An efficient numerical method for the optical fiber with an arbitrary index distribution is given in this paper. The index profile of fiber is simulated by a multi-layer structure, and the vectorial wave equation is replaced with the matrices. The propagation constant is calculated by using iterative multiplication of four by four materices. The further reduced compunction of two by two matrices may be obtained for the fiber with small index difference.
A technique of using optical wavefront-division multiplexer in one-channel real-time hybrid joint transform correlation system to realize four-channel real-time correlation is proposed in this paper. By means of this technique, the one-channel system can be made into a multi-channel system, the system capacity and processing speed can be several times higher of that before, and the system performance can be improved. The design and the working principle of the new system is described. The experimental results are given.
A novel real-time optical processor is demostrated by using a Ti, Cu:KNSBN self-pumped phase conjugator to produce opposite reading light and a thin piece of Ce, Fe :LiNbO3 crystal as memory medium. The processor can be used to perform operations of image reversation and 2D image high-and low-pass filtering. The mechanism analyses based on writing and erasure of the hologram, self diffraction and size effect are given.
This paper introduces the principle of joint transform correlation to a CCD rangefinding system. As a result, the joint transform correlation of its images shows that the correlation peaks and locations are determined only by direction variation and distance respectively. Experiemental pictures clearly show the peaks.
A novel method for optical image segmentation was suggested. The method is based on 0-order circular harmonic correlation. A window which is used to segment the object of interest can be obtained with thresholding and binarizing the correlation peak.This method is characterized by the invariant for shifting, rotating and scaling. The computer simulations were shown.
A diffraction integral equation for unstable ring resonators with 90° beam rotation is derived using matrix method. A formulation of the equivalent Frensel number for the resonator is obtained. Methods for suppressing the reverse mode are analyzed, and the radius of curvature of the reverse wave suppressor mirror is gaven. Relationship between eigenvalues of the resonator modes and variant magnification factor M is demonstrated by numerical calculations. Mode-fields idstribution curves of a resonator are presented with the magnificationf actor M as 1.2.
Recombination schemes used to produce water window X-ray laser, of hydrogen-like, helium-like, lithium-like or sodium-like ions have been compared.Possible experimental designs have been discussed.
By means of microwave (2. 45 GHz) exciting high pure oxygen to generate O2(1△g) dimer, the gain coefficients of O2 (2△g) dimer at 486 um was obtained for the first time by the method of amplified spontaneous emission. The laser oscillation of the emission at 486 nm was observed with a flat-concave stable resonator. The maximum laser power measured was 130 μW and the divergent angle was 28 mrad.
The pumping intensity yaring ration of intensities of resonance lines of Li-like and Be-like ions in laser irradiated slab target is calculated by using hydrodnamic and atomic codes. Correspondence between the ratio and requirement for gain of Li-like ions is analysed. A useful diagnistic method is also proposed for laserwproduced plasma using the intensity ratios.
A kind of typical optical materials is developed by doubly rare-earth doped strontium sulfides, which has excellent erasable and rewrit able optical-storage function.Strontium sulfides activated by both Eu, Sin and Ce, Sm are repoted in this paper.Spectral properties and optical storege machanism are investigated. Information can be write by ultraviolet light or blue-green light and can be read by infrared light. The reading signals are green or orange luminescence. These materials have very fast response rate, high storage density and have not thermal effect.
The self-enhancement of diffraction was obtained due to the light crawling effect by reducing the thickness of the Ce:Fe:LiNbO3 and by increasing the diameter of the pump beam. Lighting the crystal by a single beam, the phenomera of variation of the light polarization, i. e. the anisotropy self-diffraction from o-light to e-light or from elight to o-light were observed, and the machenism was discussed.
The growth striations have been intentionally produced in Y-doped LiNbO3 crystals during Czoohralski growth. The LiNbO3 crystals with periodic change of refractive index have been prepared. Birefractive index and Bragg diffraction have been oboserved and measured in the crystals. Experimental results show that the correspondence relation between period of refractive index and period of growth layers has been demonstrated.
Harmonic generation in BBO by femtosecond laser pulses is studied, taking into account both group velocity mismatch, lowest order group velocity dispersion (GVD) and second order GVD. The lowest and second order GVD of BBO as a function of wavelength is calculated. Second and third harmonic radiation with femtosecond laser pulses is computed by numerically solving the improved coupled wave equations. The effects of the lowest oder GVD and second order GVD on fundamental and harmonic pulses are analyzed. The compensation of group velocity mismatch for third harmonic generaiton is considered.
By measuring the temperature dependences of second harmonic intensity from several (2×1 ) reconstructed St (100) samples with different doping materials and doping concentrations at the foundmental wavelength of 1064 um, we have revealed that the reflected second harmonic signals at this fundamental wavelength is induced by electrons in surface states, not by surface depletion electric field. The intensity of reflected SH signals was inversely proportional to the square of the sample temperature.
