Acta Optica Sinica
Qihuang Gong
Volume: 18 Issue 6
37 Article(s)
[in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

The properties of SiON optical waveguides based on silicon formed by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition are discussed, and the structures of channel waveguide, strip waveguide, inverted ridge waveguide are designed. The results of technical fabrication are analysed, and some improvming methods are presented.

Oct. 18, 2006
  • Vol. 18 Issue 6 808 (1998)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    As many as 1000 digital images have been recorded in a common volume of an Fe:LiNbO3 photorefractive crystal using angular multiplexing. The combination of the error-correcting encoding and the differential encoding results in a significant noise-tolerant feature and thus a lower bit-error rate is achieved. As a highly automated digital holographic memory, the overall system is under the control of a computer. Experimental results are presented.

    Oct. 18, 2006
  • Vol. 18 Issue 6 722 (1998)
  • [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Infinite element method for analysis of two—dimensinal shearing wavefront is presented and the infinite element mod el for the wavefront reconstruction is established. The results of the computer simulation demonstrate the high accuarcy of this method. Since the wavefront should satisfy all the 2-D shearing equations according to the finite element theory, the noise from the differences call be averaged. Thus the method is insensitive to measurement noise, suitable for teal testing.

    Oct. 18, 2006
  • Vol. 18 Issue 6 726 (1998)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Linearly coded profilometry (LCP) is a new optical profilometry presented recently. The optimum shifting quantity and accuracy of LCP implemented with two samples are investigated from a more practical point. Two kinds of dynamic multichannel LCP are proposed.

    Oct. 18, 2006
  • Vol. 18 Issue 6 732 (1998)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The Intensity—attenuator and imaging system with high attenuation used for measuring the far-field spatial intensity distribution of “Xiang Guang Ⅱ” laser system is introduced. Intensity—attenuator is an important part of the far-field real time detecting system for high power laser. The attenuation call vary from 10-2 to 10-12 and the induced wave aberration of attenuator and imaging system is controlled within the 2× diffraction limit. namely 2λ/3 wave aberration under given experimenta1 conditions.

    Oct. 18, 2006
  • Vol. 18 Issue 6 738 (1998)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    A numerieal sim ulation is used to cakulate the near—field intensity by “split light beam ”. The preliminary resuRs of the calculation on one dimension compact disk sample using plane wave are demonstrated. It shows that the near—field intensity profiles have rather complicated structures. In many cases the near—field intensity does not represent the actual surface profile. The near—field intensity is strongly modulated by the surface structure. When the distance between the sample and the proble becomes larger, some subtle oerturhation is added to the intensity profile. and a shift be tween the surface profile and the intensity distribution be came more remarkable. The shift may cause some problems when we use the optical probe as a multi—function probe to do some lithograph work or to position. A comparsion be tween the calculation and other experimental results is also made.

    Oct. 18, 2006
  • Vol. 18 Issue 6 742 (1998)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Based on the measurement principle of optical time-domain reflectometry (OTDR), a method to improve the nonreflection-event locating accuracy is proposed. With this method, the experimental data collected by OTDR have been retreated and the locating accuracy has been increased by using injection pulse rising edge.

    Oct. 18, 2006
  • Vol. 18 Issue 6 748 (1998)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    A method for accurately detecting the directional shift of a beam is proposed and the experiment is described, which is a new application of the Tarbot effect. The directional shift of a semiconductor laser beam has been detected and the effect of optical devices on the stability of optical beam direction are discussed.

    Oct. 18, 2006
  • Vol. 18 Issue 6 752 (1998)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    A confocal method for measuring whole—field 3-D surface topography,which employs a micro—optic component to realize parallel measuring and reco rding is proposed. An array of point light sources produced by the micro-optic compo nent is used to detect one of the confocal plane series simultaneously. And as an alternative to a pinhole diaphragm, the pixels on the CCD plane directly capture and register the 3-D information intensities from the detected planes. The principle and the depth response relation of the method are discussed, and the primary experimental results and a 3-D reconstructed image ape given.

    Oct. 18, 2006
  • Vol. 18 Issue 6 757 (1998)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The pinciple of position sensitive detector (PSD) is briefly introduced and some experiments for studing the effects of light source on the position precision of PSD are performed as wel1. It is proved that the fluctuation of light intensity can lead to the loss of the position precision of PSD, the results are far from those derived from theoretical analysis. At the same time, the experiments show that the backgroung niose can also exert certain effects on the ultimate position precision.

