By using the four-dimensional propagation code including the model of a realistic adaptive optics system, adaptive optics phase compensation for nonlinear thermal blooming effects of the high energy laser them propagation in the atmosphere is numerical simulated. The phase compensation instability (PCI) characteristics are analysed. The influence of the bandwidth (time delaying) and the deformable mirror interactuator spacing of the adaptive optics system on the phase compensation efficiency are discussed in detail.
A new technique for 3-D surface measurement is developed. The technique is based on digital demodulation of generalised non-linear carrier fringe pattern. Theoretical analysis and experimental result are given to demonstrate the technique.
In this paper, we discribe the relationship between the spacial average and the statistical average of the intensity of the non-stationary speckle field in order to analysis the testing and calculation problem about non-stationary field.
New push-pull azobenzene compound has been synthesized by diazocupling reaction, and the nonresonant longer wavelength optical storage of the azobenzene compound doped PMMA film was Performed. The excellent real-time and longer storage of image information are obtained when He-Ne laser is used as light source. The minimum writing Power is less than 0. I w/cm2. The nonresonant storage mechanism is analyzed in this paper.
Using a morphological hit-miss transformation, an improved method for increasing the addressing accuracy of optical holographic associative memory is proposed and the experimental demonstration is given.
The optical structures for implementation of the fractional Fourier transform were analyzed based on the theory of impulse response functions of the lens combination optical systems, and the meaning of the standard focal length was discussed. Several general optical setups were provided. By using these setups, the standard focal length can be adjusted easily. It will be significant for designing a spatial variant fliting system with multiple cascaded optical fractional Fourier transformers.
A negabinary based algorithm including weighted-shifted addition and parallel array multiplication is suggested. On this basis, a two-stage array architecture is proposed to carry out complex operation. All the operations are performed without signs, carries,recodes and decimal point indications. Correspondingly, a parallel optical experiment is demonstrated.
A new method to opto-electronically implement a fully bipolar WTA neural network model is proposed in this paper. The method has been applied to a WTA pattern recognition system and the experimental results are presented. This method permits more efficient use of the space-band product of the optical system, convenience for thresholding, error tolerance, higher storage capacity and better addressable ability as well as the ability to distinguish non-stored patterns.
In this paper the figure influence function of deformable mirror is discussed.In view of that the most useful wave front sensing methods are based on measuring the wayefront slopes, we propose to measure the slope influence function, by using which the wave front reconstruction matrix is composed. The method of measuring influence function of deformable mirror by digital interferometer is introduced. From the measured data, several parameters of influence function such as coupling, Gauss exponent and characteristic width can be obtained. The interferomtric results of slope influence function are compared with the measuring data from a H-S sensor.
The small signal current sensitivity of twisted fibers is analyzed and calculated theoretically, and a new and more convenient method to measure the Verdet constant is proposed and verified experimentally. The results show that if the ratio of fiber twist rate and intrinsic linear birefringence is large than certain figure the value of measured Verdet constant may quite close to the theoretical calculation. This method provides a new approch to measure the Verdet constant of conventional single mode optical fibers.
By analysing the optical matrix of Gaussian resonators with thermal lensing,we investigate the confinement condition and the transmission characteristics of Gaussian beam inside Gaussian resonators. The dynamic stability of Gausian resonators is evaluated by studying the dependence of dynamically changing parameters on varying refractive power of thermal lens.
The realization of SCH multilayer structure with ultra-thin GaAs active layer using a modified graphite boat system and low temperature technology is demonstrated.Our method utilizes thin solutions and saturation wafers to achive GaAs epituxial layer in the thickness of 25~35 nm which is uniform over relatively large area. Broad-contact LDs using the above mentioned epitaxial wafers are fabricated. These devices have threshold current density of 700~800 A/cm2 at room temperature.
The principle of free-electron lasing without inversion is analysed theoretically and a new design with redoubled gain is given in this paper. Two deflect mirrors are arranged to make the electron of photon emission interfere constructively.
The light output properties are described for a microcavity laser having dimensions on the order of the emitted wavelength. Analytic resolution of rate equation for the nonradiative depopulation not equal to zero is derived for the first times. The results show that increasing the coupling of spontaneous emission into the cavity mode causes the lasing properties becoming quite different from those of the conventional laser having cavity dimensions much larger than the lasing wavelength. In the closed microcavity of an ideal four-level laser system, when nonradiative depopulation is zero, the light output property of the microcavity laser is linearly. When nonradiative depopulation is not zero (in fact it is usually true), it is not linearly even for an ideal four-level laser system in the closed microcavity.
