The dispersion characteristics of a silver metal clad organics polymer (DR 1/PMMA) waveguide are experimentaly studied by the angle scanning ATR technology. The mode propagation constants of the waveguide are deteminated from the positions and the half width of the ATR resonant absorption dip, and the experimental results are consistent with the theoretical calculated values.
We present a simple single-lens image processing system consisting of a Bragg cell to achieve image noise reduction. Experimental results are provided.
The LLFT X ray holography is studied by optical experimental simulation on the whole process from recording to digital reconstruction. A He Ne laser is used as light source and the recording setup is similar to that in LLFT X ray holography. Experimental results are given and a comparison between digital reconstruction and optical reconstruction is made. Some problems in this kind of recording style are analyzed. As a result, we point out that in X-ray hologram recording the +1st diffraction of zone plate can be taken as reference point source directly, rather than filtered by a small hole. The feasibility for eliminating the nonlinearity of recording medium is analyzed. The disturbance of the interference from the different diffractions of zone plate is emphasized.
In this paper, a new approch of using optical frequency filtering to implement mathematical morphological parallel processing of binary image with complex valued kernel structure is reported.
A modified algebraic reconstructive technique ART is presented. By the computer simulation, relationship between reconstructive precision and views and relationship between reconstructive accuracy and iterations are tested. The results show that this technique has the merits of quick convergence and high reconstructive precision as compared with ART. Using this technique to the tomography of a three peak temperature field, the three dimensional temperature distribution is reconstructed.
A novel polymer holographic recording material: photoetching cellulose film (PCF) is discussed in this paper. Its stronger real time effect, higher resolution and linear surface relief modulation characteristic are investigated experimentally. The photochemical reaction is analysed by means of ESR and IR spectra, and the photodegradation mechanism of PCF is proved.
A new technique for studying surface plasma is reported. With this technique, the phase and amplitude information of the reflection light can be detected as surface plasma is excited. Theory shows that the phase of P polarization can change from 180° to~-120° during the excitation of surface plasma. An optical heterodyne system for measuring phase and amplitude is set up. Not only phase and amplitude information can be detected at the same time, but also the sensitivity is better than that of the ART method. This new methot can be used for studying LB film and surface sensors.
The double T discharge resonator and traveling wave resonator for the microwave excited gas lasers are proposed. These resonators have the advantages of enhancing the microwave electric field and eliminating the reflection of input microwave from plasma. A very homogeneous discharge can be obtained in the traveling wave resonator. Thus the more microwave power can be input into the cavity.
The emission spectrum of Xe + 2Cl - in HCl+Xe doped crystalline CO, excited by 308 nm laser, are firstly observated. The cooperative charge transfer absorptions: Xe+HCl+ 2hν → α is demonstrated, and the four body, two photon absorption cross section at 308 nm is ≥5×10 -42 cm 4 s.
The self pulsation has been observed and controlled experimentally by means of optical feedback in Er 3+ doped fiber laser (EDFL). The mechanism of generation and control of self pulsation are explained theoretically by the model of two coupled lasers with optical feedback. The results show that the feedback and couple the two orthogonal states of polarization are important for formation and control of optical pulses in EDFL.
In this paper, the second harmonic generation(SHG) and the influence of size effect on susceptibility of SHG of quantum dot doped in glass were studied by using statistical theory and quantum mechanics. The result agrees well with the experiment.
Persistent spectral hole burning was realized at room temperature based on morphology dependent resonances. Rate equations were solved to analyze dynamics of hole burning.According to the solutions and experimental results, effective hole growing rate at different laser power were obtained. Furthermore, multiplicity of hole burning was studied. This technique may be promising in the development of frequency domain optical storage at room temperature in the future.
In this paper, self trapping of a focused optical beam through BaTiO 3 with some external field has been theoretically studied. We find that it is unsuitable for observation of the spatial solitons in conventional cut crystals, in which only the small electro optical coefficent γ 33 is useful. By invesgating self trapping in special cut crystals, the range of the external field for self trapping of the beam and the optimal angle have been given.
The anisotropic conical diffraction generated by two extraordinary polarized beams with doped KNSBN crystals is reported. An anisotropic diffraction pattern with three diffraction cones has been observed for the first time. And the mechanism of photorefractive four wave mixing involved the incident beams and forward scattered beams satisfying the phase matching condition is proposed. For the experimental geometry in which the two beams incident on the sample symmetrically, we presented the dependence of the diffraction cones on the incident angles. The theoretical analysis agrees well with the experimental results.
