In the paper, aimed at adaptive unstable laser resonator of high power laser, the mathematical model of the whole adaptive laser resonator system is set up. The computer simulation is made and the dynamic characteristics and stability of the closed loop system are analyzed by using the method of multivariable analysis in the frequency domain. Meanwhile, the limited condition of systematic gain which is one of the imporbot parameters of the system are put forward.
Atmospheric tublenced optical wave front could be represented with ZernikePOlynomials suggested by Noll. The detector response matrix R for the first n terms ofZernike POlynomials hat been obtained from irradiance distribution in two de focal planes.For a random waveftont, with matrix R and the irradiance diStribution detected, it is easyto solve the correspollding coefficientS of each Zernike POlynomials and reconstruct theinput wayefront. By means of ray tracing, the principle and feasibility of this novel method have been verified by computer simulation.
Varies methods for analyzing topological equivalence of interconnection networks are reviewed. Topological equivalence variety of the free- space optical interconnection omega networks with the banyan networks are studied by using the graph analysis method. Multiple sets of logical names of the omega network which are all topologically equivalent with the banyan network are obtained.
The accurate measuring result of charge transfer efficiency (CTE) and photoresponse non-uniformity (PRNU) of linear CCD image sensors have been describedin this paper. A automatic measuring system, bssed on the method of focuSed opt sPOt has been set up. This method of data acquisition and calculation is newish. Factors affecting the characteristic Parameters of CCD are analyzed.
A new type of interference selective amplitude modulation spectrometer is discribed in this paper. The diffraction grating illuminated by a collimated incident beam is placed in front of a Twyman interferometer. The beam is splitted into two parts and reflected by two mirrors acting as two diffraction gratings. Then the interference fringe is modulated. The theoretical analysis of flux and resolution is made. Using rectangle diaphragm the resolution of 1. 35 times of the grating is obtained. The apodization technique with elliptical diaphragm is discussed.
In this paper, a method is proposed, in which the optical path modulations in a fiber-linked telescope array can be generated by stretching fiber arms. The mechanism of this method and the problems introduced by stretching fibers, such as polarization effects,dispersion effects, are analysed. To demonstrate this method, an experimental setup is established in which the two arms of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer are replaced by two pieces of fibers. One iR glass fiber arm is wrapped onto a piezoelectric tube. Another silicon fiber arm is wrapped freely. Experiments have been done. Experimental results are briefly discussed.
This peper reports an flexible, interactive and atuomatic system, based on the vector finite element method, and implemented within IMSL'S PDE/Protran problem solving environment. Numerical results for all Propegsting modes in an anisotropic dielectric rectangular waveguide are presented and verified through compeison with an earlier study (where, in fact, fewer modes were found). Furthermore, in comparison with other studies, the evaluation of accuracy of the method is demonstrated in terms of both propagation constants as well as modal field profiles. These results also clearly illustrate the speed and the ease of use of the modified WAVEGIDE program.
Operational characteristics of a high power pulse preionized transverse-flow CO2 laser is discussed in derail. A new electrode configuration has been designed and the characteristics of discharge input power and output power are studied. The results show that the pulse preionization can significantly increase the input power and the output power of the lasers, and is proved to be a effective method for improving discharge stabilities and homogeneities of a high power CO2 laser.
Single-mode-oscillation was observed in a Nd:YAG microchip laser below 740mW pumped by a LD. The spectrum showed an instrument-limited linewidth of less than 25 MHz. Frequency-shift with pumped power was presented in detail.
This peper studies the. traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier (TW-SLA) automatic gain control (AGC) technique which provides compensation for varistions in amplifier gain caused by the environmental effects and changes in system variables. Theoretical basis of the technique is discussed along with possible practical implementation. Satisfactory results has been achieved.
This paper presents the output characteristics of pulsed laser, PTM Q-switched laser and pulse amplifier of solid-state medium whose fine structure of energy level is considered.