The absorption spectrum of a sort of new crystal Nd:S-VAP was measured,which showed that Nd:S-VAP is appropriately pumped at 583.0 nm and 809.0 nm. By using tunable dye-laser as pumping light, the performance of low threshold and high efficiency Nd:S-VAP laser has been realized. Up to 50% slop efficiency and down to 2 mJ threshold energy were obtained. The center wavelength of frequency-doubling laser is 536.0 nm and the emission linewidth is 1.4 nm. In addition, the prospect application of Nd:S-VAP crystal for low threshold, high efficiency miniature laser pumped with LD was disscussed.
The polarization characteristics of Travelling-wave semiconductor optical amplifier (TW-SOA) is investigated based on th gain property of active Fabry-Perot resonator. Theoretical analysis and experimental research of polarization sensitivity is presented including the influences of residual facet reflectivities, gain coefficient, optical mode confinement factors, etc. Some improving methods for polarization sensitivity are discussed according to the analysis and a novel polarization insensitive TW-SOA is proposed.
This paper systematically studies the GeO2-Sb2O3-K2O glass hollow-core fiber material used for transmitting CO2 laser. By theoretical calculation, the wave-length range and K value at nr<1, as well as loss coefficient, a=0.05 dB/m have been obtained. The relationship between loss and frequency at HE11, TM01 and TE01 modes has been discussed.
This paper describes the investigation of damage of glass surfaces by high power laser beam. Surface damage thresholds for K8 glass are measured for 250 ps laser pulse at near normal incidence. The difference between the entrance and exit thresholds is briefly explained.
This paper deals with the intracavity interaction of lightfield with anharmonic lattice vibration of ionic crystal. The nonlinear lattice dynamics and an expression of nonlinear macroscopic polarization are derived in terms of optic phonon modes. Under rotating wave approximation, the total coherent Hamiltonian of photon-phonon coupling system driven by incident field is introduced. By the corresponding equations of steady state, the increasing absorption optical bistability (IAOB), as a nonlinear effect, is demonstrated. The results show that the nonlinear interaction of light field with various elementary excitations of boson type, such as photon and exciton, may be served as a mechanism for IAOB.
In this paper, the principle and key techniques for the studies on material longitudinalrelaxation with incoherent light time-delayed four-wave mixing are presented. The longitudinal relaxation times of some dyes are measured experimentally and the results are discussed.
We have synthesized nanometer-sized PbS clusters embedded in a new kind of polymer(Flemion) film. Their linear optical absorption spectrum was blue-shift from the bulk band-gap but no exciton peaks are abaerved. Using femtosecond laser pulses, we have recorded the time-resolved Kerr transmission signals of the films, from which we got the third-order nonlinear susceptibility and response time. The experimental data are discussed in terms of the quantum confined effect.
The nonlinearity of laser field induced by relativistic effect and its influence and harmonic generation are investigated. The variations of amplitude, phase and efficiency of third harmonic content are analyzed by taling into account the coupling among harmonics of different orders, the growth and saturation of third harmonic wave are also described. Results show the coupling effect can decrease the amplitude and effciency of relativistic harmonic radiation for the long laser pulse limit.
By two-photon resonant three-photon ionization and two-photon hybrid resonant three-photon ionization in Na2-Na, the ion current time decay curve was measured. From the relation between ion current and multiphoton dynamic parameters photon-ionization cross-section of 4D state in atomic sodium was determined.
Mode coupling of a Λ-type two-mode laser operating near above threshold is discussed via Langevin quantum theory. Characteristics of coupling can be have not only mutual decrease and mutual increase but also being increased of one mode and being simultaneously decreased of the other, and both not being increased and not being decreased of either or the two modes. The characteristics depend both on the detunings of the two modes and on the initial populations of three atomic levels.
The ultrafast resonant optical Kerr effect has been experimentally studied in Poly (2, 5-Thienylene Vinylene) film. A optical Kerr susceptibility X of 3 × 10-11 esu was obtained. A bimolecular decay is used to explain the dependence of dynamics of the Kerr signal on the incident light intensity.
Second- harmonic generation (SHG ) of stilbazium salt Langmir-Blodgett monolayer at different surface pressure was measured. We got the enhanced SHG signal at low surface pressure. Refering to surface pressure-area isotherm and the transparent spectra of stilbszium salt we got following results. The stilbazium salt on LB film was in the form of solid state. The absorption peak 351 nm of the solid aggregation at the low surface pressure led to resonant-enhancement of the fourth order nonlinear optical susecptibility X(4)(—2ω:ω,ω,ω,—ω) which gives an effecton to SHG signal.
Competition between stimulated dynamic light scattering (SDLS) and stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) in CS2 liquid-core waveguide is studied by timeresolved pump pulse duration and pump density dependent experiments. It is found that the threshold of SDLS is dependent on the pump pulse duration. The competition between SDLS and SRS implies that SDLS consists of two contributions, one relates to the increasing rate of transient pump power density at the rise-time of pump pulse;the other relates to the transient pump power density, and dominates around the peak of high density pump pulse. Their mechanism is discussed.
