There are many advantages while reconstructing hologram in optal way, suchas the easy elimination of aberrations, noises, and nonlinearity etc. As to Shortwavelength holography (X-ray holography, electron .hologtaphy), resolution can begreatly improved by means of digital reconstruction. The theoretical formulae for digitalreconstruction of hologram are given. Reconstructions of in-line and off-axis hologramrespectively are brought out successfully from ideal holograms in digital way. All theresults are also analyzed.
The nonparaxial theory is applied to analyze the color blur of the annular aperture rainbow hologram where the paraxial approximation is invalid due to the largeincident angle of object wave. The results for both reconsttuction methods, theconveqtional conjugate reconstruction and readout with the aperture conjugationt6chnique, are derived. It shows that the color blur in both cases has similar form andabout the same values compared with ordinary rainbow hologram.
In this paper, a morphological recognition method for patterns with edge noiseis ProPOSed based on the hit-miss transformation (HMT). Using an incoherent opticalcorrelator, a real-time programmable optical HMT processor is constituted and used todemonstrate character recognition. The experimental results are given.
We present an analysis of grating imaging by the method of backwardilluminating modulation which is applied to study the backward diffracting interference ofgrating system. In a simple manner, the interrelation between Talbot effect and Laueffect is revealed successfully. And another achromatic effect of double grating systemwith self-achromatic-compensation by white-light illumination in Fresnel region isrepresented, Based on it, for the first time, the white-light grating imaging effect is obtained by the method of backward illuminating modulation.
The measureel results of the refractive index of opticalglass are given, and thecalculation accuracies and applicable range of the disperssion formula are discussed.
Based on the analysis of polarization variation in a highly circularlybirefringent(HCB) fibers, we proposed a method of moving lateral force to measure thecircular birefringence in the fibers. Using this method the twisted fiber was measuredexperimentally. The relative error between the results obtained from experiment andCalculation(under the condition of a known twist rate) is within 2. 4%. This methodprovids an alternative approach for the measuring of the HCB fiber non-destructively.
Characteristics of modes selection is demonStrated by using a stable concave convex resonator in a high POwer lasers for finite Fresnel number. Large mode volumesof the fundamental mode can be achieved by operating near a limit of stability in the gdiagram,and it proved to be a effective method for modes selection with the resonator.
The injection-locking experiments of a slave semiconductor laser by a 1. 3 μmDFB master laser diode and its far-field distribution measurement are reported for the firsttime. The static and dynamic single-mode operation have been obtained when a isolator isnot used and specially the polarization of the master and slave laser is perpendicular, atlast the results are discussed.
Under the typical parameter conditions of laser-produced plasma, thepopulation inversion-ratio values and gain coefficients for transitions 5f-3d and 4f-3din Li-like silicon ion are calculated by using the collisional-radiative model. We havediscussed the effects of different thermal band selections and cooling velocity on thecalctilated laser gain c,JefficientS. The calculated resultS show that, when the temperatureof the hot plasma is very rapidly lowered after the short driving laser pulse, there are gains in the 4f-3d and 5f-3d transitions.
Based on Fraunhofer diffraction integration, we have developed a theory onfocusing characteristics and beam quality of aberrated beam of which the phase aberrationis assumed to be a Gaussian random variable. Both approximate and calculated resultshave been presented. It is applicable in designs of nigh power lasers.
Theoretical and experimental studies on the coupling at laser diode facet facinglong external cavity have been carried out. The analytical expressions of the couplingcoefficient has been derived. It can be divided into two factors, one is due tO the Off overlapping between the centers of the diode mode and its reflected counterpart, and theother is due to the alteration of the wave vector after being dispersed by the grating. Boththeoretical and experimental verifications show that is a Gaussian function.
Femtosecond soliton propagation in fibers with slowly decreasing dispersion(FSDD ) has been investigated by solving numerically the generalized nonlinearSchrodinger equation which includes the contributions of Kerr and Raman third ordernonlinearity. A pulse-width stabilized femtosecond pulse is discovered and described as aresult of the combined action of the third-order dispersion and Raman self-scatteringeffects. We also find that the third-order dispersion effect has much more important rolesin femtoseco
The nonlinear propegation of picosecond chirped pulses in the normal dispersionregime of single-mode fibers is considered both analytically and numerically. The resultsshow that downchirped pulses can be compressed owing to normal group-velocitydispersion. The compression depends both on the initial peak power and on the initialfrequency chirp of the input pulses. We also show that self-phase-modulation degradespulse compression and that, as the pulse compresses temporally, it synchronously experiences a spectral narrowing.
