Acta Optica Sinica
Qihuang Gong
Volume: 16 Issue 7
29 Article(s)
[in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

A compact integrating module technique for packaging optical multi- stage cantor network with polarization multiplex technique has been suggested in this paper.The modules have a unique configuration, which is the solid-state combination of a polarization rotator and a 2 × 2 switch array. The design and fabrication of an optical 8-channel nonblocking cantor network is demonstrated. Furthermore a fast setup control algorithm is developed. The network systems are easy to assemble and insebsitive to environment disturbance.

Dec. 04, 2006
  • Vol. 16 Issue 7 958 (1996)
  • [in Chinese]

    The Gaussian random variable is assumed for the height variation of rough surface of weak diffuser. The conditional statistical distributions of phase difference for Gdussian speckle produced by a weak diffuser in the far-field is discussed in the case that the height variation of rough surface obeyes Gaussian correiation, exponential correlation and circle correlation respectively.

    Dec. 04, 2006
  • Vol. 16 Issue 7 963 (1996)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    We observed that Talbot pattern in Gaussian beam passing through aholographic grating may carry information of the beam pot size. A scheme for measuring Gaussian beam diameter based on Talbot effect is presented in this paper. By knowing the space of frings of Talbot pattern, the beam spot size projecting on the holographic grating can be obtained. This characteristic reduces the requirements to location of grating or light source and the stability of electrical circuits and light source. In this paper we describe the phenomena as a convergent Gaussian beam passing through holographic grating, and analyze the possbility of the application of Talbot effect to measuring beam diameter. Theoretical analysis, computer simulation and experiments results agree well with each other.

    Dec. 04, 2006
  • Vol. 16 Issue 7 981 (1996)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    With pump-probe method, the photocycle of bacteriorhodopsin is studied in two sets of measuring systems which have different time resolution and exciting mode.One is carried out by a single shot pulse Xenon lamp inducing the purple membrane suspension sample. The other is performed by a repetitive Q -switch double frequency Nd : YAG laser periodically exciting the sample. The testing beam for the two systems is a 633 nm He-Ne laser. An avalanche photodiode is used to detect the probing light passing through the sample when pumped by the actinic light. The picked up signal is coupled into a 500 MHz digitizing oscilloscope which measures and processes the BR's photocycle response signal. The experimental results indicate that the period of BR photocycle is less than 15 ms, the time constant from K to L is 2 μS, the relaxation time from L to M is 50 μs. A doubtable component is found occurring prior to K. Based on the emasured data, a model of the bacteriohodopsin photocycle in the time domain from nanoseeond to millisecond is proposed.

    Dec. 04, 2006
  • Vol. 16 Issue 7 988 (1996)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    This paper introduces the principles of pulse shaping by method of spatialtemporal transform. It is pointed out that a slit of light fluence modulator would cause dynamical discordance of spatial intensity distribution. The solution is presented and certified by two dimension FFT stimulation mathematically. Finally the dependence of system transmission factor on focued beam spot size and width of the slit is caculated.Experimentally a complex pulse is got, which is typical one for ICF experiment to demonstrate the shaping ability of the system.

    Dec. 04, 2006
  • Vol. 16 Issue 7 943 (1996)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The Sodiun, borosilicate glasses doped with Au particles were prepared by sintering sodium borosilicate transparent bulk gels doped with Au which were prepared by using tetraethyl orthosilicate, boric acid and sodium alkoxide as precursors; ethanol,glycolic methyl ether and ethanol as precursor solvents; hydrochloric acid as catalyst and HAuCla. 4H2O as precursor of Au in Na2o-B2O3-SiO2systems. The effects of contents of HAuCl4. 4H2O on the properties of stiff gels and the conversion mechanisms of gels contatining Au into glasses were investigated in detail. The optical properties and microstructure of gels and glasses containing Au were studied by means of UV-visible absorption spectra and TEM respectively. And the third-order non-linear optical properties of glasses containing Au were characterized by Z-scan technique, the third nonlinear refractive index of glass containing Au (n2) is 8.22×10 -12 esu.

    Dec. 04, 2006
  • Vol. 16 Issue 7 967 (1996)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The electron-hole competition in doped KNSBN crystal is analyzed for the first time by measuring the recording and erasing kinetics of doped KNSBN crystals. It is shown that the shorter the response time, the sharper is the competition between electrons and holes in doped KNSBN crystals. So it leads to the net index modulation and the diffraction efficiency smaller. The reason of the hole carriers increasing has been analysed in reduced Co: KNSBN crystals. The effective carrier densities are estimated as the order of 10 15 cm-3.