A new type of multi- wavelength digital speckle pattern interferometry is studied, and the possibility of analyzing complex surface geometry by using such a technique is also demonstrated.
Low-frequency vibritional modes are calculated for poly (dT). poly (dA).poly(dT) triple helix by the lattice dynamical theory. Long-range interaction is found tobe important for low-ftequency vibtitional mode. Both Watson-Crick hydrogen-bond andHoogensteen hydrogen-bond have a cluster of breathing modes centered about 90 cm-1,but Hoogensteen hydrogen-bond has another several very strons breathing modes in lowerfrequency. This result explains qualitatively the melting of poly(dT).poly(dA).poly(dT) in low salt solution.
The wave functions of the multiphoton J-C model in a Kerr-like medium have been solved by using of the effective Hamiltonian. The effects of nonlinearity interaction of the Kerr-like medium on antibunching of the field are discussed.
The influence of dipole-dipole interaction on the nonclassical effectS, such as ansibunching, squeexing and amplitude-squared squeezins of the field in the coherent Tavis-Cummings model is investigated.
A new three-dimensional laser Doppler velocimeter (3D LDV) by only using frequency shift separation method has been developed. Simultaneous measurementS of three velocity components are realized by a single color He-Ne laser and one photodetector with simple transmitting and receiving optics. The signals corresPOnding to different velocity components are distinguished by three different optical frequency shifts introduced by three Bragg cells, and separated by band-pass filters. A novel and simple four-beam transmitting optics which contains three sets of dual-beam LDV systems is proposed, and the design specification of the 3D LDV system is presetned. The measuring accuracy of the on-axis component is also discussed in this paper.
In prism-waveguide coupling experiment we found that the reflected light through the prism carried all information of waveguide refractive indices. According to the intensity variation of the reflected light, the refractive indices of optical waveguide,including effective indices of waveguide modes and substrate index, can be measured precisely. Then the refractive indices at different depths can be determined by curve fitting.
In this paper, the equivalent reflectance of diffusive baffles with vanes is discussed. After comparing several equivalent reflecamces introduced in literatures, a more appropriate model is proPOSed, in which not only the scattering and diffraction from vanes edge but also the influences of the segmentation of baffle are considered.
The orientation of the principal refractive aams Of PbBrZ crystal has beendetermined and itS principal refractive indices have been measured.
A SOI (silicon-on- insulator ) single- mode rib waveguide with large trapezoidal cross-section formed by SDB (silicon wafers direct bonding) process has been fabricated. And the SDB SOI rib waveguide losses are below 0.85 dB/cm by measurements at a wavelength of 1.3 μm.
It is reported for the first time that Fourier transform infrared photoacoustic spectroscopy (FT-IR-PAS) spectra of nanocrystalline monoclinic ZrO2 with different particle size. The results show that absorption intensities of Peaks below 1048 cm-l decrease, while those above 1048 cm-l increase. The POsition of some Peaks have red shift as decrease of particle size. Primary explanation is made for these quantum effects. The pressure effect is also observed.
Raman spectra of Nd-doped LiTaO3 have been studied at backscattering geometries. In comparison with those of pure LiTaO3, it is found that not only E(TO+LO) modes turned into Al (TO) modes in partial geometries but also new vibrational modes appeared and intensities of some modes changesed. We attribute the phnomena to the stronger photo- induced refractive index change and the changes ofLiTaO3 microstructure resulted from doping Nd.
The Rydberg state spectra of Br2 were measured by the method of (2+1) multiphoton ionization with a pulsed, tunable and narrow linewidth (0.08 cm-1) UVlaser. The 4d vibrational series has been obtained in the region of 70000-71500 cm-1. The high resolution vibronic spectra of (v',v")=(1,0),(2,0) have been measured. Their rotational constants B'79,81 are 0.08832 and 0.08805 cm-1 respectively. The angular momemtum Q is suggested to be 1.