The third-order nonlinear optical property of a kind of processable, lowabsorption and high thermal stable material-non-ether PPQ has been studied,picosecond time-resolved degenerated four wave mixing method was used to measure the material's χ(3) to be 3×10-10 esu, and its time responce to be faster than 35 ps (limited by the pulse width of the laser used).
We have proposed and investigated a new frequency conversion scheme, called chirp matched harmonic generation, which could be used for efficient frequency tripling of linear frequency sweeped broad-band high power lasers. It also gave out the chirpmatched parameter and acceptable bandwidth for this new scheme in the paper.
A method of using double feedback process to improve septic stability of a optical bistable system is presented. Both theoretic analysis and experiement show that the stability can be greatly enhanced and the output stability of the system has been remarkably improved bu using this method.
Dark-soliton propagation in fibers is investigated simulatively, in the case of its dissipative damping is periodically compensated by using optical fiber amplifiers. Selfexcited noises will grow on bright backgrounds of dark-soliton pairs when they are propagating in the system. Employing of Fabry-Perot filters matched with optical fiber amplifiers can eliminate the noise and support long-distance stational propagation of dark solitons.
In this paper, the multiplexing technique of optical fiber displacement sensor based on the principles of frequency-modulation continuous wave and heterodyne interference and frequency-division multiplexing is studied. A four-channel multiplexing optical fiber displanment sensors using the scheme of frequency-ampitude-division multiplexing is designed and fabricated. Many points or multi-dimension displacements or many physical parameters can be measured at the same time. The measurement accuracy of each channel is 0.1 μm and the measurement range is more than 1 mm. The hightest resolution of displacement is 0.01 μm.
This issue presents a new kind of crystal fiber high temperature sensor. The method of making the mini-blackbody by doping in the fiber end is found effective.Theoretical and experimental study is made on its thermal radiance.
Optical effects in intersectional silicon waveguide switch are investigated by using beam propagation method. The results show that the optical tunneling effect caused by the surface declining wave and leaky wave heavily influences the switching characteristics. There is a strong dependence of reflection power upon the interface position of reflection region, which originates from Goos-Haenschen shift. By restraining the optical tunneling effect and fitting Goos-Haenchen shift, excellent optical switching can be achieved at a very small refractive index change.
Based on the analysis of the design theories for non-collinear acousto-optic tunable filter (AOTF) with consideration of the birefringence and the rotatory property of TeO2 crystal, this paper analysed and calculated the angular dependence between the acoustic polar angle θa and the incident light polar angle θi as well as the tuning relation of acoustic frequency fa with the operation wavelength λ0. The calculations show that the approximation for the birefringence and the rotatory property of interaction material leads to an error in the optimum incident angle for TeO2 more than 10%, a diviation in fa-λ0 relation from experiment results, and make the spectral resolution and angular aperture of the device to be degrade. The results abtained will provide a basis for the design of AOTF with large angular aperture.
The characteristics of four kinds of M-Z modulator configurations have been compared, and the Z-cut coplanar waveguide structure is the best. Using the step phase reversal eletrode structure, we have designed a new type electro-optical waveguide amplitude modulator. Packaged and pigtailed phase-reversal M-Z modulators including 5 sections of electrode have been manfactured. The device with 14.8 GHz modulation bandwidth, half wave voltage of 14 V, extinction ratio of 21.3 dB and fiberdevicefiber insertion loss of 7.6 dB at 1523 nm is obtained.
In the P8per the concept of average radii of pumped beam in a solid medium being a criteria of efficiency is presented. Dependences of slope and threshold on volume and ellipticity of pumped light are analysed. Based on the theory of mode-coupling,requirements of a coupling system for design and adjustment are deduced, Finally a coupling system consiting of a couple of expanding prisms is investigated in detail.
Studies on the calculating holographic phase grating used for beam shaping of local oscillator in the laser coherent radar is presented based on the heterodyne array defection. A good result has been abtained.
The medium effects of thermal lens, linear absorption coefficients, absorption saturation, and flow directions on high laser propagation have been studied with the background of laser applications in photochemical engineering. A set of equations based on a simple model is proposed to discribe the light field. The temperature distributions,light behaviors, and changes of laser intensity distribution in the absorption medium are obtained for different cases.
The study of plane pure-phase equi-width ring diffractive optical lenses is reported. The analysis and design methods of two-dimensional imaging double wavelength co-focus diffractive optical lens are also presented. The light intensity distributions show that it is a new type of ideal focusing optical element. Two light beams at 1. 06 μm and 0. 6328 μm can be focused on same focal plane by using this optical element. It may be used for focalization and alignment of invisible beam lasers such as 1.06 μm and 10.6 μm.