A numerical approach based on the finite element method is developed for the analysis of lossy nonlinear optical waves guided by planar nonlinear waveguiding structures containing arbitrary lossy materials. In this approach, the power-dependent complex propagation constants and the local electromagnetic field distributions, for both TE and TM waves, are obtained directly from the given lossy nonlinear waveguides. In particular, for the TM case, the biaxial nature of nonlinear refractive index is considered without any approximation. The power-dependent complex dispersion relations for TE and TM waves in a lossy nonlinear guiding system with a wide range of absorption coefficients are simulated and analyzed. It is shown that the complex dispersion relations, for both TE and TM waves, are strongly power dependent and most importantly, the bistability phenomena will no longer exist if the absorptive loss is high enough.
A formula for the transverse shift of the centre of energy of the reflected and refracted electromgnetic waves on the interface of dielectric media is derived. It shows that the value of transverse shift depends on the dimension of the incident wavebeam, the angle of incidence, the dielectric permittivities and the magnetic conductivities of media.
A new method of fabricating transmission-blazed grating with period' s thickness of 10 nm or below by magnetron sputtering is proposed for the first time. The transmission-blazed grating model based on total reflection by inner interfaces is presented. Two examples of this grating used in water window are given, for example, angular dispersivie power 5.7 deg./nm; energy resolution λ/△λ≈104. LiF and LiBO2 etc. with high transmissivty are considered suitable for the grating' spacer material. Possible applications are discussed.
In this paper, we studied the nondegenerate two-photon interaction of SU(2) coherent state with a two-level atom in a cavity, and discussed the influence of the anticorrelation property of SU(2) coherent state on the atomic dynamic behavior. The time evolution of the quantum statistics properties of the light field is also discussed.
The quantum dynamic properties of atomic level occupation probability and its radiation field are studied by the quatised trestment, and the influence of atomic coupling and exciting field on the aforementioned properties is discussed in detail. The relation between the coupling of two atoms and the interaction of atom-cavity is revealed.
The properties of the phase evolution of an initially squeezed vacuum in the Jaynes-Cummings model are studied by using the Pegg-Barnett phase theory. The phase probability distribution and variance are calculated for weal squeezing. The curres of evolution of the phas probability distribution are given on a polar diagram. The influenses of an atom interacting with squeezed vacuum on the phase properties are discused.
An exactly-solvable model for quantum non-demolition measurement (QNDM) of the momentum of atomic mass-center is studied with the discussions about the conditions and the dynamic process for this QNDM. It is shown in this paper that the adiabatic conditions are necessary for the realization of this kind of QNDM. Finally, the relations between the QNDM and the picture in quantum mechanics is analyzd for this model.
A unique alignment algorithm-hi-cell algorithm is presented. With the alignment scan curve generated from the dark field alignment system, a bi-cell detector implemented in software is used for calculating the misalignment. In the bi-cell detector algorithm the symmetry point over the alignment scan curve is calculated as the ideal alignment point instead of the peak value point or other characteristic value point. Results show that the alignment accuracy better than 0.11 μm (3σ) can be obtained. The princi
After exposed to ultraviolet light, the strong infrared optically stimulated luminescence was obsered in CaS singly doped with Sm. It is result from the electron transfer between Sm ions at different sites. The optical spectral properties and electrontrapping mechanism of Sm: Cas are reported in this paper.
The optical properties of (Ti, Al)N thin film have been studied and the transmission and reflection spectra have been analysed carefully. Using Hadley equations, the optical constants, n-refractive index, k-extinction coefficient of (Ti, Al)N films were determined. According to the transmission spectrum of (Ti, Al)N film, the optical gap energy of (Ti, Al)N film was calculated.
The infrared absorption spectra are measured for both the bare SnO2 nanoparticles and the SnO2 nanoparticles capped with a layer of anionic surfactant.A background absorption band of its intensity increasing with frequency for the capped SnO2 was observed and explained.
The photoionization mass spectra and photoionization efficiency spectra are studied by using synchrotron radiation at the photochemistry station of Hefei National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory. The ionization potential of benzene and appearance potential of its main fragments are obtained from photoionization efficiency spectra. The dissociation energies of benzene ions are reported for the first time.
We have studied the spectral resolution of the time-delayed laser-induced double gratings used for measuring the frequency difference between two lights. The condition for the occurence of the FWM signal modulation is established when the pump beams have Gaussian lineshape, which has been verified experimentally through the study of beating between a tunable narrow-band laser beam and a broadband laser beam.