In this paper, the diffraction efficiencies of infinite conductivity multilevel grating is treated by solving Maxwell′s equations numerically. The diffraction efficiency problem is solved by using mode matching method. Many important optimization results for engineering design are obtained.
A new method is proposed for multispectral image data compression. The multispectral image data after Karhunen Leove Transformation (KLT) its spectral correlation and spatial redundancy are removed by using JPEG compression coding. A method is presented to decrease the bit flow to maximum degree. Experiment showed that this method can result in the compression ratio of 3.2~5.3 in the sixteen bands multispectral data to remove the spectral correlation without any loss. The total compression ratio of KLT+JPE can reach 103 (Q=50), PSNR being 34.0 dB. It is superior to the method of applying DCT to remove the spectral correlation.
A new mutiplex speckle photography is given which uses a rotating prism to record multiple specklegram. The advantage of this method is that the multiple specklegram of some dynamic process of an object can be recorded on a single holofilm. In the whole field filtration, the information of deformation in all channels can be easily obtained and the images obained are quite clear. Test results and analysis of the recorded dynamic deformation of a moving object and plate bended deformation are presented. It is shown that the theoretical analysis agree with results from test.
The mathematical model of 3 dimensional optical transfer function (OTF) is obtained by Fourier transform of point spread function for a fluorescence confocal scanning microscopic system. From this, the 3 dimensional OTF is computed for different sized annular lenses and detectors. By using computer simulation and numerical computation of OTF, the image property is analyzed for the case of different annular lenses and detector in confocal scanning system.
The statistic theory of partial polarization speckle field is employed to analyze the centroid fluctuation of irradiance distribution of the spot image. The analytic expression of fundamental uncertainty of the measurement is derived. It is shown that partial polarization projection is advantageous to the improvement of measurement accuracy.
We present a new jonit transform correlation scheme for the accurate recognition of binary objects, which uses complementary encoding method to code the reference and target images in the input plane. The aim of such encoding is to perform joint rank order hit or miss transform in one step. With a high level thresholding value, the correct justification can be achieved from the correlated resultant image. The simulation results and experimental demonstrations are listed.
Compared with the classic correlator, the binary joint transform correlator provides significantly higher peak intensity, larger peak to sidelobe ratio and narrower correlation width. Taking advantaging of the saturation property of liquid crystal light value (LCLV), we can obtain the inversed binary joint transform correlator. The experimental result is very satisfied. The all optical system is simple and easily operated.
The theory and method of measuring moving target′s velocity using atomic transmission are described. A diode pumped frequency doubling CW Nd∶YAG laser has been used to demonstrate the feasibility of the method. An iodine filter with wing width of 380 MHz is used in the experiment which represents a velocity range of 0~50 m/s. The laser frequency is locked on the center of the slope of transmission of another iodine filter. The experimental error as small as 30 cm/s is obtained. The result and experimental error are analyzed. This method can be applied to lidar for measuring the atmosphere wind.
The similarity of scratches diffraction patterns with different cross section, rectangular, triangular and cosinoidal, is discussed. A new method, sampling the diffracted light, to measure the scratch width is proposed.
We propose a passive self injected scheme for the generation of short pulse trains from various pulsed lasers. In this scheme a single subnanosecond pulse is generated from a short cavity seeding laser. The pulse is then returned to the same gain medium and amplified regeneratively until the gain is quenched completely. An ultraviolet subnanosecond pulse train is directly and passively generated from a solid state laser medium (Ce 3+ ∶LuLiF 4) pumped by a standard 10 nsec laser.
The reinjection of a small fraction of output beam back into laser cavity by a phase conjugate mirror is shown to improve the beam quality of an argon laser effeciently. The output power of argon laser is changed and the number of longitudinal mode is reduced greatly by the reinjection of a external cavity PCM.
Using the expression of output spectrum derived from the ray trace method, the spectral characteristics of the external cavity semiconductor laser (ECLD) have been analysed. Based on this, the analytical expression of the threshold carrier density applicable to any selected wavelength for the ECLD has been deduced. Combining the spectrum and the carrier rate equation, the carrier deficit from the threshold can be obtained self consistently and the output can be determined without resorting to the photon rate equation.
The photorefractive two wave mixing (TWM) of high speed amplitude modulated beams is studied theoretically. The analytical solutions of the coupling equations are given with any arbitary complex coupling coefficient. The effect of the complex coupling coefficient on photorefractive TWM is discussed.
