imaging theorem are used to analyse the propagation characterization of turbulent average mutual intensity of weak atmospheric turbulence illuminating system and imaging of mirror objects placed in turbulent medium. It is demonstrated that double passage imaging leads to an improvement in image quality (surperresolution) only for the reflective beam whose coherent scale is smaller than the scale of the aperture of imaging system.
The couple-wave equations of forward four-wave mixing (FFWM) of ultra-short pulses in single mode optical fibers are given. Numerical investigations using the equations show that, when the walk-off of the pulses is much less than the width of the pulses and the conversion efficiency is lower, the dependence of the FFWM conversion effeciency on the phase mismaching for ultra-short pulses is samilar as in FFWM of continuous waves, there are not any amount ranges of Δk (where k is the mode propagation number un-involving the nonlinear refractive index) wich make the gain equal to zero, and the peak conversion condition should be Δκ=0 (where κ is the mode propagation number which involves the nonlinear refractive index) but not Δk=0. The conversion efficiency is smaller slightly and the peak gain conditions bias a little from Δκ=0 for narrower pulses. Realization of Δk=0 can avoid the broadening and distortion of the pulses to the greatest extent.
An analytical formula on small-signal frequency response of Erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) is deduced and gain modulation response for large-signal modulation is investigated through numberical calculation. Computer simulations show that fast pump control can limit transient gain excursion of EDFA.
The linear tuning ability of cantilevers with different sizes has been analyzed. By employing a appropriate size cantilever, the linear tuning of Bragg wavelength of fiber grating has been realized experimentally. The chirped output caused by the varied strain along the cantilever-axis has been observed. The broadening can been decreased by selecting short grating.
The diffused planar light waveguide problem is solved by using the difference equation method and the direct integration method, and propagation constants with 10 significant figures are obtained. It is proved that a simple difference equation calculation in this problem is superior to the finite element method and the others. It is one of the mathematical foundations of self consistant field method to solve the channel waveguide problem.
According to the coupled-mode theory, the interaction of guided optical waves (GOWs) and magnetostatic waves (MSWs) in magneto-optical waveguide are theoretically studied and the coupled-mode equations are obtained. The angular dependence of GOW diffraction efficiency for anti-Stokes interaction in YIG film are calculated. The theoretical curves have the same characteristics as the experimental results. Only in the case of normal magnetization, the waveguided lights with mode conversion are all diffracted and the diffraction efficiency is equal to the mode-conversion efficiency. Under appropriately inclined bias magnetic field, both mode-conversion efficiency and diffraction efficiency may be increased distinctly in comparison with normal magnetization. After changing the direction of MSW propagation, the angular dependence of DE becomes symmetrical.
The principle of optimized perturbation method for the image reconstruction in optical computerized tomography is addressed, and a fast computational algorithm for the Jacobi matrix based on the pertubational functional on the forward model is given. The numerical simulations show that the proposed approach leads to the accurate results with reasonable computational time.
A novel optoelectronic sorting network with recirculating architecture is presented. The link stage is implemented by optical Comega interconnect, and the array of compare-and-exchange(C&E) nodes is implemented by CMOS-SEED hybrid integrated circuit. Basing on the fact that all link stages in Comega multistage network have the same pattern, the hardware complexity of the system is greatly reduced by introducing recirculating architecture. In addition, the comparing speed is raised by using parallel C&E nodes.
In photoelastic stress analysis, the accuracy of analysis can be improved by using fractional isochromatic fringes, so it is very important to study the approach for producing fractional fringes. By using image processing technology, a fringe pattern is captured firstly, then fractional fringes can be produced by arithmetic operation to the fringe pattern. Theoretical analysis is given in detail, and experiments are carried out. Seven fractional fringes are produced between two integer fringes by using the technique.
X-ray phase imaging based on in-line Gabor holography is stuided. Using the theory of partial coherent X-ray in-line Gabor holography, we analyses both direct and indirect(holographic) phase imaging. The coherence has little effect on direct phase imaging. For phase holography, the effects of coherence, resolution of recording materiel, restoring length, and recording position on imaging quality are discussed. The uncertainty of recording position is the most important reason degraded the imaging quality. A requirement is given to get high quality phase imaging.
Some problems on obtaining high efficiency of diffraction and high contrast of interference fringes in real-time holographic interferometry are discussed. The optimum beam ratio and the optimum phase modulation for obtaining high brightness of the testing optical field and high contrast of the interference fringes in real-time holographic interferometry are presented. Both of the diffraction efficiency and the light energy efficiency can be reached to 29% in case of that the optimum beam ratio is 1 and the optimum phase modulation is 1.42.
Based on analysis of physical mechanism on optical proximity effect, a new method for fine correction of optical proximity effect is presented. The optimum of amplitude distribution on mask can improve distribution of spatial frequency spectrum. So printed image of high fidelity can be obtained. The simulation shows that the deviation between the contour of image after OPC and the contour of ideal image is less than 0.9%.
The inverted Abel transform is necessary for computing the X-ray emission radial distribution and opical holographic interferometric data. A new algorithm to calculate the inverse Abel transform is introduced, which performs fast Fourier transform (FFT) first and then Hankel transform. This algorithm offer higher accuracy and it can be filtered in frequence space.