    Oct. 18, 2006
  • Vol. 18 Issue 6 762 (1998)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    We have investigated the ionization and dissociation behavior of H+2 in ultrashort intense laser pulses with classical dynamics and quantum mechanics methods respectively. The similar results are obtained, that is, the ionization dominates the decay mechanism of H+2 under the irradiation of ultrashort intense laser pulses. However, the limited quantum calculations understimate the dissociation probability; The classical results do not demonstrate the stabilization effect of H+2 in superstrong laser pulses. In addition, the classical calculations indicate that the ionization rate attains a maximum when the internuclear separation R extends to a critical rang. This agrees well with the charge-resonance enhanced ionization effect which is found by quantum calculations.

    Oct. 18, 2006
  • Vol. 18 Issue 6 669 (1998)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    A new type of laser plasma soft X-ray source with solid CO2 target is reported. The laser plasma source is of low debris characteristics and very suitable for soft X-ray projection lighography in the future.

    Oct. 18, 2006
  • Vol. 18 Issue 6 675 (1998)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Laser induced damage in Si and Ge is investigated by using YAG laser with pulse durations of 10 ns and 250 μs, and the damage mechanism of the surfaces of Si and Ge was obtained. The resistivity of surfaces to laser damage was improved by using diamond films, dielectric films and laser pre-irradiation. The strengthening effects were discussed.

    Oct. 18, 2006
  • Vol. 18 Issue 6 677 (1998)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The self—pulsing behavior of erbium—doped fiber laser has 1seen stuided. Stable-T-periodic and 2T—pe riodic pulse output has been attained and pulse train of random amplitude has been observed in the erbium—doped fiber laser, which was pumped by a semiconductor laser in the CW pumping mode. Considering the change of the photon lifetime of two orthogonal polarization modes, a coupling mode model has been used to analyze the experimental results. The analysis shows that it is important to obtain stable self—pulses by changing the photon lifetime of two orthogonal polarization modes in the erbium —doped fiber laser.

    Oct. 18, 2006
  • Vol. 18 Issue 6 767 (1998)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The optical characteristics of electron—trapping (ET) infrared stimulable materials such as CaS:Eu,Sm and CoS:Ce,Sm prepared by sulfurization flux method (SEM) have been measured. The measurements include excitation spectra, stimulation spectra, fluoresoence spectra and infrared stimulated luminesoence, and so on. It is shown that this kind of materials not only behaves infrared up-conversion optical storage and wide response spectrum, but also operate at room temperature and lower cost.

    Oct. 18, 2006
  • Vol. 18 Issue 6 813 (1998)
  • [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The parameters of Tm3+ and Ho3+ ions in ZBLAN are given, and compared with Ω of Tm3+ and Ho3+ ions in oxide glasses. Under excitation of Tm3+ ion in the single Tm3+ doped ZBLAN by 357 nm (1D2) or 486 nm (1G4) wavelength beam, the luminescence intensities of the differeny emission wavelength from 1D2, 4G4 levels as a function of the doped concentretions have been obtained. When Tm3+ or Ho3+ ions of the single doped sample excited by <1 μm wavelength, the IR luminescence spectra are measured. The effect of ion concentration on the IR emission intensity and fluorescence lifetime of Tm3+ and Ho3+ ions were discussed. Tm3+ (3F4)→Ho3+ (5I7) energy transfer in(Tm3++Ho3+) co—doped ZBLAN glasses is very effective, its transfer efficiency is over 80% and dependent on the doped concentration.

    Oct. 18, 2006
  • Vol. 18 Issue 6 818 (1998)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The czochralski method was adoped to produced high optical quality Li2B4O7 single crystal with dimension of Φ30×30 mm through a special technique. Effects of technical parameters on the macrodefects of the single crystal were studied. Second harmonic generation (SHG) was studied by the Maker fringe method. The SHG coefficient d33 is three times higher than the d11 of quartz.

    Oct. 18, 2006
  • Vol. 18 Issue 6 824 (1998)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The photoionization with synchrotron radiation (SR), a time—of-flight mas spectrometer and the colncidenee technique are combined to measure the photoionization efficiency spectra of azobenzene (AB). With these photoionization efficiency spectra, the ionization potential of AB and the appearance potentials of the major ionic fragments were obtained. From these results and the energy relation in the dissociative photoionization process, the dissociation energies of AB and AB and the ionization potential of radical C6HsN2 were derived. The photoionization mass spectra of AB using various SR photon energy were recorded. The most possible passways of the dissociative photoionization were analyzed.

