Based on the transfer-matrix technique, the concept of an equivalent attenuated vector is proposed and used to analyse the characteristics of the propogating modes in the planar optical waveguides with arbitrary refractive index profile. For the dispersion equation in inhomogeneous planar optical waveguides, an exact analytic solution is obtained. A comparison with other approximations and the exact numerical results show that our dispersion equation is exact.
Rb:KTP optical waveguides are fabricated using ion-exchanged method. The effective mode index under TE and TM polarizations are measured at different wavelengths of incident coupling light. The refractive index profiles are fitted to the error function. The index incrementS are anisotropic and their dispersive relations are given.The diffusion characteristics of KTP waveguides are calculated and discussed.
Wavefront error measurement technique using an extended incoherent light souce is investigsted. The principle of extended target correlation wavefront sensing employing an irradiance-transmittance type of mask is analysed. The Problems of simulation and selection of a target in laboratory experiments are discussed. The methods of generating the mask images from the forget structure and of preparing the experimental masks from the mask image are explored. Typical results of the mask images generated by processing the object images are given. The effects of two different mask on wavefront sensing are compared. The experimental reaults which are agreement with the theory analyses are obtained.
This peper presents an improving algorithm of grayscale morphological operations based on the definition by umbra. The main idea of the algorithm is to represent grayscale structure element by its top-surface-set, iusted of its umbra. This greatly reduces the binary neibourhood connection numbers. An optical binary morphological architecture of an incoherent correlator with threshold device is used for optical implementation, while spatial digital coding method is used to extend the 2D system to limited 3D operations.
A new concept of multi-channel parallel processing is introduced into associative memory system initially in this paper. A two-channel associative system using a CCD camera, an image card, a computer and a liquid crystal light valve (LCLV) as the controlling and input devices, and liquid crystal photoelectric switches (LCPES) as the threshold devices, is proposed. The method of storing in this system is to store a large amount of reference images into an external storage carried out by computer disks, while only store one iamge in one piece of memory medium within the system. The experimental results show that its performances, such as processing speed, output quality and so on, have all been optimized. In addition, the real-time associative degree obtained 50%.
The two-photon storage properties of azo dye doped MO-PVA and EO-PVA polymer film have been reported. The excellent real-time and short-time storage of image information are obtained when the Ar+ laser is used as preexcitation light and He-Ne laser is used as storage light source. It is indicated that the storage mechanism is related to four energy level system of two-photon. The optimal preexcited power of Ar+ laser is about 0.28 W/cm2, and the minimum He-Ne storage power is less than 0. 2 W/cm2.
The characterization of unstable resonator using Super-Gaussian mirror is analysed theoretically. Its cavity parameters have been designed for getting optimum laser brightness and its output characterization has been investigated experimentally at Φ20 mm Nd:glass laser. The output them has near diffraction limited divergence of 0. 192 mrad (full angle) and has output energy as high as 92% of that of the conventional unstable resonator.
We rePOrt Study on a Nd: YLF laser side-pumped by a quasi CW 60 W laserdiode-array. The laser provided 4.4 mJ output energy at 1.047 μm with repetition rate of 30 Hz. Which gives an optical efficiency of 18.3% and slope efficiency of 24.4 %.On acousto-ootic and electro-optic Q-switched operation, pulse energy of 2.2 mJ was obtained with pulse widths of 50 ns and 30 ns respectively. The optimal output transmission at free running was revealed in experiments. Some parameters were compared with those of Nd:YAG lasers.
The output polarization characteristics of an 5 kW industrial CO2 laser with a Shaped folding cavity is studied theoretically and experimentally. The result of 100%linear polarization output perpendicular to the plane of the shaped cavity is obtained.
Based on the matching function of pumping light and mode lasing, the effectsof some parameters, such as the divergence angle and focus position of pumping light, on the efficiency are investigated. At paraxial approximation the maximum of the matching function is increasing with increased divergence angle. For different brightness of pumping light, the optimum value of the angle is obtained.
When the pulse intensity of a Q-switched single longitudinal mode Nd: YLF laser increased to a predetermined value, extra loss was introduced into laSer cavity. This made the total loss and the gain reach dynamic equilibrium for a Period time, and the net gain in the laser cavity was zero. The pulse intensity was kept to a constant and a flat-toptemporal shapins Q-switched pulse was obtained.