The wavelength of the light will shorten when it travels in the refractive medium. Based on this property, a technique for fabricating high frequency holographic gratings is developed. It makes the grating frequency breakthrough the theoretical limit of 2/λ. The refractive medium is also used in the moire interferometry. When the frequency of specimen grating is 600 lines/mm, the frequency of virtual grating will reach up to 6000 line/mm and the fringe pattern of ±5 diffraction order can be obtained with the measuring sensitivity enhanced from 0.83 μm to 0.16 μm.
The general expression for the photon-number distribution of superposition of eigenstates of high order power of photon annihilation operator ak(k≥2 ) with thermal noise is derived by means of the density matrix method. The influence of the thermal noise on the oscillations in the photo-number distribution in the nonclassical light field is discussed.
This paper is a summary about our current work on supersmooth surface by float polishing. The basic configuration of a prototype machine is described, and some parameters for polishing subnanometer-smooth surface are presented with the recent measurement results of surface roughness.
An optical-electron feedback circuit based on ultra fast response GaAs photoconductive switch was applied to control a Q-switched single longitudinal mode Nd:YLF laser with negative feedback. The output pulse amplitude stability of the laser was enhanced and the perturbation less than ±3%.
A novel non-contact fiber optic accelerometer is presented. The velocity of a moving target is sampled at different times by two beams originating from the same laser but with different feed path lengths. The acceleration of the target is measured by heterodyning the two Doppler shifted return beams. By directing each return beam to the detector via the feed path taken by the other beam, equal path lengths are ensured relaxing the coherency requirements of the light source.
This paper reports for the first time the Doppler-free optical-optical tripleresonance(DF-OOTR) excitation fluorescence spectra for a series of Rydberg energy levels in sodium molecules, and the linewidths and lineshifts under the variations of temperature and foreign buffer-gas pressure. The results demonstrated that the natural widths(including homogeneuos broadening) of these Rydberg energy levels (n=5~8)are between 60~130 MHz, and mainly depend on the principal quantum number n. All these levels are in red line-shifts with the increase of atomic density (the increase of temperature) or foreign buffer-gas (Ar) pressure, but with different shift rate within 100 MHz/τ.
In this paper the fitted formulas given by Edlen and Matsushima are anlysed theoretically. A reasonable fitted formula is synthesized and proposed. By using this new fitted formula, we have predicted energy levels of Br V ion for 4s24p, 4s4p2, 4p3, 4s24d and 4s25s configurations, and calculated wavelengths in these configuration's transition. The fitted energy levels are well agreement with the results observed.
Cs atoms have large hyperfine Zeeman separations in a high magnetic field. Cs vopor is optically pumped and detected with diode lasers in the high magnetic field. We obtained the steady absorption spectra and used them to investigate the steady population distribution, relaxation transitions, and electronic spin polarizations at different frequency tunings of the pumping laser. It is show that the collision-induced modificatin of hyperfine Zeeman interaction has taken part in the process of relaxation and polarization. We also introduced a new method for measurement of electronic spin polarization of alkali atoms in high magnetic fields.
The measured lifetimes shortened according to the intensity of the magnetic field in hollow cathode discharge laser induced fluorescence Ar I 5p [3/2]2 lifetime detection when strong external magnetic field was applied on the direction of observation.Its natural lifetime was decided to be 120 ns.
We have successfully grown Zn1-xCdxSe/ZnSe superlattices by MBE, and measured the Raman scattering spectra of different samples. UP to five LO phonon peaks and one TO pnonon peak of ZnSe have been observed. Two new phonon peaks were obtained at frequency shift 144 cm-1 and 370 cm-1, which maybe resulted from the acoustic mode and optical mode of ZnCdSe.
A low voltage plasma ion plating (LVIP) system has been set up based on the actions of plasma with the coating vaporant during thin film deposition. The conventional optical thin film materials, such as sulphide, oxides and multilayer thin film devices have been studied using this system. The spectral transmittance, absorption, sacttering and the packing density of the films have been measured and analyzed. Experiment results show that LVIP can improve significantly the optical and mechanical performance of the thin films deposited.
Photo-induced bleaching of poly-3BCMU film has been studied experimentally. The UV and visible spectra of poly-3BCMU film have been measured before and after bleaching, showing the evidence of the breakage of the polymer backbones. The possibility of developing bleached films has been demonstrated. The importance of oxygen for photo-induced bleaching has been investigated. It has been shown that a photoresist superlayer on poly-3BCMU film prevents oxygen from sufficiently diffusing into the film during bleaching process and hence greatly slows down the process. The potential applications of bleaching process has been discussed as well.