    Oct. 18, 2006
  • Vol. 18 Issue 6 828 (1998)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Based on the generalized Lorenz-Mie theory (GLMT), the incident fundamental Gaussian beam is expanded in terms of the vector spherical harmonics. According to localized approximation for the expanding coefficients gmn of Gaussian beam which are arbitrarily located to a spherical particle are derived. The recursive formulas as well as the algorithm to calculated scattering coefficients anm and bnm for a multilayered sphere are proposed. Numerical results and the dependence of scattering charicteristics on beam waist and the size of the particle are discussed.

    Oct. 18, 2006
  • Vol. 18 Issue 6 682 (1998)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    A new optical interferometer suitable for using in the scanning force microscope is presented. The cantilever itself is used as a micro interferometer element. The deflection of the cantilever is detected by the interference between the geometrical reflected wave and the backward diffracted wave. This interferometer has a simple structure, fewer optical components, low cost, and common light path. 0.01 nm vertical resolution is obtained by this instrument.

    Oct. 18, 2006
  • Vol. 18 Issue 6 688 (1998)
  • [in Chinese]

    The mechanism of retroreflection of minim glass bead was studied and a scattering model of retrodirective diffuse of parallel light rays in glass bead was established. Theoretical calculation and best condition of retroreflection for the glass bead were given.

    Oct. 18, 2006
  • Vol. 18 Issue 6 693 (1998)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The scattering behaviors of all-dielectric single-and twin-cavity narrow-band interference filters are studied both in theory and inexperiment. It is shown that the scattering properties are determined mainly by the spacers in which the electric field intensitites are high because of the pressence of high standing-wave fields. The scattered light cones are found in both sides of the filters illuminated by a monochromatic light with shorter wavelength than the peak wavelength of the filter. The scattering angle of each cone is equal to the tilted angle of the filter when the peak wavelength of the filter shifts to that of incident light. The calculations are in good agreement with experimental results.

    Oct. 18, 2006
  • Vol. 18 Issue 6 700 (1998)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    For non-diffracting beam generated by a axicon lens, its central spot diameter and non-diffracting distance are fixed. A new way to change the parameters of non-diffracting beam using a popular sphere lens telescope system is proposed based on the relationship of lens transform between non-diffracting beam and ring light source. The non-diffracing beam is firstly transformed to a ring light source by the first lens of telescope. And then the ring light source is transformed to a new non-diffracting beam with different parameters in terms of the second lens which has different focus. The new parameters are determined by the ratio of focus lengths of the two lenses.

    Oct. 18, 2006
  • Vol. 18 Issue 6 707 (1998)
  • [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    A new theoretical analysis is given to the divide/combine polarization—induced—fading eliminated technique of an interfcrometrie fiber—optic sensor and its array,and a new way is proposed to realize the real tline detection of the divide~combine method by squaring each signal and adding them togeter. The maximum amplitude fluctuation of this method is calculated. and the conclusion is drawn that three is the best number of the analysers. According to the analysers, the sarisfactory experimental result is achieved on the Mach—Zehnder interferometer, and the application of the method in the interferometric array is designed.

    Oct. 18, 2006
  • Vol. 18 Issue 6 773 (1998)
  • [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    A three—port fiber—optic switch using a 2×2 and a 3×3 directional coupler to form Mach—Zehnder interferometer is presented. In the consecutive fabrication of two fused couplers,not only the equal splitting ratio for both couplers, but the equal length of two single—mode fiber arms have been fabricated, which improved the switch performance a lot. The swich is PZT electrically controlled and has broad band. The mininum cross—talk reaches to 30 dB and the insertion loss is 0.23 dB.

    Oct. 18, 2006
  • Vol. 18 Issue 6 779 (1998)
  • [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The design of phase-only modulators with pseudorandom encoding is presented and the theoritical fundamentals of the pseudorandom encoding is described. In the design, the quality of patterns of far-field diffraction can be greatly improved by means of the saturation process.

    Oct. 18, 2006
  • Vol. 18 Issue 6 783 (1998)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    A novel semiconductor integrated source——AlGaAs short wavelength superluminescent integrated diode has been suggested and demonstrated. It uses direct coupling of the superiuminescent diode with the semiconductor amplifier. An AlGaAs SQW heterostructure wafer and gain—guide of oxide—stripe are used in the device. 57 mW superlumineseent output power with 20 nm spectal width (FWHM) are obtained. The otical gain of the amplifier in the integrated device is about 21 dB.