Exprimental results of induced self pumped phase conjugation (ISPPC) by an incoherent beam in photorefractive (BaSr)TiO3 crystal are reported. It is found that the features of ISPPC output depend not only on the parameters of signal beam but also the intensity of induced beam. Optical bistability of ISPPC output is observed under certains conditions. The effects observed are attributed to the local modification of the Fanning geometry of the signal beam by induced beam.
By taking the vectorial property of time average energy flow density and the accurate formula of the light intensity into accout, the first and second intensity moments of the nonparaxial scalar beams are defined. Based on the static scalar wave equation, the propagation law of the second intensity moments of monochromatical scalar beams in free space are obtained. A new beam qualty factor for nonparaxial scalar beams is introduced. Moreover, some important aspects of the intensity moments theory are discused.
We have investigated on the transform of harmonic beam characteristics such as beam quality M 2 factor, amplitude and phase ripples in the frequency tripling of laser beam with amplitude and phase ripples.Approximate model has been developed. It is applicable in designs of high power laser drivers.
A new method of fabricating refractive microlens by melting photoresist was presented in this paper. The microlens array composed of 20 × 20 F/2 microlens with 90 μm diameter on 100 μm centers have been obtained. The wave aberration of the microlens was estimated less than 1.3 wavelength. The principle of the method and the design model of refractive microlens are described. The effects of fabrication parameters on the quality of the microlens are discussed.
To realize the weak light all optical switch, a series of all optical switch designs, including X switch and intersection switch, are proposed based on coupling mode theory and beam propagation method. It can be used to optimize the all optical switch design for different materials (self focus and defocus), nonlinear indices and wavelengths.
The spectral characteristics of all fiber Mach Zehnder interferometer structure are analyzed, and the all fiber dense wavelength division multiplexers (DWDM) with the smallest spacing channel of 0.45 nm are fabricated, using the equipment which we designed for fabricating coupler. The Fabricated DWDM operating wavelength in the range from 1530 to 1570 nm exhibits ultra low loss, polarization insensitivity, and good temperature and mechanism stability.
In this paper, the method of gain switched distributed feedback semi conducter laser with Fabry Perot Resonator (FPR) filter to generate transform limited pulses is analyzed theoretically. The filter bands needed to make pulse satisfy transform limited condition for different sourses are obtained and the corresponding output pulse width and spectrum width are calculated. The transform limited pulse is generated experimentally. The influence of resolution of spectrum measuring instrument on measured result is analyzed, and the correction theory is derived.
We study the multiphoton interaction of two atoms with two modes of a quantum cavity field. The field and atomic dynamics were analysed. The analytical expressions for the time evolutions of the mean photon number and of the atomic inversion were presented. The effects of the initial field states, the initial field intensities, and the dipole dipole coupling of atoms were examined.
Mechanism of optical levitation is discussed. Based on Ray Optics model developed by A.Ashkin, solid analytic geometry method is adopted to calculate the forces of focused single beam laser trap on micron sized transparent dielectric spheres. Magnitude of radiation pressure under various parameter condition is obtained through numerical computation. Especially, the effect of polarization direction of laser on radiation pressure is studied, and the mechanics behavior of manipulated sphere under micro gravity conditions is predicted.
A 1D soliton solution for laser pulse and wake field of intense lase plasma interaction is given in the condition of weak relativistic. The thin plasma is assumed being homogeneous.
The photoaggregation dynamics of chemically bonded C 60 PVK and C 60 /PVK mixture was studied by laser ablation TOF mass spectrometry. The enhancement of coalescence of fullerene cages in chemically bonded C 60 PVK and C 60 /PVK charge transfer complex was observed. The results indicated that the bonds between PVK chain and fullerene cages are easily broken under laser interaction and the fullerene cages ruptured from the chain are in active excited states favorable to the clustering of the clustering of the cages. The coalescence behavior of the C60/PVK mixture may be caused by the charge tranfer between fullerenes and PVK.
The transient photovoltaic properties in the nanosecond region as the function of intensities and wavelengthes of incident light, as well as the spectral dependence of the CW photovoltaic response in Al/a SnPc/ITO sandwich cell have been reported. The CW photovoltaic action spectrum is similar to the absorption spectrum. The magnitude, polarity and response time of the transient photovoltage are found to be dependent on the intensity and wavelength of the incident light. The mechanism for this transient photovoltaic effects is briefly discussed.