We study the collapse-revival effects of atom, the two-mode squeezing and the highorder two-mode squeezing of the radiation field, as well as the nonclassical correlation between two modes in the interaction of correlated two-mode SU(1,1)coherent state with two atoms, and discuss how they are modified by the dipole-dipoleinteraction between two atoms.
Noncollinear second-harmonic-generation (SHG) processes involving an unfocused laser ham and itS scattered radiation produce one or more cones of phasematched second harmonic. On the principal xoz plane, the expressions of the ring parameters in terms of .the indices of refraction and geometry in biaxial crystals are derived. The numeric solutions are in good agreement with observed rings. A method for determining the optimum direction in SHG is suggested.
Stimulated Builluin scattering (SBS) excited by directly pump method and pass through grating pump method is investigated Temporal characteristic of the SBS has been studied experimentally and theoretically and the two pump methods have been compared.
In this paper the threshold coupling strength (γL)th for mutually pumped phase conjugstor with two interaction regions is calculated theoretically. The dependence of threshold coupling strength on the ratio of two incident light intensities and the transmission coefficient of light coupling channel between the two regions in crystal is presented.
Picosecond time-resolved two-wave coupling method is used to investigate the excited-state enhancement of the third-order nonlinear optical process of a organic polymer──non-ether PPQ (polyphenylquinoxalines). The enhancement factor of the material's effective third-order hyperpolarizability γ is observed to be 2 under the nonsaturable exciting condition, and excited fluorescence of non-ether PPQ was also examined. We verified that the excited-state enhancement of γ is proportional to the population of the population of the excited state, and explained the time process of the enhancement using three-level model.
Intensity-dependent refractive index due to the changes of the Er3+ concentration distribution between the ground level and upper level in Er3+ doped optical fiber has been theoretically analysized. The linit of the refractive index change at any wavelength around the gain center wavelength 1.53 μm appears when the toeal Er3+ concentration distirbutes in the upper level corresponding to the infinite pumn power.
A simplified model and numerical simulation method are used to analyse the residual wavefront variance due to the nonlinear resPOnse of deformable mirror in wavefront correction by COAT. The additional term in residual variance of waveftont correCted is described as k(d/r0)b, in which k and b depend on system perameters.
In the domain of soft x-rays the design method of multilayered mirrors for lasers is described, with the results of normal incidence for some X-ray laser wavelengths which are studied at present. The performance simulation is also discussed, including the Rθ and Rλ calculation, as well the effects of thickness control error and surfaceinterface roughness.
Invertable optical recording effect in C60 arachidic acid (C60-AA) complex Langmuir-Blodgett films as observed. The main mechanism of the effect in the film is the light induced transformation between aggregate and monomer structues ofC60 molecules.
Based on the birefraction of crystals, a compact optical logic processor, which can perform all 16 logic operations of two input images, is developed. It is compact instructure, insensitive to environmental disturbance, effective in performance as well as high packaging density. Experimental results are given.
At 1.5 μm wavelength, TE0 optical waveguide polarizers have been fabricated in LiNbO3 by proton exchange for the first time. The polarizer consists of a short proton exchanged waveguide segment between the segments of a discontinuous Ti-indiffused waveguide. The length of the polarizers is 2 mm. The measured polarization-extinction ratio and fibre-coupled insert loss of the polarizers are 42 dB and 4.3 dB, respectively.
In this paper the mechanism of automatic focusing of a microscope system is presented. This system uses CCD served as photo-electric detector and is drived by step motors. The microscopical field can be automatically screened, focused and micro-image can be automatically collected. Automatic focusing is completed by the Mean Square Error Function. It provides a powerful means of micro-image collection and processing.
The polarization selective beamsplitter system used for a liquid crystal light valve (LCLV) full color image large screen display is a key subject. The function of such system involves both polarizing radiation and separating light ham into three primary colours. The properties of this system have great influence on the brihtness, contrast and colour distortion of the displsy system. The polarization selective beamsplitter system consists of four polarizers or non-polariser and three trimming filters. Whole system is immersed in an oil tank. Such a system has good performance, especially high extinction coefficient.
In this paper, the temperature dependence of the gain in Er-doped fiber amplifiers is discussed and a mathematical model to explain the dependence is presented.The model is based on the assumption that temperature affects the emission and absorption cross sections of the fiber due to redistribution of dopant concentrations in the Stark energy levels of the ground and excited states. The results from the model agrees well with measurement results.
