A new technique for fabricating phase holographic lenses——blazed holographic lenses——has been developed. By this design the phase distribution of the lens is similar to that of the Fresnel lens,but easier to make and its diffraction efficiency can reach 95% theoretically.The principle analysis and experimental demonstration are described in this paper.
A new method of using object-surface single-mirror wave front-division threebeam holographic interferometry to measure 3D displscement field of an object is proposed.In this method,a small mirror is sticked to the surface of the measured object,then the three independent double-exposure interferograms of the measured object are recorded in three different parts or identical region of the holographic plate with the help of three diverging beams.The interferograms are modulated by the displacements of the virrual point sources of the reference beams due to motion of teh small mirror. Based on theoretical analysis to this modulation phenomenon, two sets of linealy equations for computing 3D displacement of the virtual point sources of the reference beams and the measured object have been derived. The experimental resualts have been given.
This paper describes a large aperture-high accuracy phase shifting digital flat interferometer which is a combination of optics,mechanics,electricity and algorithm.Its aperture is 245 mm and liquid surface is used as absolute flat to eliminate systemic error.The accuracy is better than λ/50 (λ= 0. 6328 μm peak-to-valley value). The tested aperture can be enlarged to 500 mm.This interferometer will be used as an optical flat standard instrument.The optical interfermeter,phase shifter and calibration of precision are discussed.
The principle and method of the magneto-optical modulation measuring the Faraday effect in a sine magnetic field have been proposed. A theoretical analysis has been performed on the magnetic field-frequency dependence of both the Faraday effect and the degree of the magneto-optical modulation in ferrimagnetic medium.It has been shown that θ',the real part of the Faraday rotation θ,in an alternating magnetic field is smaller than that in a static field, while the imaginary part θ″ is larger than that in a static field. The theory corresponds with the experimental results. The conclusion has been drawn that it is imposible to realize complete on-off switch by a modulator utilizing magneto-optical materials with magnetic circular dichroism.
A new type of spectroscopic ellipsometer with polarizer and analyzer rotating synchronnously at a speed ratio of 1: 2, has been designed and constructed. An additional source polarizer was used to reduce the slight polarization effects of the light source.The light intensity includes one DC and four AC components, having the frequencies of ω0,2ω,3ω0 and 4ω0 respectively. Complex dielectric spectra can be obtained by claclating any three of the four AC signals, having data self consistency of better than 0.5%. The design, alignment and calibration of the system are discussed in detail. The results of measured spectra of Au and CdTe in the 1.5~4.5 eV range were presented and shown to be in agreement with the results of others.
This paper presents the research survey and the novel technique about the building of 100 μm ̄ 1000μm FIR-FEL at Stanford University(U.S.A).The new design of solenoid wiggler and the magnetic field character in the waveguide cavity of solenoid wiggler are analysted in detail.
In this paper,the cooling process of a short scale-length plasma after the short driving laser pulse termination is studied by solving the hydrodynamic equations of a plasma with numical calculation.The contributions of heat conduct,work done by expanding and energy loss by radiation are discussed.Then gain coefficients of several possible transitions for wavelength less 20 nm in MgXI plasmas are calculated with the plasma parameters obtained from the solution of hydrodynamic equations. The influences of environment to them are analysed. The possibility of producing a soft X-ray laser near by water-window in MgXI plasmas is predicated.
Self-focussing by a Kerr nonlinearity in combination with an intracavity aperture creates a power-dependent amplitude modulation in Ti:sapphire lasers.It has been used as a method of self-mode-locking for generating femtosecond pulse.The general features of this mode-locking technique is described and a new,simple model is developed for the optimization of Kerr-lens-mode-locking performance by taking account of gain modulation created by pump beam in conjuction with laser beam.Theoretical prediction is confirmed by experimental measurement.
The Stimulated Brillouin Scattering of chirped pulse has been studied theovetically.The coupled equations and gain factor of chirped pulse are derived under quasi-steady state approximation. The affection to the depletion efficiency of pump and the shape of Stokes pulse are discussed under different way of frequency modulation,and the influence of the bandwidth on the depletion of pump is researched.
Eleven different matrix forms of the third-order nonlinear susceptibility for all crystal classes are obtained by contracting subcript method for the first time.Meanwhile,the simplified forms under Kleinman symmetry condition are also presented.Calculation methods of the third-order effective nonlinear susceptibility in crystals when four-wave interactions occur are studied theoretically.
In this paper a theoretical studies on the harmonic generation of phase aberrated laser is presented for the first time.Based on the wave equation,we have developed the theory on harmonic generation of phase aberrated laser with nonuniform intensity profile by applying the spatial spectrum analysis to deal with the nonlinear coupling.
We investigated the aggregation status and formation mechanisms of a hemicyanine derivative(HD)in Langmuir-Blodgett monolayers prepared under different conditions by π-A isotherm and UV-vis absorption measurements.The HD molecules formed H-aggregates in LB monolayers leading to a blue-shift of the absorption peak with respect to that of the monomeric HD in the chloroform solution and reduction of molecular hyperpolarizability β(the fundamental wavelength λ=1.064 μm)through a second-harmonic off-resonant effect. The H-aggregate formation mainly occurred and effective molecular hyperpolarizability β could be enhanced by raising the compressional speed and/or lowering the deposition surface pressure.