    Dec. 04, 2006
  • Vol. 16 Issue 7 972 (1996)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The third-order nonlinear optical properties of several porphyrin-like metal complexes have been measured by degenerate four-wave mixing at 1. 06 μm with 40 ps pulses. Both the magnitude and dynamics of the nonlinear response are measured, with each system exhibiting the different responses owing to the influence of charge negativityof substituted clusters. Analysis is given for the micromechanism of nonlinearresponses.

    Dec. 04, 2006
  • Vol. 16 Issue 7 917 (1996)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Substituent effect on the thirdpe order optical nonlinear properties and their excited state relaxation processes in porphyrins have been studied. In the samereplacement on phenyl of tetraphenylporphyin, we discovered that the X(3) value of H2TPP increased with donating electron group and decreased with withdrawing electron group relative to that of free base H2TPP. As the same substituent at different bearing on phenyl of tatraphenylporphyring, the X(3) value of H2TPP with donating electron group at ortho place is less than that at para place. Moreover, we found that the relaxation time of H2TPP with donating electron group is about 7 times faster than that with withdrawing electron group.

    Dec. 04, 2006
  • Vol. 16 Issue 7 922 (1996)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    A new method is proposed to measure small frequency shift of self-pumped phase conjugation in photo refractive crystal using defocus medium. It is suitable to distinguish between the contributions to frequency shift of the two-wave mixing and the four-wave mixing. The method provides a new approach to the study on the mechanism of frequency shift of self-pump phase conjugation.

    Dec. 04, 2006
  • Vol. 16 Issue 7 926 (1996)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The single atom emission spectrum was obtained by solving numerically the time-dependent Schrodinger equation of two-level atom under strong laser field. The result was compared with that of the analytical calculation.

    Dec. 04, 2006
  • Vol. 16 Issue 7 930 (1996)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    By taking the vectorial property of the time-average enregy flow density into account, a new extensive definition of the light intensity is proposed. It is expressed as the time average of the amount of energy which crosses in a unit time and a unit area, so it can be applied to any point at any curved surface. This definition is directly related to the measurement quantity of the light intensity on a curved surface. The intensity formula shows that the light intensity at any point of a curved surface is not only related to the amplitude at the point, but also related to the included angle between the Poynting vector (time average) and the direction of the local differential surface element. Especially, as an important consequence, the light intensity on the transverse plane perpendicular to the propagation axis is given. These results can be used to study the second intensity moments and the M2 factor of the non-paraxial beams.

    Dec. 04, 2006
  • Vol. 16 Issue 7 897 (1996)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The preparation technique of gratings on Poly-3BCMU thin films by means of photo-induced bleaching is reported. The experimental results of the diffraction efficiency and the theoretical explanations of the experimental results are discussed based on a simple model.

    Dec. 04, 2006
  • Vol. 16 Issue 7 993 (1996)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The preparation of silica antireflective coating through sol- gel process is discussed involving the composition of coating solution, cleaning of substrate and coating process. The porous silica film can be deposited on the silica lens by dipping from the solution, with the base catalyzed hydrolyzation of tetraeathyl silicate (TEOS) in anhydrous ethyl alcohol. The transmission of coating on the silica lens is 98.3 % at 350nm, and the peak transmission is over 99.0%.

    Dec. 04, 2006
  • Vol. 16 Issue 7 998 (1996)
  • [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    optical bridge balancing technique is used to compensate for unstable factors of the intensity modulated optical fiber sensor systems. Both transmissive and reflective methods are given and analyzed in detail. The reflective optical bridge balancing method is simple, reliable and practical. The experiment results shows its consistent with the theoretical analyses and better compensation effect is obtained.

    Dec. 04, 2006
  • Vol. 16 Issue 7 1002 (1996)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The CdS-CdSe Liquid-crystal Light Valve(LCLV) has been investigated, and its optical-electronic properties have been measured. Such devices have been successfully used in the large-screen display.

    Dec. 04, 2006
  • Vol. 16 Issue 7 1006 (1996)
  • [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The parameters of several double-layer rectangular phase-only gratings are optimized in order to obtain the beam splitters with high diffraction effieiency and good intensity uniformity. The beam splitters with respectively 2, 3, and 5 fan-out beams and higher than 89% of total diffraction efficiency and less than 5% of intensity nonuniformity are obtained theoretically.