The isochromatic principle of birefringent filter (BRF) design is proposed in this paper. Theoretical analyses show that the BRF has the maximum tuning rate when the optic axis is located on the cone with its symmetric axis being on the refracted ray and apex of 45°; and the rejection of unwanted wavelength of BRF becomes the maximum when the optic axis is in the plane which contains the refracted ray and makes the angle of 45° or 135° with respect to the incident plane. In the result, there are two optimum orientations of optic axis with respect to the plate surface. For quartz crystal BRF, the two angles are 18.712° and 59.922°. A design example of three-plate-BRF is given together with a brief discussion about its tuning characteristics.
The photostimulable luminescence (PSL) of Eu2+: BaFCl phosphors is studied through changing the energy of UV-irradiation. There are obviously difference of PSL both the energy of irradiation is larger than that of the minimum excitation and the energy of ultraviolet irradiation is smaller than that of minimum excitation. The reasons for the above difference are discussed and the location of the transform energy levels of ultraviolet irradiation from excitation to bleaching is given.
Based on the principle of projected grating, a new real-time polarization phaseshift shearing interferometry is proposed and discussed. The method can be used for measuring shapes of 3-D diffuse objects and displacement of large deformation automatically. Some experiments were demonstrated to verify the validaty of the present technique.
In this paper, the theoretical analysis of a photorefractive adaptive optical heterodyne detection system is presented for the first time. We find out the minimum detectable signal power and the produced reference beam output. Several key factors which affect the system characteristics strongly. are pointed out.
Using the Langevin equation theory, we show in this paper that pump statistics, atomic coherence and atomic phase fluctuations can result in photon-number squeezing in the linear region of operation of many one-photon lasers.
The effects of atomic coherence on fiber amplifiers pumped by two lasers with different frequences are studied by using density matrix theory. The coherence factors are introduced in the rate equations and convective equations, which are then used to describe and calculate the influences of the coherence on the gain of hybrid pumped Er3+ doped fiber amplifiers.
In this peper, the squeezing and anti-bunching effects of the orthonormalizedeigenstates are disscused. The relation to the q-deformed peameter is analyzed.
In this paper we for the first time report the double phase conjugation in Ce:KNSBN crystal. It was also observed that the self-pumped phase conjugation and fourwave mixing have been produced with the same double phase conjugate configuration.
A transmittance curve fitting method was used to determine the IR refractive index, absorption coeffecient, thickness and surface roughness of diamond-like films. A mathematical model to calculate the transmittance function of diamond-like films on silicon substrate is introduced. The experimental measurement and curve fitting results are given.
In this paper the properties of Faraday anomalousdispersion optical filter at the g Fraunhofer line(422.7 nm) are calculated and discussed.
Soft x-ray condenser zone plates with three kinds of parameters are fabricated by holograph-ion beam etching technique. Zone plate condensers are used in our soft xray microscopy experiments which act in combination with a pinhole as a linear monochromator.
As short as 19 fs pulses are generated from a self mode-locked Ti: sapphire laser which consistS of a Ti: sapphire rod of 5 mm long, two quartz prisms and a Xcavity configuration. The intracavity third-order dispersion is compensated properly and the shorter pulses are thus generated favorably.
The characteristics of the on-axis spectra of line-shaped Ti plasma was studied.Some spectral lines were classified and the variation of line intensities induced by interaction of Ti plasma and the Ti-oxide plasma was detected. A new prosal of lasing caused by both resonant photo-pumping and recombination pumping was given.
Two-photon resonant four-photon ionization spectra of m-cresol and cresols in the vapor phase in the two-photon energy region of 35180 ̄36002 cm-1 have been observed. The vibrational bands observed in the first electronic excited state are assigned.The effects of different substituents of the benzene ring on the vibrational modes are discussed.
In this paper, we report the results of the first experimental demonstration of Cs 455 nm Faraday anomalous dispersion spectrum (FADS) with YAG pulse laser. The initial experiment results are in good agreement with the theoretical analyses.
The infrared and ultraviolet absorption spectra of NaF: OH-crystal during the electrolytic coloration process and the irradiation of N2 pulsed laser were studied.Whether the dissociation of OH-during the coloration process can be taken place under the irradiation of N2 pulsed laser is considered as the most important fact for stabilizationof F+2 centers.
By using the ray trace method and mean carrier distribution approximation,possibility of determinins the spontaneous emission spectrum with the output spectrum from the end facet of a semiconductor laser is predicted. As a result, the spontaneous emission spectrum is determined experimentally, and the comparison between spontaneous emission spectrum and gain spectrum is discussed as well.