The temporal response of a Fabry-Perot etalon filter to the short optical pulses has been studied.It is found that due to the interference between the multi-reflected beams inside the etalon,the transmitting pulse is composed of a series of sub-pulses which are separated by the one-way traverse time of the light inside the etalon.Under certain circumstances,the sub-pulses merge together resulting in a broadened output pulse,and the time difference between the peaks of the output and input pulses may not be equal to the one-way traverse time. Studies have also been carried out for the chirped pulse and dispersion etalon, which led to the expressions of the transmitting sub-pulses.
The equations for solving the configuration parameters of hybrid apochromats are derived by Seidel aberration analysis.Computer simulation shows that there is little difference between the two simplest hybrid apochromats with a binary optical element placed on the positive lens and negative lens in terms of the monochromatic aberrations.However the spherochromatism of the configuration with a binary optical element placed on the positive lens is much smaller than that of the other.
A computer simulation for deformable mirror wavefront recovery of a 37-element adoptive optics system is reported.The errors of Hartmann wavefront sensing,fitted wave front and deformable mirror wavefront recovery are discussed.An optimize aperture,possibly existed in adaptive optics system,for correcting phase disturbance due to turbulance is suggested.
A laser-diode-pumped Nd:FAP laser oscillator is reported in this paper. A slope efficiency of 31% has been obtained with the transmission of output coupler of 8%,while the repetition rate is 100 Hz.The performance of LD pumped FAP and YAG lasers is compared, Nd:FAP is demonstrated to be a promising laser medium fitting for LD pumping.
The theoretical and experomental studies of (Nd,Ce):YAG Raman shifting laser in high pressure CH4 gas with compound output mirror composed of a partial reflective concave and a auxiliary plane mirror are reported in this paper.We have got 12 mJ pulse Raman laaser in 10 J input,and calculated the fundamental mode beam parameters of the fundemental freqiency field.
Via two laser beams three-photon excited MgI high Rydberg states,the 3s4s 1S0- 3sns 1S0 3snd 1D2 forbidden transition and 3sns 1S0 line shift induced by laser intensity have been observed in Mg vapour. The results were interpreted as a collision effect of excited state atoms.Mg I 3sns 1S0(n=22-30) energy levels have been measured by forbidden transition.
The eosin is used to sensitize dichromated gelatin holographic recording material and photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS)is adopted to measure its absorption spectrum.The experimental results prove that the eosin is a new and valauable spectral sensitized dye for dichromated gelatin.With the sensitization by the eosin,the dichromated gelatin's absorption becomes higher at 514.5 nm.Thus,this material can be advantageously used for recording full-color holograms and making holographic optical elements. At the same time, these results also show that PAS is an extremely effective way for the measurement of spectral sensitization and photochemical processes of holographic recording materials.
Strong L-S coupling effect of the paramagnetic center Ti3+ ions in Ti:Al2O3 crystal allows the observation of electron spin resonance (ESR) absorption spectra of Ti3+ ions only at about the liquid helium temperature.Spectra with steep peaks of impruity ions superposed on the extremely broadened Ti3+ ion absorption lines have been observed at 93 K. Spin transitions occurring within the respective ground states of Fe3+,Mn2+, Cr3+,Mo3+,Fe2+,Co2+ etc.impurity ions and Ti2+ ions double-quantum transition, as well as Ti isotopes hyperfine splittings are assigned.
In this paper,the time-spectrum formula of the second-order coherence degree g(2)(τ) of a two-mode He-Ne laser is derived,based on the quantum theory of the light.The periodicity, time-spectrum characteristics and photons anticorrelation effect of g(2>(τ)are studied. According to the analysis of g(2)(τ) tuning characteristics,we discussed the possible application of g(2)(τ) time-spectrum characteristics in two-mode laser field for laser linewidth measurement,and frequency and power stabilization of a two-mode laser.
The idea of temperature field design of optical coatings is advanced. Relations between temperature distribution in optical coating and optical properties and thermal parameters of the coating have been investigated and analysed.It is shown that temperature field design is very important either to high power laser coating or to photothermal acting thin film.The temperature field design for a reflecting coating and phase change optical disk thin film is given.
With the heteroepitaxial GaAs layers grown on Si substrates,We have studied the excitation intensity dependence of the near- infrared photoluminescence (NIPL )related to the peak energy (77 K) at 1. 13 eV (A band) and 1.04 eV (B band) present in GaAs epitaxial layers grown by MOCVD.They can be explained by the recombination luminescence of the donor-acceptor pair.Taking the Frank-Condon shift into account,the energy expression with electron-lattice coupling effect is revised for deep donoracceptor pair. According to the experimental results, the sum of binding energies both Ea and Ed has been fitted, that is 0.300 eV and 0.401 eV, corresponding to A band and B band in NIPL spectra.