    Dec. 04, 2006
  • Vol. 16 Issue 7 1010 (1996)
  • [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Two methods are suggested for improving the imaging resolution of zone plate.One is combination of zone plate and another is to increase the match factor. The principle of two measures is discussed and some examples .of design results are presented for verification.

    Dec. 04, 2006
  • Vol. 16 Issue 7 1014 (1996)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    By using the thermal blooming integral equation of ABCD complex optics system, the numerical simulations of CW steady-state thermal blooming with wind are implernented. And the results are discussed in detail.

    Dec. 04, 2006
  • Vol. 16 Issue 7 948 (1996)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    This paper reports the experiments of dark spatial soliton generation and evolution using method of wavefront perturbation. Generation of dark spatial solitons are confirmed- Evolution of dark spatial solitons are observed and are consistent with that of computer simulation. Changing experimental parameters, such as width of wires,nonlinear optical coefficient and laser intensity leads to the change of induced waveguides. These results will be valuable to all-optical steerable waveguide device.

    Dec. 04, 2006
  • Vol. 16 Issue 7 952 (1996)
  • [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Using the approximation of weak field, weak atom-field coupling and shorttime, we have studied the effect of photon antibunching in the two- photon JaynesCummings model (JCM) with and without the rotating-wave approximation (RWA).The influence of virtual-photon processes on photon antibunching predicted in the JCM has been discussed.

    Dec. 04, 2006
  • Vol. 16 Issue 7 933 (1996)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The coupling effect of quantum noise terms in a nonlinear laser field is analysedtheoretically with a two- dimensional gas laser model. The steady- state distribution function of the laser intensity and phase is derived through a Fokker-Planck equation. The mean, variance and skewness of the steady-state laser intensity and phase are calculated. Compared with the laser model of independent noise terms, the coupling of quantum noise terms changes the fluctuations of either intensity or phase drastically, it also introduces coupling fluctuation between the laser intensity and phase.

    Dec. 04, 2006
  • Vol. 16 Issue 7 938 (1996)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The mode cutoff equation of the multiple quantum well optical waveguidescomposed of two materials is derived. The cutoff characteristic of the strained Ge.Si1-x/Simultiple quantum well optical waveguides grown on Si substrate is analyzed.

    Dec. 04, 2006
  • Vol. 16 Issue 7 1017 (1996)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    A Ti:Sapphire laser purnped bulk Nd3+ doped tellurite glass laser operating at 1066 nm is demonstrated. The lasing threshold of 4. 20 mJ and slope efficiency outputenergy versus-pump energy of 14. 7 % were observed.

    Dec. 04, 2006
  • Vol. 16 Issue 7 1020 (1996)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Self-starting, stable ultrashort-pulsed Ti:sapphire laser with low pump power was demonstrated without additional materials or slit. The laser produced stable pulses of24. 6 fs. A bandwidth of 53 nm was observed which would correspond sub- 13 fsaccording ideal value of 0. 315 for time-bandwidth product.

    Dec. 04, 2006
  • Vol. 16 Issue 7 1023 (1996)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Third Harmonic generation by interaction of intense laser with overdense plasma is investigated for uniform plasma and linear density profile. The nonlinear resonance effect occurs at a density of four times critical density for normal incidence.Comparisons of the harmonic generation by normal and obliquely incident lasers are given.

    Dec. 04, 2006
  • Vol. 16 Issue 7 903 (1996)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The resonance fluorescence from an intracavity three-level atom driven by two coherent lasers are discussed. Compared with the case in the free space, the spectrum in the cavity is squeezed towards or expands outwards the resonant peak, but the type,width and strength of each spectral line remains the same. The line type of the resonant peak is determined only by the detuning between the atom and driving fields. The origination of the spectral features are analyzed.

    Dec. 04, 2006
  • Vol. 16 Issue 7 908 (1996)
  • [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    During the single discharge of Tokamak, the time-resolution measurement ofion temperature is performed with a Fabry-Perot interferometer driven by a piezoelectriccrystal. The results show that this method has the higher spectral resolution, and that the error for shot-to-shot discharge is avoided simultaneously.

    Dec. 04, 2006
  • Vol. 16 Issue 7 913 (1996)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    This paper presents a new effective method for getting absorption and scattering coefficients of dye. It can more effectively dispel the data error oaused by transmission and reflection in practical measurement, compared with the Kubelka-Munk method. This new method improves the additive property between all dyes. The experimental results show that the accuracy of computer color matching can be improved 16% by using the dye data from this method.

    Dec. 04, 2006
  • Vol. 16 Issue 7 978 (1996)
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