    Oct. 18, 2006
  • Vol. 18 Issue 6 789 (1998)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Temporal characteristics of output pulse from a grating pair stretcher with a slit are investigated neglecting the spatial diffraction. And a theoretical model is established to expound the variation of pulse duration and the modulation on the pulse envelope similar to the diffraction characteristics in spatial domain. The modulation can be eliminated by appropriate soft slit. The condition, on which the slit has not much to do with spatial filtering, is discussed.

    Oct. 18, 2006
  • Vol. 18 Issue 6 641 (1998)
  • [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    This paper deals with the propagation of light, determined by the instantaneous interaction between lightfield and bosonic elementary excitation. The corresponding area theorem is derived, which is a generalization of the area theorem related initially to the light pulse propagation through the two-level system. The results obtained are consistent with the demonstration of increasing absorption optical bistability via nonlinear photon boson coupling.

    Oct. 18, 2006
  • Vol. 18 Issue 6 650 (1998)
  • [in Chinese]

    The influence of intrapulse Raman scattering on dark soliton transmission system is studied by the conservation of momentum of system. The results show that the intrapulse Raman scattering leads to deviation of equilibrium point of the dark soliton system, increases the time jitters in arrival, and reduces the distance of dark soliton transmission system. The nonlinear gain can be used to suppress the influence effectively.

    Oct. 18, 2006
  • Vol. 18 Issue 6 657 (1998)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    A Method of continous self-feedback chaos control is proposed for the dynamic memory which has been realized in a electro-optical bistable system pumped by a He-Ne laser. Experimental results are agreed with the theoretical simulations and the Lyapunov exponent analysis. Up to 55 bits codes oscillations have been successfully demonstrated.

    Oct. 18, 2006
  • Vol. 18 Issue 6 663 (1998)
  • [in Chinese]

    The entanglement properties between the field and the atom are revealed and the influences of the absorbing or emitting photon number per atomic transition on the entanglement properties and formation of the Schrodinger cat state in the intensity-dependent coupling multiphoton processes are discussed by studying the evolution of the field entropy and the field Q function.

    Oct. 18, 2006
  • Vol. 18 Issue 6 712 (1998)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The Wehrl's entropties and Shannon's entropies for even and odd coherent states are studied. The results show that the Wehrl's entropics of the two states are increased along with growth of the total noise and tend to a common constant. The Shannon's entropies are decreased along with decrease of observable fluctuation. Both Shannon's entropies of the two states can be less than that of coherent state, but which is not corresponding to the appearance of squeezing effect. So, the amount of Shannon's entropy can not be a criteron of existance of squeezing.

    Oct. 18, 2006
  • Vol. 18 Issue 6 717 (1998)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Oct. 18, 2006
  • Vol. 18 Issue 6 832 (1998)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The organic thin film optical microcavity electroluminescent (TFEL) devices with aluminium doped zinc oxide (AZO) transparent conducting thin film as anode have been fabricated. Some effects of vertical Fabry—Perot microcavity on spotaneous emission of organic TFEL devices have been observed. These optical mierocavity effects are spectral narrowing, enhancement of emission intensity and angle dependence of emision. The half width of electroluminescent spectra of organic TFEL device with mierocavity structure iS about 14 nm while that of ordinary device without cavity structure is about 100 nm. The emision intensity of the devices with cavity structure is higher than that of device without cavity structure. The emission peaks of cavity devices are shifted to blue side by increasing the detection angle. Different colors ate obtained by changing the thickness of AZO layer or inserting different thickness of filler layer TiO2.

    Oct. 18, 2006
  • Vol. 18 Issue 6 793 (1998)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Zinc oxide films of good c—axis preferred orientation have been deposited onto glass substrates using direct—current reactive magnetron sputtering. After optimizing calculation, analyses have been made of refractive index n and extinction coefficient of ZnO thin films prepared at different Ar/O2 proportions. Moreover, absorption spectrum and optical band—gap Eopt are derived and the variation of Eopt is explained by all energy band model.

    Oct. 18, 2006
  • Vol. 18 Issue 6 799 (1998)
  • The LiNbO3 ion conductor thin films used as ion conductors in all solid electrochromic devices were prepared by rf—magnetron sputtering. The ionic conductivity of deposited LiNb03 films were measured and calculated by means of frequency extension and Wagner polarization methods. The optical spectrum Was given. The effect of film depositing technique on microstructure and ionic conductivity was discussed.

    Oct. 18, 2006
  • Vol. 18 Issue 6 803 (1998)
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