The atmospheric thermal lens in flying optics induced by high power CO2 laser during laser materials processing is studied. It is found in experiments that when the air in flying optics is static, atmospheric thermal lens can be induced. However, when the air is filled to the flying optics at certain pressure, atmospheric thermal lens can be eliminated. When there is no thermal lens, laser beam propagation obey the Gaussian theory; when there has thermal lens, laser beam propagation will deviate the Gaussian theory. This will have influence on laser focus size and position. And This deviation is calculated according to the nonlinear mode of laser induced thermal lens. The calculation coincides with the measurement. On the basis of it, two new conceptspseudo-beam waist and virtual-beam waist are proposed. And the paper points out that virtual-beam waist can be used to calculate laser beam propagation but not pseudo-beam waist.
The optical properties of corona poled NDA and a newly synthesized CNDA doped PMMA films were investigated with in situ second-harmonic generation (SHG) measurement and absorption measurement. Optimum corona poling temperatures of these polymeric films were found lower than glass transition temperatures of the materials and the second-order nonlinear susceptibility χ(2) of CNDA/PMMA is improved compared with that of NDA/PMMA. The molecular hyperpolarizability β of the CNDA was estimated to be about 146×10-30 esu from the measured absorbance and χ(2). The relaxation of SHG intensity of CNDA/PMMA was slower than that of NDA/PMMA.
We studied theoretically the nonlinear absorption property of bR film illuminated by two beams with different wavelength. Based on the nonlinear absorption property, we showed some new photonics applications of bR film.
A cerium-activated garnet Ce:V:(Gd, Y)3Al5O12 with maximum intensity of broad red-band emission at 580 nm is a newly-developed luminescent material suitable for high brightness and high resolution display. The 2-inch CRT projection tube with the luminescent screen made of this material has reached the maximum brightness of 7300 cd/m2 with a efficiency of 1.5 lm/W. By optimum-designed electron gun the resolution of this tube can be more than 80 lines per millimeter clearly resolved. The preparation processes and mechanism of this luminescent material are described in detail, and some interesting conclusions are presented here.
The R2O-B2O3-Al2O3-SiO2 polarizing glass containing silver was prepared by elongating and reducing the original glass. The polarizing glass with transmittance up to 90%, contrast ratio up to 162:1 and band range of 480~1400 nm was ontained. The factors which affect polarizing properties of the glass were discussed.
The laser damage thresholds and morphologies of MgF2 crystals at 1.06 μm are reported. Strengthening of the MgF2 crystals is investigated by laser pre-irradiation and acid etching with CW CO2, XeCl and Cu vapour lasers. Ihe results show that the Cu vapour strengthening effect is the optimum and the next are acid etching and XeCl laser pre-irradiation. Strengthening mechanism is analyzed.
Near the bifurcation point, the linear stability ofdifference-differential equation which describes acoustooptic bistable systems is analyzed, the expression of resonance frequency and amplification multiple are given. The amplification process of small signal is simulated by numerical calculation, the simulation result is consistent with theoretical analysis.
Nonlinear digital optical switch, optical limiter and optical power stabilizator are proposed and analyzed, which consist of a number of cascaded single-input excitation nonlinear dual-core couplers. These devices utilize the nonlinear restrain effect of the nonlinear coherent coupler on the input-power. As a example, four kinds of switch structures are discussed, numerical results show that the off/on extinction ratio can be less than -90 dB and the dynamic switching range can be less than 0.03 Pc/100, and as an optical stabilizator, the fluctuation of the limiting power level can be less than 10-7Pc.
A Novel fabrication technique of long-period fiber gratings is proposed, which are fabricated with periodic modulation of the refractive index of the core by heating and tapering fiber with carved periodic V-grooves. The experimental results are presented, and their fundamental principle is analysed. The most common use of the long-period fiber gratings is as a broadband rejection filter for WDM systems.
The principle and configuration of the cylindrical lens array (CLA) line focus system are described. The causes of damage of aspherical lens in aspherical lens in the concave CLA are analyzed. The design principle and performances of the CLA and its operation are introduced.
The problems in application of the optimum end-fire coupling techniques such as system loss determination and optical path adjustment are discussed. By using the determination method with standard, visible light assistant and optical-electrical detection for adjusting the whole reflection mirror, the satisfactory results are obtained.
Vanadium pentoxide thin films were prepared by thermal evaporation of V2O5 powder followed by annealing posttreatment in air. Lithium was inserted electrochemically from an electrolyte so that Lix V2O5 (0≤x≤0.54) was obtained. The normal transmittance and reflectance spectra were measured and optical absorption coefficient was calculated. X-ray diffraction analysis has showed that the posttreated V2O5 thin films were microcrystal structure. The optical absorption spectra of all films have exhibited two distinct regions of behavior: a high-energy region in which (αhν)1/2 varied linearly with hν and a low-energy tail. The dividing energy of the two distinct regions depends on electron and Li ion intercalation. The present results have given that the anode electrochromism of V2O5 thin films is shift of absorption edge, and the cathode one is absorption of small polarons in V2O5.
YBa2Cu3O7-x(YBCO) superconducting thin films with Tc(R=0) of 84 K and Jc of 2×103 A/cm2 at 77 K, on polycrystalline Ni-based alloys with buffer layers of yttria-stabilized-zirconia (YSZ), are prepared in situ by excimer laser and primarily c-axis oriented. The orientation of laser-deposited YSZ buffer layers on NiCr alloys can be improved by choosing the suitable preparing parameters. The microstructure of the YBCO thin films, investigated with a scanning tunneling microscopy, shows that the spiral growth structure may be an important characteristic of the high quality YBCO superconducting thin films.