Insert a multimode optical fiber bundle with a nummerical aperture of 0. 07into the duoble-pass SBS-phase conjugate master oscillator-power amplifier arrangement,we have got the typical far field diffraction pattern of the two-dementional matrixaperture. The output laser energy was concentrated into a angular aperture of 26 mrad.which correponds to the diffraction limit of the singel fiber diameter and is much smallerthan the beam divergence of the high order mode according to the numerical aperture of the optical fiber.Also the compensaiton of the optical inhomogeneity of the fiber bundle has been observed.
The coupling of two beams that are not overlapped directly in thin dopedLiNbO3 crystals based on light crawling originating from scattering thems with large angleis studied experimentally. The reason that samples with different thickness fabricatedfrom the same bulk material show obvious discrepancy of imaging quality in two-wavemixing and degenerate four-wave mixing is analyzed qualitatively.
Abstract The paper discuss an augmented 4 × 4 matrix method for an optical elementarray. The synthetical imaging aberrations of arrays are analysed. The theoreticalapproach includes a special case of paraxial ray approximation.Keywoads:matrix optic, arrays, ray propagation.
A simple and practical modeling of the GexSi1-x/Si heterojunction zero-gapdirectional coupler switch (BOA type-Bifurcation Optique Active) is proposed. Theelectro-optic modulsting mechanism of the zero-gap directional coupler switch is discussed by the plasma dispersion effect. The electricity character of the switch is analysed by theheterojunction ultra high injection principle. On the basis of the analysis and the theory ofthe classical single-mode optical waveguide, structure parsmeters and electrivcity parameters of the Ge0.05Si0.95/Si heterojunction BOA switch with double-mode interference mechanism are designed.
The interaction of a single-mode radiation field with N two-level atoms isdescribed by a Hamiltonian trilinear in the boson operators. For an atomic system initially in ground state, it,is shown that the dynamics of the system can be approached exatlywhen the number of photons are very large.
The Hamiltonian solution of two-level atoms interaction with sounding lightwave field is given by using a new method of LLP transformation in solid state physics.The result is important to the study on refraction phenomina of an atom beam passingthrough a standing light wave.
The interaction between optical solitons and the condition of forming boundsoliton state in twin-core coupling fiber are studied by using the variational principle. Theresults show that the nigh-order dispersion can decrease and even eliminate the interactionbetween solitons. It Provides a practical way to eliminate soliton interaction for designingthe coupling fiber-device.
Based on the linearly coupled mode equations, we have analyzed couPledpoWer characteristics of the coupling system consisting of five optical fibers. A mothed tofabri ̄ new Structure of 1×4 splitters is proPOsed and experimentally demonstrated.The characteristics and dimentions of the obtained 1×4 splitter are almost the same ascommon 2×2 coupler.
Based on the realization of low loss Si1-xGex/Si single-mode rib waveguides,we developed the Si1-xGex/Si "X" branches with the cross waveguides. These structures were fabricated from SiGe grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The branchesdemensions are determined by Si1-xGex/Si large single-mode conditions and propagationfeatures of the "X" cross waveguides using the beam propagstion and effective indexmethod.
Experiments of dual ion beam sputter deposited (DIBS) oxide coatings wereinvestigated systematically. The influences of ion beam sputter parameters on opticalproperties of thin film were analysized. Refractive indices of TiO2 and ZrO2 filmsapproach to those of bulk materials. Optical absorptions of TiO2, ZrO2 adn SiO2 coatingsare reduced significantly. Laser-induced damage thresholds of TiO2 and ZrO2 are enhancedobviously. DIBS HR coating was prepared and its reflectance is higher than 99.5%. Its laser induced damage threshold is improved by high temperature annealing treatment, higher than that of e-gun evaporated coating.
The effectS of linear optical birefringence in Bi-substituted yttrium iron garnetYIG thin film optical waveguide on TE-TM mode conversion, Faraday rotation, isolationratio and insertion losses of the waveguide isolator are investigated. Double-layered Bi substituted YIG films have been grown for single mode magneto-optic waveguides. Thecharacteristicsand elimination of shape, stress-induced and growth-induced linearbirefringences are analysed.
The design of film system for obtaining a-C:H films on Ge single crystal withantireflective or simultuncouslly antireflective effect in both single band (3~5 μm) anddouble bands (3~5 μm and 8~12 μm) was studied. The analysis of the antireflectiveeffect of these films with the aid of a ellipsometer was discussed. The results show that a C:H film could be used as an ideal IR antireflection material. It was also found thateilipsometry analysis was essential for both studying on it the films will or will not be in accordance with the film system design and determining the deposition conditions.