We construncted the mathmatic formular of the linewidth in optical parametric generation and amplifier caused by the sponetaneous parametric emission using quantum theory, and studied, computed and compared the influnce to the linewidth of other physics factors. It is shown that the linewith of parametric light is very narrow far away from the degeneracy point, and the linewidth begins to enlarge quickly at the degeneracy point; And the divergence angle of pumping beam and the off axis pumping influenced the linewidth more seriously than other factors do. These results are important for narrowing the linewidth of parameteric light.
A new doped Zn∶Fe∶LiNbO 3 crystal with photorefractive four wave mixing properties is reported in this paper. The phase conjugate reflectivity can be up to 100%. Its resistance of light induced scattering is increased and the response is improved comparing with that of Fe∶LiNbO 3. The machenism of such enhancements is discussed by measuring the photoconductivity of the crystals and analysizing the optical damage resistant of heavy doped Zn∶LiNbO3.
The stimulated Raman scattering in oxygen pumped by the train pulse doubled YAG laser has been studied. The processes of thermal conduction in Raman cell pumped by laser pulse was simulated by computer.The behavior of stimulated Raman scattering pumped by train pulse doubled YAG laser in pure oxygen and O 2/He mixture was studied experimentally.
The study of optical waveguide geodesic lenses free of aberration and singularity in curvature is reported. In profile design of geodesic lenses, a suitable function of generating line in transitional zone that quotes from Ref.[1] can eliminate effectively the curvature singularity of rounded-edge of lenses. This kind of geodesic lenses are designed and fabricated. The experimental measurements show that geodesic lenses eliminated the spherical aberration in the range of 8 mm effective aperture and obtained the diffractive spot of 3.3 μm size for input beam of 4.78 mm width.
Using the analytical solutions of the multimode rate equations, the output characteristics of superluminescent diodes are studied. Comsenquently, the dependence of some important parameters of the superluminescent diodes, such as the output spectral width (FWHM) and output power, on the facet reflectivity are simulated. The experimental results verify the the oretical predictions.
On the basis of the theory of Gaussian light beams transmission and applying principles of matrix optics and theory of Gaussian light coupling, a theoretical equation for calculating the return loss of fiber collimator with beveled end face and GRIN lens is derived. The change of return loss in fiber collimator with changing the fiber collimator′s parameter is explained. Experimental results agree with the theoretical analysis.
TM-Pass integrated optical waveguide polarizers have been made in x-but ,y-propagating LiNbO3 using Ti indiffusion in conjunctio with proton exchange. The two exchanged regions are adjacent to the Ti indiffused waveguide on both sides and at the output end of the sample. In the proton-exchanged regions, Δne>0, Δn047 dB and fiber-waveguide-fiber excess loss is 3.5 dB.
The numerical method is used to study the influences of q and s deformation on the quantum statistical properties of even and odd qs-coherent states. It is shown that noncalssical properties of even and odd qs-coherent states are very different from those of the usual even and odd coherent states. It is found that squeezing and antibunching effect appear for both even and odd qs-coherent states in some range of the parameters q, s and r. The smaller the q(q<1) and s, the larger the difference between even and odd qs-coherent states and the usual even and odd coherent states.
The relationship of the Raman scattering signal intensity on the CdTe crystal surface and the exciting laser power was studied using the Fourier transform Raman scattering technique. The experiment results are analysed and interpreted.
Hydrogen free Diamond Like Carbon (DLC) films have been deposited by XeCl(308 nm) pulsed laser ablation of graphite targets with a base pressure of only 1×10 -3 Pa. The deposition process is performed with a laser power density of 5×10 8 W/cm 2 at room temperature. Properties of the films and the effects of a variety of process parameters on the film properties have been investigated. The emission spectra of laser induced plasma and the key factors in the process of DLC film deposition are discussed.
The particles distribution in the sols were investgated. Antireflective coating were prepared by sol gel methods with different particles districles distribution in sols by dip coating. The effect of particles distribution on anti reflecivity was observed. The optimal particles distribution in the sol for antireflective coating was given.
Transparent mullite ceramic film was prepared by Sol Gel. The Structure and cation ion coordination state of transparent film were studied through analysis of O 1s 、 Al 2p and Si 2p by XPS. The study shows that aluminum is mainly octahedron of AlO 6 and silicon is tetrahedron of SiO 4 in dry gel, and AlO 6 are translated to AlO 4 with increasing of temperature, causing the change of transparent film structure.